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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1941, p. 3

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Microscopie Food Di oiya. featroe r or 1patýriotie dishes on 'Élio varions hldyIf lot, yo'u are mirssing niany an Ojippctrity taý ËcurprIse and eigtfaiyor The lIag lenda itroîef 'Sa eoa tin for dessers -tce edibe flag belnàg the mr prcae.Coie i»)say h tr-hpdwt ta e oade n ocipoinfr of -the sitar. Red' hioand lbine d co'ains are alw trcie H-ere I arecipj"e for a de-ssert that wilIbe fond voreatifactory for any patriate hoiday meal. % eggs, no0 aklrt g, boilig. vory ce0nomuical adveryatrci, Pumipkia ent-utr ipackage lemon or vanila roanet pOwder 1 piat n4lk (omtiiaa'y or, homo- geainzed,) Scup caaa.ed pump4rin * ~ 4teaspoon gïngerý itablespoon brov.wn gr %teaspoon cinnamlon Crenm cliereaadred jelly -forý Set ont S or (6 individuai (dessýert dse.Ta m-iUjif sii, npial, anar aad pices. Wýarm ll, stirrîng cnhyz. Test a drap on inid f wrist fre-qnently.Whe COMFORTABLY WPARM, (1200 F.) - ý 'ef hOt, reInove ai o.a cfrm tore, Strcontents e Qipcage nt m brlsly ati d-ssoved- nIotaver dss.Do frot more unt1Il Ërcm - about 10 mnteCil in larfier- ator. Whon ready -ta Serve, top wVitll remchgeose, wihbsbeen thoGr- engly chiiid sud eut lato aarrow, tipand wthrod eitaor Braids, Twists in New Hair Styles EIearicý For EvenîýI(; Page- Boy Bang For Daytime irer 0a'.'1 ý-ho -da f, la New Yacýk, e ena Huinsten appoves ine 0e2 opinion,1ho cornrour i 1ho bondrhald 1alto omielganco.For dny,2itiheislnbrmayitr done is(1-hopag bo 10k Th ai cs rusd bngiontcd nd ourle-un- WompadourAIr Mugeourl at1-h 1-horimIeOplinos am1-e frntisS rolld ito twitodchnon Before the war Gemany hop- ~dthat iby hretrgplanikton, C fom the sea she would be Able to iresit anly food blchde he Plnktonis A tinymarine ani- mal, hich as a arge'rCrelatve. This is the z.oofflaiikton, rtdas bavnga utitve vae eulta the bos- meaian atotal f-'ood Dbr. GeorgeCare of the Woods le Oceanographic Institutee statesthat Jdried zOoolankton i, as amven perce=ntftffty-ne pu, en.Pr'otein, twenlty per cent cen. citi ad ahSharkrs zand1 Whals lie on zoopankton, and for weson te aediet. fBut ihe Nazi"s 'u sat- te'red, frt ac ufcetzo pIlankton tte feedl a grown ma ;n)vie dhavýe tadrinus mc watr s fils 'a foot"ball field ee 'yard dep. h hne of foodc- ing thoent'-lireGrannto y geUtig rich by filting gud from the sea. I Patriotlc Dishes I 0 CalumnCt' dulea-ingives yau double Ica veing-býotlh dur- ing mixing and i l1le aveni. This e-xclusive featurepems you ta uiseiclors 11)d1stili get btter recitis. Es-pnnwutsi cotiewïith hnnàd ieasrlring device under the Etd ANu im PRICE IS SUJIPRI5IdNGLY LOW, SYRISIS Adapted fro thenamntc busoeslln the ngagc eent of Nudre tMary Lamnt he ycn Dr. JielamesR Kilde rtMary's r thoe Dugars rie nd NewtYur l ie iah ýaethnlacmfor a bùdss panuand his habithcf workd for a year. e want s Kiare ty ouendlst he first ofl millionnroire R o benrt hanlers,* i~os e dnhers life nnd saît erckin easismoai-id isyhabit of Outdel iscoi tenainf th oe far-awayaboutd roue ïrStc'Knl. cý,dare's criosquytinhs Dsuspic- ios. Haouktowthat oth areis teck 't.If caes f e a",psy.i- pY eo astbut wom hnoreris on- helped by traten; ore, silice eplpyis a hereditary disease, if Douiglas hes it, Mary, toe, mny et any timie be stricken with 1-be, dýrend ailment. CHAPTER THREE Nurse MaryLamant eteîe Sa12 ~'teme ù~ 2«d~ the hopial abratory an1tok the seaýt noxt ta Dr. Kdr r "Oh, Jimmyiý," she -asked egry '"Mien is Doug going ta) see c 'mn- not ýsur-e he's in ai , hoe hedged. "Anýd, evea if h!