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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Feb 1941, p. 3

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pét Plan Foi kTomorrow Mrs. pieýrre cas9aîn -LUrges Canadiar~ Womeni To Prepare For Post-war Con'dtions Mm.Pier-re F. Casgrain, eife ,fIie Secr.etar-y of 'State, said in * recent at King-StohY, ont, that Social Serviýce Work 2is taining civilian mo-rale and p--1 pai~fore -wr coniditions1. She was addresing a mneeting nfte Kingon and Distrct ouclof Soc'*ialAgnco gýeneratio tat is ours basnt faild," he sid,'for thoIas wýar went on witbasiant w Dpara tie for it after offets." FOLiLOW EGIHQM~' EXAMPLE anis were biearing the ri-'unt'f h confliet a itJe h mrleo heepeopfle w ill hamve t-o re- buii and uphold, as well as mak- Lng preparations o rhailiat the soldiers asthe ornUck. MmIne. Casg;rain said t'hUeoa theawkenngof aLs cia cn- mayyounger wen had fnot. honany particular- interest, "The womeit of gan ar plnig fr tomorrow," sJe said, -and I thin1< we sboÙciudIp ay them the trib)ute oýf foown (Our Granny Had A Smaller Waist Grandmot1cer îhasL a smal- leï! r waiSt titan ber presoIt !day eounIIterpart, Woýmen Who sýtag;- ed the iJona Ana. Counity (New; Mexico) Farm Wo-IInen'S fuir beleve. part ofdthe fairprogain, ncJuded a revue Of pioncer 81-inch waists to mode! thein eeehard to indfairofi cýiais fouInd. "GirlIs tIesýe dayse aver wth teaid 0o" the new-fashioned ho)ur glass csesjust can't sueethems]ueives into the worej" e rkd rsF.. McKmey prsidntof the womien's group i charge ofL thefi. Ciod .ýCyýcronaiCa, Il HelpeCi Feed the EytinGrceks zindCIRomarnsiýi Afler leepy cealunes of for- gefuinus, Cyrene Is bacithbb very conreo!ficou nlabbcpak- inwitb iLs catue y teBrit- libn .drive for .egsanys liteKan»es CityStar. Thora 'was an lmewhlen -Cyrene was oe ef tde ceebatd ciliceo!fthe worldBut lstryias n way cf forgettinig, anIndceRoa Urneus Cyrenle bas beon largelya anme. AST TRADE FROMV INTERIOR Thaecity was founded inLuAh mliddlle o! thl e svtb atl ury Battus, as, bbc aleged direct e- suit of an inj'unlcion by the DDel- Phie Oracle. For caunsir a elco!fte gL-atcsc o! Grýeait coois beinig in a fertile littor- elaiun coimauuýnig a vast brada frmiteriorAfre. odyi ti] plossessos coma Cfilue Gmecis - ntIRonman mins, inýc.udiig the tempe, kowaas tbbc sanctuary e!Apollo, TODAY, LIVESTOCK AND S BARLEY lb was the boue o! contention baeuEgypt antI tha Greek cýiti- ouand eventaljîly rbe2acamean appangage o! Rome, when the mse o! Egypt as natde centre eucdit b obsurîty. heanst- arn parmît o! Libyn, now ,vbeing con- quý,erýed by teEnglish, le caileýt Cýyrena'ica for tîs c--iy whih xas se ong its caiaaltheough t'le apital bAs sinco been imovod te BegsCyene w bIe irth- -'jk in e and tome ý f the noabl Yes touans f eo.esu OUin from conlstipation due to lack- of the righit kind of "bDulk"' in their diet have bceen able to say the samie tbing. For- now thet-e is a sensible Way tO crrc tiiondition.. far bette,-th.inciithartics, 'wich o1ý gi-ve tinorryrelief. 