a s nhdV hevyl-aziata 14yens- ohdScu Ilfî, 5lA.R.,.P. ms sgiven as os-des- ta nie. of the particuluily zones. On thse w2y he fire single-handed b i Jj caryin ababy fei house. Shorty after wmd lyinig eon theteot, sne.Just oefose ho e housa ta wiieh li c ho wuAMIheAtemur- Suegcr Blfail repost- ve delirered my me- al * s:ý ekly use of fie pubic conisanad 0,os îuclud-ing Hlfx Scoùuts ise are re- Farmners Plan Growing Okra iiEssex and Kent -NenV, egetabfe1 Useti For PMakiinq Counitie5s WiI s~e Cannled k,-,-a lail- acrseago a ors, there is () infL-eetel i d. A uumii- 1LQamisgtoni of tic cosu- trom thýeir, -'plantbu asadÏ"Ça's f or- egtable Iin mass. sustaci ~rom ieary ~abio. A -e- grenu a issu: t e pasf fan s-mes-s lare ity there lu 7 s. Hitler Is 5th To Plocýt Attack Invassosu of En gl1a nd Tr ie d offenl Since Wiltliam the Coýl- ,if Genîy t ie f-o iv Great Biin fnlbefeSt qlue-t ese i ,ia ls si C 'ila wcek. T o 1i ý iir el ,S im ne(-, lish ti s- 1 Si -dir rkBstn, udseer u f inmuin, ose ycfuaa's formot iedical autlioi-ititý-, known the w orld rs-'or bs inrkl sc.iotif'irrosearh, losu iItevueW tile planeli ens lyiug ilu on rueto Englanjd panraked off the oast cast of Nowfounddnd Si,- Freonck hldthe unk ut mjor lutn eCanadian Army su ad lhad been enlgaged lu army mueialWOW si c heoutbreak cf nar. At the tume of bis death lie was orpidwt hoprblsof i, on tofind tihe way for isirmen to f y at high alttdes with effiioy sud se-. eusityv - lu other words te discorer fhe physical secret and prerent Cie larkonts that mako the haudling uf'bigh-speed machines su danger- Mme UHerlAd blic ohppy lu tie feelingthat dofinite sc-ess as IRADIO REPORTE R ~ j Sy DAVE LROÇýB1NSIi NEW CADIANS lu Canlada flicse are seme foulr llion rCifivins nso) are ne't of Ageor lFrenrih-Canladianigin Wee foare nglofsu Freucil deseceit, findi dfici semIIetimes ýte prouuce this namos sud impessie tuoscad fhi lnens-papoo:s. But despite tsfart th-ey,- are Cudas See'Jietthein lhave bense for fis-eOc r More goes-rafins, sme are crempastire enconiers, Manoý)fithese iies aure ss-ing fatslswbihe ficàr noon e- gage lu home front war nork. Sinco fie wrbgn hs snCaudiauls hareo had tteop- toe ic s-esnutÏCanaa. But Inon scri Wednesday iglit at 10.30 whes Casadaus ilaon th-e ais. EcryBriisi andFrn- tehear fils ,progra, usd possibi ko fielneighbourn itia lt ter. lu ies hrti ly-a t nar (u)vruilo1s- l e ti na-Qmr-ly mures on te ,neatisa desstan)ding if yen dial lu DrI. 1E. T. Sa0ýlmo, expertnu-osre, frou CKOC -120 on yeur dolh -an!y neekuliglit uJ71. )r Sahlmou'a lonjg asocitin jnf flicBrii(-Icrigi) ffcegires 1iNia a sound backgr-ound for ils keen ulmsnnîni p uffi day ;"y Brosdrstinglfs-bmIsReiehas wPCus Aine-s-jan ucresponld- os qjuipped as fullows: "The Ital- inn HigIi Cm rn .eprts troop snvecnsbut they ha"ve net maid!nliethe.- hay wee tos-ward or backward". Fer thaf crack lie~ ~~i nu fssl u etIfaiy. Oua AMunson is being-brunt- cd" (1 a1irl amedUsa usn- ss Nosoner hadti "ig Tenu" feminine l rheýcd inte a NanYen- liote! flian1 atrauge thinga bogan te hppes. She retceircd myýistenio Lis phono c-ais, ailfrou unkno(wn per:- taradisappearod. Thes the ra- die phayer earued tnta Miss Uns Munsun also nusa guest ut tIhaneite. We i "Big Tos" Munsnmored hor- siteanotier holtelflcane Ontut fsceoraI ude lia ofeis, fie second miss Mlunsoni once moire serteltlie sam(,une. Tic situaflun tfinahly wnus so-lVed îby cofeenr sd eerbod l stii uoo fiçud. issMuse niaoad re FBWensa Thiea: unîe ing cf fi Kiug Si-ars lamars-led tu os.c Yae ughuris Amalk ithreaiiyo ugo , -. BTnc musirili sGe tint l~,.orchetravas the fis-st tebont fr1, roatoroat SUNDA Y LESSON X CHRIST REJECTED- Luke 20: 9-21 :38. PRINTED TEXT, Loke 20 ý9'20 GOLDEN TEXT.-Blessed are ye wýheîi men reproach youi, and Per, secute you, and say il mranner ~Of evit agahist you falsely, for My Sâke. Ma,1îtt. 5 :IL, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Tim1e.