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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1941, p. 4

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Establisihed at The Times;Office requést O'ntario Suibscription, $1 .25 United States, $2.00 -lv Or Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publislier rl deüpeuided soninuch upon e Hunl assalt vdePenldste- iachi lipon tbe2ir roue *Canada is lenldirig the lie gauged fi.Om theý )otýs te t1lat ciounîtry rose flnurinjý the sainie ear, * * * * * ar mer s no(vement ;lcc is be Coming Meeting .e the farinera fro)m ail over Durbain in Oroo ortheir mleeting to form thýe fringýi of thc Canadian Feder- farnmers te g-et tolgether, in thbis mat- grcutuies sethat Ile -,thc SeId timle, thucy wl aeastronrg organ11- vil1 bc(2.a"Ie' to secure a hearing froml et-, and at thee timle get Soeil ýgth, but withut uitY the farmilers organization and it le up te you te rl cent. tj sec that your dlemanlds ar'e y i loganlîzed' have a stronig follow- Ottawa. rs travelling throug'h the cýountry le milust be dscuaeaýs this is oe aký up any organisationl. You igh eal ýbut yo)u may be sure you will lose jýganIiizatioyis are forned aç that the * ail artiles thcy have to sel. not xvill only get behind this meiivemest comne into their own, and make a, good ,y ean do; without the fainer, nearly cd on the farn, -and they should or- lhat are net. 'They are for-ced teo sel ýoduictien costs, whicih no manufactur- of doing, ne 'why should the farmer. aftexoon and show that yen are behiud ete(d that fbc towni hall wlill nt hold the ce attending. Sec that yen are here. There esaid before, and -with strength yen con correct the ilîs ef tire fumniers oai today. Appeal1s in One anadian auxiiiavy wav services organiza- ne united financia dive this yeav, instead mnet with the warmest of public apprevaî. e cf the public, in fact, ami wlth the sup- Ily, that the principfle cf six appeals lu oee do away ýwithi a lange peilcentage of can- relieve us cf the veTxieus nieeessity c!f vo- ýndless ýcalîs for help. is conceracd there le every reason te feel inent. It le -a greut reliai, indeed, te kaow shaîl have carricd out our obliguatie>n la wi "six in eune" policy, lt ste play env part by sup.. ent. We mjut net, more- !rive than we -would give -ation is le te bc Ad, lot ne heur in mmid that thie 1 directly for the benefit cf our frin -us, "the folks back homi-e," ication, sports, and personaI ser- run do -net -et by virtue of their rural areas will play important ,he Canadian War Services Fund oast te cea-st. Thre proiceede -will I.OD.E., Kaigirte of Columbius, CA. on a basic approved -by the British Trade of the high sean is one of thceuret auaziu-g ry of cîlization, and the facet that the overseas 1 lu even greater volumne 4uring the war le a ti-- fBritishi Conunerý,e and, a revelation of the incein- ,man enemiy te destroy lt Germany went te war, ýd, as she eensidered it, but t.hat uighty prcpaved- le te deetroy British Connue-re. s important expert tva-des ave ably currying eut f replenishiflg British sources lu f ore;,i e exhange the g-oodw\,ill of British producte abroad lu fae cf .thec diffliculties avane cf Val- show that the ouragin/ig, arad ýi[k ai-ad art eilk. ýhiceh bas donc well la geods aadapparatus. as said be-fore, reveal ential biniort are go-, District News 1 A broken wheel ona-C.N.R. freight train ripped up the 1roadb)ed for "a (iS - tance of nearly three-quarters of ai mile on Tuesd1,ay of last wee'k beforet the traiin wvas brought to a stop a il1e west of Bowman ville station. Soeie, rails and some tics had to b)e r- laced by se(ction men. -No one was jinjured, After a s h-rt iliness, thiere pus- ed axvaLy in Tyrone a wel1-mkn'i and respuýe(Jed itizen, ByTron Thpmiias Moore, beloved hlusband of Saraýh Jane Enimersou. 