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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1941, p. 5

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Red Cross Ibis 2 1-2 MillionArtcls Made A total of 24651articles -ba4 y the wvosen of Ontaii')i past year for hospitýa suppflies for soldieris and sailor-s, the On Division, Canadian BRcd Ci-oss ciety was informied by thse Wor War Worjk commitlee at tihe 'a- meeting- held in Toronto lat Garments made specialiy forý air victimis and refugees ini EnI, nmibered 155,59-9, the consmitte( pourttd. BIran ches throug1-hout provinceIe stipplied a lar'ge c t-ity of special hiospital maleria equip epceratinig rooms ila mi] hospitals overs cas and jn Ca 'Phe airm-y, air force, na'vy, mer( ~s..-~aaineanIffl military hospital in Ibis country also xeceýived 2 articles turiued ot by women workers, the meeting was told. 14,26l2 box liniligs and 200 sr smnall linings -in whieh surgicald ing-s arec aee andi sterilizeti fore bcingil sealed lin lin boxes, miade hy Red Cross voluinteers ii dition te a Large quaintity of Ciles for militar'y hospitals, the comi stated. Colonel John Cooperi, presidei thle OnItarie Di'-visioj presided 'i Iwcn1ty-4lrsý,t annual nmeting il Orono Tins hop Have your Plumbing LosT BULKY PURSE 1UICKLY RECOVERED if a trýaveller miust ndsplace a Nwal- let t laytrin appear-s a safe plae t r he xpaimet.A 1pa-ssen- ger on the "'Ocean Limited,"opr- cd hy the Canadian National Rail- ways, hageWt vsand îmissed3 his purse eontaining $1341. Th-, locýal tr'ain coi(uctoto oss or, off a wire to the condlutor of the "Occan Linit- cd"Tlie latter was eading- the mes- sage when a passeng-er appr3-ached hlm and hainded over the, wallet found Luie the train hadiýileft Levis. - - o - The Bell Ringers will lie showing, that old famous picture, "Ten Nights Iii A Bar Boomn, in the Town Hlall, Orono, on Muncay, Mardi 0lt, 1941, ~comectngat 8.1,5 P.m-1. Aftcr thec show, the y will also give a frec dance both shiow and dance, ad1ults, 25e.% childr'en, 15c. Royal Yorkl Hotel. Branch ercn tatives from the enitire pr1ovinçceaizse learnietithat G-9 tons cf jai hIad be made by Bcd Crocss womcn in lce)- opler-ation lwith Jth 1e Womeu's In, lsti- tutes for Luse inhispitasinitn aind for efges1nd1v( ues The fnnca statemient, presented byereFulford, M.P., Ilon,'ûrar ly trecuremr,sorwd oharctalcsh ole half wasý reinitted te the l;v*i- sional head of111c e. Ttal cexpend ii,ïi - tures for the ycarwcr $1,927,500, an e hisaout 1,-254,733 w\ýac transferred te the, National Council as Ontario's conitribution towar-ds na- tional wvork. During the year $79,- 968 was spent on1sldies' ork, par- ticularl y for ex-service mien and their families. The Branches purchased supplies for Armiy, Navy and Air- for>ce amounting te $1,854,241. Alani L. Amiose, honorary secre- tary, advised tie meeting that ln ils first full year of wart'ime opera- lion, the people of Ontarlo hati con- tr-ibutetJinla ash andi pledges, $2,- 869,236G toward the Red Cross na- tional appeal. Ontario bncI supported a national appeal for 50 ambulances by supplyhlg 91 of these vehiecles, he Mrs. H. P.1 W. Routley wbo vwill full lime to the Na-i which he is Commnis-1 64c wthout ce, with 1I lOc kes, huge1 largiE t'l jupon c pkg. 24c pkg. 15c 19C e jar 23c in 25c 19C ýn 45c 25c heads 19c 25c ,ns> tin tin 19Ce 9ce 14c 9c 25c Bright, the fish, IL 13e 19C 19C tg 2for 15e 22c 25c L M\,essr-s. Sim. and Joln Toronto, were home foit i.ordon Leaman, ,f 'P o)ver, the week-end wt in tOwýn. ,penu 'Coatnuedfroro page one) ýgp(cd on empil'oyerý-empl)oyce work. "W'hile many hundrceds of flrmis have rcportcd 100 per cent. priia ti 'nl," said Mr.. Zeller, "there are- rnany yet to 1)c heard fr-om and mnany mlore to>I)e ognzd It is foi, tisý reasýon thaLt we arc akýsing tlbat this importlant work Icontinue without ln- terrpil . "n f the prime reasonis for War avgsCertificates is te place th c wkcsOf titis country in possession