riorniing at The Tines Office Ontairio Suibscription, $1 .25 ULitned State's, $2.00 ive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Puiblishier irned that in.creases in prices or ra- sptend their surplus earning-s and * * * * * anadians s-pendl on luxuries and personal ador- o wel over a luudrcd million dollars a year. This ids eau 6e 'diverted t buyig 'War Savings Certi- ing any iardsihip. ie New Nylon Stockings Vite restrictions plrced on importation of luxury AUi go eut cf VNe saekngaoru by Canadan wo- seffort te cGjInsrve foregu exciange for war Pur- lat m1iladyls liniba-wiIl lose Vie s'otsmlart ap- te Vieù by pure ilk hose is a n=mecf emceture. limedliate ban on ai stoki as Cainadian manu- Cbhy enogh silk on liand Vo keepl'aà productin misffý yet. H-ýoWevcrý, there is net Vie sîlgidt ,,s of thce luture wil lie made of ,artirfiialsi yaral here la Canada. tVis o'ay sa matter of time nutil rted Vo tic use cf arbEddi Wal-. Mec fibre kne-wn as Nylon lias licen iatrodnced te m iay be termed a chemically created sili ad l Vicungtb so far ln exiesa of silk Viat Vie sheeîest ll lire 'hnger Vitan preseat heavy service wiis b stuger and 1(2esa likely te "ruan". yct it las tic 1S ilk-. Vinme Vie average we-nan wears ont a few dozen nga in a ycar.Shbud Nylon yaiol prove Vie suc- es te 6e, a great decrease lVin ,-e per capita denandl -wili resuit. lHowever, tdiat la taing a glance far ued at apprc business la Canada. Piodluc- cly one aaid one haîf imillion * * * * To Britain urai Comsice o Vie Unit- lie feeding of tic people of Bri- ription cf transportation of Manty physical dîfficulties arc se peae Vue. The dislocation of dities Voc ports whcre tic usuial rie, net availabie. Conisequeutly was luevit-able, for whici ayle- imal distrýibution withiu EnVtala: nccssitated tie establislment arirous ratioaiing rgrm.The ce ine ag-ercies ef distribution ýIrvices of every kind, and lu adl- ad in emeigencies adrded icarvy mcies. Evacuation of imnportant iad aIse liougit serious coupli- Sraids had itroduced severe ,on. N'otwithstanding- the-se cr6- hilng the consur-ners witi re- 1amne-nt unduly enhaiced in sent struggle were iighly sig- ra, and tice effo-ts of the Do- I by Britain. Notwitistandiug w Vie daily routine, Britain was nigit lie nc-cessary Vo wi Vhils or freedoon witi Vie support ef es ami fnicuda. * * * s ýat war Vo compete againat ver, Vlie National 'Research d te rrcuew the struggle p re sent enfliet. ZesearicliCe-uncil, witi a Lei carefui planning and -rsuits to beud all efforts uiry cases, however, peace- elate~d Vo prollems arlalng nci's work îs dire-ctly con-. ts, tests, exninatîon's aund assistante la rendered te in regards Vie equirvaleuey eon-hleed, a spe- erable ideas and te rate cf about th equipuinit for le-ms, erery war ngine testiug- ap- Sused for scores ngines, fiyirg la- of tiecOnuadian Vils new Research The following letter la 'P. T. Walker, No. 1 Tum R.C.E., England, o 'Mr. A Bowmanville R. R. No. ville. Bowir Jan. 2O(th, 1941. Dear Son and Ahl: Just a short note Vo s'ay 1 rueeived ,your, letter and -%as gld o hear from yetu. 1 wîsh we conld get sm of .your cold we2atlier over here for a whîle as we would feel mucll better. This murkywetr is gettinig us ail down, ramn and sînsh ai-i day today, and up Vo your ank-les ilu wateir eveîy- where you go. 1 stili coug-li a lot yet and cýan"t seei- o tetge rid o! it. I hIave noV recived the parcel Wanda sent or the one Vînt Mira. G. sent elthir, thjoui tley miay e-nme withl the miail later o-n. You said itrit when you said Va i popfle in Canlada dou)i't realize wiat la happening hiere, but the people are grinninig an(! iear- ng 4. We had an taw-ul nig-lit al arVonUMdus ag ilst nigit. I