-ln the Hilis Near Quebec City latua ,ce 8 cG. C, TO0NERP, Lik tie l'ik bitcowhv fetiupn h mctint ew upon blia fcisses' grin. Teo are 5ev- sioet ae ei y ha e n turat- A fw sirae.une or to 1arel tes- istoes frmabb nons.ry Tisge a lý- raed Oll fi The g-cnt lioreti owl ai ,uny expeleae habs eetat h th dfiely o detrcivebupo 1r anhugme n saue tieiarîa commraiIes ettis reabier bas bixge pois and uses. cotise wlet discs iits hma ,v],rovrynmcusS tsi If aoiwe ci il Tise Snovy Owl you bappen bu liv e near of our ivide lake marshesý s-e amîiarwibh the sn-owy tlhat vis,ýts sud lacesin Tisene owls c seens tb[0cone from bbes-ctisc wen thme crcity of fod la tat ce- We kow that Arctic ans- sucs a te lcming ]mi-ce icEliý iisolaorinnliyfets cyïcsof obandance andi y.Oaaý yens- rthey wili ho eut andtihie nexi vos-y c L Wk ocmice la ce ban cs tise probabe easoa For occa us-ai nppearice 0f who 1lias beenl in !ght lie idrd ts ni1 isornet owh-. its ouh u," s-oshiv- intneibut 1I s- u-r t1isen. There are le, owl-v attackiig ci ruade a i nigisi. ftlise ou-I for I he ie1rceet of bsi ha ha uiti swal- 'IMY NAM,'vE. 15ARAMI" By William ,Saroyan 'is bockçcf delghtistustories he optisAmýerican vwriter nan, gises as a.cries of pic- ms e01,ite s ilbappear:s bu a syeas--od As-menan boy who hie eyes wida open, iseoas- t, hie sensa of hunier olive vos-y excuse for laughtes-. Ho Aics heentire assorimeat of Ue--Ohe cati sclethbise rok- Ind, ndtbie anche who laid o gien as-ic - mch tbO Ise poainuf hie .0rnfringolt r ~ ~ -'ý diesig hi ock:Not ü Mark Twjn ,0' ime of b -ise c h aprtbis ara i: "Tise Presbytes-am Choir ors "hoCirons": 'Tise n on n Cousin is . ." . by an ,- Trno .eod Pbihr an r.Se-, ou Rbis f onYok it ae -slwn hi on the inw cooe ï,softe a s.r wne ing o F utan M s. LoydStein asd n a oai Haifa, NS. She i s a n oteti fashiion lus -to Mr, oinbriialyhiledi fr'onsHailo agn iC. -ia uuie l TpH E W A R W E17 CmenavonCrrnEet HITLER ISTHAENG AN UÜNDERSEA OF ENSIVE 4"Spr'ing is coing, the seaso inwhicýh we wiIIbeabl t chaltenge the opponent ... One thing ta c6rtaN.heiee sîritish ships cruise we shah seýt againat them Our sbaie utlthe hour oif cson' AdolffFHitier. uIn a ~ cause oA1te kind 01, which we ae ightinlg - , there 4zan be noÔ' question of ,comipromise orprly"W- ston Churohif!. Tlise becat imn.o! îe rrcebel higerat naionsla",t weok loCt ts own pleople atibsewui ko wlat thLLelr planewee ortie as modwiaefuur. SpenQýkilag la replybua fc frein Japanaese u-ag ine Maisut-oka to m2ediate is n l EurpePrm halter Wiastocn atitîn lat ises-e cou i n o promiose or parley-bLOt'Uidces wýýoutd 'hav-e bu igit onbutis" ati A Long War peuple o! Italy ladbarDc Mussul01ii !raakly cnfasebia-- ia- ndi orme aledmt witls seru reversasln Africaiat île entir Coupled Whiil ese admissins cme apromise o! a aew Tout'-'n offeniveagaistîle Greak 1At throas o! Wustbhie lgions woli do bu tia fus nf lily, hewa Vnolti l) ;,ia alog un"e, Liepeîcei Addres sipi j, 2 catîýeniraî ý,Germn ioared defuancs at Groat Bpria ive bucom le--a Mlid tuti Apr-il, witi