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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Feb 1941, p. 6

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BttnMakers of pOId Latod Are Supplying the Needs of Practically the Who;e World BriaiuSM button mahers have lïpver ,beeui r.Tbe Nwar l, mali- T!iey are aI preent wrliïg on cotract fr20,0000 utost ca e n the nev A my' htt de ln che smrog. At tee sani ime iey are co»- Jn ucsfllxil bigicrae lu thiroutputfr vrsa. n imaker iaýs mlile i ee production for Newzezaand; fo' Australiaby sx A singleodefreeen u- tLiu'gi for SoutL'iArca The demnd lu oldwîde. year ag-o Geruan aents were of. Aeriuig 1Nazi bu'ttons f0 outhAm eicua. Todayý, se raii lu Britain extenlingliermtarlets htle tiUton nmes nw snd their con ovev HtS aOSbAnmercan fid la part Briain a tahingovrli rlre;t Of Paris; foin dsin ri tisli- butions tca opr ri wihtho beat that Paris lad f o)ffer. Oltiien th ýe r nieym by baud. For example, ranges Af large o orti bttons iin case -a maintoril tat raniges nm d1uIl su'fco te one ouf Irdeacent -eaty-are ent-irely band fasin- od, eadh part 0 h job being ~a l'y anu prale Theae~vaug~slishow fruits, la- es ainls. They ar e so ared that he buy r"an"secrebuttons, bat rnuatetabit buchlee n bracelet iu a songle barunonlou I4IGHTER VEIN:- "Bey, was his face red!. . , Our Blind Spot- Thaf la to Say, tbIei'e i m "blind spo" in eoyhuanoe You can test à for yourslf l'y imaking fWo back pots on a sheet cf paper, about eyea-widthý apart. Hodthe paper at a=1' length, close one oye aud stare fixedlIy at one sotvou wtbe aIle Lo see bo'th of 'Iem No0 slowly moreç, the pa-per nearer te yo-ur faco, stillstaring iaf e Spot. At 'A cranpint thoý other Spot WHil completely vanh îfrom sgi.The br-ulaslow oye as ecor ed Ifyou staro aiqt a i brgî ed spoitfor a mlto glance 1u1' at tile ceiling, yuwl le fesame 'spo 0t aprn floaiug i'n tie arbtit wl appear gr-een fiustea-d. When ;:!yout go te the cluema, you douotMaeo actua "moviug" picturs, but a rapid succesion of siipictro, oaci sl-,ihtly dfeefrom ùthe preýoiesbile. Thore la am o- mentary black-out between ocaci, but the braira la not quick en- ough to obsaee ansd flua "r- tenuon of vision" producos th- illusIioni of morement. RAIOREPORTER WAR PROCRAMS Friday nligif s at ine th Ai Star 1,War Saviriga Preg1railf - tured on fli, Canïadian catt casat netwo-erk rngn iter good usic, excellent dramar, ne- vlelties aud outianidiug C-aueail 1 .1 ,u or( or meu Lui the Ciaada ers mnl ay cekreig, m e findsm ineat raiaicpieces ve y danadian radio, offered frio ,audience l'y fie ")f Fredni uder i Iupe-rt Lc akefpeana, fae, tfie cd redn is heýard at i. oaiSabbafi. Plays ào peu c f G Glwori,, ,Shaw. lsu rikrtr Lr sd ter grr-ant iri- e fetured in il series You are initedt ejy is shlows aad laentfimsag Mhy briug. Yen ca alirSsenJoy fie li funes 01 tfie dayby ('ialug hin fie Riytim suad Style rgrm heard frorn KCespiSuda affornoon at 1415. Thif roi- grainl, saal ustuig oua mnusc feaure Sfacrg Alec Rau- dolpi aud Mlis musical rusd 'vyBloi sd hils SingFor fe, vecalifs efrodiar.The fîm sud lAStyl a modoru fao mi:en lrnigyou ie em lu lunes. -o---- e's di~afty comment nom la brougif te ara et a nom fimo - mci weekday moru' iug. I'cfte MiN1ss Pa ige bas a anafySfyled sii , thficue shopping sgetos esil helpa, peppy tunesansd notes on, women lu the nomsv. -- -The Ligif Up sand ListenClb a CFRB foature oactei eveiug t,ýa-- 7. 