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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1941, p. 3

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Homirren Plan xStyles Chang0W01hTimew TreniSTo-dýay in 1lieuse De- signiing la Towaýird Placzing! k5itchn id Garage at Front eftï1liýes ,iigQuarters at Rear Afamii buimis r buan hom nefÈ juatt orc tdy but o li u tur, se a ctgig î-sietag: YARD AT UMEAR There j-la a giong mieu-u servce neliti s t tic font e flouac in g spane. [ha unitoim buildinig line s t b -ing elimatet, anti housesa are beiimg placeti 50 suat scihome will be ,osprtt aýs wide-iy aspoibefrm fe nlipro i4stiis ta l esuin u so-cllet "moem" isesý, nemi,' buligare !beiping te icnde l"ic Far Amaolg The Flr amoag fie ioely hwls As I lay beside uty sheep, Ref amle downl upo-n my seul Prom ticeeverlasfing deep. Chîangeleýsa ari ln saabve, N Changclesa mra uoCeedta ho( even; Andthie everlashing hils ChangelesawahlSalicchangelesa heaven. ESee the 1riveîs, howtliy ra S Afil acound la torethjougit sure, F'ledwil ntistraticree. Ca'n flic sailor moILve tflic maini? ill fie potter heedthefic ay? Morfal! whcre tcspirit drives, Thth riut tfie wlieels obey, Neither ask, nr fret, inor striv-e; Whbere tliy pafl mathounashahtgo. Ne who muadtie i o! tinteA Watzts fusle dowu t o we r we -CaisKinigley. 4rQuints' Home Towni I Fishing Area Mvention the name et Callander antid rentiers intmediately thinisk of fis Dionne Quintupîcta, but fie f t own ias ofilier disteOfaie -tsmcl s ifLa a jmpingoff 'Place for angler's whoss ubiJe- fve arcLake Npsig andI Frenci River. Thîiý information Cs cotaîne in a ncw booef on humifigand fishig issuetby fli Can-uadian National lailways. Fiali iniabelasasainclude sa-' moftasa, muaýky, pie anti pIcisherel, anti in ,hec roper tinte bunfers ea ini ier, !black Sear,' ducisapacrtige, when pcv- m1-ifft, ani rlif.Callanlder ïis 119 rmilesnerfh efT 1oronto, won heCladiafiNtoa System. Calis Color Movies Easy for Amnateui's Sience lias made flic art ef taklng anti projecfiag one's own clor merles as simple as dial- ýIg a felephone, Dr. A. I.Wil- iekày fol the Royal Caiatilan Iia- kstilfu-te af a reentu metingla-i Toronfo.lis gavea. dt im nf'te 'üf vwhat may lie donc witimcx pený-sive eq'.iiienf, 'creing an heur-lonrgfravelogue. "Abote all, fie amteur camera is frutfliu," lk aid. "If sos flic Kasbhliof Algie rs ans if ï la, nefasHoywd wo4ulti have us thînlý if l." cdatter f welve yearýs' rsesaci 141b0 at tteeseinlaphoto- eraphy as a hobby, lie sit. India's Census Shows 400,000,000 People 'ýprdia' s ýeveiifli cenus s--cx- 400,00,000 s l earing comn- pletion the Brtioi Brioatiast- ing Corporation reports, estimat- iusg total cee-toothe- census At $QY75POOM0.TiceI3BCsaniti1,- 500,000 ennimraors were neeti- e d te help lie Awork, adting W that flic est oet the naus per zapifli poeion 4'pu-bably Waa the c(li'a(st in cwrd" unidentifiedGem in aSoi hand rida Ibottie a ýt him dri an aýrgl2!11entoert'le paigo Earles reqeat. The U.S. gv ernirnenit ignorred 'the ýincidenit. ision of Briishiterests laBu gariafolloing te break-up of diplonmaf Lc rlfusbetween fL L By ROBrI-ïfý1A L EE L IHow far n1 dvne.h1 a ~ ~ ~ ý mnfepneagirl te o h-er for 'a diner date? 2.Whieniit is ne(e ssarLY te d iSca crge taServan t. shoul11dn'tý one give thlis serlvanit a g"ood re- 6 feecif psil discuss a wornan of hiis acquainit- an.e ith other *men 0, or woenl*? 