1 you surier froni this common trouble, try etn deliciouis KELt4O -GQS ALL-BRAN every onIn r cnasthbe neces- DR. KILDARE' 4daptedfrom dthe by GERTRUDE GlELBIN SYNOPSIS Y-oine Dr, Jamce Kild;regives Nurse Miary Lament an e.ngage- metring. Dr. Gillespie. &de- ighted. Mlar's brother Deug.. las arrives unexpectedly ha New« York Jimmi-y îla rpr;sed to find Doue not the quiet, diffident young man described by Mary, but an aggreesi$e, go-getter, brillianly sbrewvd businesz À man. Doug bas cerne tc New York to get aid in zarrying out a busi- ness scbeme on wvich be lias b cen -werking for a year. H. want: Jimrnys b:Ip, but insists he gt mry' 'Day'firat. Kil- dare îis-,aatrif le bewildered; but, w bat reaklly starties him abmst Deuig is the iatter's habit o f pa--t3n iduring conversation as j *"ea sed zbae lots of dates. bu B:the caffine iiu ber mlealtimol ýI cee ald tea brouàght me ie tthe I pctue an ibronýght along rmy Idid p e loier dsoio-n 1 m5000 drove off thü boy frieulds, I"Thien sOnebody nvi-sed lber to IStop tlriaking cofice nd tes and iSwitch te PostUni. Jus: my luck! ISite ried Pos tumniandI feels 5cnIncit Ibotter she vows sWH'l neer go back w t e feandI tes. Now tImcun:-and I dia other boy friands are baýck!" NrIII ý_z T I~4~IIJ~g "rgular' ...x4rly Wh> Ot 4o0. Get your: KELOG i LIBRAN de-I, dr 0',ntow 1Q,. your ok "toube- iap-s Gel KELLOGsG'S ALL B3RANq Available *r lwo conveniient ie aIt ail groers' Made by sebg' in Londoni, Canada. if te listen te somie far-ýof fsU ndi, Jimmj1y, Mvary and Deugarag to have dinner togýether that ev- ening. - CHAPTER TWO SUSPECTED SYMP1TOM,, "IJiny oeed hesidedoro Suivabnscafend saedstrigh Mary awatehm.udwAg "ello, darling,"ha geetoci taugbt nme a losson." "How long is it ecce ra !w-, saw hlmi'" lhoasked!. "Three yoars. And you v.ere right about lm! Hý 1ere I've beau f]êtter'ilug:illselfIvedveoe a mrodiem big-ciÈty îwon but Douglas? WllIgnosethor nren't any sniall own pooploan more "V-on tblink he'schno" "Yeu wonldnn't 1belioýve ha a Lleasaie pmn"site rpîd 'Ho uned te o e sh y -- se d! JoeaWyn 1iau1, bite - ambP -Uilc driverý, joinleci theni. A'fter rm bngonwith wat haensdr ed perfec fiesehacaene is Point; ho and Mewalted tue ho surýe tbey were on the guestl: ist for, the wvedding.ý Jimmly antI Mr ptoisecýd tbey v'nd' e - marr1ied Mithe)utboth M ýitýe ant hi1n11seIf onIlbauid. Tlitrille, Oc rnshed Lt eUîlthe harkeep Mhn' waniglad the ivtto .ihu roorig e-eninchs ahîl As Joe loft,Mayntcdim my'"s eyes sma-,0 is ath "WVha thlie is il, nom,," hn asited. "Seven fory!," hoamUered. Ho mse from is hi. Ihv -" olefIth1 be uriel aintIm-,ate fer the phonoboth Once iid(e it, hoclosed th door carefully at ilt h o tel at whîch Douglas wsmzp ping. ThetIest detK svee titat r.Laniont hau-d been ont inefour and hnd left ,aneme- sîage. WVitb a worni,-edfrnh returned te the table. Ji t as ho sut down, DMogls came through the door. "Wbhat kýind o!fouleii anwy"Douglascopinda ho joined Kildare and Mr." wenit down lu i te sub)way antI wbie 1I wýas looking for yourý- green ,line, they shoved me la a, train antI the firat limeic sto ped, I