-ewe, !be's nio cnhta get in tul with.', Hrface cou ed. ,mi ontyou thiink, Doug'splni "IfI asked YMc. CLhanilrfo favor., wuln Ihotreadinig on a pa:tienlt'S grati-itude ? h pr ried. "Not aýccording ta Mr.Chn lep," she annwered quickly, "Oh, I know when you savud ihis au- ghbtor's li'e lho paid his bil ta th1e hopiai-but a do-zei n ties ho 'aid thnt jif thorle was every ry tisg in tho waIjdlde ho conld o for youi, youIhad onlly lta mentin J ttatssil tepaen' viewoint" iho 1taled rily "nuoiti1-hodotor's. Th1(le owns asarL ilne "0f 1courseý l, my," sho agreed1 ina smalfl voicoe, Shle wsc vicdthat hoie hadno fihi Dog's plan.And Kildare, atherL than hetray hIis suspicion1s a out Commeunt. "WnV!at did youi to-1l DogI, she asýke(dfinially. "Did yLlou c- plain a, 1tat ta o ? "No," lho replie arfil." rauid U'd tilii it over anid lot jhim wokbefore hiiim. When ho pok again, ihis imannor 1was ofad "By the ayMary","asDou,,- lais evor beoni illi that youce sWhooping cough -- meases -m ms"she sto0pped sll,,'o1 es she irouzed there vue more hohïind ;imm lniy's question LIhanýi C-Uriosity. "Jimyl !What 1yu geting at?" "Did lhoever shlow any pto logicai sytoinir" imy kd Shie stared at h1lm1 insocd cried in un1happy rpodi I dîý,seso ll 1you tink f? an' you ev-en look at my ov ote wý1ithout wonldrving whac hraaý-d of termites he's got?" Jiuimy ;looked away- taeoca 1-ho unhnppinoess in bis own fJace. "'Il phono Mr. Chanller tflir' tinilg in thl o morning, Mar,leh promised. "HL-e is i on on out- today." "'lIE CANý'T SE Jimmiy kept his pois. The niext mi"ornlinlg lho made 1-b ja- pointient with Mr. Cbýlalei cio D Ouglas. Bt evea as ,Douglasra xithi the financior 1ho1ldinghi spolibund hy bis enthusinsti ad eloquenit epantOfbspln K"ildare ias IphonIinlg Cal Jimm-iýy put througb tbc cýaî i medintey after eeting Mr ithe ci d i'.Se stoIppedhl ta thaak him ronlssyfor is ser vice ta hier brother1."Du' itMi.Chanller this very n a utou," she raid gaily-. "You'Illnxe know bawv happy ho was ta t your message about the appoifl- ment." lie "ExctedYes! But slot s-î! Prised. He was' Sure allon. "How's ho feelig?", el.ll- r o oudifit È get nn Ir(21p. Somei woC nnla thle nxhooit iscre al n!ighlt long." At boarbilg tlîis, Jiî' os phone(d Lat 0once. "I kaowM Chaler ais usy with Mc. LaI- -lant e ho sad t bI frero hl a oce OL y q dn' )n Mc. Lanionttakatha(tlm a ing Ir. Chanle.- Ce hnler to;k th cai la the but 1 I mut seeDot!gulas -axan nir ing hl, 1find ram exu' -4 e N -ix -4, -4 s N N -41 jr ? Feminnty In F-ashion That's The Style Trend 0Of the Times - Czinadiati Wo- men Seen Becoming Adjustedý adiian twomeiaueare mentallyad justed ta tho wr Ljsttake a lOok at the fasio peies o the sprinig. Irfthat dosnt ake sense arýk a paý, or -better rtget a pscititviiews On the, 1941 fasion trond, ýA compeentpschiarit ea man ,couldn't tol i iei.heseif. Why hIYjas the nmlitîary note dis- appearecd