[TI FIRST SIGN 0,'F SPRING sbeuld. Wetr tloul'radss to gire whateverasstnewe Cani te delp the fariner, but we feel the greagt .need of the faier tedny was organizatipn, like the ranaufacturiag industry. Ail the big interests have nienP at Otawa te figlit for thieir iii- terests. Prom new on ycu should get toegether' au( have a united voice, have an tol-ce at Otta'wa also, te lie awyson the job --o as Vo lie able te 'Oflset. somie 6f the ilîs that are fac- mng the farniers today. Hie alse bcl,,d cf bis trip to Euroj bef ove the war. Witi reference the- Baîk-an States, le said y-eu cou- travel .hundreda cf iiles withoi seeing nny ligirta, and that tne pe, pie, wvere very poor. Yon would1 amazedj at the goaditiens ln the Ba kan States. "Tý ho no wondei' he sai "that Hitler eana go laVe these cou, tries wthcut nay Oppositijonas, tI livingl conditions are se terible th( could hardfly lie aay worse and h plan ight be a littie better was t Orono Tinshop Have you r PlFumbi'ng AND Tl. Vlie sao) ti for t 1viiniity uinder-went an- toim on Tuesdlay of thi-s lg the rondus in the norýlth ke Toýwnsliip, an.id othler roada *tbrei-uiglout the e stom lalstedl llday, ,plow soon hAd the r-oads Three niocre of our young anieai have joinedi the aoaied forces and passed their madical tests. Tovi Le-wis, car-etaker of thie Continuation Sehio 1, bas signed up witli the Md land Regitmeat, along wîtl Sidl Hugh- es, botliwl drive transports for thie -Midlanids and leave (teday) Thui sday for Ottawa te report for duity. Ne- son 03 uvier, -eho lias been traiaing in 01r0no with the home guLar'd, haý joiae-d up with the p)ermainentL forcu and will go te Kingston te the O inance- Depatint wbere lie wlý ake uf a course. thouglit cf the people." Theve are large secutions cf land conitrolled bL), abouttifiteen miea, probably 1500Je acnes, tlIen they lave p)ensanits work- ,ing, for tliem aind iii actuai cash thesee peasants liandle oly a-bout $5.00 ai yemr- in Caniadian money. They take the pigs ad cattle int1o their homues at winter timie. This isie, h cs iii seme ehomeslai n1tal1y. Uc L aid these terr-ible livinýg conditions h, Europe is wbiat la niia-kýing it easýy for Iltler te get cotrol cf Europe. IMter the war, lie said, Ëdere whl Ie a biginloaio te Caniada annd the United States. We arc, lookhing for 'Cet o disipose cf our surplus er-ops, but what we need la teliving more peopie into the doutr-yand tVils would help g-remtly o diminish this surplus. 1 One further thougiit, le said, was that we ou-g-lt te feel happy te en- joy the excellent mneals aad te sleep ln euxlieds, and we au tîankthe British Isles fth i Vs. 'TIe courag-e of thle British people is 1-marvellous, and we can tlik them for aiaking it, possible for us te lire la the pence- fui. condlitions; as we have tdy Hie said the farmera would lile te te le a g-reater help if possible. They can by seeinig tint "Britaini, neyer, neiver, will lie atarved," and "'Fhere'll AIu-nys lie anEnin" The evening wns brou-it te n close bv t'te sing-ing cf '"Cod Save the 5c 20c 25c 9c 5cy I. Bonied & l Rolled 2 i 2 i i 2 3 RD-E L lie drýoppedfrei-nmnbership on three meninths written ntc by a tweý- thirds iajority vote of thosýe preseat at anyrgua mee2ting of the Board of Direct lrs wicl eîther (a) fails to- pay its dules, Or (b) cceases te fulfil tile condiitions and fuinctions under