Fertilizer Booklet Contains Pointera R ecom mr adation of Ad~ryýu Pçertiiizer Board of Ont. for 1941 us-e now ZaVailable in pamphllet -A forty pg bookiet Contal. Ingr 1941 rcmedtosfor Jiept. of Arcl Theri'e la no hag ra everywhere ax Fme production thia titnt food sple at Brtituis fi-. 't talkeao 0 pc- a ail re jet juàt ifi prove( iarmer. d iy G. ata from Lie loo- endat ionis ud( ap- dons are cd ops D Wrteft fnow. Teacher Shortage Signs invreaig Survey Shows National Criais In Canadian Education Likely Next Yar TIse shiort-age of falea in ef whidh areeidn to ed.uca- tioal dmiistat rswililbeo or anationial bass, according to l-hi ca1 tlintta :s, wilî ai yenr sud toe lie mul- c asf week tha t Ge th- professiou1 Ole ila île cî ,whidil la- a 1s endfi 1oh ow saies. lowestpadro i in nmany U cs grent deal Icos~ clasificatoso .-akilled wokers. Ut be 2emdei, Scarce in Canada dent of the Canadian Thoroul- bredloseScii, said Jinilýs- aeot ai tIcannual m-ýeeting of F te society tînt Canada is "un- lorunaetylac in good broodA more" "Those icteresfedilu)ain u breigknowlt ýoo wejll liowv1- taliy racîng la depend'ecf po gijod blood-stock, We mruet con- - ldr every means posible to on- <ourage -thebiosokudar" lie saitI British bIoodtciý Ëweeders lad bec asked luntc epRst ycar tf0 seIdtheirprm bloodsiock tA Canada sud Uuited $t-aesto PUMvAntposle inuy *drig-wartiusè, sud tInatami - ~i onta ad been- made to n ILESSON I LESSON ;X THE AUTHýORITrY 0F CHRIST r Luke 19 1 - 20 :8. FPRINTED TEXT, Lukte 19 ' 41- 20:ý8. GOLDEN TEXT-Why caPlme, Lord, Lord, and do P~ot t e thrinýGS whiWch k say? 1Laie 6 46. TI-E LESSON IN MTS STTNG a;ens an te ehu t h-,o pta'-ble fie 3end o MrhAD.2.Îh.ti 2ndthe beanbugof thie temuple on Moday, he da filwigsu io n iieSU a.1 udî h tacinsm edstely ioll He g toleNpace i; Jeribo,, oiy lcfil le J2:-dain 1u f aboe ie orhea ed f te ia * o i; l Sorow a i, thi e ts o lu tis l sson 'l-e ohal ua ro anecocion 2 f ' eSabshfe sion of acclise s dif is B e wl seois andsveslich bat; lýuwfi trunph o ny- luo1ersa1mdi 18 lie wio Is Kicfl i b upon anolther; becouse thon knew- estflot thrc timieoftyvstto. Is dotaiid prolsey of our Lor waIs lter-ally fifiliedC forty yeara: of Jeuaemudr Ttusl. Why di our LWr weep? Perhaps beranue lie knew tint ùf this gîdldy thlolI!t- ias "miude, many who mo ried Hsauna wou",ldi, ere a tfe week was euded ha joiniun luJh flui -a wasa addler togfafi Chat there wns no Ppt of fuis d-readfl doîom buit m lghave o CIeanising of the- Temple 45. "And ho entendred oie temle ad began tecst ojt fhem thaf aýold,46syng ut sh)al hIa"bOuïseo!p-yrbt ye hava made If a don of robues?. Pilîgirima ,camle Tceualmfo ail parts Of t1he -werld to eep i The nctywscode ecs. iug thee fast cainsfre a ge prtof th Illeliodof île naieJes.Te o o itizeusý weepersuad that Jens mena one f th couts f the Temple waýs st spart foriama. t xhr fhey mui by wba aiai te DaIly Teachingj 47. mAud lie was teàdhiug aiy ila the temlpleý. But th o heO rieSzca aud ;lt-île cibsad île principlal nn0f the people sougit