afterý its burs, fpo-pu- Iauity at, the start of thec war? Thereaonis not jua;t for thle raeOf uchange. t is mrucb or that. IlerýE is the 2way'onoeofCat expliis itn 'toe, raysithis mentl ex pe,,mjiligo in, for mior-e fe1m- inegaLithîs rigas teynawJ have become properly adjused ta the grini realy Of arn" AWVAY FROS ILI4TARISTIC latyeur lhe iexýplains, xvmenwor iafuene ytwV"o mtve.At th utset of the wrto a of~vî l ut ol wr date abstract. Thie colcorfl nfonibutos tiim stýyle an edaLs of thleme prid aalth)f mtra o ornameints ofail kinds wero im- Tewar at thlat timie vasat- Thon Fran1ce, fashon entr o thle wrfei - and the wýar inl thecocrt srukhom-e, inf- en(igteted ietyaa friia'nything sgetngsrfe Bath Over Kitchen Is Econoindcal Plan The Tcncl iiinof[the U.Feder-al Houing Admninis- tratiion poiis out that in onie- storýey 1ïiomes the geatest eýonor- my can lie achieved bjy plannling kitchien anid 1bathlroom as adjoini- inýg rjooms ,but wi th uf- ce1 space i teseparatingwalt cry te acsay rooms and hy placng the fi- tures 5ýin -Ahe "ajJi;:ng rom aSong the cMmnmn wu!i ony one Jîmm. Afew oetsitr Djoug was on bis way ta, the hcs- pialVhen ho arrived holaeked ta sOO h!is ister.In bewidemest, Ai emplaned tA ber the evntîo the iorning. iEs conversation wvithMcCanerwas iatorrupt- od by a phionoe ail.Imeael aftr te cali Chanler triao lh' inle viw;nd sl nstînh-e rame ýbr'eathi, he told Doug.ha Jimmy ad rqetdhim ta stop hjy ,t the hoitýjal, Doug wns urothero wa,1ýs rame cnoto otenthle phonocî, Cm hanr's* "Look, Mar i, h rid esey Tim1my's acting 5s yseiooy as-ou fndott." (Ta Be Ccntinued> .Uk tuFpi(es ït,.,hep coPPiju n ul 4 .vnreatc5,v tu I zo ,téyonr "voS,' vevs"Reqeles foý pes orýl seiolmns aï-rEt u rder. des you ýtters to " Sudié iU. Ch:,am ber, 73 WU t deihieStr'ecét To- réntc." Senld sanpd eta~rs o'eoeif vou isî, a rpy inshml Sussýex, is osie ,ho e towns la England he has lkopt its namo nchýanged fo a thouLsanid year-s, De-oi panaii i always duf- Leninchiffon - pie i 'is ot olyý a yer î'und taad(-by, but it will cpoefor, horws with the bort spignds ummertýýl",ime teats. Pedn iho roipe i atimie adla,- Lemlon Chliffon Pie Wih CLilumb Sheil 1½ easoon geatn uln l up lemon juice, w4taspoOn sait (Prepareucrun]Ilj PiesheIlîanld chii) SnkgeatiII n la wter-. Betegyolkr niightly i0 top of ouleboier; dd lemon' 'alemnon juice, Sait and haif- the ýsugar; stir and c(oo avec hLut 'ater until of custard coasisten- oyp Add soaed gelatîe and stir often wbilo c!ustard cüoos. Whlen mixture begins ta congeal, addi stffybean egg whites ta which] otherhIf of sugar lMs been add ed. PVourin lto cuhpie sheIJ a'ntlfiîlliag is frieog ta ut, Crumb Pie Shel Y cup butter, la cup sugar i cp fnecorn iakecrumbri) Mo-it butter iii pie p)an. A(I'dd sugr ad rums.Mix toogi lynPer ixture Ceveafly and fîrnîy arund ides ndbottami of pn. hil beoreadding fi- inag. a upr coraflakes yields I Peach Crisp Pudding 2 cup ced died penches 2cups water 4 cap sugar. 0 Urap honey' ½ up butter- hcup sugar Iicups 1ich toasted read 2 up cornfilkes Soak penches la biig waterý 10 Ain, Drain. Add water and unir Cok coveed for 31 Min Utex Remove frnientona dc DCOLDS ASTMA,BOHII4 niofh,'erReprt~ ,,imensTkf ~

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