The Orono Weeky Times ?îoposi Establi4'ied Januiary, 1937. Duri Publisihed every Thulrsday morning at The Timfes Office Orono, Ontario ng Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 Subscripytion to thie United States, $2..0 Alil Job Printing WVi11 Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publishier. It taker atlcut 1,H0< nuts Vo hoki. an automobile together, but îly takes oe nut Vo sctter it ail over the landscape. The actIon of the Federal Governiment Vo hava al niployees in ,ories producing war materiais fîngerprinted ie a move hil Ld have been ina4de long ago. Resides Ibeing useful for identifica- puriiposes, it mijht be the means by -whicli suspiejous persons Id be ehecked by the R.ýC.M.P. at Ottawa Whien ttie Great Wýar began, mnany Canadian men ordinarily wore :s. When thie present one began-, most wvore shoes, and large or- sfor soidjers' boots ineant the installation of niew machincry in thie raing, factoiries. 'NTe C.I.L. Oval saVs'it takes 18 days for lea- u o go through the faetony and emerge as finisnhed boots. 'There from 125 to 140 different speialized p'rocesses. Mussolini Growls Mussolii ceorn real peeved just 1becau-se the UJnited States has ýsed. tne lend-ease bill to help Gr-eat Britain and Greece in their refforts ag-ainst fhe Axis Powers. The ditators would like to t a country tàat has no equipment Vo fight with and then thirký-w ther eliests and call themnselves heroes when the one-sided battie ver. They cannot stand the tWhionglt thatany other eouintry, other Ln Liimseivds, should receive apsnns N,,nvw3Mlussolini has tboýeetLiee to sink ýeveiry ship, rgrdeaof g, that coimes across bis path. Not likely anir Allied shiil-pping wil ture into Itnlian ports where lie eausduk them. f1e lias his navy Idn away in harbours -\whelre Vthe Britishi can hardly get at thlem, we doi't think the Italians will sink inany inerliant ships. We not see bowv anyof hies -ubimrines Lcan leave the Mýediterrýanean as Dentrance into tihe ktlantic k su_-re o ha mimcd. Tlie war for *y's parýt ik giiig the -wvrong way, and Mussolini k flot taking iV 1 The cbjects af thre Durham Coun- nlittees tiireo£, - disecuse niate ty Federation of -Agriculture shalh be: frnm a party politicail Point of view. (a) To co,-ordlinate Vtre efforts of Article 3-Membership Ag'jrýiculturtal otng-aiz*ttions and the 1.Mmcisp n te D ha different brandhes of Agriculture 1. Mty eJerhio n -ofVh !eiilura withn th Couty.shall be open Vo: (b) To act as. the County unit of Fedcer-atioan of Agriculture, and o co- (a) County organizations. of Agryii- operaV ih iiaragnztoscuiturapo.duenrs interested ln the hroýug,,hoiit Ontario in furtlierin~g tlie production and inaiketing of 'a Spt- initerests of farnmers and f arm pe-ople. cîfic conrmodity or engage-d in co- (c) To assist in fornrulating and ()perative business. Thre Agricultural prorotil- munt, prvinialnatin- onmittee of the iÇoun-t~y Gouincil aiso al anid international Algricultural pol- ra biieudintsetgry icies V o meet ýchanging- econic(,-i con- (b) Otlier Agricultural 0cganiza- 1-r r ua 15SF Sana *5e-v i. * * *~ * (Peterboi eA that the Canncuianuo- Ld been done in tVle .o army servce in lerstand wlihy theireniber fraim Renfrew sliould t nratters or 'ýAy bhe, slild resent the opinio-ns embers of Vire House. iEV was-and is-publie ion of a good inraniy mnmlers, including sorne of tliat the worh lied noV -been properly attended Vo that conclusion it ks their, business as publie * * * * Plane Losses A conrparing Nazi plane losses ig and assuring o ail the dem- Spnogress 0f thre war. Tt was 1940 he Nazis hst 8,100 planes ri numbered 7,00ý0. 'The Britishi planeý,s with 427 pilots saved. If lestruction the -answew le that rhad little Vo say about hs arm of bis figlting forcesi bis ddress but ratiýer ha turrned his tbouights o 'our battle at Ris plans for quick invasion of Englansi bas failed, bis air 7s are PoV the suoccess he hoped, andi he has to keep up thre asn of bis forces ihy -sane means. That is the pecuiar part ion ruled by dictators-they depend on inovanent to keep up rits. Once they stop, or slip, tien things are lisible to happen. evrthe masses are kept ighorant cm£ anythin~g that is not e o the Nazis, anld perhaps tcdk that Elgland is ail but in Ly' bands. Thre bragg-ard says h la prepared tc nôbiliz.e Europe in Vhis confliet. This statemient, if notling else, sronee Aneniea ote elength -wbýich Hitler 'wilhhgo. Our Softly Pealing Fire Alarm out one year ago iwe wrote an article amd'vising of thie neces- ;ecurin~g hree sirens fôr sounding fire aharims. Nothing ever fit. We rwere old we didn't need sirens as the present bell Tcient. e greatest excuse for a fire alarni hangs ini tlie iower of the Ire hall. IV is a bell wiilh a very -quiet and soft inellow ring, t would very likelVy let fireinen sleep peacefully througli te efaling notes. 'Wben firemcen ini their stoves JGido noVear it in tune Iwhat can you expect at hree or four o'cilock in Vthe 11 a.m., the nlexV o the Vo close off 'ide noisier, Vite scirool esr likewise, 0 To get the best ride and best drive you want ail the 41 Qutstanding features which Chevrolet off ers for '41. You want Chevrolet's bigness, roominess and quality... You want its Fisher Body beauty and comfot... its Valve-in-Head "Victorýr" Engine performance... it Unitized Knee-Action ride ... and its Vacuum-Power Shift. This year's Iow priced Chevrolet brings you ail these advantages plus a host of others at no extra cost! See Chevrolet - drive Chevrolet at your deaers today. READY FOR~ IMMEOIATE DEL1VERY C-.il4l8 Bowmanville, Ont. IOur Goods-TI4E NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST 1IOWMANVILLE --ORONOI TAMBLYN pitah. on vdli ring 1 BIRTUS