4.If a young mnandeira- 1\ breaks -a cdate wlfh agil withlout a pasbeexcluse, thilen asks !herforanferdtwt m)enýts yeDu on jthie suit or gown or bat you vare 'awesril! wa j.l it corr-ec to private te leph .ne r, by sa.,n If shle is engs-,ged for thaf evenl- ;ing, lic may ask lher ws v i-ng she will liefre 2.Y. Aayone wi la air andcoie- ïaXe will do se iithlout be ing ak ed 3 Neyer. 4. Decline Ïthe fiin.6. Yes-; tha,,t l thes- ccptcd frn Why Easter's Date Is Changred Yearly Deeided Thiat thie Easter Fes- tival SIhould coincie Wit'h ThIe j ew'i Sh Passover, A Moveable Feast Crucifixion fook plce t thetine otf li ewýý,is5h Pseewi u enais a imoveable fat h Ciruistia Churcilli flereferecide thmat te Fasat(r festival shld Co- lidie wPi the icJewishPaser E aster can (oneay4yfo Mar1dci1 'l22 te A0 il a îang eof Eï'IXED BYT'M MOON The cthor.f fixing B, astt(' l long Ili explain lhere. Eae a ;s-thefiratSI und)býa ater fiË1feu mjooji hc apescte uponi CIllfli fît ooin liappe1s, on a Sn da, aacrDa y is the Sunda'y atter O~in filte imperfections o! rlendar, flicSprinig eqmuox for fixig*ster 15s. criuly ealculated dte, ad not tlle ta RHEUM ATIC Aches an-ýd Pains ing. tody ad i co aeiot flee'ied 0e refuoeti Py our tiuggi .Iic Many BSirds Spend Winter n Caad Ob[ser vations FI,-i,,v e Be MAiadec on l11K inds Who er n'b n t ,tr oebr sioeth ut lic nneý,ivsia tie hwsta an idsrmî in CAna.adru im csnu cd(,, humNov fctr te Briisîtc1l- uîa 19i40ecret 6,0 birnidset011- aThers pruvietairamle thed winte'halir-d ppuain t3na2ss muianan lti-in lite lateDu Pinceani u soeuthea isOtro th a ca on.aitnOtre leRe urehni1,00 irds e -e n Teeti.n -otL 13le-ce the190 lu tbtmss per i'etd vý a i-ti tii rà', ty accota -ro aqda, mabinthgosd em tayp wborete wintes are col ere anti bîckaîrds Pr tjOducti eon t lather foot eAr.l nada e fr th caledr b88rar, iioe qiaret outuf ee rlaeoeusey heninodnstr. The aout of dique raei pany o carted and nh2ot n adýing ce n t la 1940 ae $4,-el 437,000,n00as cdth ome wf ~How ca11 epuir a Q. This can I deeanivdory n anstre f whilnesnreie raiTain te ailslemn' ,-dp if le st, atirubvoser.lcdicl RUS OUT TIRED ACHES 38 te 52yer old, Women wio ae restlesý. mootiy, NEBVOUS-whO- fe-ar hoteffLashes, dlzzy sPiels-to faîte Lydlia E. Pinitiim's Vegetable Cer- pound. Pnrsms at-osfor iielplng reomen dcfrlng titese "-týrylasg tintes-" lcpe o funct-ieiil lzcegulart - ties. fief nbotls totiay flrom 1yul< drug"isti WORTIIIp 1G L. A G.St nte 1oveusti b~ u~t ac apleasantsty fontecountry the Otherda. "I an asuredit is true, but ps itao to youwithioltcomn, he sîd. Oneof the local i- inan ] an ia the vllge had lost his wi1e, and wet off to pay buidyour wife.' 