St. Patrick And The Holy Flame Here Is A Fiée OId Irlsh Leg- end of 1-ow The Ligqht Cam)e To The Green Iz!e This ta fce tale o! StiPatrcli ant the isoly iane as told by dark Pegron hr z woe Ceehave ne« loket pon -lhle sseti sC ýuna theen twoty >yanr.,AndtiIsleSches.a" Pt ifL lu thie médde o!the world nue natone one, at Uniet»ouo Se higl CHt of Tara. Thse SbDof !tîe Ca' lots 'led t,, it fra thenotIi, as tebanqut hallo! hi kng, a theic ani C0F "Y'u, oufl mtih o Qunn Meve, 'wsa ston !i-e ike retjreýweL, l as, ante îleo pus ayfat a mail o!quiet seeu' lotl ferihalhie'ar. g i o wieback-, ae fimLe erounti he tone fno worship. 'TLey,ý e re Latt isinga luIr'el-andti ýLu flu îtInyS, ant i teir goit na:s Crnm, flic giver o! fItr. Close te tise stone -tood a rn !Dulttt e ,idligot iroontuir cok Thon caurne îe adshCtithi harpe covereit againef theniglit idi.Antiî round abot tem am lb iaings, ail leokliug te fiseir Art- It.igIj, Layo! île Gold]en Tond.0 A Stranige mnws encur-sei for a ye-ar anti a day xith fln pew- erf urn ai tinge fu goIt, butý l-i le nthe-r sfery. ON TOE MOUNn0F SLAN fie wind fmom ilin esea,belg aotywith fl -fngot sitlAt su aiIsle aiui was not a f ire on Jih heartl, for !t was tisa fime o! ladam se proclalmeti ly the Arcli luni tf0uli lroen only waiali fiane frsu Cnm'saibars ai±mn ta carry if home. flarness (s ni e liii nui-t overulith ie O! M ents.THe Idngeý stoti ronIt fn tonte, sil a y ont 'for eaich blrflogifà a 'lunrime o! pene. Tliny waiytel 1oming ef te 11-,(antfi ey ewonldÉ c e slufling their fef, beike, for 'Iiithe prout hart l finua, n' rot lniug usedte tWnaibg. ThenlathMe blac ulît, cros onthemoluti etc anti seadicipobnrnlng n'hil tisealfr oCrom astu Prouit mou liy we're, eril lu teir ugt Ter shetrat- ýwear ing liy fln un antjii fln Windý, etrauger btter mannra. Teewus tumîtnui soubugaýilovet Tara as tfenk&stu came au Sinie. There stooi St Parb-ic imseni - ng nbha fr ieir 1noise, Wisîsht!" anysliegety "b Ande! 'ie Hs r iiy o erieas if deu ldbensld Lrantihi cef wrebave ~rhn fey aw ne.Tliey stooit qnietly anti wen flnservicwa eipt ley,3toed t more ie PIMUcpread iýthem in rthe bil po-se o! li's fne efore manay tnyýS leArdi-Diti hineet! a un surrenitoetied cprovitei thîe gootèd saitJIfis Ie fort o! Tn-im, lest îleway tiseLtI cae f Ielai Inn jus a plain farmewmani, leu m enjoy the sunsef.- neotaïoff' ti cIc cnse s;y'coul;ý Teý eulef, i lensy dLt:;, Anti h1ppinesa my -,goal. ram froostlnewonlt ofsrfe $eraylovely hnaIfa te 19-foot ekelebon e! a mar- reptile, an iehlhyosaumus, h ncientists aay hivnd 180,- 000 yenns ago, ans ~eund me-. Iy lu fIe chahs- formations et nslne of tise liempasisi Goen- n'osks lis fie Nodlevu Harts n~ains o! Cnrmany. $UNDA Y FESSO'N THE LORD'S SUPPER Luke 22: 1-32. PR;NTiEO TEXT, Luýke '22:14-80, (Q9LDEN T XTqroàenasye eat this breiAd. and drink-rihE CUp3, ye- polrnthe Lord'. death i i he corne. 1 Cor, Il 02G. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTiNG thie Lordwsenee it n us day, AepR I4th,UAD. 30.he Lord' Suaeltla pae n hirsa evwigAri t i L& oA Plc.The bargan ove Jda nke theIsLadrwasmd was comaevd lua ncuper rom in esaletleghw d îtko teactly whr e thiS uppe roorn as loed e TheePPaom viéuea = aLdCUken 4."AdWIen théLherou axproses. wLh lm" 1. Ani li desired 10 est th ýis a' e wu Heip for w Hat Wyobedeunm;also lits pro-ece-ld eywr as I RADIO REPORTER orneone once tescérst Cr-an levant as a "charactenaho, if ie dit fnot exAst countnof C, of NBEFS Information Please", coirnes protty anr tehnin cor rect. l lat et ('ffift'enn.Bnn'nct o! instruCions frouaIprakn tendllers. But hie irt jb a attepiano l aNwiokné music wa.Sîl qikelwyt pny for hioncpert etcation ofliguler funes lewokedli way eedity