OROýNO W Inltisweis isue 'a bat is pulb- K AR liSheud cý h vmL nteDiýii Oshawa,,spet the j),,ein -May. EnitPies i~m hee.wilUbe closed îhy April lSthl. ei Pot ope, sp;ent ri ias wife and farn- Hewý thost eurees can fighit. Here licks returnied home they, have lbeen tearing inito Italy in pleasant visit with Aithaniia and doing a goodjf> t %Vý1.Now Hilter lias to corne to Italy's , c Torinto, spent ati d. It talkes twu gr1-eat power to me with hiis parnt, deferat one small counitiry -wlo can put lyer-. ar'ounld 700,000 mo(:n in the field, while ~ss ,oh)bins, of Tor- the others can putin mlon îywith his parents, N. Rolins. Gay. Henry Peare, of Tbhere will be a pie social, concert nt Sunday with lier and dance in the Club Room-- in Les- Mis. G. Bail. kard School on Friday evening, Mar. Wiltn conishand7th. iProceeds tc go to the British eyIitConih n War Victimis Fund. The Newvparik jlviie with his youngl people will present a play. nis, n Sndy. Concert will start at 8.30 p.mi. Ad- Hairold MauDonald m-ission, ladie-s with pies fr,'ee; gents, onspent Sunclay 15,,. Corne and enjoy a. god, time andI Mv. ~idMrs.J. elp wothycause., CC1aiaS in Dry Goods Ie d C L inaen Tea T ow els, each 39cI K'I..,itcen Terry Towels, pair s, each ys, reg. 75c for 40c 39c 69C ,iit for Tip Top Tailors and Automnobile Insurance dl, Guridy Ltd. Bonds, etc. c at P7ear of Store S'MITH - ORO STARK VILLE,1 Mvr. Gordoni Trimi spent Sundaýy lan Toronto. Si Mlis. G. silver wvith her sisýter, Mr's. Veitch. Ubrla. MlissNom Iaowl spent the Mr. and Mr-s. H. Littie, Bowman- ville, wýitli Mrs. Ida Star-k. et Mrs. Ethan Jones returned froir ti Port Hope Hospital on Sundcay. Mr. aifdlMrs. torna Todd an 'Miss sj Rileen, 'with Mr. Gonneil, Millbvook. ai Mv. and 'Mrs. Charlie Hoît, Tor- onto, with MvI. and .Mrs. Fra.nk Stone. v: Quiltirgls were held at M.s Wm. pi Savery's and Mrs. W. H1allowell's ast weeâ. SI M;-. and Mrs. Ross Hlallowell with Si Mr. and Mrs. J. El .White, Eliza- bethvllle. Mrs. Lew. Hallowell and Mapjriee wý with Mr. an-d Nfirs. Harold Little, of Bowrnaarville. S, Mr. and Mrs, Russýel Savevy wlth ai her parents, 'Mr. and Mms. A. Mul- drew,ofE-I EizLibethvhhlle. eai Mr. and,,Mr.s. Ru'ssei Lowry an#d E, tailiY, of Toronto, _M. and -Mrs. Lyle L wr, ronýo, wlvth Hr. and vi Mr.Alf. Doib!son. pu r.andM .Delbert Rallowell, IrL H.Harrington aný'd P-a111, M),11% BýilI B3,,arc iad AMiss Bertha Hahlo- wLl, Toi',nto, wtothir par ents, Mr. SI MINIMUM AGE FOR OVEP£- Gi r SEAS WORK ILAID DOWN FOR NURSING SISTrERS a Newmus laid down f or candidates el- for appointment as nursingl- sisters, dlietitians, phsiolie rapy aid and hi home sisters witli thc Canadian Armîy bc aýverscaa require that appicants be at so loaat 25 years ofld. On appointmeint to they inust give an undertaking not to oni seek permission to retire for the pur- pose of marrying until com-pletinig at R( least one ycar's service in the Royal wý Armsiy -Ivedlical Corps. Should per- ru mission for this purpose be granted, th ~awite walver must he furnished (ci relinquishing dlaim to return tùrans- ottihto Canada. se Ma C . L. Fraw corps), lias b-eau appoii NO D~~1ireetor of Tasot 1114 0 Qiiarteýr-Master Gene-vsa vley, Toronto, AI-my , Ser-vice nted Assistantl hranchi of the( ,il ait Na.tional Grilse or Tennis, Hlas Them Al i n The Winter 2prizeý 'SAFTEE,",- LEMON ()Il for p'olsing fuirnituire, w'ood- worlk, etc., birilliant 1'sting, polishi,lag 12 oz. bote1SC, \V(OME1N'S CLRDCOTTON H(OSE, duleeld, toc, and top),sizes s to) 10,/2, pair .............................. 