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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1941, p. 1

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ch Over 300 Attend O.C.S. Commencement When Diplomas Are Presented Varied ?rogram Provided! By the Pupils Followed By A One-Act Play The O.C.'-'. Con-vincement which for the pastfe years has Ieen hield ili the Seýho'ol ASssenbly 11a11, was held la ithe 'rono towni hall on Friday eveing of last week. It wýas a, great, satisfaction te the principal and. teaý- chiers of the 0. C. S. and those tak- ing part toe sel uc a splendid turn- otit, over 300 heýillg prI.Lent, despite 'the inclen-ent weather and bad iylads.I The programme, which consisted of presentations, song1s, speeches and da uce and cliniaxed with an auiena- ing play, was very entertaininig. MVr. J. J. ]Velor., scout M'aster, caîl- ed Ronald Patterson to the stage, and on behalf of the Boy Scouts was pre- sented with a fountain pen and pui- cil ýby Bolbie Cooper. Ronald has joined the R.C.mAF. Before enlst- ing- he was assistant Scout Master of the Orono Scouts, also a past presi-. (lent of thre O.Cm.S. Literary Society. Recruits Under 4 Months' Plan To Receive Army Pay Reserve recruits tr-aining under thie four a3ts training- plan wîll receive thie samle nates of pay as pri- vates ini the Active Arimy,nael $U30 per day. flependents' AlIow- ances wýilI also be paid on hehaif of the recruit d'uring th e period uf tining at the same rates as those, for the acetive army uontingenit uponi ffhe recruit assignIing1-not less than tii15 dlays' pay monthlly to the support of is epnens and other- conditions laid down in the reg-ulations. group of the 1940 Literary Society, to Gwen Tonnant, the leader; the valedictoïuy address [was g-iven by Miss Audrey Cooper; acýordeon solo ¶y Doris White. The Tyrreil Trophy for gen- e-al pirfciency, was pr-esented t, Donald iStaples hy -Mr. Chas. Tyrreil; two songa were renderedI by the choir; the MVasonie Lodge prize for pro- ficýiency in inathernatics was presenit- ed to Glenn. Tamblyn by Mr,. Carl Billings. Ru-v. S. Litefwood present- cd Intermnediate Certificates to, Ruby Alleni, Robert Coathsium, Bernice Col- ville, William Coliville. Robert Coop- Am "Watev taI' ways t'amve irouità. Foi BIITISII Soldie of aBitish Afvica, are seen trainiri CLARKE TOWNSHI Th<e iregular- T w\ýnshili Coun counicil chanilbe 4thi, with al I The minutes of were read and Theorrespon and in reply to thre Westerni Desert, N. withi a Br.en Gun Ilh the request of the Dernmecnt for salvag-e of uful in wav prirpeses, J. ad thre Crk wcrue in- org1anize the towniship he Ontario Gov- the change in Allowance was nry and MiEss F. Col)- ,ed thre ccumncil request- Oveno Library and the as g-ranted. ,I1 requested counicîl to ii firr trees to lie plant- Over~ rntural course, i- dowin to lower Le years the culvertL the( corerofPark the sdwl in f ont of the armciuir- les, makinig it ncar-ly ihu-possiWi to tr'averse jin the spinig, instead of goingL cross FPaïk str-eet and into the La;t faîl the Tovanship council dug rip the r-oad, removed the old culvert with a new oxv rgat4 etal culveirt ;so as to, !et the watei- pass thr-ough this sping. On Mýonday of tbis week sonieone cleai-ed the snow a-way fromi the south end of the cilvert, and on Tuesday evening l-around nineo'ok two peo- pie 'v4site~d the scene and ededa large block of wod( in the south en'd of the pipe to keep the water fromi r-ning, throug,ýh the culvert te thre gulley. W. A, Reid, the road supeintend-, enit, -%as notified on Triesday and caeand removed the bladk vhicI is, niow Ton display in l] c ithofth Timies ofcwhich wjil l e Itru The plan tiiis apein orde ee ourChu. have soli-e of thre c(erý terect in theimmaie of Churi ýf Caniada. The govevnmrent of passed an ordler il-,Co ting this. Thre foîlowr reveals the need of tr financial ,assistarice and tion teneet it. The missionary xvmrk Churcli of Caniada der support on1 the volunt tiens of its mnembers. three years ofd Union amount received averal and the administrative îleLiglits of " Mrs. A. A. 1) tIre pi'ze for to Carol Staple ýttcý then favoure J. tVIllor presei Graduationn fipl in meurs 'ait tee e ass hal!l, and the cle dc.l2- Yldý enma and Carol Staples rendure a 1. Ia the House iano dut. 