was ila Brooklyn!" about yon-," inughaed M1ary,- "Ha heamled at Jimmy. "Or d'(itI' yen know I saw tg hat ex- use te make that phonoca] " onywant[ed teu e ha tue hoheleft the houe]," Jimmy protested. Mite came up te the tale antI look their order. After tbcy ha been served, Kildaresnete thtDong tait about 'bisbu- news cheme. "Not bore," Doug anilSwoe "'But if yu'lgiva e, oo tbr4ee bouLmrs, e2hs , go 0n-,viy ùeTe wered proudly. Kilaîes aed at Dog Wat abot r. halerD o Lig. kedh "sChanier revally as rib S thoy say?" "Richr," Jmniyrepied( bi myes mnet. Doug roýLaxed. "That's ail 1a worryiujg aboutL. l'Ilte!! you hie Ho smiled; b b bis-mie of sa- isfjactLion fnded a.s ho udei tiited 1hie boald '0 oaa sýidCe, lis- tonling. J),imy foît a cilio "Od, in'tijDoug'?"' ho oh "Whats odd?" Dong ased, "Did you hear Ct toe?" Dong "What ra you two itak g about?" demnanded Mary. "Ido' "WeIl tsopejw"Du said qnuickly. Whtwonuld yoLl say it was 1 Kildar'e a-sked carofuily. "someb)ody aing-o i- ig or cairyifg on-". imC Iitbilik shie aýssign" i5ougtbogan. Hoe Stopod. "Cornie oif we're tbiougl"bc" o aid gaily. "Let's get going. 'We'r ýe bîg usinss n ibi is eoig! Douglas' bote[l sooiniwas litteýr- edwitb pam11phletýsresenr-ch vol-. uns and notebooks, Wth clo- quent conviiction he cuonied his plan t0 Jîmmily. It was abiqin plan, worked ont to die lest de- teau. It would rvonto rzil- dustryT and solve the unamploy- ment prohieni. It needed only mony'to hack ià. Kildare muet convince Chauler toinvest in il! Doug wanted nothing.frhm self. He \wnnt-ed only themoe to enai mto plut hi'; into affect! Doug's zeal and leu'-thusiasn roe fver.ishly, caýrryiug Ihim -on iknial wave(, ., 'Che imidst of bis eloquenca, ho paused. Once more bi bod tilted teoune sioe a e ho isten!ed, nety.l b flash of a second, ho was back in bis strdecontin,,uing bl ex- pinuahon. But ta omuaypause Fand0 losIon ildae. immuy satfor- wardc in bis chair, watching thac ma eoehlm withl the ilatent- osef n cnt watching a mn UCpon conciluion o f th exian atoDong turned baigee te ildar'e. " -'1 ou taka me manded, Kýild3ai-efrowned ý(1in ebras men. "one-tly - I dn'tko whether my relaions with him your pjlaniis wnefl-and isems comîpleteIy piauAble-"' hopaused togbf lly'Lot nme thiik il over un11til tmro. Doug algreed. Jimmny reaucd for b1i.s bat. "Saty - L)og-'ý ho said as ho made for the door, "di yo rellygel lost in the "Why, ofu course," Doug ans- wered. Jimimy kniew iu1stiulýively tLha-t Doppg was speaking ilbc trnl-h. "I just tbeougbh somoetbing nigbt havehapeed Iwas wrid Y")u've\ been driving yoursýeif prtt lbrd. Sointyen take La roIfrawilo?" "st"Dojug ciîed. I cnn't stop tilt I've put this ting oe! So, wtb t'heprmie bcil jhim in the nmrniug, Jiny 1001" bis bveofMary's bohr 1 Back aIt Lhe hsiayoung Kýilda-e nmade str.aight feýr Dru. Glepesprivate library. secoud's glaitce showed hm ie b nedical booke ha wauhed. lie puiled IL out hurriedly. 