suînaine uneasetiin gi- pig Uo -boabs r]ailler thoujjýp- on air pwa, tie Nzswr - isssapoîver la ise l'finla l sug- Nazi s Rlyng QOn Submarines subeW uletisrwa nttise counter- et I-loats nurl aa suc roccatly eebimated tisireGem ons miht have as mnaay as Po untier-Sea crafi, al lti via la tce wpr Vagw(Ral!o!tntfoc, sema 30 U4bats, iglit lie kp constaaly on sn vigilabout ts Bribiis îls m se Weaiiser im- puved). Change In Strategy ,' Krie L. Simpson, Assciatoti Preesman wrcoing !rom Wasisig- ha salmorins iiotiy o-oer- ; aiiag wltis attcat atiocaio Nazi srfce altescol wsc Badin lechie!y reiyiagforviory, bus quu. ýTlisai would eanjus a- ougli Naz!help for Itay and thse w-adto kepa sbtnilPart ofï rt,]' snpoe in tht thonuý- l~e f opratins.ItL nLt rneIn aioj iteouigh pesue nBal1- anneutLi ýs (Tulr e,-Y, Blar à' ta)s la via) to lrentier th1. emn in-l' acieso fUa as help)ing èc wasconorn'd.TbPse snme Vroason- iug rmiglit be apio o ans sion 0ýf PBrii seasonVowr Thtl le' h and Iýlu intien al kanls miglit insteat be forcedwa th,,bll! ast we~held by snany, ept5wilo snwameeidic ther'e, hul 10anticti ode- spatcla Vh o Greece bhoavy rinforce mIafrom Africa; anI shouild Tn-k , ecide l iglit Substiute For Ivasion The on-watedGoerma eÈ aso !Great ritaipoprliad sitcreoff. Noi', as o revct l bscoluma lest weeL(k, wýold ji ho lkel te, if Hto hu bende(ti o heigIsten epetaio tat a~ ~ ~ ~~o poogdcmag 0fattrition agaist Bitnn's ifei l theAt- lantc-(hbkng ff uppiesfromr the Iiated States), paralleed by ~ sepedupair atakon tie 3ei- Ise oudle epc as a suli Brtssauthoities continueti t tako! a long ia, oliig tîot Hiier ifaîlly when itl, ul superiority in isehevsno ever gainus îolof the seas. More Decstroyers, Somiehow ilite ciang cisis, Amr etipeftt comibat thle submanriae_ mncand iDmoedstoer rom te U. S. were viwedlas absey essntil. enpos e ma lat thIat witls the final eac clnto teLease-Lenti Billcomlshd tiUnited StLates wold n Iow om mnenIce frnshn "mstayth!ing we bav"nbaidltn. Addlitioll destryers ould iraasferrIed -o1oig sres o! quick "i acts" over a period of thi,,e nox 1 uelumpksy le la hod ar. Pacifi War? 50-50 1laformei spocuL-llation in thUn U ,. ýtccedthe chanIes o! wf ,,ar wit Jâpn lose ,to 50-50. il seemleti docthat tise Amarican iNavy oudstrike if Japýan attacked Sgaoeuorthse Eat ldies, it waýs aotfi .uTLlykown woteror ot Il anro le U. S.poi tion in the crisie as bufsm hot-hon "incid nmiglitprcp bte armtin conflit la tia Pcificý. Dla face of[tisetir situiation in Une Far Easbeffors war ranewed lae week by UnitetiStgtes anti Rluss3ian ffciisto adjust 'Iftclt[ rode(-a1110political po beele- tenthe twp counties and bu eth or iaprovmneait ofreain Soviet Preparedniess 1Presenting tis Basina budget to the Supremle Soviet, Fjinance Coin- issar Zvere eofirisned that tise picy o!tise Ir. >S. SR.Iwasone- e aeurnllity lantise p)reseat ý wari 1evejthaI)'ss pre.aatILio ns wero i-ode tc o spieadibis -year 25 per cent moIre o1lnrs Iban lasi ye;-ar, Tiue Cýisain of the Soviet Boüard of Defesautydciared la Mos-, cow that ise Soviet Union muetý al coaomny witisativanIcetd eh nique bý) Lu Élite counttry !