11e %vas bora la 18641, son cf Jos*eph unld J Crews Moor-e of Tyrone. lie le survived Iby hLis wifc. Internment was made iii Bowinville Cernetery. While on biis bread route on Satur- day, Feb. 22nd, Lindeiiandr dis- coIvered Owen Johnson, a farmier east of MilIbrook, UaIconsciouls in the kit- chien. Johaszoni was rushcud te thie PeterbIoro b lospital whierelhe pasedl awa . A n l autopsy was pcrformcdle by to Pet.troro docors x\Viulh show,ý- cd death hid rcsýultcdî from natural cauiis es LAC Wil!limIH."Wp Sotf Oshvva wh wa kileA whc th plane laièh he was lcaning tefiy crashed na h litnaroto Sunay ws urcdon Tuiesdýay if- ten an flast weck with fuil11miii-1 tary honors.Many ahîts n hckey players -w ithwhomi "Whlip)" Shrthad been associated, actecda Laverne Towns aad Willis Timîluii, both of Alnwický Townshi[p, p1eaded guilty toecharges of bi'eakýing audl entering and theït 'whea arraigned hefove Magistrate W. A. F. Camip- bell in Cobourg p lice cout. Thie tire werle Chavg'ed with flic theft of a quantity of conmuion wine frin11 the Ang-lican Cdiunch at Roseneuath on January luth. Timilin was placed on> suspenided sentence for ene year, hieTorwns was given a 2-inonth termi la Cobourg il. Ea'ch miust aIse puy Costs am-ounitinig te$12.00. Arthur D. Aranistvýoag1, of Cavan Township, passed away ou Tuesday, 1,Febiary lSth, lu his 78th year. De- eaised -was the ldest scion otlhé late David S. Armistrong and bis -wife, Aune Jane Atkins, pionieer re-sideait of Corvan Township. Mr. Arnistrong took an active interest in agriculture and for a nuimber of years farmed just east cf Millbrook, on what is knowu uas the Silver Crcek f arm. Ho is surviveu by three daughters, three sons, five brothers aad four sisters. Intermient took place in the Priesby- terian Cemetery, Millbrook. Mrs. Alinda IRooper Eilheck, of Newcastle, passed away on February lth, in ber 86th year. ýShe h.a'd been a resident of that village sin'ee she was thrce years cf ag.e. La 1876 she mnarried George Ei1ibeek, who lived ln Newrcastle us cabinet niaker, furni- ture dealer, undertaicer, ai-d aise as tax ýcellector. In 1926 thcy celebrat- ed their golden wedding with their sens and duughters. Ia 198,1 the-y ,celebrted their SS5th weddinig apai- versary. iSie is sui-vived by tire sons and four daughters. lutermient was made iu Newcastle Cemetery. o0- LARGE SHIPMIENTS 0F BACON TO flRITAIN The Durham Coun.ty Musical Fes-. tival will be hcld il, Port Hlope this uear. on Maýy 18th, 14th and lSth- Entries will close on. April 15th, se hlave youlr etry ;In early and give the commi-ittee lundÇargethe eppor- tunity of knowingl about how many wîll be partaking. The followving list is Part 2, open- to rei ot f Durham CcGunty only: Piano Selection 1,5. piano sl-9yearsanamiun- der), "ac in D", Bach. 16. Pianjo s-lo-(1î years and un- der, "Miniuet," ocenedaMia 17, Piano al-1 years and un- dr) "L'Hlirondzelle," Burgniller, 18. Pianoy solo-4(16 earýs and un-1 der), "Imipromptu," Op. 1412, No. 2, sciliulbert. Fdderly wüiman as hiousek-eeper. Ap- ply te J. Hi. Gibsoni, Orono. a-s-p. î A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. CARD PARTY The tLhirid oi theý series of the L.O.'B.A. card parties will 'be hieU. in the Orange Hall, Orono, on Wed- nesday efveniflg, Maiehl 2th. Prizesý given, aiso lunceh sorvei. Amsin 25 cents-. CARDS AND DANCE A Cardý and flance Parlty wvill be held in the, Towvn Hall, Orono, on Friday, March 2t~ Cards from 8 te 10, daneing froin 10 on. Two special lucky nuinhers will be drawn betiween the cards and daneing andI prizes girven, consisting elf baskets of Vocal Solos groceriea. pi e etngcmsra 9.solrano slo-'Pleadinýg," Key special feature. Further particulara Ah Nove1lo). inter. 