COUI4 tel you a lot if 1 could.'One thiing I1 arn goýing Vo tell ycu thiongrh is tint my. cigare-tte Case saved nie fromi pro\ahly bing ciplefor lîfe, but as it ia'ppeaI oIy got a sliglit1 skin wounid. Theý bullet slid on thec e1ge Of Vhe case and i cft quite Ca denlt ago. Iink îI oid you ah lit bcing machne gnaedone aturay fter- noon1 in to 1 did net teil anlyoae anld thoug'10i it wouid comie ail right, built 1 had Vi o guo t Viedotor -abouit tea daiys after anid get it crt ,peu as blood Ipoisoing w-ýas -setting in, but it la ail rigit1aw. I will have a Sou- renier of Î10. Tiere werej-ý lots worse off thani we we were Viat afternooni, ail ciilians. January 26, 1941. Just a huie Vo say haV I received y'our- paîcel of cake, te a btgs anid bars, and thanks rery miuci for sanme. The cake was jusat swell. 1 have been very sick with Vihe 'fun. 1 have been iu bcd twice for a couplAe of day, but aili feel terrible. I"ýve iosV over 20 pounda lu weighft, and on top of it al I've got a littie promotion witli more responsibi'lity adde-d Vo it. 1 arn in- ride ail thefine and wouid feel fine if COUICd Orly -geV rid ef ils lin. There is a real epidemnie of iV going the rounids liere, somie'cf it very bail and ail Ilhe hospitals are filled up. 'Tic weathLerrhere now la nomiseable, ramn and fog for errer a week. Weil Vuis -wil lc aIl for, now. _HLcpinrg 111 li e better Vie next timne I write. Love Vo ail. Corporal P. T. Walker. War Savinig Drive Over $6,500 And Stili Climbing The local War Savlg Comm-ii-ittec have crery reason te 6e pleased. The original suin sug-gestcd was $5,000 for Orono, but that -was tee easy. Ticy were donated another in ef rcd paint and Vie thermometer la on its second clinib and everyene is sure it's going -,te reaci Vie top again, $10,000. Severai have not heen cauvasscd yt but Vie eornrittec hope to rearh Vie-m lin a few days. Incidentally, if we as citizena would drop in and see the -oinittcec, iV would assist thepm a lo.They have a heap of work to do. Let's ielrp thesu, for after ail they get uthiiug for theur labours. Wcll yes, Viey oecasionally are told tiat sonreene la making a rake off, whucih la absurd. No e-ne makea anything, only the Party wie buys, for he willl save ils country and saxe forhils e-wu future. The quota cf pledg-es ini Orcue- la S0, and 73 have already be-en re- ceiveil. The quota for Newtenville la 25 witi 10 pie.dges being receiverd se far, and tiec amount of inoney for, Nertonille recel-yod up te date la ORONO POLICE TRUVSTEES FORM COMMITTEES Police Trustees met on ruary 24th, witri all tic ent. The enutes were ýr froni -in- ae- 1,etc ing condition Tic report was ordered1 SThe follo-wi A rab has lefV us the fQllorwing- reprmniltinig hinthese tim-es. PMother Shipton, reputed to 6e a wicclaimied for herseif the gift of rprýophei-cy. Famiiliar as it is Vo innthe following poerni, xritten ,by hier over 200} years ago, wiIl, if stuLdied carefully, provide tie rend- er -with conisiderLible rooni for thought. Up Vo 1936, the only yenar definitely iuentioned, Vhe errents as- dlesrcr>ibed in the poani harve ceetaily' corne Vo pas". Whether the tru of Vhe preseiit century will see "oki words die an'd new 6be born" remainsa tVo be seen. However, i'a the ligit '-f curreý-nt w'orld (,Vents, t'he poem is of unusunal in1ter-est. ILt a as followsr: A carniage without a horse shail go. Disaster fill the world withi woe. In London Pnlmrcose Hill shall be, itýs centre hold a Bishop's see. Arouind the world iten's' thougits shah fly Quický is tieVwnig of an eye. Anid waters shall great wonders do; How tng, and,, yet it týhail corne ine; ThrÔo' Towý'riug bllis proud mnan shahil ride. No lirse or as miorve by his sîde. Benieath