upauint fro -gî,ii Bon BernWesocetr,îevu devile stagemusical cmedyan filaatlyconpoazing, hn awnb a lit calle,"Ld Ply on Mlandotia". ha the meantinse yeun Le- vunt developet tefinie agility as acnefoalifanti w4t, gan ewe nietbNO ln wilsJohnn ï,-r aniFnkl P. Adams. So qikydtl "ic"he ns aten ena e ociîCe "Board"le Ale part on lternafe wnelts inîlprrme Fîday eveuluge t93 ocok GOOD MUSIC Canatlian ui lvr aera lizig mr, nimretergo fortrUne in iigicldtl l Sscane wlso have selnt' na from tosin homes by MWa,. TIe effct of Ibis lis n euey cclaly -'in le rgamsPro- setet tur-inýg tflicpsv to a sosbyI CC- ratilis ten-. crs- hauve been pnivilegeOdtoIci heur mlany ro! these grentartse preusenfteit from tfheOfaw st- dij ofe! he CBC aI .0 .s lEDST on Mo vu, March 17l The gucatuiitonIheo- casions wililie Madlamle Llka Koînsa, Czech concert acclimet, asole O! the lcndhiugwnnnm- icnso fEurop)e. She hlas ap- pertas soloiet wîfl ail e pi hamnesocîeie inliîe Hurop- eýau capitale, ntder sudh couduec- lrs ne Brun-o MWalter,Mng- bemg,Fulagr AROUND THE DIAL B Y thc way, CKOC las a anwý feutune, Ihe Co-op qUizz, hchf h'eant fnornit-hat station con Tua day-ni;sa'. 8.00 o'ctock. T""ie quetin nt answer feuture le a -progn1anv with a new atisï,t.rTune lu-,antildcnjoy cmsef, nti100 teewil le prizes f!or îlelis Four pnefctLy lsss hnt (ni igbrofler -IheVansFaiy of PRai fumie -arîle e rsihging egutuns on AILec-(, pl- ton'a ,Fiday evcning sne.This progralil s je earti from WE3BR aIt 7.30 cach Fî'iday ven ,at le oun]' o! the lest intuliedso Tbe c nwesýt word forthig lntylis ien dreamet up1liy tîle local boys foi,>r bo 're-wiudo-. t isp'L-y'ýs d-tgef an tto! ut-. teafion -imlagine ~oin"a Ant ileemben wc ui cave ourseiveliy eavinig waraamm Lifting of Bars Tish oetae t 'ilkit Oppose MWns' AssoIatono! Onarto lua resolufl!oîs opposinhg impor;Clttion o!ý o Souorargu-ie sait "cisre muy le a grave £sceîrcify e!-fferinîl aWinfer e! f1942" beun1su fin n01 larlo rov-incial boîsïus nitff pre- imake lb "more profifnbe fo tfIe basicproer lun Oufef0 manu factuýre hî lte ltk ino ises l saaio! butter. initustric e n-n'hsisons o! manu- favfuariug o r tmportinýg oleoniL-- iolbula le reity tefate 1datu- age ! ay stuaton întwoni nsis a i!unhgpuhlc opin ion ,in lvrc!",~ ubetaan aswusue fr buterin Cmaad. Anofer rsoluionpucssetipro- testetipng Igl! lic pr-ice ,o!but- fer,s ,y!)(àIcprice stwas bu' low coa f o! roduction unit "paccit ent n'udlinwore nflan a a- amuy; f wuldleandcAmn- îîo -1 -dmiaINomnu New Suits Designeci For Bombed Br;tish Children Until the K<iingdom Corne 17z "And ie e- vetncuai when le ie ad gîven hnli alt Tak1!e tie, and di-,ide it amn 1 l ot drinkf-om inn eor o!, tho frýjuit ot tIc vine, ni h kig om O([ Goti clat crn 19."Ani le took b r e a t "d~sIlen liladgîetan, J!e brakce t, a1 i d uave tt fhcni sayug, Thisle m bod whil te iv ienifor o. ud. rnentaily, the vas ibroken s that if might be passot arounti, anti artaknOff!by thedicpls Buit, of curetabreaýking anon! o!f lire adC, i tes unlty te destroy,.,eita juut is whieu a body tues, If dis- initegraites. It lias oïftea been pit et ont thaf nÉbroke-n bread le sym- houe of deatl in l Mfvewaye: tli sei. of Nwleat sown tin the ront mut iret diïe letore ane sal arises; at Ihaveaf ,thewetme lie cnt itown; for fleur 10 l e i- turueti frem whieatit muet L ie iro ntt a mil]; for fleu;r to lie made digestible, i ulie balceti miveti f othier elemrents; finailyv, liread to Le nafn muet liebren if nett wifh the lhande, ut least wlt the teeth fv type-s or euhin a rontoro!breat. "in Rernemrbrance of Me" -Thil 1 doin vrememlrirnce o!ï me " Literatfl sshnl le trans- lateti "with a view t aty ingf mm i d, a remnembranc.