20. mezzo, sopr'ano-"ffilerk, as thie_______________ Twlg PIale',,Metcali1feKY 13b, SECOND GROUP CONCERT 21. . Cotrlto "iouds, Ernet The Sueond Group S>cial Eveniing Chale , yAh ShimrHenz will be hield in Park, St. Unitedl mon). Church, Orono, on Friiday eveninig, 2.T'cnor "Let Not Youir1heart Mari ei th. The programme -will con- b1,1 Trul"Oley Speaks. Xc.D siat of Sniapp)y Numea uiru (Sehimef) Numersand Pretty Numibers. The 23. Baritonie - "Ili %My Fthcr's humerons oa-act play is entitled, 'ueire Mlany Vasns" ar "Suitale for art. Plenty of Stehen. Ky F (C'apdl-HentZ luchwill be provided for a large man). cow.Acmissioni: 2kea-dlà0e. c 2-l. 1Basis --Iinv ictus, nob 4Fu euy Ah Shit._______________ 25. Teiior, Baitone or Basa (Unider 20 eas) "Srgan'sSonig," Fred- CLARKE TOWNSHIP eikKeel. <rmi~fgoal COUNCl(IL MEETING open to Gold Meda Soloists of previous D)urham Coualty Festivals 26(. Soprano - "Ah, 'Moon of my Delighit," Liza Leimanai. Key F. (Cramler). Mezzo - "~Rose Scyftly Blooiniing-," Spohv. Key A (Ditseon). 26. Contralto - "Eye Hath Not sec,", Gaul, from "The Holy City." 97. Tenor - "I Wîll Lay Me Downi ia Pae,-,(," Dudley Buck. Key F. Miner (lSchirner). Baritone or ýBase Pigii' Song" TschaikcwsIby (Sehirmer). 8.Piano solo -"Fanitasie-Ini- rmtu"Op. 616, Chopini (Seirmiier). Vocal Duets' 29. Ladies' Duet - "0 Happy Plock,," Bach-arr. Diack. Lyric No. 1596 Fateraon's Pub.(Ago4aa dian). '0. Male duet - MY Faith Looks np to Thee," Schuiecher (Shipiner). 81. Mixed duet -4ÀCempetitor-'s own choice. Choral Classes 3 2. Rural Chureh 'Choir - "Jeani, the Very Thought of Theo," Fldwar4d Bairatow. A 5 (Oxford Universtý4 Press). M8. Village Ghurch Choir -'T!ý O Lord is the Gr'eatnieas," Kent. N. 288 York Series. 34. Urban Chturch Choir - (Memi- 'bevship of 30 niembers or less) "The Kintg of Love rnsy Shepherd Is." flair- stowN. A 46 (Oxford. 25. Urban Church Choir, open te Durham and Nrthumberland.* "He,' Watching Over Iteracl," MVendessohn. No. 278 York Sevies. 36. Ladies' Choir, Home and School ---MammYy's Lujllahy," Robert -'Gihhb Three part No. 1-1,836 (Ditson). 37, Violin solo - 11 ycurs and un- dcr), "Anidanite," frein Orpheus- 41utel< (Harris). '38. Violin sole - (13 years and un- der), "Je-su, .Joy of MVan's Desiring," Baicl i ar. JHhvey Grace (Oxford Press). 39, Vilola solo - (16 yeavs ami un- der), "Tamnbourins". Gcssoc arr. Bur- With the expiration on Octoher 31,moter (Hirris)J. 1 1940, cf the firet l2-muoiith bacon Orchestra agreemieat betwocn Canada ad the 40. Public, Higli or SundaY SC1hool United Kingdomý, two striking facte Orchestra - "Magneta," Overture, stand out in Canadian bacon ils- Will Huff arr. IHye, Will Huf Or- tory, statos H. K. Leekie, Ecunemic chestra Folio (Fillmore). Division, Domninion Departrnent of Junioýr Vocv Agriculture, in the Febvuary ies-ueof 41. Boy's solo G (9 yoars and un- the Ecoaomiic Annaliet. Thc lirst is dev), "Good Ad,,viuee." Bkc. 1, High- that on and after Jannary 20, 1940, rens cf Son.'Verses 1 and 4. the expert of Canadian bac(on was 42. Boy's scie' - (Uncbanged carried on thro.ugh a ingle adîninis- voice), "Ye Banks and Brýaca." Cana- trative bodly. thc Bacon Bourd, sot up dian Soag Book (MaciMillan). by the Dominion Goverrnarent te su- 43. Girl'e solo - (Il ye:ave and n- periatcnd seahoard delivevy cf the der), "Fio'wer of China. Bkc 1, 111-'h product te tihe British MLVinistry of roads. Verses 1 an-d 2. Pie d.Th secend ista, ie this /4. Girl's sole - (15 yeare and un- - n eT t ice o thato unrdr der), "W a u-del-ig." Buok 111, 1ig - arrangeettevluea rde roads. Verses 1 and 2. cleared frei Canadian porte in the 45. Del - (Public Schoo(l puipils) t-welve meonths eominencing Novem-- "Nighit Song". Book 11, Hig'-hroads. ber lSt, 19039, t0etalling- 331,000,000> Verses 1 and 2. pounide, ex.sceeded the higi, total for Public Sehool Choirs auiy recent caleudar year by about 46. Rural (oee oomi) Uniscu, uc- 140 u-iuli'on pouads, and this under cmaid TeBle o br ,bout tire more monthe tic trot Lwill be open again. 14 mahc illan. 