15, la stili eue of fIl'righ spots 5n Candian iradio, aud worti fifteen minutes of any- one!s ine. Ànid for lovera of good ïmuic, the -N C Symphony S a tuirdaJfiy nigt a i1s3, astili tCe tops. This prograni la heard in1th-i Part of Onfaro froiniCKOC, RADIO RIVALS Tihe radielitenn pulic la certaiuily faithful te iUs aiîr- laue favorites, Onicc again, jack Benuy Cas Ieen chosen favorite air coniic for. the eigith couseen- tîire yar- imile Hlen -Hayes le again the numiber one dramat-l stparnd the penil uy Loni- bar-de la agafin the fvriebaud leader. Fred A-,leoà 's Sa Theatre, nom rates as fi'e chef t'v'iitç> tu'e Boenny prograin, vit i Fred4- waring's sho-w lisfed as the l',-est fifteen mnueprogrýan. The faîl of the m,.oigity ila exhibited àn Clarlié McCarthny's drop ifromý near the" top te uinf1h place. Other mei-kumu shows fiat r'ated iinarlfie top mefoma tion PIeuse, Bobo lpe, the Bing Crosby Heurý, Filiber McGceesud Mol ffie Philiarmonic orcioes- ran su Mfe Monday Rao Theatro. SUNDA Y SCHO'OL LESSON LESSONplI JESUS TF-ACH-ES FORGIVENESG AND GRATITUDE Mue 17, PRINTED TEXT, Luke 17: 1-4, 11-19 GOLDEN TEXT--Be ye kýt-Inee to aniother, tellde rhearted, forgiv- Ing each ohr even as God ls .li Christ forgave you.Epsin THE LESSON IN- ITS SETTING Tim.-II eeevents spokea of luOd thiclapte oc!redbtw, an aryan MrdA.D.80 Pîace-Tbe taciing and Ibe prpotcuterces0f Chrst lu thiscliater reregivelinil eaa the mral 0f the hea1lag 0f the ton leera ocurrêd ea tfie br der of Samaria. The firSttwo verss o f tels son :migLit lie founid oasily th mos ýpractical (of lthe etire datr i the! eu1 ,oare taugIft a lesson w aïl ueed Co have continuallyem phszdin îour hown l't sud îivs-nmey, he eril nce con- te os tboee whcause thelloor e itth lîdren of tGod, to Offending _rthe Littie Ones Lue 17: L. "nd lie sacid unir- lit dicipes.Ltla imps il u cpm; bt we nto him, trul wlio thy cone;2, t were wl for hlm-,if aim'l:stoiiemoelag ed bot isnck, an'jle mer th'rown luto the ses, 2rather than1 thatlie llould cause«o f these lIti ne t tumb."W'hat a lagebrandi of a tree w ,ouldove te trvelerdriving forty milHes an lçrdown ahgmyiftro suddeny acurosa[lis patbh, lawha anoccasion ofà,-stumbu11ing woluld i 'e te axryoiie la tee m ioral reaini.. The v-erse impjies ýtha,,t we have a-u oct Influence over ther people, moreextensive iA some people once wich weexert ponohe h --ds repnihemre ecuse Wh~ road of hfie. Dy flie phraSe "these itie ones," our Lord re- fers prelnont ouly to chîdranl, untotethreechaunreetGod and os- pecially te those irbo have JUS,, b-egun t heir Crainlife, or those irboare asit~were, Stili wea'klun lheir faitli. Forgivces Seven Trimes 34. Take hbeed ito yonrselves Mif ty brother gin, rebuke hlm; aurd if lierepntforgive hlmi. Au( -flie in agiut tee seven limes lu te dy, ud even tues âturu aauto the, aylug, 1I repejnt; thon shaît !forgivehl."There a-rs tire specieflijutions inlu'hose two-erses: ware, toreblte those irlo have streated ns; If fhey rpnwoe f0 (oforgive theut. By eboungothmesourLord meaus we are to firt point eutthe tact i i the qiniitself, aud thoni, s ù-uly, me ar to reveal aoful igtl fisera-on low deadly the gulît of, fia-t sin >'S, ForgqiveneSa s la baSed on f 10 maui,,'s repentance, If the Mnau H Sib sen fUmms, aud say lie r"mpont, we are teforgivo lmD-. Ebottr to socu>e thee aancty and beaufy of our ovn caatrby beig ready to forgive seven t ties, even thougli the mn is not sin- cere, than jy rfsn forgivesaeý teo a t-uliy reýpentanit soueb,~l danger ef becomlng a stumbýUig leci n hlsway. Mia o f HeaIinLi 11. "Ad i cae t pss, îas t were ou the ay te Jerusnlm, fIat hoe aspsngalong the bordera ef Samfaria aud Galile. 