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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1941, p. 2

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- SAVE - LEND - T E WAR-WEE "There jise a Urwig baee n the possibility of a world--wide Conflagration lnvOlvinçg an ,at- temipted Invasion c f Br-itain, timed -with thrusts; at Suez and Gibraftar and a Japanese thrust maokenzie King- "The Uitced States le ite wvar or at least nealy in a, and j., prcparing for 13"- . S ýseCretary of Comnmerce Jeýse Hk. Jones. NonI-poHliia mitayexetsi hercoolinion that cua vsOfo! reat ïBritai-ýýn no sem itnsiard, they beliaved, cheu ar inans would incraseiheir opera- j iythie waýr oC Biis-.ipm j cncetraisgonihe Cobj-ctive cf j "kockig ou BrtaPf witoutre- stunge. nvso, eoe .S eyhigAt Q=-, 'Usis2 la tha ikas, t iat Gonibrand s ap-a mllpaigns mgth re Aeze Pisy on Greece r the Brlih expertswr )ut, it wa -feu t wek ird Suez was gaiuig moi- -bS dùmmnouo!Cheen- Insia down as faras .ndcl 'lu,-key , b paeu MOY" appoared to have ho- M mogrn ces-aggres sin ýlopiin_- thereoy Eushi Gems iitripstin K--(C) rni icn l auvon( Current l3vents Fascstemiafot he uext phasqe 0f1 the Btti"e of the Mediterran lesan o!- Huued, Eu la its reua nora "uc peace" lasiweek betwaen Grerece MndItayGermany was Said la hae iven the Gelstoatr Inuiary Occupation OF fGeec e foeBiiaia coffdruhriore ontcîs thererm the North Ari ca ront. Sho(uild the -Nazis ne sucedlu forcing thepae-b De faced wihthah pospectof imak- la ato-rotwar (reemight wýell bcmeattlgudforth Garma and ritish amedorces) of prdestigelute Baikas. Crepinig Up On Gýibrltar- Prepam"raionls for, Hilrs ava uponthie British westrn Meiter althogh avery sort o! behind sUenasý work -was douleelsý being dloue. eforie he couid trs ibi diecinHitlerwul haet securaPetain'Pspemontouaiow passae of troops coss Frane, Frnco's co n s aui for passage throýug-h Spain. lit woufld be creahjly somthighoweve-r, iff ha couid gain possesn of the FrcH feet, base a iTuon Conflict "At Any Moment The ,Far Eastarrn siftuatiojn wors- euedappeclaly at wCekr. The- era ftheSmoit uayRed Fleet declredtuestate Dfeaffairsl th Pacife wasgi-owing -,mora ec daly by- day suld thlat a coniflici mnlilght ha precitated "ai ay 3mont.lý" The ppePrùrporied that Jarman was movng the sout, masnghav niaval onenraion no-undSag on1 P(rench doCnawhi eaýsy strikïig dUstane,,0 fSigpr un ta atelandcs -Kaszit Indice. "T Anl-American bloc" o- tinud, "e eqalyactvwih the fýlrltish bulsily plcingSiape ounanwr fooL>)tilg t'hic be ritiSh, JpnA Stooge?/'1/i \Tilitier miight be using ,Japan t0o IG IEU c ea advers!oion lte Far EaStý IfoOKUr 0fsufficient mgntude4pre- oupy tLhe TJnited Sttes. But mnloraY U . .T nwas seizing whalt appeared to a agolenopportunity to ation o atr sa apore, nthe mrlan ileet woul e aura to go CAt action, an'd she oudget il, anyway. if the Unitd Stats were toens- trthe war, It might very weillbca via the paclfic. "To Leas-L.end" Convoys? Fnlen1acimený1t of theý "Britishl Aid"bih, uoxwgoing ihrough the Senate, was expeeted the first of, ihe, mnonthý. As so)on as ihe measuraý was approved, President ROoseve1t wa ieyto make ,ani inxmediate requesi for $1,0O00,00,00 in approp- riations sund conIrsathorlijlity ta buid planes, shipe, tanks, guns and imunitions, mucli of U to be lease-leitto Grat Britain for use lu uro:pe, Afica andI[ithe Far ,'last.I te purposes of ihe ý"Lease- ed'bil wera tobe ahive, a- ta-aveadily -avaî!a.blE wtldhv to 'ha put at Britain'sdipoaiim mdatl.The UitdStates, then, wýas ert!afin elither tori eaeled co'nvoy pid to Jtha British a ith(- NorthAtautie or dlrectly engage, 1-laf Natioalsome Iwas a "ghocked sutd dnatic" silenýe wihgrueeted the close of Finance Miaister's lsey's speech u the Hlouse of Commons last wekon Cnd' a ot.Neyer, beor ad anly Cnaia lgis- latie bdy een asked to approen' expndiureof such a suni-ý2700,- 0000for, the coiug fisceal yearý- alm-osi woii M !whîch oul go towards paying for the Twar. This -lsa otaMr. hlsley ilu- timatd, rpreseied evoting haif aur atinalincome