Local News Mr. MîlitOn -Moi ris speuit the ,e- end in Tor-onto., slb. ice, 48 oz. tin pefruit Juice 2 tins Juice, tin rge tins -) oz. ins it Iast $3.25 houlder IL.19e kglb. 17e ~25c 33c 27c 6 5c Mr.M thur ann ouin 1Sunxday la st. doz. 6 for R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR 1Centre St. Orono BUUCK 1FIR E8,AL L DOES UT!I Modern gasolines have high octane rotings ta permit higher compres- enly in vlve - in - heaid engines, roila the fuel charge mnto the shpe o a fifteed bai that cenfers caround the new, smaller, rocing-cor type sparlc plug. Pred of its very heart, this more highly cornpressed fuel lets go with such ful forced, "png-free" wolJop that any gasoline of 75 octane ratin g now aIvo fable aI standord- fuel prices) moy b. used in the.7115 hp. engine. Any fuel af80 octane rat ing serves in the 125- and 165-hp. engines. vAR fSBYINGS UE t& iCm iv1 Phone 30r16 MvI-. and Mi-S. HoIbbs and fainily have mVed ý,te Bo-WmanVille. Miss Margaiet Rey has returned Lo CGuelph, affer a -week's ývisit at hep homlue. Ur. and Mrs. Roy Cornish, of Port lPerry, called on friends here last Sunday. MVr. and Mrs. Chas. Bebee and Mr. T. McL:ell svent 'Sun'day -with -My. an-d Mrs. Wmt. Glanville. i Mfisses Betty Stapleton and jMary Denauît, of Newton'ville, visited Mr. ani Mrs. John dMorris recently. LM.and Mrs. Deweýy and daughi-1terý Betty Ann, of 'Toronto, visitedi the latter's mother, i-S. W.Cwan. Oronoi( Continuation School -will hold their anniual commi--encem-ient in the to-wn hall, Oro.no, on Friday even- inig, -FeiiruLary 28th. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Poweýrs and son Grant, of Torýonto, spent last week- enld with, the former's parents, -Mr. and Mr.C. L. Powers. Mr. Staley Bruton, Phm.B.,l of Tor-onto, M.Ceeu B ruton and Miss, Freda Warner, of :Midland, spent S-Aunciay -witli -s. L. Bruiton. Mrs. James Moffatt intencis to leaive for Toronto (tomorrow) F~riday, where sh1-e will spend a couple of rmnths with her neice, MmIr. George XKeith. Ise' 25C 14e 15e 25C 23c 19C 17e 25eS 23e 14c 19C 23C 15 c 39c, 10e Sergt. Mvajor W. C. H. Mýitchell, xiho is atjil in the hospital aitRng stoyn, is regressing niceiy. A ~nuab-ber Jf our spuorting .fans went to) Oshawa on Friday tvening least te see the gaine hetween the ,Torýonto ýMarlboros and Oshawa Geni- eral Mfotors teanis play. The MarI- borers 'won. W(2 underst-and tlit t M'r. R. J. Fow- er, whvo has sviperintenJed 'Prf Sýtapies farmn adjoiring the village, has acepted a position with Mr% A. 1. Tamiblyn, while Mi'j. Casey, wh-o has been hierdsraan for Mr. Taniblyn, will take Mr'. FowILr's place. Orono Tinsbhop Y Our .$ps Now! YOU wiIl be glad of them later BUY Bjuy War Saving Certif icates W E DELIVER - -PHONE 37r 1 ARKMSTRO NG'S It Pays to Pay Cash Specials, Thurs., Frî. and Sat., Feb 27, 28, Mar. 1 21'r 1 PHONE 70r 1 2 DOZEN SAý-LMON WHOLE FIS-11 LB. LARGEL, CARNATION MILK 2 FOR LARGE PRUNES 2 LB. SHOULDER PORK LB. CHR-ý'ISTIE' S DEVIL FOOD CAKE 25e FREr-SH HAM HEAD LETTUCE 10e WRAPPED BREAD 2 FOR HURON TOILET PAPER 3 ROLLS 9c. COOKING ONIONS 10 LB. 1&4c. COMFORT SOAP 6 BARS WASIIING SODA 2 PKGS. 15e. FILLE--TS LB. FLAKE~S WM.Ti 2 FOI\> 75 LB). Mr. Thomas Cowan, -who has spent acouple of inonths' sojourn in Clear- water, Florida, returned home on Sunday last under the coctor's in- strutctions, and -\ill be confined to hîýs 'hme f03ý about a' nonth. Mirs. A. O. Keeler, of Port Hope, spent several days wvith Mrs. James Mvoffatt, aiso iVrs. George Keitlh, of* Toronto <nee Freecla Wilson) spent two wceks with !Mr. Moffatt, owi"ng to the illnessa and death of the late MUr. J. Moffatt. Nine tables of "500' were played at the L.O.IB.A. card part~y leld in the Orange Hall, Orono, on Monday evening i ast MmIr. j. J. COrnish -mon thie ladfies' first pise, wýith flfris. Os. Cowan taking the consolation prize. The first prize fur nen went to Lyall Lowery and the consolation to Lorne Wannan. A lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee was served after the Cards. An enjoyable evendng was held on Mond1ay of this week wvhen a dozen or more ladies, ail rýelatives, gathered at the homi-e of Mrs. Mary Miler te surprise Mrs. Chas. Knox, the cca- sion being the 5th enniversary of lier çWeddinig day. !Mrs. James Tani'blyni Jr. read a short address and Mvrs. F. Temiblyn presented !Mrs. Knox with an envelope of me-tney which was te be used te eomplete a set of ber ýChina dishes she already ha4- been ecolleeting-. Mvrs. Kniox, w!ho wes completely taken by surprise, thank the ladies in a few well spoken words. Games were played and a delicious lunc~h served. Friends and relatives fromn a dis- tance who attended the funeral of the Iate James Moffaitt were, Mr'. 4alter and Mys. A. 0. Keeler, of Port Hompe; Mr. and ýMrs. Arthur Fails and Mr. and 'Mr. Allan Mfatt, of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. D. Gra- hem, 'Mr. and Mrs. BailW4iso, Mr'. Chas. Wilson, Mrs. E. iCobblediek, Mr'. Geo. Keith and Mr. John Burgess, l ,of Toronto; Mr, Roy McGill, Mr. George Hmiton, and Mrs. Lor>ne IMGill, aloa ?ontypool; Mr. and lMrs. Alex. Moýffatt end Williami- Moffett, of Newcastle; Mi'. George 'Moffatt, Meple ýGrove; Mr. end Mrs. Wilfred ;MJc-Kay, of Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. Andre-w Moffatt, Mr. Nor- man Moffatt, of Mirnieo, and Mrs. Alex. Moffatt, of Toronto. PAKST. UNITED CIIURCII flev. S. Lttleit)ed Fastei' ( MCCOPIMI( CREA1,1M SODAS 2l'B. uifle pigs must have a palatable feed, for, likçe ehicks, they ýgro-, rapidly and ueed a large f eed intake. Put SHURGAIN PIG START1ER ini front of the littie pigs at 3 te 3'/z weeks of age. Don't wait until they're weaned. Give them the kind of f eed they need as soon as they're ready to eat. ORON12 à'O F LO%%U R MU1L LS Dr. 1 IP ýt Delivery1 and eats îetite a.ný yoi wish to thian'kthe lkind friends, n ,h .dsl II1W t1' bours, pallbearers, and flowe 1hear I _ýerl s mgof War Saving etfcts und thiose h so kîn-d1y prov ided I Two c s ollided on one_ of the cars, fr their rnany nets of kindneýts sharp eurves just in rth of Orono on expresionso pathy and ýonýdol- Wedneiisday lat, doing co-siderable unce, ard ýor thieir ieuiu floral dmg to the fronts of botàh cal-S. r1leeibrne at t.he timeote 01 Éir No one -was î1ij1ure(. A telephione reetbereaýýenint. post wasz hit by one of thle car-s 1Ad D A T SW . E. A m st o g a nd -vjr. J hn m - DEAIXSKeVey, Of Oronio. Thiese curves are M.OFPATT1 - Ianonjo, on Saturiday,, Febr'uary 22nd,4, Jamies M,ýof- in, a dang-erQus conidition, heiag inar- fatt, bloved husbanld of Aniei row now on aecýount of the sniow anud Forsyth, in his 67th year. very iîcy. F EED LAYING 'HENS WITH S hurgain Egm a ker Concentr ate Shurgain Egmnaker Concentdra te supplies 1the essential proteins, both animal and vegetaie, as well as ilhe needed minera1is and vitamins. Egmaker 315 % Concentrate ïiiixecl thoroughly withi the proper pjro- portion)s of god, sound grain, will produe e e sired resuits. I Shrgai 17p.c. Pig Starter MMMMUR*M- Il , 6061,