the Water nlshah lk Shaïh Ž&e, slhall sleep, shah eýven And! in the air mnen sbali be seen, In white, in black, as wull as gireeb- A gr-eat inan tien shahl come and go Foi- prcphecy declares it so). Iu -water iroio then sha,1 flont As easy as a wooden boat. Gold saal be found in streami or atone, In land that is as yet uiikuown. Water and lire shaîl wonders do, And England shaîl admit a Jew. The Jew that one waa held in sceorn Shal l be a Christian then 6e boru. A home of glass shafl corne te pasa Ia England-~but alas, nias, wuýar shaîl follow witrh the work Where dw th Ve pagan and the Turk. The States will loch in flercest strife, And seek te take each otlier's life. When north shaîl thus 44vide Vie south The eagle build in lion's -mouti, Then ax and blood and cruel rwnr Sball-ecome Vo every humble door. Three tim-es shal lovely, suuuy, France, Be led Vo play a îloody dance. Before the people shal lie free, Three tyrant rulers shnallie sece; Thrce rulers, ia succession he- Eacli sprung fri-ndiffere-nt dynasty. Then, when the ieiicest fight is doue, Tiglanid and France shahl be one. The Britishi olive then shah VwîuNie i marriage -with the Gernman vine. Mn walk ,bencaVih and over tream- Fuhrfilled shah 6ie our straugest dreamas. -AlI 'Enland's sons sihall plcw he Shail oft be accu with bock in hand. The poor shahl now uiost -wisdom k il w, And water wiud %wheire crn dothj grow; Great lieuses stand with farfluug vale, All covered o'er witi sue-w and hail. And uow a word in unnouth rhyme 0f -what shah 6be lu future time; For, in the-se wondrous far-off days The wonmen shaîl adopt a craze To dress like mone and trousers wcar, And icut off aIl their locks of bair, Tlicy'lll ride astride with brazen hbrow, As witches do on broonistieka now. 11'hen icive shall die and niarriage oease Aud nations wane as barbes deerease, And wives siail fondle cats and 1dogs And i-men live muci the saine as hoga. ,In nineteen hundred thirty-sÎx Build bouses 1ilgit wiVh straw and sticks, One Queen Incubator, 185 egg ca- pacity. 111kt water heatbrg. Good as ne-w. Phone 15 r 19, Orono. 'c-7-c. FOR SA-ýLE Two Coa1 041 Ineti4>ators, 240 and 600> egg capacity. Apply to Dr. W. W. Sherwin; Phone 56 r 7, Orono. (,-7-p. FOR SALE One Black Durham Cowv, to freshen last of Mareh; quantity of good Irisi Cobbler Potatoes grown from certi- ied seed last year, <10 per bag.- Lewis J. Wood, IPhone S4 r 1, Orono a-7-p. COM-MENCEIMENT On Pridayeevening, Febvuary 28t6, in the Town Hall, the Orono Contin- uation &ehool will hold - its Annual Commrnence.ment Exercises. presenta- tion cf Awandslç and Medals, togetheri wit u-sicýal numbers and a one-act play. Silver Collection, BOX SOCIAL AND DANCE, -endal L.O.L. -wil holà a Box So- ej-al aŽý1Pao-g;jram in the Oran1ge Hajll on F4ridaý,y, Februâry 2-1st, at 8.00 Orchestra in atteçn1ance. Dance- afteri the Socýial Pirceedls to go oad British War Victims Fundl. Ladies with boxes free. Adm-ission, 25c. ANNUAL MEEITING The annual meeting of Sliarehcld- ers of Vie Farner's Co4Operative CO6. wvllI be held< in thie town hall, Oroiio, on Thusday, Fe'bruary 27th, at 3.00 o'cloek. The financial report will 6e presented, direetors electKd, and suc1h others business transacted as nmay prcperlly cone before thelw meting. Germe early. CARDIS ANDI DANCE A Card and flance Party will be held in the Town Hall, Orono, on Fridlay, 0-tarch 28rhý Carda froen 8 Vo 10, dancing -frroni 10 on. Two special lnclky nurnbers -will leidrawn betrween the earda and danting an(, prizes given, consisfing of baskets cf groneries. Pie eating contest as a special feature. - Further particulars laVer. SECOND GROUfP CONCERT 'The Seconid Grouip Social Evening will be held~ in