wliic'h its application for affiliatioyn wns granted. (b) A meiher organization miay wvithdraw froein the Fedleration ut anny,- timie by giving thr-fee months inotice ini writing- to tlie Pr-esidlent or Secretnny ,)f the Federýation-, providing the dues o)f the immber organization are, paid fýor tlie current year. ganizations affiliated witli the counity PedeAtin didar c ited trofatten ,ýneral imeetings of the Co-unty Fed- Article 4-Directors 1. (a) Each commodity and ecd co-operative origanization and the C--ouaty Counceil nmay eleet one direc- tor to e e oard of the Cwunty Feder- (b Kèl grýiilturl organizationl ayeleet one irrtor te the COunIty' Board, enelih District Women's Insti- tute Brnch two, an", ea-ch Townslhip two, t,)lie appointed hy the, Township Conil ue of whomà is te lte a ieai- ber. of tlie counil;, and the othiel1-1amY be a pe:rse"n xhq is net ia nrem1ber 0' an Arcutualorgaizationmley reproeeted by a dir-ecto. (c) At the manual meeting of th,, County Fedleraition, ir e middiional dirctos my le noqnited ndelect- ed fremai-amongst tîi embersbip. 2, TheBardof Directors shahl ha-ve the mianagameat andi regulation of ali businiess, tlie creation and amendient cf ail miles and regula- tiens, ami VIe direcýtiU of ail officers aind ecpoye of the Fedeontionl, ir- eluding-tie riglit of appointnxent ani 8The B oar f Direcutors amy dele gate its pewer-s te aay Cconinittee of its miembers, with f ull Pow-vte nt, ndl namy require and person,-Wfho re- ceýives or lias coatrýol of property or suitable bnd,. nless other- wise furds of the Federation teo fumniali provided, betweea meetinlgs cf the Býoa-d of DvetosVe Executivaý Coailmittee sbaîl have the full powevs cf the Boa-d of ieo-. The exe- cuti-ve Ceau'nittee shah pres;ent an annual resport of ie yah e ok te caiannul 1meeting, together ritli a inancil statemeaut duly audite2d. Article 5-Officers 1. The Board. of Directors, imime- dintely fllwigcdiannual meet- m g, sihahý eleet a Prýesidecnt, a first and seconid vice-presidealt, and an e7x- ceutive cenianittee, cf n't more than s ix memtbeerý, frol anmeng thesalves. ThIe Beard shahl appoint a Seretai-y and a Tïreasurer, ailinay or aiay flot leiemnbers of tIc Board. Vacancies la office mray be filled hy the Execu- ChokceC Article à Mieeting-01 the ie ,nioithly witIý twith this body. s f M-Nexber 1 ie1en may lie constitutioflandI its thereto, as Sfronithue Vo 5C (b) A copy of all resolutions passed C5 by it Concemning matttirs 01 County 5c Provincial or National importance tc Agriculture. Oc Article 7-Conduct of Meetings 1. AIl meetings of the County Fed. 9c ratina, nnd commi-itteas thereof, sa li e subject Vo the ordinary rules oý Ic debate ac)oordiilg tte thetype- of niee 5C Articelê8-Uead Office 1. Thie head office of the Count' 'IC Fedey0tio shahllie situated as th, Board of Diectors ma-y, from tirn, .9C Vo tini, deeide. 1 à1%Article 9-AMen4uMento-Vo .. ucConstitution 9% 1 (a) The Directeris suey from irn ý'CC totime anend the dby-le-ws cf th 9 C nient shall be valid until sanci loned at a generai meeting- of Vh County Federation liy a xajoityc 15c ie votes cast. ý5C (b) Notice of pvopesed alteulatiei t5 o the conistitution or by-laws na le in Vthe banda of the Secrtnry Q.,.