'ruary 26th) lion. The ýshort one-act play. "Nct ter of Munitions as uite 'Sueh a Goose?', was well acted ed that of teni rtire. young. students taking.- part, munitions, seven iid as amnateurs they wereý excellent, construction, siu onald Staiples aoted bis part remiark- miechanical trans Jly well, remlinding- one of Henry steel, upt)e or a' Idridge of radio fam-e, and Glenn. Aircraft behind s aniblyn w~Ms a handsonre {Romieo,-. ing into shape. th these boiys are also very prom- 2. Pursuant reec iet ia their schrool work. The three ed Statc-s-Canadý irls taking part in tire play, Ruthr Board, Canadian- uan, JoFcýe Lowery and Kay Siniýp- lishing- air bases m, made splendid actresses andJ Fort St. John, F, i<owed ne signs of stage friglit. Lake, White Horý Thre singing by thre sohool chqmir Sithes. Fields id the Sichoo! Giee Club throug-ohut nýecessary gr.ound e program-me, under the capable a travelig fom adership of )lVrs. Donald Rob, was aat lsa treatin iteîf.3. Over $7,000,0 staimps and certi firat 22 dlays or 's. i. A vevyft- y edee was given by Mr-s. A. A. 1and a short prayer by rer was inistructed to) ap-, air ant for tax salle on hilued on page 4) Jf fort h neur Musgrave iHar- indland. Sir Fedrc ion te Gceat Britain "o3f il and scientific iirot )ointed 1Vini ýMeCarthy whe leaves placesL post b( aw, gener-aI man- anid RbirCe., General, Prior- .r-tment of MAuni- ýPriorities plan, Or-derlu i oullcil, ,wcrs on Direeter lan is toeels ure ilt war require iority over other, d for. four months, 'Ttra ini ilg,.(Cal eln 11n1d chil'less cd 21 on or aifter, ev\ious clswere of thirty daiys. coverler 1 Cdial hiave been d liven three or fert into a sudden sý Mhe culvei-t wvedged and clould go 1no depression, fari.tlier. When the cuflVert was laidl falling Ott tMe top ha to he flattenied a little on tions. In 1 tops that it wouid fit roder die of nr moi sideuwalk, and wýhen it vus being 1939 Ht;ia< flattcned na part of the metal split andl Drastie! vas hanging downi. This i the piee de pr that stopped the black froin gohg work hadt an3t facher. If it had of been drven butdthesi thlrough, when the water came down the rpid, in tde sering, thle block, would have WVh,,r esta swelled, causing the water to be k5et and traîne(] baek. l- m-t -1- at any rate, was a lot of up for nothing be the end ci is blcedagi have a pretty thre misehief. e andcieergy vVo Swppc"se tii ie episode, foi tlhe authoritie )d idea whe is 0 curtajlmll What Does Your Label Say? ýý,ýcr)on On Wednesday, Felbruary 2(-th, ourictviie mailing li'st was ;covrected up It) da-te'. lyaw Silice thlen there are sme c'haniges t, To Ie)ý be mrade. While -we are keep)ing tire which oui 1pice of our- paper down te 12 po5t-war pervyear, thre price of uiterials in the im-iportaI pr'inting trade have advaneed. On de!t lbin looking over orir list -we find thit Way. Th there are a cnîca3l ubr f ber p oui, readers st'îll in arar.TInis is icates an1 Oveiit 0on tire part of our rd-iii th(' n ors, wvhidli oould be easily adjustcd Ca)naý1da. byý eitlher bringingl or sending- in tI- make a1 small sun 1Of $1.25. and which would nu ls at thle saine tim--e imake it ese forib'gai the prpitt carry on. Wetr or fu yoCui. ,vitil yot oitciM o seuve 11 is aybe donc y 9v ~caigWar Saivingl md having the r( lame of the Vnited Cl b hsway you i1 baun to the Gvrr ýhelp thie Churcuh ii on. urh r infrmati nI or, mlinister. Olur Old Scrap To Help Win The solo,, Kathà muade letiei lwgm

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