Park St. United Chm-eh, 'rono, oni Friday evening, March 7th. The programilie will conl- sist 'èf Srappy Nrnnbers, Hinorous Numibers, and Prerty Numbers. The thuinorous eue-act play ila entitled, "Suitable foýr 'harityJ' Plenty of lunch will be provided for à large crw.Admission: 20ec and loc. Author of "Réhecca" To Broadcast Froni Londoni "Tic Britain IBebmid tiche-ad- lines" w-dl be de-seribed by Miss Dapdrne du Maurler, Vie brililiaut yeung E-nglish -novelist, lu a radio broadcast frein London on Saturday evening, Maarch lait. Thousainds of Canadianas harve been fascinated by -ler prize-winuiug nove-i "Rebecea." For tien shail migbht~y wars be 'L"ylkV uuLL uh,1ti i Vlanuedfilin, aud will ne-w be able to hear Vie And ire aud sword shahl sweerp tie voce of i s11l-knorwn autior in her lanud. irst 6ge-adcaet VçoCanada. But Viose wie live the century DYepne du ~Maurier is thie wife of Vrough Vie younigest bigadier in Vie 'British Iu fear and trem-bling Vhis shah do Array andinother of tire smnal'l chil- Flee VothVioentan sud îVie dens, de.SeigV s i it fle To li'og and foreat ami wild feus- ie.Seigt s hgfl fle For atorma s'hall rage and oceans Peu fer national service, Miss- du roai, Maurier bas urnerd frem in ldfIon te Wieu Gabriel stands ou ses. and wmite Vine stories of maen aud we-men 1 shore; in rfiVain whe- have stood liri under And as he blorws bis -wondrous hein, fie. Sic ha- seacc rrqnnace lu the Old words shall diesud a ne-w be lires cf tiese loyal workers behind born. Vie ieadlines in niai-the miners, Bruce Gotter, of N'ewcastle, was ieusCerwisns1 Viervaether5 wocthav sti-uck by a e-arla Vat village on g-vo ih os:e ere i cces Satrdlay nigît, February 15th. Ap- and Vie tradesrmeu, w-ho lu MIqllwiug narenftlv rotter iad bee..a. iig tehe omin dqiy round, Ihave turned ýr, W. Fire1 idllL MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office flours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.n.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. PHONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin VET-ERINARY SUJRGEON Offce: Main 'St. Oilono Phione 5<6 r 7, Oronio, Ont. John J. Gilîfillan QUALIFIEO OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Onutario Office flouira: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 iao 4.30 p.m and by appointment O)fIice in C. B1. Tyrrell's IDrug Store Phoine 68r2 J. C. GÂMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automoâ- bile arnkd Liabiity Orono - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducta Auction Sales of ail izm and at reasonable rates. Comrnunicate with him at Port Perry, Ontario, or see lils (lerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for dat. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmnaker AI] Repairs tp WfitcLCB, Clocks, and Jeweli.ry, wil receive our prompt attention PARK STREET- CRC 1 1 F. F.Mordis&SonJ Funeral Directors Furniture Dealýers AMBULANCE SERVICE- Bomavile- Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono. 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durhami 0tir Service-THNE BEST Ouir Goods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST IMORRIS & SON BOWMANVII.LE - ORONOJ dian Broadcastiug (3eipeýraion's net- -werk on Saturday, Mareli lst, at 7.45 p.m. Eastern Dayllight Tiine. It la said that Gerniany has nanu- fe-ctured 700,000 IBritish unifrmai whieb his soirdiers will wear whern theyT arttack Thngland, laniding front PORT H OPE Friday & Saturday GENE A UT R Y In a -Musleal We-ster-n "Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride MoxnJay an~d Tuesday "PUBLIC DEB. No. 1" "East of the River" Wedinsday a.nd Thursd ay "4DR. KILDARE'S CRISIS" "TUgboat Annie Salis Again"