~ ~ 1 clavs te~m- precdinoethe annu: 1 1 ST. ci Mrs. Pe'el, !, f Peter9boro, ]las beenl visiting withi Mr. and Mrs. Duncan. ,Mri tnd -Mim. A. Keane and -Mervyn visited Rev. and Mrs. Wo)lfraiisn in Linidsay on Mond1ay. Wre are pleased te repcort that Mrs. A. Bradfley îs on the onend and is able tog sit up in bed. Catit. J. C. Miluie, n7:f ?etawý\awa, pent the week-end in Orono with Mrs. M;lîne and faniily. Antiocli Home and ~iodClub wýill hold their meetýing on Thursday evening, Marïeh lSOi, at 8 p.mn. Mr. and Mos, 'Carl Billings attend- ed the funerai of ber aunt, Mus. J. J. Beacomit-, in Linidsay, on Monday. ~Mr. George Yoming and Mr. Clifflord P. Jones, of Stirling, visited _.Mr. and1 Mos. G. Joue_,s a féw days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold J. Awde and faimily, of T oronto, visited lis par.- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Awd, on Sundcay at. Miss Hlazel Winters, wb. s attendc- mng scho>ol in Oshawa, luis been ione for, a week recuperating froni a sevene cold. The monthly meiceting of the Red Cr-oss, Or7anio Brii, will be lield on Thursday afternoon, March 13th, at 2 p.mn. at the Orange Hladi. Mr. and Mrs. John Berryý, and son Royr, aecompanied by Mrs. T. Patter- Soni, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrencý,e Allen at Ohw on Sunday. Mr. C. P. .May, of the Postal De- partient, Windsor, visitLeYl Mr-.nd Mr s . D. G. Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. chas. F. Awde the past weL-k. Mr. -and Mi-S. Arthur Stainton, of Zion, and Mr. and Ms Milton Stain- ton and family, cf Enniskillen, spent Monday last wýith Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. Mr. and Mos. Albert Harris ainloved inotown last week into tiheir home on Main str. seouth, recen-tly vacated by Mri% and Mrs. Hobbs and fami-ily, wio have mnov;ed Vo Bowmaniville. Col. J. C. Gamey, of the Midlancd Reginient, Ottawýa,. returnedl to his home liere for a couple days visit, aiccomit-panied by MoUs. Gamey, who spent a week rwith lier liusband in Ottawa. Mîr. Astrid'ge is again at woyk at Deani'as bake siop, àfter a iuontli's lay off. Mr. Ma.jior tok over the br>ead baking in Mr. Astridge'ýs ab- sence. Mr. Major will now be able to bake pastry. A Draana Festival Çontest in con- nection with the Oshiawa Presbytery ville, oni Mon4ýy, Marcli l7th, 8 p.x.- (flaylight Saving 'Firne). Unionis coanpetiag, Bo~wnaille, Sliilolh and Courtice. Serigt. iMaior W, C.H.Mtlel who ha-s been in hospital at Kingston, bas bee-ritvaasferred tVo Ottawa to a convalescent hospital. We will le glad te sec hlm hoie soon. He -tli an active interest lun military affairs, whicb, no -doullt, will ne-w le brought Vo a close. An ardent knittcr cf the couVi end cf Orono bas'this Vo cay: "Sure we ,can do asgood at lntting as any other town. Mxc. Sisson has knit forty pair of eix ead sevexail scarves and ia stilil et the good wcrk. Mrs. Wood las kait a jolly lot ofE searves nn»d several more have donc their share of knitting. Tiese ladies are Vol lie coagrealatedl on their good work Everyone la trying te do their bit. ST. UJNITED 1CHURCHI Rev. S. Iteýo Pastor Another group concertwa lid on Frida-y evening lu the Park St. Upiiterd Chuocli wnichi was equally as; god (las the programme ive n bY Group No. 1. MiLs. Wm. Armistrong and Mr-s. A. A:- Druniniond were coni- venors for the Grou~p IL .prograilmme and fer their splendid effor ts werere war-ded witIi a capacity attendance. Tlie numnbens weoe