erin", Firat Locomotive to Reach Wi-in-pcg vel1oped ACI o0ýj W!th l Or14O1 The aada acicRala public ser-vicetuin hilhfi portaIvUo-psc- tinalo lyki aliffiliations throulghout the1o1(l rnow ,has l17,169mlsofln,5 oceanl, doatal an 13d akesteani- sips, ia cross-ýo untlLychai, of hotels acisutilsomercap an lodiges, 1,7U7 loýomnotives ud 82,- 714 piecel. of roüliing stock canS Stations, sho'pssu1detrpre- ty aildj equj ipme rp reilsen 1l) ' 1tîng an invetmen,-it of mrethan oee Thýe sixty yers a- hvep Se inice th-e nda aifie al w'ay Colm'p an ýy twasgiven a charter o bud ilthe tasotnnal linoj ou February l5, 1881, have been femnet by oetstndig ativucs l eýver.ybrnnmchof rilIoning. l neway oweorare these ayae monts oeovesta acmtvs. Gene ,are thýe. fiunel smoke- stacks suý ad the toy-like appoarne of the old v wood-burnersý. The sleek,ý powei-fil locomnotives of today have speedeti up scliedulos, they pulli longer orrins, and thoy can travet mny muicles wtheut sp attention. The imuaIfamous Cla he "Cotun[teýsse cf D if frin", f irat loco- motive to rahWiniieg. It wss ta-kewn teon na barge lai1877 andi now stanjds la a !Wianipeg p-a-ris zas amoumeat to 10the (early tny It wrasý built la 1872, weighed 641500 punsan"d\wns 51 foot lsi ichs long Locootie Ne384 seonaoe at Feni, B.C., dates back te 188ý2. , It weight was 98,000 pouu-ds sud itha a tractie effort cf 14,000peuntis. These are puay englues compareti te the giants of today. the new 2800 series hc weigh 6600 p an sd havei a trcactive effor..t of 4.5,200 pouatis anti the new 5900 series, largest ini he BritishEmie which we-(igh 44 7,000 pouinds und have a traetive ffert of 78,000 pounds. At the ont of 1882 the cmpuany had 146 locomotives; now it ewnS 116~7. -C.PIR Photo. ai This ti- os te lieR; et I~s~i~0 OiJ~5 Erly ,Seeping Car Doesn't Look Very Comifortable Jontre-al te Vancouver luh eryslueeping car, ilustrattet hee ho ewleprfcion sud dlghit cetanlyoks auti'quateti ng tu modem ý]lstaindatiu wencmprei ethe ewrmoievith y lîhtig, ir ontitioin paite setsparttions betweea thou for whchth rilroad supplies tihe betiugadimpovt e Maie Plays art of Stewardess sengera On a Trans-Canada Cnes fiight eut of Tconto, ly weî e suu'prisetd to find e stIeward -rvngt hei r aut suppling the&irerquiro- ary innovation as foras îthe ste:wardesýs te ,Maten t. Dpartreof the plane ret bc lieldup aud the air- asogragenýtt oo he me net un- î Overseas cd the Pan as well as îitet States V FO IV EASILY sus tue a -i the national ïýincooinefI'Canadla for 19410 Sat S4,0, C 0 0,0 00 nas comard ith $S4,409,000,000 la 1939,j a gaýin of 9 per cent. HARESS& COLLARS your ers aresSo ab1out Stace anes upis We sel1i01u1,g9odS onlythrug Ior local Stace ete Good deaer.Thegodar r mhad so are our prices. Wemaaue in our faqCI,- tories- fHarrpess, 1H-ereol l'etsau Ueahr T va velling Gos.Insist conlStaco Brauld Tracte J1lrked Gods, sd ,ou get, satisfaction. Made oly b: SAIMUEL TREES CO, LTD. W1VRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 'Weillirnýten St. E., TGr0nto Auhes andi pains of ,Your mo' i."Il] eîtuodb defes net showv"you the ýquick, easy way tot 0 Ère ief- rfrom thei-cruel., stubborn aý lchcF nd pains etof rheu- suatisp. RuMa mutinflase s'u-o mene bLe. Ou yda E.otti Ill con.g Women héesueipra, dirtre,,,, v"2etO - Me Copond, ircplym- e ous trilleve iru fch iltre Over XA00 c whest have reporteci- I W u't Science Dis)jcovercy that Tefufsof p ugsoGine are a good anaes- thetic is aUnnounce'id at the Unii- veýrsity of North aroina. Trhe gasoline used cas the gr- inary moî1ctor fuel, exceptthat i contained no lead or er pec- White raus were usnd n this cx permen an thy eacted ýiaman - ingiy udrglatss 1oell jarsl- stea ofthe rdiary ormof ra.ask. Thie animiswnt nd" in -L to ' inues 410Y