to war sund oth- er goverrneutal work ($25 for every anwomlan and child lu the Doiin."To carry onctihe war progam~i" h~said "wl equire fo mnyo us drasýihir changes lu ouw mod fo!living iand lhabi-ýts of hle"Critics of th11C ar ffort Con- tinuaed to feel ihat expeudcitures for goveametalpurpjoses" could be much more subsÉantially cut. Coilncidenlily wt the opening olte s1ith sssion cf iha Zth egisatuei Toronto, came the forecsi ihat Ostario's xpeudi- tuires fori the Pomlurg fiscal year wolmld habc increased by more thanl $1,000,000,00 , ueilugreai part to thedictnune by the XDomin- ioýn Goverumený1t of direct reliefconl- trbtosto thie Provinces. (Munii- cipaitis' elif catsshare f'or 1914' was axpected te h avao c ';THE FAÀMILY" ($10,000 A4jantc MoltIlily Prizewiliner), By 'Nina Fedoroya ThIÉS s ieis laid i éCin tur- inig the Japan-esc,iuain i i 937. Tbhe Familyis hte u- sian xigexraexpo- perous. Af ter L'goin'g thru gh war a i evluion eduin poverty asd famiiineanndilnes fleodfire nd evn an erh quake, ihere refive fie lefi: «rnu, other, a nd th chîldren of the tird generation, Peter, ULiasu, Dim-a. T h ey tr to makcel ends mee:t by mnin boaringhuse iand, hey ,pen their doors - suntirhas- to0 the restcleto o "psyaýingguss evrghre LIESLIKE THUAI undet (-ro a rof Yeu meet a En~ihwoxauwhohas tak"en to the botu-le, a soc-iýal lmbr a iLed" ,Lady wý-hose lkove a ffair jeq the ta!!,, and wonder of Eingish-spekin-g Chuna, hreRussýian rnun ES, auh America cdoughb,,OY aud aqcollec- tion of h~i~adbowivng Jap- anoea As the Famlly idens &ts c die, hanring new experiences ri in h1umor anmu feeling, each miem- ber (f the group grows strongne emnotonally. and la spirit tutil, when war and separation clauci their lives, the'y have found a faitihthat sustains tie we they need it -mOst, "The Fainily" . y Nina Fedorova, , Toron to: McClel- land & Stewart $2.75. GQIld Output Sets Record 111 OntarloMns$122Z 970 In Bullion Poduced lA 1940 VAil-pevîlu eorswresr pass;ed by Ontarlo gocld mne $122,32,97 la 140), the sta0tîlc bruhof th'e OnLarlo .Deýpartxnent A nlew m Onthly record of Iprodi4c- tdon. $1O,511,958 wune tabllshedlU productionu In1940 was anu-% crae of 11.52 per Cent over 139.% tlho prevîous record year,. PFil fig- ures or 1939 showed producUoaý of 3,008,89 ounces oA god and 696,- Us3 ouces ou sîler valuad at $109,- Amos 13from 10,73,12tons o!faMo milled. ln 1940,3168,623 ounces cf gold ad 577,64 ouces o! sllver, yalued ai $12C,23%971, were produe- ed from 11,687,412tos of ore Wi- 8,~8 OUNES-GLD EDAILY The 194 figurs)do o inîcîndeIý silver production fer Fthe Eereng RierMina, Fav-oraIbleùaeOnt. Daily averâge p troduction in 1940 amlounte toÙ)8,681 ounices 0f gold, 1,581 ounces of silver, valued Mt $334,881, from 32,020 tons millet9 aip si 8,244 ues "of gl,1,0 1939% By FredNhe "Wie can't find the army, air, .since it's been,'camrouf Iaed." cehighway3 and farm pp ortis espaciallY thosa bordering heavllyý Pravehled hlghwuas "PERFORM RAES OK The 76-year-old conseraticoi arspubhicly acclaimed asan- tinlbenafaôctorý by D. LooDoan Bureau, picplsekr th qau f iework yuhv in.I desîre to pny you pul ic Ibte oiighiforit, vrrk h' v aedonýe t uaCn nownihrou)gboM tihe whole oý rth Arnrica i'Yi wr i or n this usiues olu lIpoo WINSTON CHURCHILL-V -t. c' * 'c t p A' CY - ~i"~ 4 ~c-c - Y,~ 7W Th Qune ton oýfcce ppe hp igpallnis C(e 7Cu ice. i vc-i it tho onerai 1ewo7 l C 1 urchli11, Ett o te go oý the.ary ecr copt el,tedrd heps o uuCIl i (Alil po0sJit ical eý1 dn lu 929 andhe re towrite and paint sud am o!(, the mc aho ad ofie f puli life h it i exi ,Alw:nysýrestle, sue egerto 50e c-e oýtb- woi-id, Churchill visited thie Un ie' Sats Dur- ingý hlsstay in "dhe Siates" ia re mrica as deiighled wiihhmaafr i th Arlirica. In 19-P,2 Lthe heaibaudo! illues tkeep the Chrcii ile tihrough ià il. SoLe~- va,-asback Onu hile fee n s àiýf! Ad r -geicasever. his - Aiekty ni7 asI( 1, uy hiugeý lal i a Events Moving, Faster In Balkans, Far Ea st Loni ,iug thi Retfrement and Illness ge

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