,MAR, 13, 1941.. ield By Agricultural Socie id the amsial gether e Fed- or five Swor1k, 'ations, ne reai .e have -i net ýat one ýr, that wvi o>ver, and new al] work for, anether. We have 350,000O farin- aifiIiteti with thjs organizatien but tI-etse are net al . active bers. This constitutes haîf the ýers of Caniadaï, and if ail these activa, it would flot be uecessary ing in any more. isý Federati,n, h said, was first g'lt te tisa attention of the tarin- at the cenference a t London, i2,000 farnmers era present, and is meeting aIl the fasrmers we-ra das oue body, thay backleI tise ýtors at thise meeting in al they while there, andi if at any time dir-etor is net attending tc, his he an a e replaeed at the next uga- At the second t o of the F-e fou], agricultural 1-and ail areth Id have tý,o' hIe hel-u ýer a daiegatien fro e useaut by aaying e a seenar I ceuid ýr lanîn m aid thaât the farmeizz miaking- war contributions withi 1teO England. That nie will dIo our' , but te do this agriculture will ete be raised to a highler stand- than it is today. We are willing mnd ail -we ean, aven at a lne e, but ~ the endition that other- c f industry de the saine, net te the fTarmier to lower his prices and the otheirsý. But if -ie have te 1Canadla will hiave to be asked te e up the difference te the fanuier-, that tliey xill receive fair prices their piicdnice.Ilie said the On-] t o ermn had helped the far- aon chee-se and hogs wbich saved ie of the <armîers 41/2 millioîn dol- -If one group shoui le guaran- 1a certain standard cf pay, al àki have it. The flýnminion gov- ment lad endorsed other- groups ha tandc"ards ;set between 1926 and 9. If the farmer-s standard nwas for those years, thalr would lie re- (Continued on page eight'j ,ke TownshiP Shorýie, Port Graab)y anti ns. Tiserisasbeau ovar $0 iln loLecîkr o f these la andth ie intereat l gowug Lopa te bavealal our sciscis work- n this basis befo>re long. Oronc Ai basfour ],ants, ena <for escis andt here has beau rep)orteti frem iree roa No reýport en rýecelved fi»m aVier reomi. i, t1,4 of ie 44,,bpç1 ýn- E. A. Summers Honored By Durham' Centri FREE FRENCII SPAI Iu the Sudanl, detacliments of Spahis, la had sevaral encounters -with tisa Italian tereti and laft a nuilber cf demI. Sean FIREMEN HAVE TWO CALLS IN SIX UAYS Oro Fire Brigade had two runs in six diiys, attendin4g firecals. Onie oc- curred on Friday cf Iast week ai-d a chinmey flre on Wednesday of tVMs week. Around four o'cloek on Frida~y al- ternoon the home of cl. J. C.G. iaey i ..+- 1, aration caugfit on fire and as to hen it start- minis,. ed ia stili a usytery. Tisa fire started bat thseirn- the livinigreet,' directly under fhe )edý A furnacetta, burungil a 'hele in the >011 tie floot about f i ur feet hy fhrea feet. ,inter- On a ratter that ran acress the hole-: lien. ndei the fleor,wa an electric nr ar ntvhidJh eigllt have been tise cause o ~k ac th baze.Theewa, ne ire n he hfa-steve at tti trneif -av'ggen- eu ns W o hursday venn.It is nv'itcer.- talai nheliser tha t ire sateifrom iun- drathbie fiooring- or en te,t itoiuid appear ,it started rmun dliýerneth frein thewri. If it had net beau. noticed wnhen it "Vas , insre is Fr~ee French cdesert cavalry, mn-y patrols whirh rapidly scat- are ýSpahi sicouts on patrol. ,serious damage would bave occurrati. No onle was hoine at thse time. Mra. Ga¶stey waa visiting in Ottawa, nihile thse girl niho was looking affer tise houe w nas at thse Iýstoffi'ce.Thse firetuen soon had the blaze unsier colntroi, using only an extinigulaher ai a fewv pails &f niater as if hadn't madie sufficient headway te useth Ihese. One large axpensive mgl was part- ly burneti, a ceoule of scatter rugs, a cushien, anti a