'iii sorvy toher o'v C n 'd to. She died.' Thie mistress of the house- entercd the dinirig-roomr just as a burgiar was in the act of purl-oining, the silver. "WbIat are you oing?"as. ed1 the lady. "l'mi at your service, Madl- arn" sid the thicf. The nextSunday was isin j ay Sndayi, and the- boys had lwben acked to learnaua appropri- teverse t orecite iwhienputn thiir pennies inito tUebox. "TeLord lveha chieeul i give," sMidTommy. -He wmho gveth to tne poor lendeth to the Lord," followed Johinny. Then careBiy' tural, aa"d serted a penny, hie said: "A ool and hi oney are soon pavtj ed." "Cerup, old chap. No news l", good news." "Not when you,'re ruit n-g anpwspaper." Thetecr believed in ýgivig hec class lessons ia general linow- ledge. "What là tis?"she asked 0one daiy, hýoldin;g11P a smlail objeet "A psy eneloe," reli liti reddie promiptîy. Go "e-xclainied the teacher. "Adwhat did it conitaîin?>" "Mny"sid Freddie, "yonir xages." Vey good,Fede" Shle adbeamiing roundo thecaa SA ny questions about àt?" "Plje-a s e, teacher," remarked THATS V CIIEW Abouit the mïeanseýt thing a ,;onati can edo -len her huaband's namie is mention- ed is to sigh, look resigned and say ïnothing. House Plants A pctclguide l ocs ta;ne é rom lic DoininSeed iese GergtonOnit. Infýor- maton ou an asily flo ad apply, clcaiy eplinn fi o eatatiln -xp(Ensive ways f0 havefin inoorflowers, %whctl- ce1l grw ro useda, plants or cullis. Niccely illustrafeti and in coveietsie oly35)post- Du;ng the clna erI4 Canadia's sugarrfieis au factured 1,1371791,237 ed u refied sugaran iocreseof 2M 300,370 pounds over the output rccordcd ia 1939, Budigpeifis issued in '2C4 Canadian ncpaiisin 14 fofalled $126U46 RECTAL SORE"NESS AND PILE ACONY QUIKLYRELIEVEU idu ou smtrubletiaw ah cin i e o ectl 1surnes1 ofltj, e rtchîng or srenec s or pintu as io th spupoe etm ac0 tablet, 'ol ulcl rlev heui- lantine orenesa anti aint sai ing tue srs tende ,pots. e-tl 't p 8easant to us, lhily rccom-l 'J aou fieremedyvmaybe haiS tus your Money. *UCLASSIFIED ADVEITISEMENTSeill SELLTOISITARTICLECS, EI antetisucesaor mni'fey Irefond- cdon relitr) f ecladielCt FM 1 XPRODUCT'S, St 'lment,1, Montrea , l1. EL4 I¶'I1c MtK'O tOS FOR s AIle YEECT PRIC MOq TORS, NWAN recndiionti.Jons &Moor'e El- antci wIte ieghornr. Blod-tested SEDFOR, TWEDD RLE'S NE\\54 brit crsse,14breetis ofr uky -e-hoose freiin. Starti ci ks, oldr pltes, Tweddi(1(h1o k aceisL'imitei, Feru,, n CATC 11FR OODPOUTR cdnw.Im d atidllalivery. leg- hures)Ili. xr. ao ,pel 'rilr r and 11idter mesi e gIlt nir, steady roducion ira lwtcer, 130 Joh, Ramit 'QXFOD" CHCS ROMON tesetiby 0ePoulyDpr- mentl, Ont01Agr-1ulural Cul leg, Gcipt.BaretiRkGuet- BifiRiE iRsCl CREEE MAER OR SEASON Laet Holandeitie, QuebetC." Moutose quatermilete cheel. Guelit ati itchner12 miles. ste ntiont uilinge Hyrefi '. ailab'. Fe lei.W ot os. .O.Onare $1300te $000. rtu N.ha , ile MORTGiESORALREMOEXTS et îse pucitasti fr cas, prmt clos, E, CAP- ritomas, cnt fer .1. N. i -A DIEýS- IF DELA %_EDPA 1FU!, ire gular per I m m Ory ye Dlait Fe-a-Tn, it ropt ffAtv relief. Reieve ceursi t orc PEOPREE TALKING$1OI50 DULE getireuit rin taiLamDl-- onshamec fruR'tumaor Pinsu Strei 3 Eli, ttawa\' , f pua- aln Usenuf0s.Thue Rmn Ce, eseret, mpatntfor neic, HU ERSATOIAL FHR DUREE PILLS$15 tarie Bui lg e re Cat ham.IN CR&5.ND TPIUCITARTSFO amal ek --, c-wa orqll Oit; -'41

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