'EPI-. ILEPSY-Its Causes And Treat- rnent"- ead tha timeepage. Jîmy tbumhd t i~gbit unil! his eyes founid thre pnrngý-Irabfor whichi Tbsdread d iisease rmay send wanig fan 0oneominng s-ýeiz- uroý," horead. "The patient rmay hearvoîcs orsorne particular: kind of sounid whicb doe not ex. Wjthbana, one too steady, ho lsdthe ,okuad put ilbnck on thoeif. pie wheel imel ito thre theboo-~hlve 1 'ooking for "Notespeiall," ildar-e saîdi exeny. "ustkiliing timoI." Ho sat own nd fced he od doc- to."D.Gilespie, lveL, been xansiny toask you about Sucre- tbiugyou aid the other day Von ere iscusingthecto' -tiu. owaud s patient wt an icuabledsease," "It, ot'sný't do an,î)ybdy ny- god1 el?- him h's ot an'in- curale iseae,"GilleSpfe cans- v. credJ fAuiiy?"! MTat dends on their cour- age nd caracer ndï ability to hoiresedwitb that knlowledige -unoss ofcousethe dlSiIsas happuns beha ereditary and thir lies a ffected, too." "Thats even more tragic isn't il ?" Jîrnm asked unhnppily. G ipi odded. ",What 1mad(e I don'tknow," imy lied, "I uos ecauise it's about the tonbet big hat apn to a Thee's na tingeven tough-. ei Glespie S a i d grave] y. "Thatns when yoti have to tel thepatin t th e whole unbaplpy trnth to make im aceapt t0e treavmonutctat tcan proiong his "Ye,"Jinimy answveredsl- ]y. MTat i1 tougher."lHo rose fro!1bsch1. "ei-hn yusir.Anid go ih GoouigitSon]," Gillespie an- swrdcomnpasnionately. Jimry hurîedfromn the rocom. Butl oId Dr,. Glle-spie, bis chn restug n bS finger tips, sait trigafter the unb-appyyog doctor vho !ad jua-t lefI im ("Io Be Continued> TT By SADIE B. CHAMBERPLKS Lentien zDishes Finnan 1Haddie pinobhy the easiest prepared fish le Finn -a Hadie, w]Iih iai-1 way S bas nappetizing appoaL. This typeof f ih should firalh cocveed ith water and siumuir- ead for a fv new mns. Drain off atr-then ad ½cnps mulk and-e r lttaieponsofco nsh Plae l -oen ntl mlktbckn -gîve a- ocensiai sîrng i low one ponnd o!fiCh fortro people, Codfish Cakes Se and wash, in 3 waters cu('p sait cdih Covor with coid atrand hring to bioiiling point. Drani, fake the codfish. Add 1 cup of riced pta 1sitable- spon utte, ¼ teaspoon Sait and peper.vBnt wel.h a v e reaIdy hot fat lu blot frying pan. Drop 'by spofus ook slowlyi u n til ý7golden hro-wni. Tuiru honon other sid-e. Serve on bo paterwitbl white sauce andî arihwitb clhopp ed patrsle2y Shrimp SaLad i abespoon zgeaine Stblepoons coud water i tabespon c hopped par Sonk th ùe -geia tioe in cold, wa "r*or 5 minutesa 0d1thPndis- solve lverboi!lýg v t d She alddrssngwenmite is', enrtonfi luhip pin'nt fO, ndat 1 y mushroom t ýl(is l , i (' r '?et m e pe i c " 1 plo e i ei. e sof aa>Lýe - ieàn( -specin meusre ije prmer. mrs yoorietti-ste "iss ailE'B.Cbnne-« besraW;t Aeiainimide Street, Te'- NEW 1941 Mos-tl1y a il Radio Station Wave Lengthis c hanr-ge March 3O0t0. Just f ii in, sign and eend coupon for youir free copy. Rogers-Majestic Cerp, TORODNTO 2, ONT. Sen 'ere, one of youri newRadio Log Cards. (Make) Year Purchased..... Number of Tubes. ... L -I Do't isse thinopport5unit(yl Jueýtt tike i label tro1 ,!nI e bakyour iname ail ddee tho ile Q I, picturo you wr (ilblfor 0mb ictr lil tha yoto eS. Eilt. Tooto eua

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