small stcre'ol. Ail tise c-urtaiins and blinda wisere discoleradj by the smokae, aise the Nvallipaper, in fart ail tisa reoýmsini thse ousenl ha-vQ te be decerated. On Wednesdayr aftartieon ;cf this 0eklethe, Ch1ilnney at tise hbee cfMi. and sfr-s. iiuey caogkit on lr n the fînieusen era callefto te tisescenie. Mr-s. Fnny ati jus,ýt trteI afresis tirýe antIdIeft te o -)p town fer go cer-ias. While celing ,h me aisene ticetui snioke eegigfrem th de house ntil turned liian alarusi. No damag-e was doule anidtillie chinsnay is hI0 cleaneti eut. Canada's War Effort A weekly revi«ew off developinents ed as medically unfit. Means adopt- on the Homne Front fromi February ed to tiglhten medical examination of 27th to Mar-eh 6th, 1941. recruits. 1. Goverini-ient-owýýned l{ousing 8. Cnnadianwashp arrive homne Com-pany fornied to deai -wiiùh short- after ten nonths serviçe in 'war area. age cf living adç>mxudationi for war 9. Net revenue frern tourist traffie wonkers. Joseph M. Pigott, Ham-il- in 19-10 estimated at$8»00, ton, president desig-nate cf company, 10. TIncome tax collections during Contracta awarded duingiL- weelk ended eleven moý,nths peri-d of fiscal year February 21st :by Departmient of April lst, 1940, te February Zth, Mlunitions and .Supply numibered 1941) totalled $231,179,485, net in- 1524 and totalled $19,01.9,249. crease cf $103,627,839 over cerres- 3. Tliousands, «f Oan.adian soldiers panding 1il onths of prewieus fiscal and airmen arrive in Great Britain year. March lst. il. -Mýuition-s and supply contracts 4. Total cf over 90,00 vebieýles for awarded frous July 14, 1939, te Nov- imilitary purposes Sent frem Canada ebr3t,19410, totalled 124f9, te Empire at war. . Total'incudes bothi Canadiani 5. Justiýe -M. 1B. Archild(, Sui- and UnIited inde accounts; aiseo p-reme Court cf Nova Scýotia, appoint- orders for Canadian civil aviationi ed cmmsierte inquire in¶c othledvrin Causes of Liack of capacity productioni 12. Sixty-three milUs treated 1,- in the 4ceai mines ini the Mit-Ci- 16,43'0 tons cf ore fro Ontario mand dlistrict, New Brunswick. mines in January, creating ll-im 6. ovenmet Bill before Cer-n- onthly record fo1odor iln mens iinaking pensions act cf Gi-eaýt ir Ontai . War of 191418 applicable te pr jent 13.,peciil ci ote f Comminon war. - ppinted te eve Defence cf Cali '7. 0f 9À00,000 enilis;tnPts since ad ,i(a rugu-lationis with law relating -to openiing present war, 10,829 dîicharg- deprtatien an-d naturalization. THIRF CROUP CONCERT Reserve Friday, Mlarch 2l-st, for- the Third Group Entesrtainmient ilu Park St. United Church. A breeze fromn dear oldTi reland Where humnour ge awending, -y for ending. ser-vet. Admission, f reu. 10c. Orono 9 Ladies' AN EUG PARADE A White Legiseru pullat, eigist esontisaelti. on the farm cRf Vincent Hickay, Lakefielti, is doing ber bit te aid tisenar effort. For the past tiarea niontis s ae has beau daily adding te the egg basket, a large white egg, and imany times if nias a double- yolked egg. lier latest contribution deserves special applause. It mneas- ureti 6ýi incises by 73/4 inclies, anti weighs 4 eza. Englauti is nonv trying oàt their ai e I.. 1f~ Rex Frost, Guest Speaker,K Tells of the Conditionis in the Balkan States The Durhai Cen Cal Agricultural eceF Socýiety spensered 'a banquet cn o Thursday evon f hast weel in ti houer of ;Mr. E. A. Sum.miers, arcl tu-ral representatiye fer, Durhamn Gouunty, at the lorg banquet tab)le"s in the hall were taxed te capacity tec- held al lu attendance. te Atter a very sumptueus repast bea givecn by the ladies of the Society and others, the pregramîme fer the eveni- te ing coi-eiicedi. iSm Mr. Neiil Mutton, president cf the har Society, made a fen remaaries and ask- dec ed ail te rise and drink the toast te iu the King. Qo 0f.Garuet Biekard proposati tha QU toast te Mt. E. A. Surrsmers, 'w nas px'eseuted nith a- diplecma frein the mij SocÀetiy for the intarestU he has takan o in Agriculture, alcng with tha follow-- îsag atidres Dear Mr. Summners,- lue] LEWIS 0F WEL( ýMr a.nd mr's.WI.E. Lewis, )me, whese son'Mia was tt Ort Hope boy te eeo r a D. is war, are in oeep f a rnl their soln l iilhhe de: weivling- lis Distinguilied 'efrom ,the ing. 