12. And as , lie enterod into a certalin Village, hr met fhlm ton menflat wmer e lepers, mho stood afJw-Of: 13. and fhy 1f ted up their voiceasaylgens, Master, hae ercy on us. 14. And wI(rli Go ans show yourselves Me to th priait. rAnd ItMam o inpasS, ;aS tliey wen, ywe-re uoleansed.'ý Wha weareparticuiarly iinter- es1e u nthis passage iý- tire stranige commlland Uf Christ to these Lc-p 'at -hat thliefy sho1niîdci go ýa l Act- is pae hr is lera keen trialof mou i.WU% ine O Sn of resloratior as yet upon tliem, thiey wrebidden teCo tht10 i impiedthe wre perfectlyc e- workig iitheni. Wyýhere Are The Others? 1."And onýïe of thI wheu!lie saw tat he was haetre lia'. itilia 1Ioud voice goiyn God; 16. àand lie ,fell upnllis face aýt âs f eut, givîaig him hani :aud he wns , aniaaritain. 17. And( Jesuss ausweig sandWMeenfotte ten casebut lireare the fienbe? 1 18 eethere mne foucnd f lat r-etuirnied to give -glory to Gdsave thiýýshstrager?- Theoheswie erIU w ould hav a daimunouse and would begin t prjIessa it. HE who hall g-uýiinhem their hlealtlx miltdeud their lytt;and thywere ,nof readly to yiceîd if. They may 'hav'e feILt tbf 1Bene- f acter waa 110n ongerecesiary t the nw at t1i pre,-ssure 0q-, gen t want was past. 14 'Aud lje said unto h%4 Arise, anid go tbY way: tby fieliathi made thee wol."The nin, f00 were 1 held Lu heir fýalti ipro- duce nothig amore. T'nismau's trust,- and rugi h ri Grf gratitulde au-,d was 'Il tLe, a te stilimoe This man iwazs on-t Ae way tir fuitsalvaion. Onion Brings $12,42 At Wartime Auction An o nion acto la aà Qt bil -, h d ~ t $1.2 o Onlions, very sarceOver, hr nlowrhave acotledpie f about 10 celits a poun E. FAOU SAÂ'ICIEkTIST HIORIZONTAL 1 Scientist who wvrote "The Origît of Species.", 14Trees, 16 The -whole ranIge. 18 Surface, 20 Kizid of oinging vie 22 Baker inaa stove. 23 Renown. 24 Genuine. 25 Note in seale. 26 corpulent 27 EUl. 28 Overcoat. ý31 Poi-)nt, ý2 Behold 13To be .indebted. 24 Slitha, ,15Lazy. 38 Musical nIote. 3D Yellow bird. Answer te Previous Puizzle 15 Hgc has msny VFRTICAL 2 IlIeaIthy, ;3 Last -word o a prayer. -I Sun gOd. 15 Thread.Wcke. 8îTe represec1 7Leare. 10 To iste. co-tnsutmed. il Island. ,12 His tbeory 1', calied Theý theeory of N] 17 Eglg-slapedî, A19 Plural1 E300ne Plus 31 MHole. 0Some. 6 Midday. 37 Wing covers. fplay. 41Hand. ,14 To ýAlunber. 45 BIIl cf fare. 1,46 Credit. 47 Most 48 Feather. 49 Tee, 5', Measure of length. 34 5Upan. 56 Measuire of area. M8 AU ýIriýgh 43 ModeCl 46 Tavi. 48 Chea,-ts. 130 Bora., 51 Toý coat wilh tin. 53 Very high rn o u ntai n. 5.5 T cntngb 57 Çonstumer2. 59 lie was axr author and, -- by Profession. 60 His - iý stl l used as a i.extbreek. POP - Shuit Of f the Heat s S'A L M 0 N S;P A Wlb L 10 AIN îC AiB A G OIBL Il 1\1 ýAL Wik 1 C . E R 8 ASS 00 P, T E A N T AA E , ijýýJSEP1Ajq!ABjLjE î NOON DAiTED CIA 7 T T EýE UR ST LAME FO D SA'e GAýPtvýiE-,N A E il ý. T G ý A (j 1 R ý S AIP L rAGýýDIJT Ms , E P 11111 Ail MSS T E ID D C )h10Inemg 1 eed nerso WHATWILLYOU DOIF QV~RHEATED., POP? [ 'i zen o>«

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