a i stourehuuse of pur'chaSinlg power., -11,d1 there( canl no L nger lie anly doult ,lbçut tic manner la whidh this pro- grammie bus been a-ecpted by thej ýimýpboyees ini every liUne ofbuies Th-e pledges reccived to date arc' rua- ,ingl at thic rate of five fuom c m- dioyees for. every one of te types." "iCanaida is going te) lie the lietter f-or this eapin"Said Mr. Zeller-i. "Tihe lessoas we le-arned froin the lastl war are bing put te goo)d vn tage,. an-- i e ke of thiis country will have a stake teO tîde them over the rainay days if post-war adjus-t- mniit. The dlep)rssion of that pýeriod will b",evcash ioned te tlice5nttht W ýe arc sorry te h lear0-C thýe il]- we canýi pursue and injtLEnsify tbis ,pro0- aes f Mrs. A. Bradley, Park !ýSt. "Wit a wr exendiureof $1- 3tlOMO,00, Gaadian "arSavers", ar fce jwth a contiuing challenlge that we mus-.ttkee'p ever bef3re 'uS. If we lose c,h of ounr oligations her,: we arin ni io differ-ent position to thie sentry who goeos "te Sleepat his post," sjai i Mr. zller'. Outstanding ric,ýuIts in the War Saiving1s camipaigi, _Mr, Zeller said, were aehievedin lathe i miinlg districts, the automeitive induhstry and in such centres as Cornwall, Truro, Oardsýton, New Westiminister, Halifax, Edmiiun- ston, Gra.nbiy, Sheribrooke, Brant'ford, Peterhoroýugh, Belleville, Sarnia and Pembr'oke. At Windsor, ten large firms report- cd,, 100 per ýcent, particip-ation. A total of 227 firmes, with 2-i 7 employees were pledigedc 91 pet- cent. to provide n , otal of $1-10,175 mionthly, or an argeof $6.87 each. Ini Cornwall, ine indutsties with 4,648 employees, were pledg-ed 97.3 per cent. The seýhool te-acher's-of the samie centreý ar'e pledged 991'/a per cent. Montreai laan overtook To)ronto in the race bet-ween thie t-wo larg1est Cawnad1ia1ncities. xbar a assmt week in second place, but over the wýeek-end reported a total of 136fl841 pledges againet 131,000 in Toronto. It is hard to tell what is going toi hapnin thie Balkcans yet. Turlçeyl mi.-ht be ealled upon to flght, andl if she does it will lie nearlry impossible forý Russia to stay -out cl the war. Rus ia at the presenlt time la gettiflg 'pretty shaky and doesni't eeem to know just what to do. 'Sihe je alraid o£ Germiany, but it would bie better for hier to go into the wýNae now on the side of Britain, for il Britain -%as de-ý feated, Gernany would attack Rus- ia. The next couple of months wilI gîve us a prettty good idea on how the 'war will be going. j ANS WER jQ STO whvio is under the doctor's care. Misses -ii-aon Cooper -and Adele!t Morton, of Tret, spenit thle ek end at their7 respective homes ir.andti Ms. W. H. Nug-ent, of Pctcv-borough, visiled with 'Mr. and Mr.R. C. Ros'hor-ough recently. Don'jjt forgel the Durhami Central Agricultural Banquet in lie towni hall, Orono (oih)Thurcday. Bev. S. Littlewoo)d and Mrs. J. R. Cooper attcnde'd the Provincial Redi Cross con-vention in Toroate on r1'- day. 1Mr. and Mrs. W'. D. Hay, of Tor- ente, spent the week-end witb the latter's parents, Mr. and Mers. R. E. Logan. ?Mrs. HIarold Hnicof Och-awat, has been visiting friends ln Orono, while Harold was in Chieagýo tak;ing a special course. M~'r, Vernon Siunders and Mr. A. Siiiith, of Toronto, speyit thse week1- end with the frsrsparents, Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Saun'ders. Thc students of the O.C'JS. ield à pleasant skatii party la the Orono Arena on Wednesdlay evening, afler- w ards g)ing te the sehool where lunch was serîved. Mr. 0. W. Rolph returnedti te is store on fWedaesday moý,ring of this week alter a three weeks' illness. Hic frientis are gladto te cehlm around again. Quite a nuinher cf our yieung peo- pie attendedth le dance in Newcastle Com-munity Hall lasct Thursday' evea- ing and danceti te the strains of Orayford'c Orchestra. from nToronto. A gooti time was reporteti by ail. The thermomieter nwrendls $7,150 and le sf111 travelling upward. The oýbjective, first placed at $5,000, is now