to destroy himi: 48. und tiey ol ntfa whjaf they m_ýight do; for theopi al Iucg apeon hiým, Ilist'elling." o Sunday oJsus ChIrist wasfec- jing i the Temnple, f111 HlelbIt If for geod. Taeaday twr vnu ha infrmaiasthatteSahdn was ;seeking t to dsfry imii; butf wit ai flairseeinuandschem- iclg, they were inot aýýIleto find whatf they mî.ght do. The dfiuf ay la 'uhapeop" thlovWeof fce pilgrms for Jeaun. His Authority Questioned R El CURIOiJS WO;RLD - (M- g-qj- Y E~H~ wrri-i EVE~>' ~ZA5~. 5C W~UL..D ~E RL>lT~E~ T0 c~i~v r~ ~ DAILV LOAD o~ A4~/~ ANr~ .SZZ..74: ~C~NE BY THE MI~I5S(PPI RJVER lN1~ il-lE GULF ~ACH DAV. eora. II~< SY NEA SESVICE, CC. By Wiz-lm A UB~FCrAF 4- I=CR. LON Pf~MBslT TRAT G~S TI-<EkA THE~ COLOR.., ANSYVWE'R: Rigiï>DryS.And laheavier, measurE tban r.weýt sm ,-.up te acerainpercentage o Yn mu being dmendm irtey ncicises in vobmue poZrtion t)te iemount o! watel' acded. NEXT Whut bas fouir ere ,ýand twe o ne easure, -Sand, of pro- T 5UPPOS~ YOU I4ÀV T ~OT AN 0P~AN 1H Tb-1~ DININO ROOM I COULO TUN~ ro~vou? aAAi A 9%1llAzAA -1: ForrmeýIy Eggdl -ut lng Only, CndasRedskins Arc Seing Drawn More anld Mort Infn Anrir,,Itre aches or pi us ins Eovm-euie0 ýyng ten4le, ïat Luke 20: 1. "And it came tC pass, oni Que tof the daCys, ias hu was teachinig the peopie lin the temple, and preaching thegospel,ý thcre Camle upon him techef 1riests M dthse scrbes ith th- eiders. A.And they spae, saying unb hlm, Tel us: By What author- ity doea2.t thlou the'se thîng"s? or, wh s iTat gave ther 1thia- Th(,rosi-w!isàhatoiisw the Pharisees aud the Sdues prhmatsly the Sauberin They hadl flot given flhib auy order ft eponse the Temle -î if netthey the who? Futeropls teachiing teachig of he Jplsh atl hoe oJ Mus dy. Thy emphatzd obMd illvastn cotinulyp tngt u f heart, Ihonesty, blain li Hl, prayinig to the-Fathelui înCe.ity, liig aholy 11ýe bfr onu ofw Ich tIngs thIle Jwih uti- orities wrespesinilg aot h did le getths esag 0%,eba 11o01en brouglitUpI) i -the rab-l bincai shooslie lad uother iý1t deli vereilu1 Iral by any g uj et techn o is day. -ýThephrse and Sadduee woldneyr av aSke(d this qeiknif Be w lo stirring the city to Us daptbs.ý The Truth Not A T4em 3. And lie aulswercd anmi said nt them, I alsoas you a quiesý- tiou; and Tell -me: 4. The bniIisie of Jonwa tfrol heavcu, o rom mn'. n he eson, 1 hCthemselves, saying, I2 We shah 1jsay, Prom heaven-; I-e ýili sao, Why dhi ye not belive lm? e. But if)wo shaH ay, From mnl; ait tho pople, will -toiie- us: forý they are persuad d atJohn wa a vpe.7. Andtieaseed that they 1kuew flot wec tws 8. AndJss said uatit themi, Neit- or tel.I yot b'y what auithority I dothese tigs. ' Jesuls fdid flot anwe lteir qujestion irctyfor one reason, lecause they were Mo snee in theirqnstfertrutiî. (l hod ot wanlt tItu wil ever fn f "Atest of dlemioL7racyý is its ability to act and to act SuCCéSs'-. fully in meeting the issues upon% lsich thse very 1fe of a demr- racy depends." -.Henry L, Stimsonl. Tiirn' r GOD OF THE SEA 1 Old Roman god ofihe waters, 7 ThseIxost remote knowu%,,i - la named for hlm (pi'. 15 ToIse- Oblîgated. 1ý9 Herse, 2 1 Forwvardl. 2'D VehIJcle co0ffinis. 24Offsets inu 29 Co-rrupI, 30 Coýmfo)rf, 3j Plural - '14 To eradicate 1ar Alnswer to PreviGus Puszze T A L L SIE LEt- TIAC C RER AT A~ R 1: i OJATNIS M 3»Stocking damages. 4!0 Sula of mioney. 41 Withered. 43 FisIs. 4l5 And. '6 Musical euitert sin- 49 G'enus of frogs. 50 ADl right, 11 GGolf devilces. 16 Hie was onc4e rerdin Rome. -17 Solemu., 19 Intelligence, 120 To guard, Ç22 Leaks D PATERA23rs ElOýN lA N 25 Kludof V A T OW IsM ~ tI AA SIÎE 26Poor In trdn is- 2, SUent. 56 Fresh. 133 ixplus four. VIERTICAL 35 DraIns. To merit. Grefcturea. ,1 Card 42 ailputon. 5 Primeval - -17 Bac,Çckf neck. fIuid, 48 'Ripped.L 6 Tr.ee. 4,9 To f el 7 la1 behaîf of. sorro. 8 Note-iu scale. 51 South 9 Mairked witi Carollua., spots. 53, -E ýthecr, 10 WaVter ~jugs, 54 Type mensuore,. BV J. MILLAR WATT WEL, 1u0 aOI POP ---- What a Tunng Up He Could Give a Square M eal The extent to whiéh Canada'.- ndasare engaged la agricul- taure is *adicated. lu a reecent re- port on erops and Nie stock onl IninReser-ves jlu 19ý40. fThe a--rea undei: caltivation tthe 2695 ac res, and ,the ic(,r op s sow ricluded weaoats, bu- medgrains, coru f "or hasking-, po0atoe S, turnips, lis-y suld Ucover, sud ifafa. Thse acreage under- Parture was 86,145, ant ud nl low, 3,49 odig Of farin lietok ntIeresrvswere: herses 26,577, miii, cows 6),87, oitfer enfile 35,588, sboeep 2,256, bog-,s4,,252, liens an~d, h!iekeus- 86,825, iureys5,921,geee2- DEPLETED TIe ransormaionof ihe lun- dinusfnimhunfe s to farmiers gudueof tne dinAffaira Brubof the Departmnent of Mnsa-id Resýoar-ces. FOrI' as fIe Idacssubssienlu mder, aoomftcrt upon the baresi tlIt nafae poviedmily withoat huaU ndbut wii th te advauceý( of salm nsd ithe depletion o)f giïe esuresfat foblowed lu ifswake, fhe bnians lu settled ueas wore faed wifh teneces- siy of adopingwhMmen's pMr- salis in ore ot support- them- seidves. Their sucico!ess u ie b - linun ul field:of agriculture has been due largely edcto un the ré- spneof the Idan othe cf-. for'ts put forth t aethem independent and seif-supporting, Canada Builds 3,000,000 Pozis Week Stored For, 'Lean' Days-Ovemrse Agaiît he eausucimer days whnsupplieýs nmay be bas plen- riful, Caniiadian bacon - sene ýof it destuei eventUally for ovec- seasconurutio --is piling up ai the rate of 30000punids a ýAn ffciiOf îleCanadian aCo ýn -Board saId e a ly this mofitînt this am)ount was in additjin bthe regulrexpoi Kiudo bconagemnwhc "aosfor!eleyo 1Brtain e 425,60,000 ouadathis ya rghly 08,00 00 pud The soeic ,lntdCani- ada now ls sci 0 0,0C)00 pounids of baýo1 n o hudnlee- plOailied thlat some of ib" tis sur- plus would le used Up the sum- mer moths, wheu production usýuaýlbyfali o)ff Ito som e extent, "The onIstookla mos iieoarag- inig," hle Said. "-At l prsen tie ehave nample uppie o m-eet the ciemand - lu fauci, wu'e r vrhpig oursebves, 0111y a dirastiu ste-ýLppn lu e Un- ited -Kingdom demaud could preseurt usil thany iffictt prohiom."