siia)ppy ad everyone returaed Wretfeel lie had sýpe-nt ai most enjoyable tim-e. Mrv. Chas. A-%de atdas darnn After the singing of "God Save the-i Kn,'a ehLeery grouti sng \was given, followed by inasie- front a qlui- tette, consisting of Mo. Karry Rowve, hlmas violin, Messrs. A. Knox and A. A. Duiod violins, Mrs. Lynchi, cello, and Mms. A. Druînniond, pian- ist; vocal duet (by Denny and Illairy Lyncli, "Pidlgey Wiggey Woo"; piano duet, MArs. byncli and Jini Powers; pantomtine wt seven yoLing girls taigpart, Greta Mercer, Audrey Billings, Sltirley Porter, Etiid Mid- dleton, Donjina West, Nellie Wrighit and Annetta Scriver; piano solo, Betty Linto; voceal solo, Orme Gains- by; -kit, liargan day, by Ml/r. and Mrs. Howardl Walshi; vocal solo, Mo. R. Logan; the quintette and Gron.p ecdi favourýed witli anothei- numtber. Thei play, "Suitable for Chax-ity,'l mi-IIloCi)4. - Çtfi iCt saDCle. T UL-aiLi 1 fiendi for runimalge, sales, Hazel Vings eut, was played by Greenway, juat dotes on how iiiueh Flintoff. Bill Greeinway,1 she can mrise for sucli a wotîy cause.,son, whose iai-latbougît la regnardless of the needs of lier fam- football gaine, declaxes th ily and ber hea-pecked iusband. 1lira h lmeo i.H dauglitexhs boy friend 15 swaaiped lay the bluohme nahe,. li wîen aie compares him te theirigthrun-geslw spaniel pup, whiech was pulled out of Carl Fintoff. Tie play- the lake, was played by Mrs. Win. 'VIe dioeetion cf N'eil Porte ras iv 'ARMSTRONG'S It Pays to Pay Cash SpecÎalsg Thurs, yFr. and Sat., Mar. 13, 14 and1 PHONE 21 r 1 FRE-SH GROUND COFFEE LB. SPY APPT lS 6 QUART BASKET F RESI1 SPINACHI 2 LB. 15e HEAD 1 LETUCE 'e 5 BARS PEARL SOAP W\,ITH BOX AMMIONIA ALVL FOR\, 2MO p.m.-n.-Su2uday 7 pm.-Jesus-Vhe No ailan or weinanc stroiig, gentie,pu withe-ut the world ORANGES 2DOZý -.3c. SMALL BOTTLES JAM CLOTJ{ES PINS 3 DOZ. 9e SURE GOOD TOMATO JUICE TIN 5e REDPATH SUGAR 10 LB. 67e. STANDA'%RD PEAS TIN 9e, SEE DLESS RAISINS 2 LB. GRAPE, FRONT QUARITERS PORK 5ce MIXED N UTS 2 TINS Of 1 ul 1 mmm»mmffl--m -F 1 Sprng ustlie,_ just auouad the i e s the crows aiemain their appearancee and ca l be heard cwn -la thle momnlingÏ. Tougthiýs bird iS not very popularý, it is n1ice,neet- le-S S , LtoIlhear themIl ( hIo,1 3timle 0of the c yeca r. It mlakes -us t i ohe good old summser tinie. Aomstn n g. The heni-pecke'd husbandý Mor'gan Greenway, is sinipiy tied to bis wife's apuon Strinigs alld meekiy subIîmts to lis wvife, smashing trie car when delivering paricelsfor thc rumi-- mag-e sale and lias to pa4y $10 for a suit that was doniated te the Sale in oder te save the faniily name, waa- taken bhy Sam Keane. The niaid, Ellin, whe underistands the family anld gets lier Say S-) in fî the boy~ friend of the dazulo-ie, was takeni by Ruth Goode. The garbage mian, Clar- vonce Honiey-sweet, who was _keen on businless anld refuses to part vwith lis !cashl purtliase of a $4.98 _suit untii he doubles lis nioney, was played by Kenneth 1Hl1. Ralph -amnilton, the lover, in tlie play , ud a g-reat deal of trouble trying te get lis cûlothes pres'sed la order to alppe'ar i lu tue for lunich, was taken by Glenln. H1an- cock]. Claire Greenw-ay, the dul. tper, who lias reached tlie tfine of life when she thinks she lias a reafl boy friend, la- simply distracted by the prohblenyis of thie famlily and atmost goes insane trying to straigliten