47. Rural (eue, rooi) Part son, un- three pieces of pv1opertY. M/1v C. F. AwdvLe was authorized te continue the collection cf unpaid taxes lu thenunicipality. The following bills were orded paid:. J. J. Mellor, salary and incidentaIs, $69.58; Mrs. Hl. G. IUDnlsuip- plies, $5.00; Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, $32; Chas. S. Wood, care cf hall and transients, $2185; Orono Provincý-ial Tre(asur-er, B.O.11., 7' e.; A. S. Miller, Couaty snow plough-, (D. Denaunt), $6.95; C. G. Armnstronig, supplie, $26.00:; lMac $ni'th, Supplies, $4.(0; Dean's Bakery, supplies, $4,48; E. L. Ma,,-cNachbtal, 50 ýper cent. hospitiaî nitee, $23.25; Orono Cea'i and Lurnher Co., coul for town hall, $2ý9.75; Orono Coul aud Lumber ýCe., supplies, $7.001; Georg,-e Richards, adjustmeats te dock, $6.001; W. E. Da ey, BO.. $4.50; W. J. Riddell, eeti ih bulbs, $2.30; Dr. C. E. Wilson, B.O.HI., $30.0a; W. A. Reid, supplies, $7.10; W. ~C. Lune and Son, supplies, $12.0; Orone Weekly Tiaes, prmunting, $27.- 5-0; [res. J. Swaia, $3.30; T. A. Reid, F. Cebhlediek, 'lilbrary grant, $15.00; Road Voucher No. 3, $54.:19. Muarch seened te have came in like a lanth, but we neticod ln the Torenlie paýpers they said it caine lu like a rouaring lamb. 14 was cold, but it -was nieýe weat<lev just the Saine.f Hie Loman" eg.t Wilan. Lvr 49 Ls. Rurlgntpreions hedw. uer, Rurnialni e"visive L Cna- dne." alCoan ongViBe L (Mu-u ian. VrsS1,2angBok M8.Ml 50n. Vrses 1,u 2cShoan Prt 3ng 50nacon Puli(et mhorePathaong4- vnoies. "Simer Skotie Bok 145 Hoigjbos). u-ie l ok11 51. Publis. bcee ae nc 51-mPie.c(Net moren than 36 vol- (es. Th Lmi hn36vi ce. B"'e chru, peuisnne 52. pBie-d."t herushaopn, eed Risc Foype. 'H hllFe 58oe. Sl okDne 53. iRhythml, Badnce. istu 54nut.htmBad-Ayisrý 55. Atiopaivn pulg.-Sle tien5.ill o adcdete competitor fiv mninutes before test, 56. Girls ('7 yeave a-ad unr), "Pairies," Rose 'Fvleiain. (Golden Staircuse) . 57. Boys (7 yeare and under), "The Ply luOhrc,"Joy Lee. 58. Girls (10 yeuvssudndnuder), "Elizabeth in nhsgtn'aidn, L. G. Eady. (Golden Staircase). 59. Boys (10 y-crsa d udnuder), "Scolan' Thingsaut Nliit," Enge Field (Golden Stairease). 60. Girls (14 yeav.s and under), an "If' fer irls. Elizabeth Lineoln vs ol the Plainis," OffSI Ice HndUR EO 2.00c te4.0 an; .0 e .0 : x PHON-E 47r1 O1ONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: MaIin St. Orono Phione 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. Jo nJ. Gilfillan -âe Phim. B. QIJALIFIEU OPTOMETRISI Lieentiate of the College of Optom- etry of Ou tarie Offie ilours: 10 to 12 a.m. aiud 2 to 4.30 pi and by appointient Ofie in CP . Tyrrell's Drug Stor Phione 68)-2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automro- bile ai-d Liability AUCTIONEERS TED j'ýJACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets A4hition Sales of ail aimes anid at reasonable rates. Comrnufnieate with him at PotI Ferry, Ontarie, or ee his (flrk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS practical AUl Repairs to Watche, Clocks, and Jewellery, wilI receive ur prompt attention // PORT HOPE Saturclay Great Canadlian Draina "Hudson's Bay" Starring Paul Muni Monçlay and Tuesday "SEVEN SINNERS"y Hunted Honeymnoori" Wednsday and Thurday "The Ramparts We Watch" <Mareh of Time Feature) "MOON OVER BURMA" F. F-.MI'oris&Son Funeral Directrs Furniture Deralersj AMBUL.ANCE SERVICE Bownmanvil -Orono Phones: Bwmranville, Day 480 Night. 754 and i573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest ani Most CoMplete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Duirham Our Service-THE BEST Our Gods-THE NEWEST Our Prces-THE LOWEST ORRI & SON j BWANVILLE - ORONO The sign about the her seeing bis shadoew mut be right. On Fbiuary, n-d the sun was shnginig so he would. go haei< for another six weeks, and we bave had five weeks of winter w\ea'her since he last camne eut. This 1 - Ontario Orono PAIRK STREFlr 1 CRONC Readings,

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