'ïH]e's grýand," Mika nirota in the King, "and tihe Quee: ýautifl"' "~I was taaiking te bise King 20 mninutes," Mike -wrote. stiealIy. Hie and the Quees ure a waek ago, and presente, eor.atiens. 1 was preseutedti ithe mess reon, for tliey lunch. Gosh, he's grand iseen is se beautiful nith a -iae. Tfheiy are a. wexderful c "Mike's" brother Greo>Tige, ined ito f ollowi his footAtep )rnrl t MA.F gyen ciseerio, happy d tel, It nias indeed a hapipy tieught thiat Neil filuttoni, Pr-es., -M. auimiated imernibers of our giulu Seetar>y. ai Socîetiy te' aan-ýige this gatharîug 1Oo, AMarcis th, 19-1 of your fiands. Mr. Susumiiers, 01 n e' inthese fateful days WC need 'te be reýassure-d frons turnete timie thatI PGdeM'-Wil l"s til i "lî2vz;, andlCIthat wli"e gout'Ôtdwillipri-ls usfantiwo-~ men uitiieir fear aux .falte. 11a this spirýit cf good nUil nie have aýssesnlblad khere tonight ;te say -te yeu 11> .0w mucis e value .you, net odnly as an unitirinçg felloni worlcer, but alse as afr-ienti. Whatever yels have unlder- taken oun our bisalf yen have pursueti te a finish witis zeal antid tria tien . . . . irvr you have been, you have radiateti godicisear -and en- tliusiasm. Not many miea 50 g-ift2d that catchi- ing a vision of nisat eug'-ht te bc tiey eau retain it nihile they secura its ac- com-plisismeut. A cenituny or m1ore ageoOne cdý the great philesophers of alturne had this teusy, '11ie ancients net only hid great intentient but they car- riati thera Intoeaffect." "We mcearus have aiýse great intentions but~ are seldom able te translate themn into action with such power and freshuesa as ne have thougfist them-i'.. .. . We tisank himn for hie nords but ne di*s- azree --nifl i hm nien we tiik cf yeu. It ia just fiant very power and fr-es- naeof ideas, of action, and cf per- s mualitv tisat endear yeu te us. Te-> ou and 'M)-s. Summers nie woli e(xpress our niarin i eep ap- pr-ecip.tion of ail yen ha-e (d ne for l:, andi With us. Boys ind girls. me'n andinomn yeounp and olti alika, ail jein luiiish- a.heuld ce (L lg at Gulçl 'Vin tise war 'fil have te heesp wiil c( iu iJurban m ouuity ana nah& it îimmý-eusely. Mesrs.GeogeDavidge Hanitcck randereti a vocal M\ r. George Hart,Oha eti Mr. E. H. Stevens nwiih iven each year bir tise A Sociaty te the man whomi figues bas beeu outstaudii cammnunity fer the past ye Mr. Russell Osfiorue 'rc to-ast te the Ag-rieultural -nihs was ably respeondedi O. W. ro>ýlfsh. Messrs. Geo. flavitiga Hlanceah faveureti nitis a A quartette, censistlng ( Littlewcod, D ick Merto Tanablyni and D Donald Stapi ed the _audien~A n iltisaa E thaeir musical instdrumei(nts. The toas-t te agrto ultur, poseti by 7\Mr% M. HI. Sa iitî duceti the guest spea Mvnug 1r. RxFr'ost, w! MIr. l~stsiin oek - (oninution pg Orono Young People's Union Entertain Bowmanvilfle Y On1 Mouc(fay Lening-, March lOtis, humeý tise Young People's Union (Yf Park L'romn St. JUitedi Ciurcis entertaineti the ad Iy yp ung peopie's group of Trinity villa Unitedi Ciurch, Bo-wm-auiville. TIare with1 niera about eigh'ty in attendance, andi byterlý it was ver>y encouraging te hava sucb jeopixp ~Vol. Fal hain main .H. il el"n znai in C in 123 Cash Total Tisese pl 7--ý pu-mmers ana nimiseiii: