tie Vo Billýing-s, but our o-jeèc t uVie mrnnc entwas n tot to gveour ,iders> a geograiialdsrito theu teritr !y we wer-e pi-ivileged to cw duril" ng ou tirip. Suffce to s"ay ter a ride of 14 miles xe arrived Billngs n Suday orniing 10.30, st ini time for chlunch. Tis bustlin'g- wn pos -Ses es a rgular Colonly of 'r-onio BEys," whvlo with tiseir open artdnes oupedwith Western ,ys are eerra o 1receive wvith ýen ai-ms anithiute lune of a ,nder-foot. We were, soonl comflort- lyqatee at Di-. H. E. Arni- ioug'ýs. lJnder tihe present cniin osdety foilids us to partîcularize )o thîs youing man's success, but ',igist be permilitted Vo Mention ,at ise hoils aeveral important S avin g Certil icates To HeIp Smuash Hitier hiIdren's Sleepers Men's caps NuLe or Pinik s 9e. each 99e. ent of Men's and Boys' Workl Gloves. Various prices. 1 Men's Sleevless Sweaters V neçk, each ORONO TIMS to GIVE CITIZENS 'ED to LEND ýw the eiiemy that we eau do more by voluntary effort than he can by compulsion. re FORCED te provide the money mevhanized warfare by means that ing bulders of the Egyptian Pyra- rhat is the Nazi way. Hitler sneers 1thse voluntary c-operation of free Lout-dated, doomed. He hias sworn a financial standpoint neud not carc whether the British IiLion roars (or th AJ erican IEagleeam.Mr.Aras- strong beng at)asujImmerresort w'henl we arrivýed, outomdersf-re "Boy, crnean.d g Whcn ilyou like but dco't be late forie s"Whazt folly it was; to ment'ion Uhmter injuIe,- tion to a 'man1- like Gaspar. Next in orrc re lVis'e Chaipple 1Bros. Jim aa prominent physician and real estajte man, Tom thse possescTr of a furnii- ture b'usin-ess wýhich would refiect ecedit to a city like Petcmiboro; Lou, is a risin'g young barrister who is rapidlly miakinig bis way to the fr-ont in his profession. Lou always wculd put up a pretty stiff argument in -a 'lebate, but now the strýenigth of the arguminent depends upon thse price,. A Newcastle- boy îin the person of W. Gr-eaves resides in this place, holding an imuportant position 'li conncetioli wvith tise ChaPple Drug busiiness. This bunc4h of ±riends made oùr stay very plIeasaniit, and ere e left -we hotis concludeci that there was Cert-ainlyT thler places on t he( map besides Oronio.Atr a stopoïver o(f 10 days weI let or MlsCit,, he lhome of D.W. W.Anru, notlisrerld Orono, boy who 1is made out cf tise rightIkiimd of Acloth. FHeis, May,ýor of the city, andthe leaingphyýsician.Andy a ,ayvas a, wholebra of enter- tainments, and outï visit pr-o\-ed no ex- ceuptionI to the mie lon that line. Wymo. possesses a ri are bit of horse fiesuh sired {by tise oted Stam.lboul, wliomi Caspar used to tk delig-ht in sittinig behind, ¶ib-he'd Vo a neat run- about. Whicli lhe houigt tise most of the tustnc Lt or the young lady who nec- companýedJ him, began to be a serious question in m-1yInind, but as usual, he dlidn't bring' either, of hemi home with hlm-. Whiile there we -were pr-ivileged to view a herd of 1500 cat- tie-, swami acmoss the river, roundfed up in tiee divisions, drven into large shippisng pens and loadedl on cars, a11 bo-und for Chicago. Tisey weea fine lot of cattie, would aver- a ge 1300 1bs: -We had alwaysý had a bankeing Vo see a typical cowý,boy, and our longing was cosnpletely sat- isfied. Afteim spending- montbs ou the plains hieintg thesýe cattIe they re- ceive tIieir mioney, and the nextd thing in1 or-der isý to seIparate, froas it. Dowvn they came Uto MlsCity looiug i'for ýtrouble. Oneü fellow rode bis poniy upý 12 stepIs riglht ilntoa saloon. Au- othe,,r gt the worst of i in a"rui Pend tme"scma-p and 'he wa--s pamad- in- t'ne streets next day wvith isaW- chester oihis shloulderloinfr theo other fllo.Of course when these exhiibitions cm to the powver s fUtit be qituew s soonrestmod - I !ost tise rouIgis r'lider $5.00 ani tise mnan on prd a ohs up. Ther-e 'vas a time whientisese fellow's woù'id ride in- anyv own and "s-hoot it uip" as th-ey ter-Il it, but not under Dr. An- drus' regînie. W'e attended anl inter- ~stinug base hiall m-iatchI on Sunday be- tween ~llusand Miles Ctvy, -ai mal gocd lively gamie, score 3 Vo 1 lu favor ol Billings. 0. A. held tise indicator- mud aithougis tsey make it deid,,dly mter-estinug 'for anl umpire, frequently caling eut '"Kill tise Utispir-e" etc., yet noue ofViese Vhisigs moved iim. jAfter tise gamielise was congratulated as being thle best Un-pire that had visited M ile s City durinig tise sea- I meet that challenge- o buildi the Plants, buy ;-te produce TO THE ose Munitions of meeh- LN produce-money to annot make ourselves. CHILD in Canada is through SAVING and g Certifleates. is. . Jacso issVl isin ith ber daugh1-ter, Mis. Iknoy, ai mr.. and Mrs. WTalter Tiirteil, Clar. enice anid Miss S. Tirteil, who le4t, for ornoFridýay, vwee uniable t get 1 ,1ack homie iuVil tise plow cain, thi-onglis0onMonday. Pte. Walter Wright, H1arry Farron-0 ami Harold Thirtell becamne tires wa-,itinig for the sniowp)low, su ,,they used "sisanks poniies" oirtise drifts to get to the highway Sunday after- nloffn. Mi.Hildituch held a binglo pauty iri her hom-e on Mondayý nigýht to help the pupils of Kenii< school raîse some m'oney for the War Victiinu Fu-d(. They succeeded in gettiiag c'.""0. Mrs. MýcalliSter anld 2lMoley, of Elizaibthiville, arr-ived here early Sat- uLa!,y monlng eunr ute to Tor-onto with rla d of Vresbut couli pr 1eednofurther un1iitîllate Mna On01 ry1idyevnn an en- joyvabe time was spent at thipelteuchr anàance put onl by the Kendal " lets liTe "boys,"dipe in and !c ked", after the epe ies 1As were Able to add !thje proceedls, $15, to our, War Victims Fuud. The total haind'ed in up tii TuLesdlay am-ounits t o $ 55.ý2 5. There are stibl quite a nuiiiber of namiies we would like to sel added to tise list. Tise iev snowfall on Friday awl high winds on Satumday caused one of the w rst blockades since the snow poui came (-oni our- road.s. On Sunday everyonýe was busy digging theîmnselves out. A siingle Vîack aclomu e d tise middl1e of the road, neither c!ar nom cutter trying it up or down. A watchful eye w-%as kept Vo Vthe south for tise sncow plough, but it clid nol aptlpear on the scene tili late Monday afternoou. 0c CO WANVILLE Miss Mary ileadersýon spent a. week wvith Mr.a -dMs. Wes. Stringer. There was a good attendaneceLat the Wome's Asocitionlast week. Thse won'hr aie plauiing on rnaking a but- M i ss 1lcu Bugesnuse-mi- traîn1ing atu!Toronti esenIlospi- Vavstdat thec Stýinger homle ovelr Mr.Etheol BLurley and daughter Mr.R. Jouies aniison, of Bowmnan- vilvsitedM r. ali M_\rs. WecS. Stingiler r1ecently. Mi.% nd Ms Willis Farrow, a, Mr- anid Ms.C1ar-ence Burley's on Wednesday; and Mlrs. Roy Burley witis-Mr. and l Mrs. W. Layton. Tisere wîll be a social evenîng and valentinie party held at Cla i;k6 Chuncis cni Thursday ovening. Baked býeans brown briead andi coffee w-i be serVedi -Mr. Summiers, of Bowmanville, will show lauteruslndsof ,laçper Par-k.1 STARKVILLE Mis. HB. Glmer wtli Mis. Win son. Pm'bably somle of cur readers Savery. will wonder wby we se far deviatesi .r. is-b. Giier lest a valuable ,as Vo attend a bal-I match on Suisday. wvork hsorse îeently. Well Vo straighiten out mnatters aloug îMiss Gwen Gilmer with lier asuit, this ine we might say Vbat C. G. Mr-s. C. A. Cowvan, ýNpewvcastle. was hitmoduced Vo a Metliodist clergy-- Mr. and iMis. Lawrene Wiite andi mani, and upon in rquirin- sg t o tise famnily, Maple Grove, with Mr. anad hourm-of service, etc., w-as ifsoried Re laoeb Mis. ,,s:aoel that tisernsajority cf Vthe conglregation Miss Ruth Sav ery lias etuimued were a-ay hxlidaying and he didn't hm rmOhw hm iespn think hie would b(-thi-rwitli auy Ser-hot rmOaw weesesen vice. It was fun Vo see tiseSanie a few dnys witis hes- sister, Mis. Chas. prieacb)er waritîfg Vo iset 2 Vo 1 ou Yul-e MlsCiVy wheni Dcc. Andrus weut Miss Medla Iallowell andi Mr. Rugis Vo bat, but srcb are Western ways. Staipleton wveme Sunday guests of Mi. After a miost enjoyable wýeek-'s stay and Mrs. Haroldi Haucoclk "ElImcroft E wve ag,,ain left for- Bîlingsp-ai- Fari", Oshsawa. tory -v o lea'vingl for! Portland. Will Mis. Frank Bontnet and Miss Joan agÏain tortruj -0you laVer on. have returned to Toronto afteî a hosli- C. G. & 0. A. day with hem parents, Mr. and Mis. 0JacobsHboel I}on't forg-et No. 9 Scisool Dance lu Mizss M'adalinie Fo-x, Bownmaný-ille,suc Vise Town Halli, Ovono, on Fiday, Mr. and Mis. Bert Trim nsi fam-iby, this Febr-uary 14th. *A good ime is Vo be Mr. and _Mis. Alf. Dob)soni and 'Mary Ki] hacl. Lou, witb -Mrs. iG. Silver. vr Mrs. Ruc'ss flallowell, Mme. Win. Tues( Mr. Arthur Teintant upset hiscu- Ilallowell, Mrs. A. Dobson and Mis. Th terin whih h an hi -%ife-,vreRichard Hal-owell spent an af ter- t ter ~ . inwhchli a 1ibi wf we1 noon oniltine' ut Mrs. S. G. Val o MILK 0f' MWAGNESIA A Superior Produet Low in Price $oz. bottle .. 25e. 16 z. bottie .,39e. )re Bofx of 25 Boýx of 50 Box (If10 Blox ouf.50 Wampole's for. Kepler Ex Malt, lar HIINDWS SPECIAL OFFER: Hlind's Honey and Abmond Cream, reg. 45e. bottie 2 FOR 46c. Listerine, 3 ozs 25c. 7 ozs....... ... 49c. 14 ozs...... .... 79c. SPECIAL MWi 31 Antiseptie, 28 oz. bottie, reg. 43c. eath, botis for.. 69c. Lysol Solution, 3 ozs for .....35c. 7 ozs. for . 65c. 16 ozs. for 1.$1.25 e ~For Peaee and Seeairity ini the Future BUTY W-AR SAVINGS Certificates To-Day VELVETTA CLEANSING TISSUES Box of 2001 Tises for ...... .....1 Box of 500 Tissi f or ... >...... - BAYER ASRI TABLETS For relief f roui headache, rheumiatir pains, eolds and sore throat 12 tabiets....22er. sues 24 tablets .....39C. loc. 100 tablets . -98c. sues - A.S.A TABLETS .25c. Box of 24 tablets f or 2e 100 tablets 4e yrreII'a Orug Store LOW CASH PRICES FOR THJRIFTY SHOPPERS New~~~~~~~ h pm t ths w k ofH O U S E R SS S a p o priate matrn styles, âsiz 8to 44. .EAC.. $1. OC. HH...REN'S..AT..EL. .EAC.......... ....2_5e. Armly and NxyRglto BOOTLAE, palir.......e. c 5 WATT NG TLG TB LS 2 for-..............25e. CHLRNSPINK GRANITE MUGS, eaehi.............20c. BE17N HUR",PE TOBIACCO PC 9 ýs. ýClaimý ,-sfuil qi w-eelk. rbDy You ,enjoyas day eves ue W. A. rithdravv KIRRV FIl1u -nce pilting bo(,ttie ....................... ..... . .....10ec. eaclh.................-............ 20C. sEE.SECAI 1-2 lb. Ipkg -15e. SIPECIAL, LB . ..... 5 ..... ...>.. e. wrapped, tcdi ..................... Se. ,AkREFTTES, -22'for.........~. 25e. mrcks .................... ............ 5e. ...... ........... .......... . . 31Ce. S... .. ................. > .... ..... 0. . A'PLE LEAýF SOAP FLAKES ,EAF SO.AF, ALL FOR......20c. d ivater or m-ilk), 5 oz. b)otle ... 29c. eonitains wh4oysters, 1 lb tin 30c for house plants,. bottt4e.......15e. SPECM.L, tin ................9c. .P. SPEC--IAL, 6 for 1.....23c. TINGS DRIVE, FEB. îSeh, î9thi LAR SHOPPING CENTRE El1 -% Li 1 1I was rýcentby inufol>mnsdfromi- a well Little isekd i ssi iîfommVd sourcete Iat a coupl.e f ig bee at hem bouse y<s-ng skiers frcom Leskard weîe es ng home for a few msontlss. After ýeople's Unieons bed a fanding ne way of transportation valentine social on tisey decidesi Vo ski eut ut terrific, rate afoeemile a minute. On getting the W.M.S. decided V o tise faim of tise Staletois brothlers Ih VId ville ilicates if k- . Las Hitler. aSPECfAL Giai CERTIFIED I