raised te $10,000. This amount aise incles Newtonvilie 'along -with Orono. The drive will stililibe coný linueti. The f ollowing articles were in-] speeteti ly the Inspection Consmittee of the Orono Braneb of lie RedI -Cross SoeiLety on Thursday of last week andi shipped te Toronto : 36 secarves, 65 pair of sotkc, 17 paid aitts, 1 pair gloves, 9 belmets, 13 sweaters 9 quilts. ~Mr. Arthur Manning andi son Rd- wmard, of Garden Hil1, paiti a visit te Orono on Wednesd'ay evenling. Eti. svard is woeking in Port Hope, alse lis father, wi'o is heati blacksm-iith ai Mathews Coanveyers Ce. Arthur says lie likes biacksmitb away ahieati of farminig. jPARK ST. UNITED GHIJRCH 5,v S.Lltt1ewvOod Il Pastor 2.30 pan., Welcoi day Sehlool. TOWN HALL, OR4ONO MONDAY, JMARCH lu1th, 1941 soieta ky 'AU5p ing (Er.ida--y), i la te Park St. united On Tuesdaiy night last abou, twenty-flve of the officers aid mm bers of Orono L ie No. 43G, I.O.O.F. sitcd Millhrook Lodge Noe 308 ai conferred tic thýIirddeeco tw candi-Jdates. Visýitors w (21,e 1pres cni from Pontypool, Peterboro, Lakcfýeield[. A beautiful banquet was servcd hy the Golden Sheaf Rebeka Lodge ofl Milro.Toa sts a ndi speeche made ,a varied pormewhich wa- .II chnjoyed by ail( i -1. garia. W:hen theB tsibe off relations with BuIgaria,, they told heur plcnty Surey the ture isnot to0ffr di(!sta!]t when iHitlcr will bit off more -than he en chcw. M.and imrs. Caýsey adfm wil rmain for an ther mou110th 0on the fiam of Mr. A. J. Tm1nwe Mr. Cascy will 12 canccdwihthe Ianmy, instead of taking chairge of iMr. Staplc's farns justwvest of the vilg.Mr. Staples has ,secUreda man la Guelph tbi take charge of bis farm in thc village. FEED LAYING HENS WITH S'hurgai',nEgaeCnctat Shurgain Egmaker Concentrate supiplies the essential proteins, bol animal and vegetable, as vieil as the needed minierais anid vitamijiv Egmaker 35 %;ý Concentrate iuixed thoroughily with the proper prý portions of good, sound grain, will produce the desired reLsults. Shurgain 17 p.c. ig Starter L.ittle pigs miust have a palatable feed, for, like chieke, they Ïro'W rapidly and nieed a larg-e feed intake. Put SIRGAIN PIG STARTER in front of the littie pigs at 3 to 3½' weeks of age. Do't wait until thiey're weaned. Give them the Idald of feed they need as soon as they're ready to eat. ORO'u A0NO0 F LOUR M 1IL L00 WE DELIVER - - PHONE 37 r 1 ARMSTR1 ONGS WVALLPAPERS Oilr NEW WALLTPAPERS are inow'in. a uok, collie in and ptoe If you do10flot CONGOLEUM dRUGS Thiere are four niew patterns ouIthlis sprinig. Wue havethr at nio a ilc~i price. 6X9- 7 1-2x9 9X9 9x10 1-2 9x2 91 $5.25 $6.60 $7.85 $9.25 $10.50 $13.25 CURIAIN NETS 38 inIchew, widle, in fille quaifty MaIir(Itxisette, alli nw shades and c(->ors. SPECIA'\L, yard .................. ...., 25c, TEA TQWELLING ARTSYL ROPE 18 inichiý, wide, of a good Regular 2 skeins for 5c . ua'1ity, in stripes of 7 or ...................... bliie and lpink, yard..WO2LcH7SE Fuil ashjnHed si TEA TO'WELS 16bhy 29 iniches, 225 CROCHET COTTON Dark Linen and Ecrui, reg- la'r loc. 2 for. F ANCY CAKES 2 DOZ. QUAXIlýER 3 FOR 2 BOTTLES 7. .m. Jeusthe,13readi of Life Ilc for .........-............ CHIFFON 1- Cortî1celli ait the price of ....... ..... In aM nw s'prii COOKING ONIONS 10 LB. 14e.L I FRESU HAM LB. 22e MAPLE 1LE-AF SOAP FAE 1*l7c.e MA] LAR D LB. POTA BAi life our eode, Adults, > MisRuth Logan, of Bowmanç-ville, visiteti with her parents inOrnoo Weda(eils,ýda Y. M.Neil WoLd.(, of Tor-onlo, spent Sun-iday with hic parents, Mr-ad Mus. Chas. Wood. MrLs. R. A. Bragg, of Shaw'ýs, Dar- lington, is visitingl with Miýss-M. Davy and slster. Dr. and Ms .H Leslie, of To- onlo, were at Mr. r. W. J. R:d-, dell's for thse week-end. Vr.and Mc.Fount ,i innd soni Bolby, -cf Torontio, were visitors it Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davey. Herlb. Mra eundhome Tue- djay, after spending tic we(ek-end( witilI hic mothler l in so.

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