àe of me,"ý Christ ýJLa eeaslrîiug te0 isipe to lmmmdii themSeIelvesanioter 0,o!te reitemiption lie woutd win,' liy lits 1eatL l, 'J"The eti o Jean wa b enumoe 0 i fo ta r lan l the acpto trorn s1avery lu 'Egyp-jt cllrt liy the Passevr The Passover -Lad", doueifs worl and servei is pur pose, andi now if mas tu give place a)nti make w-ay for the celebrafion of f Ie mal eieac o lcln man race. ,"This Cup"' 20. "Andthle cup lunio nnnuer after supper, saying, Th a cp C the a iew coen n ta1y ieoi, e- en ihtîntwhchteponlredi ont fo 'book or the covenaut' Aln e au&i epneo es eople, hu tkeïi hlotiunt erikluiit on the o! the covernutaldhthfle Lord bahmiowilh m onering ai Hie e'oie, Ill e pv nwat new promise o! an lWard ite 0 info thesrelfor atae liingex dprieceuipthe hderta o!Hie the slietdiugof taebloit o Chist theq bioodo!new cevnantorf rm pouret on uexf da , e averes: prec inthe betrlIsOer L 21. Bu iehngothe limaitofhm thaf et laiyet my e 5 ti me o île ýtalCol. e. 2. Fr te Son of ari sin.eeI gth ý, asit cat Rbe e Tlrul ho-_ le s etryd 23.od Ant teybe anofuesion tIf eas tht shmuli d ti 'Ilsug. 2.c 1An Iera a21. ose nc us aIon was accountett 1to li geatest. .Anid lAie i unto tlamcoTh ineo! 11e Geie1HP a havelord- tihip over tlïem anti theý tIsaI have aufhoity ov e he are cati eiÀ Heeatr.2.But ye shahl net be se: but Usatilethe geater arnong "youI lut hlm becoepuias the oungr; nti lie that is chie! as li tha dots Jeve.-7. For whlc legreaeriseth-at sittetli at maeat, or heothat serveth? is flotlie that sitteth a m, ? u 1 an lu tnamidst et ïyon aslieh ,Ltntsrel" The Diin vay to th rne ilta fl n wayo! SelC you a Ningdo o! that moit. 28. But yc e rîtIey 1that have -Mns 2. ait f appoJint 'uIlleyou a initmevn s my Fathler ;ap-1 pointetI unto 1me, 3.that ye ImayI. eat ni d(1u13kat ny table lum 1 kiuqgtemi; nit«ye sha, ait on blrones judtgitog the('evçtilseS 0f lrue." ords *.,uch nsth(ese, fit of bauy nd trui, carry itli asuaneo rewnr'it, posDitive, con- th ruealo~ Tomue o ln othr iLe wtn te Lord,ani the Ban Favored OVn Margarine POP -Top NMan Answei -to Pri ýG 1 N 'ATIT S A Tý.A.N E 0 ALEV 1 NýS h-MRiE m ii T A B El p L c A Ai AP S ' -1 E N 42 Red Cross. 43 Hops kilu. 45 Anti. 47 Eleclnicai 48 Female f, owl. 50 Tp Corrode. 53 Wleel brack mark. 5By7. 5f) Branches :e! science, 18 Ocean. 60 He was-,, by 'birîlh. evilons Puizzle 12 Afraid.. 'N â SLRE iked fori.t: UIS E kR - airainis, ýAApOF P E A 2Heatis o! IGRA SA N parties, ý'MRA T B C '22 To succeed,. A V El 25 To giaze, .T CL'071 27 Pitdher. EE_ CIT 29 Confined. L LO M 3Greatlaâke. AL IERIS3one that C)1 He was a -3 5 ns trumient o!f light opera 1 for mcasuning VERTCAL 7 Mammal 1 Courage. 44 Jumpinlg 2 Passaýge. stick. 4Forwand. 48 ear. SHa-teful. 49 Si'lkworn. r) Rupture. 51 Bir'd. 7 Paratdise. F52 Ne,7t bnight, 13 Plexus;. . 54 'lo employ. 9 Before Christ , 5 3.1416. 10 Cloth 56 Exclamration.1 mnensureý. 57î Theretore-. Il Shower. .1) Whil1e. By J» MILL.AR WATT Tliee ewYorci"litrnDickie Miltar (frt>ý, Helen rî an B3albara Devine Ic(wenaning gas a c, eshown aI ý Neýw York's 4cft hall aste dmn tratete ew tpesuit deýsîïgned for Blitishhildà,ý- ren, for incl-usionin innites for Britaill. The suite are zippIer ,type aÀJÈ4d have~ ~ ~~I ataht os ftakes mee second o ger imb ,orle 3fth. suits. and tinie is of îthe essence whien th i .-ienisr, i WRITER 0F MUSICI HORIZONTAL whose imusic is frequently played. electrical terminal. 14 To rant, 16o Olive shrub 17 Incoiin 18 Citmurîs fruit. 19 Netihe 2sh Opposet to cold. 2l1-Fiber nos 23 otphing. 24 Docter, 25 Feutal fte. 26 Musical note 28 To accomphish. 29 Tiay vagetables. 30 To be indebtedI. 32 Confession. 34 Haremn, 36 HUmane. n38 Ledig part ia a duel. 19 Cereal grass. fL LI i