ame out of the anaes- thetc in about the Eame length "f time andshowed lnet thesight- e.t signs, otnausea o othevR i "SULFA" FOR RHEUMATlC FEVER SuUalfaijide has prvenef-t fec'(tive in preveniting recuirrences of acute reumatic foer, one of the, most haffiing diseaseK of childhood, à àisannounced. Smail daily doses -tf t1he medi- ciao throughout winer monthe suceigin warýding cff the at- tacks in 55 patie.nts studtied over a fonryear perod A nwpprreporter mwas l- vîtd fto takeiý his first aeroplanei tnýp witjh a stuLnt filer for the mo Ies. Howas filIcd wthfor- bodnge whchincrea'sed wh 9 parachute was s ýttred Qflto hmand h-ewas gvncareful Theregrdi.g ts usu stut nan isowo e pra- chu1te, and henheieput a heatvy eaercot (on1 over ui'thore- porer ske tiidl, "owcen1- ou u th aaht ith ta coat on?" tu t ak hue e off whe Thp~wen ~pcaxd ewfor1 seveai inuts, n'il, '?eeIîngL 4E9t, isn'~ t?"he sai,gnily but there was neurely. The re- porter had jumiped ovorboarti. -o- lAs thy say oýn die Coen- tiet tsa Wise Cîhild b The h ';ate pareýnt 5stpra-ed upI! anId dowrI the ro eoethie nervous iooking yuung m~an. "Wvhatv" ho shouted. "You have. the nerve te ceme te cy office te aýsk for. mIy daughter's hand?. 1 _'night zas ei teil you that youI jouney. The sute ésghedCweariiy. "'Weli, tatai!si h hasaîd. "Yeu sees 1 had nother message te elierin hesamt-e buildings.", p ie e ele! t ide?" '"Thse part tisak isnt eat- on." Two ameanreseusced bya self-Maied court te be hong- od fer hersesteaiing. The place seeed fer the ueeuton wua tresteie bidge spauuing a rer Th-e frst inoosewsiscrl tidand the piee rpe into the rive. Ho ,s-wam t'sor sud1 made qjcgod bis !escape. Asi thyw-re adjusting the rope for tho maiingp-riýsener. te at- ter drawled: "Say, pards niake sure of the kuOCt his time. i yer,'cueIantsi. -When does a isool< becoinea "WlIen peopfle whaven't 'ead il begin te Say they have" National Park Site Reserved at Churchill thesinatin o atoalha Ohiorsiesindeddin thMsdes- gaioninlde thefotesesa naplsioallaNoev a Scot-Èia; aculyvis*ible e paseugsil C'anadian. Nainltains; Fort otWelnaa ai ortMale 1 Tie up to Ogden-'s! Otd-Timors wili toi! you that, for rot ting-your-üwn, 0gdeni'8 15 a nit-e to tie',0 for a roally sgtafynçjamoe, t as a taste ail tson-rcher botertasting. Thaýt's because of itýs d isti ncti ve bloend of ohoicu, riprtobaccoas.Try it once. Thon you as iItic te itfrtsnot justalothOrtlbacOU -t's OGDENL'Sî And ogpen'c ~ara e fOd nouuh forOgin FINE (UT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Pipe Smolers t Ask for Oýgcan's Cut PIug "Whatver hmer s, ýit s a tueas ùthe love fsle. .-GeiettBues wii quickly .,e- tation. Jars and4 tubes, Ne D s. ,aCLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... LECURfCPMOY eRSiP Il ALH recndltond, oncy&mooro ue ecri CmC, 296 Adela ie St. Stin. lir 1 te Ar Pu Lesune dal dar Ge'nS eider. un a breed are rasonble.D i K W nk et lre I eggs.11 Winer e.t tbree eg~iaying ontesta. ngus1'rqu har , Gr 1nfel, ,, OýU'Tar ~UALTY IIIC L A I ED ROCI i, eon nt p 1roets Sdlaor 'ter.00 g d y cult. Rel h e Ratcheies, arrie NO AMBE WENOnt.BE ÇLVDESDA FOR SALE, EXICEI yesr-oIS Clydesdale inarked. Lord Ullin tac-t llarry Logan Outarlo. SAINT BERNAR _-SAPTE,MAS 'F Afc FOS L 116~~~~~ AcEFR O AE IE Cos, d c, No. 7, Ontarie fr Breanmares coe SAL ORE ionse for sale or grei aes 5 Fetma-Tone, the prompt, eftecttv rcelef. Releve yoursei f etworny, unneesaay sfferng.BettIe 2 pestald ln'~ratlnalDistribd- IT'S IPRAT-EEISUU'- urosDrug Stor, 35 iga PHOTO FINISHING prlned, ith bn'aremtenýt, 250 Statfin .,Toronto. EL'.IRCOMING IpEFORE CRIST MislionI,R.ReesrNw ok. RHEUMATISfl SIIFFERERS GOOD ADVCE! ",VE ITSU FER or t Reuati Pansor euit i fl 31.00 Pstpas- b Es ol't rtiles idcns s CAR, ISSIIUE 9-'41li