-Tuesday, Apil 4i, AD 0 Place,-AII the events Af the chpedo-wn to 21, : ,1took place, in Jernsalem roprthe Olivet discoluse wiss io on thi'e MU1t1 Of Oives, drectly oPPOSAite i-o and east oa the Holy Cory. The prophecies utered luatSA kao1uwled1ge ,andan 111 lig fmf- temeens. The Wicked Husband(men spa ut he peopl is aabe A man11 11plnted a inel dsd, it Ourtgt ubnmn n 'u u To anthr ountry fo log ime. le. Andf a',tth10sason ie 11et1u>t men eat im, and sent hlmaway sant sd l ls by or sent yetrajtpor: aud hl mmai une w'ousded, and cat husn orth. i What s 1 a ,ido? I l edm beluve son;1t ima-y ethy il revrecehl. 14. And honth busbadmessalw lm, te asn Is, the hir;]et ius kMIJýlm. that theinhritnc ma heour."The infeeno u tisaabe is that the .te vinayard and punmsh-lisOreas-n ,oahiisu muderns enat by dth . h at tuýie cv i -ar ai s . usebca he Vine sTRa smblote ivewis 1)p11pe-is1(familiar une I thoubmtsof Divin c anfodiWn we~~~~~~~ht ;le hn I Vnyr se the cftheqpsou !yle and thm-i Leaer-te iRdabsd rsan wickedcuitivturvif that l su prphtsbrngugmessae t1th Warning a teHubnd 15. A d hey ahlm ot u yadf mt th vneadsu illd lm. What tefor wll helor )f ili ce sd esro tes b baudmen, sud wiiïll ive the vine Ifqd theuba ud hrereeh-edt rlc,kwbo sol aehe o meshwarmly welcmn h es deatboftenih uiîmn e- pthe a h1 dsrutonu1Jr a111thirtryLGuii-b hLd;!" we are rather e tcbemee lutte Jew kuetv immedonActroucf hal! hmnys futem eedfntl o Th hecr, ejel ted Stoner ta Le)e I 'I - at i,0 (Led0!,; secoiid i by the Je i.aders. if was ju beosseey knew Hm111to 1ha the Mesaîi, oeyweesueae1t spokei If n tI h 5 Jsu Christmustce aSmuts-enlgd by Questiý onglcf Tribute ,!:!f p- lst sou i elay h1'0ayd tsar d tih epie: fer tlaèy pas-- agasst nm,20. And they wacs ed iîns, sud sent ortI Spfies, wh)O oined vIRsei qv eos t1e mg sostint tiy igLý,it uk hid liasperIooastedeivs-hl ipte tc mie sud' te ,th,-, tort the cribes and tie chef prisAs As eo te sand aeps-bctirsLr was sot fIat lIelde vany fl- ing a lie,, buýt htîn 17ca, tlln lay uid0f he ordat ils ir-IO ticular heur was Iuli fear of de os hey sked rthlm:"Isit sol.w ýIi, orinet?" The qu1stiin uasd- v egetables In FB ig lndustry As R;iw Material They Art - mportant In Produiction ut Vast Number cofCnaar Cornmodntis TVie production ui omodte based un vegetble produetg ass r awmaterial conslitiuesanispu't sat brandi o-f (Caadnmasu- ting produIcion. Itcopse te out'put of the 4fl,fed, lice, snd iit millîngidstisle preps-3) (ifd sd rhi), aky i-ouet b sc ItFs ofrinrccs brafscfoa tokas put- fends, ice cesm cones, m con sud îuded poduts, uOftail c-rages, iucludiug aeratedsud m1is- spnuacur f vegabeprdut bergods, qgioudeil mbpor fot- su ïnsed 1syb anl'- o th4)lli ili TOIONA AsetaPeosPuze 12 Alleged eorce. 1 0utline map NEPTU IE _P LAN[E T:S lMb. oFeci ALE -ULTRA 0iW-120 Tow:ard3. colofy in p WPRO N m O STE ED 21,Porgy7(flsh), Africa. lW R E RS 2atfh 77 tidjacent jR SCARCEMENTS -TFe m l3Lio. SF EVI1L iS W n it area. 14 Workocf skill HUAT P P LA E FIEIN ,lsont 1 - - u6its. 15 Grain. P1I ED SI DÉ AS2:8Female 16 Owned. 1 ED -Eal 17 CottonET CONC E RT'S relative, separator. 0K N AraN 21lTurf.S EP E3N 6 Accomiplice. :22 Devil. 4 esr f ac-b 38 Exclamation. 24 Eterniity. 42 easurhof rei-io.y 39Infuriates. 253aduf egh eiin 40 Powder 2Newly- 44 Class of 61 Its capitaL. ingredient. hatched birds. VERTICAL 43 Sco)ttish saiýmon1 (pi.). 416 Cake 1 Morindin dye. peopie. 99 Oneý that useýs. decorator, 2 Lawf ni. 45 Vocal 30 Tocadn 47 Gun. 3L Enlairgements utterPnce. 31 MeQasure. 50 To coaglhate. of thyroid 48 Tc, mock. 32 O-nager. 51 Destiny. glands. 49 Tissue. 34 Toý subsisi. 52 Tent. 4 Sun god. 51 Monastic 35 Sibilant 54Ton 5 Deity of Nvar tiie. Tete. 56 Ki in. 6 To voucli. 52 Mae at. '11 0f1the tig, 57 Variety of 7 To gza. 53 mensure of 8Genus of chries -J RowTing tool. coh ak. 59 Mine shaft 9 Righit. 55 Affirma-.tive. 41 efor'e christ hut. 1M Defra-ud&. 57 Pronoun. (abbr), 60 Its'natives il11Fram-ework.58 Giant king. LYJ ILRWT POP - TheAte,,yit-ur Poorpe 11