-laàa due state of Preparedness. "We must sPaL-e n1ouimenas," ie saiti, "for bisec monswashpsnnd ammiliunIitioni." Fosth ya 141a lssinros WINSTON CH-.URCHiILL-VI . ...f.... P4. k MAPLE LEAFS o CANADIENS RANGERSoEPBUINS. AMERICANS BLACK HAWKS e RED WINGS YoU can own tise finee colleetion of great bockey players pieturea ever of- feýred -Picturco! al tis, players mnaIl the N1. Leams.Alesue5 7 -alare cone-n ai , Ilai tabILecfrframilg pleture deired aead oa Bee Ilive Syrulabelor two Dlurbamf or Ivory Sýtsreh bcabls long wt S!or naine ac dde> Speify N H.L.plyr v,rtcl. sentireuet t be addresa on everyae. BME HIVE SYRUP prodctio 0f17 t 8par Ccent ovr1940. Pu thle Dom'inion; ,1th death o Si!,r 1 re 0erui clkBant 1na , 1 e'm'oSt L'anadian ini t, moU uned by ~veryne, oershaowed il ohe nwo!imfpo)rta"nce . . . Leigflitonl britrailren ofPresýidenjt Mr, Lfipointe Calis A Hait bitla a senlsationail spee'ch in the Riouse of CÇommoýns last %wek by Jen rncois PouLliotl, cllrfl Lib- eral M. P. fo'r Temaiscouata. Reter- rin'g tot Hecmpig fr aNational Govýerame-nt beingcondcucteci by varlous Canad1îian eîhpcs'nt wvere trying b seiýPze cnrl !Cn L,1IE'S LIKE THAT ance I'inister, whv;! amew Upntoeddacatrl by M. Pou- liot, stutlydofiîdcl isiri, -1 in speech whic ws isertby bt sides et !. eHouse. Amiti rars o! ap fue zomLbeabacsMn, leuero! Jpsustic Ent Lapoinle, a ainlGvrmn be or- eren 'The miole 1mention o! snlc!i a proposai'," osiirne crime tou-etVo iL. i baseec itis promotas f ruls somme toulot wel enoug i -ore. Iimiplore ithem la thehir rely laet rvulers." it was landlstwe iaï>a ttorms wiV Ve UnifedStats Mu- OntarjoFam GopOnt., s;ýa iinan aàddess at Tooto emitidie of Febris- osy tisi the feiiiy f Ontario)'s sou isbog depieteti at the rate eu~ nlmost $136 aLfcrin ai pre- He( ulld te nn e eting cof theu TorontoCropimiprovemient Aeso,.>aihai asureyOf sokg de sio l sateet for ogyear f or every fa in laOnbario of 1, 5"7 C poCUild Seespiteeffor t S te revitaiiz;le te sou it..manlure, legums a feriizer.',Z-,ý. "We are pr0ceeýdiag la reerse,"ho said.ý Not Worth $1 "the finepcobhly oahd b. car" amonsurenteret' ihie 19'21 sedan raises-,an p sny hie ia for ovs-arin. ie fine: $1i. By FredNer "They're not au dumb , , Did you ever hear of aiiybodly 5orroýwing money fromn a dog or selling imii a good ou tok? Leadier of Embattled BritaiUn , )4t8 7 i Wýinston hsciiwe gi nbs l142,71 cab"inet, as fissi osti of tsaadra 802 134 meace ani how ha, as liýrai lor ý cu An ns-rdont flue ofaposseCiuci, ba.cked jtise causeof Il'iag Edýw-d VII agninsi caý1 ine piesiiis oii i.fahi of ClîaîbeQr- -- W hie a F rýa ce fell, C hu rî-hil, t4w n bs Iiideouis imiplications of that es-osa, so a aah Engi,-Iilien via tise radio andti oisetiihi he st-ej eltýimelves for tise great \îdel hieh w to cone a. few weeks" tr Tlist ov(deal -- of rýoaring dsrc tio-n anid flaing euis - li as, Conne wasfsigways afýys ggesieWia- ston Chius-chýili, as-; gnp-,,igtise