17c, FRE& ~COCOATE ARSTASE-TPeanuts anda TAST-T FuitandNutBarsin ilk hoc~la-9 2bars 5c. SPE7CIAL: bRegular box SUPER SUDS andia2c RE IIT ISHI, ail for .................. .. ............-...... ....24c. HABIANT EG.,r T(OMATOSUP largec 28 oz. tn ,2 for ........................................ .......... ... ... ..........21c. SIrIRIF'S JLLYPOWDRSStrabery, ine- appic, (Oranige, etc., Pkg.. . . . ... ............ ..... $PECIL: ReularBox OYDOLandmd niox ail for ... .................. ................................2-3c. JJFFY BOILED DNER i........ .......... 10C. AS LAN SULTANA. RAISINS-, SPECIAL, lb) 10c. ROLEDWHAT . l. ag SECAL ............ 19C. MAPE LAFPUR LRDI l. rins>SPECIAL, 2 for .... . . . . ........... ......-......... ... ..... ............ .. 1 17C. CY:RUS BREAD FOU, 44-b. bag... ...-.69C. ARWBLEND TEA, bilk. SPIAL, 1 i) l......c.. ' SHELLED ALMONDS, 1-4 lb. for .......... ...... ............15c. FY'-S PURE BRAKFASTCOCQA, SIPECIAL, 1-2 l1b. for .... ..1............... 9e. 1 ilb. t1in. ............-.....- 31C. WýONDEFFUL, SOAP, SPECIAL, 10 bars ............25C. Tie quilt being for the British War Vîctimi's FundIC. MmI. and LMis. Allen MýQfl'att, of Bowmianville, visitud Ihis brother Go- doni on Sunday, tying ail the long hiýs on bis skiis. We are sure glad and also appre- L'iate the snlow plow saIin our mnidst, as it bas kept our roads open and quite, wide to. Little Murray Aldread, -whlias heen ln St. Joseph's IHospital for- the pa-st thm-ce weeks, wýas able to bue brouglit out on Thuvisday of thie past week. He is sowygainiing bis stmengtb. o0 Mýlr. and Mrs. friands here on Si Miss Leone Cui Petemiboro for a si Miss Barbara A brated bep Stl ir Mr. and Mrs. aunlt, .Mrs. W. J. lWalley, on1 SunIdiïy. A nmber fdxthis sectica at- tended the pres(mntaticm for Mr. and MUrs. Lawene ai;jis on WednesdJay (eenng. last ait their home. MVIas,-ter E-ami Taylor, who had the miafortune to have lis leg broken1 two mcýnth]s ago, I eturnecd fromn Nichiolis Hospital, Peterboro, on Sat- urday. 1Litte Murray Aldread. wbhasi heen so i hi inSt.Jcseph's 1Hospîtal in Peteiboro then past month, returni- ed-borné on Thursday much improved in health. PORT HOPE OVER TOP IN PILEDGE CAMPAIGN Port Ho)pe bas; gone ova:r the top in making pladges to the wam saving, canîpaigil, cea figures show. tot-al oï 1,208 ledcges bas been va- ceiv-ed while the quota was 1,000. In DuhmCounty, witb seven centres uinreporteud, hic total pledges i ',qý T'ne quota for the five counties in the Peterbomo di ýjstrict is 29,250, and of titis 14,382 pledges have beau re- ceîived. SIXTH U NEi Take in tha Talking PcueSo SI IMin the towni hall, Orono, on -M>.nday, Totlie Timeas %e wisb a-Il sticcess,I evening, "Tan Nights in a Bair Root-ii and if space invites we send ourlat 8.15 p.m. Admiission 25ec. and 154c. Canada, our native land, ir hopes are fixed on tbee; e should w%,ork out wit'b beart ani band iy glorio.us destiny. nadians who are oyver thare miinced citizetrs that one wholesale nuisance is the liqu or traffic, s~ oil.y to one Adolph Hitler. The orj 'las lived ah lhis hife in ýCilrkc, Townshrip,. and lia5 like i'many othars, 'been a. sad witness to many trag-ical eývents cause~d by this gorg.on headed ironater. A recent report of the dis-