Movîe ActGr andi Actress of 1940 Natural GC C. TONER (N.33) THE OWLS' FOOD TIýýSe shot-ared oMl should have a real weloce from yvery larmers ince Ai laone of osu mot poteait destroyers of mie. Il- îa bird of the open fields or Marshes. The only place where 1 have ever seen il waa Catarai m-ars, nearKigonwheEd win B3eaupre ýcfoujnd ilbreediýng lmanyyars ago. These owls have lte wntr rj pring roosts in groves of everg-reen -tree.s. Thelc-y boI1t theirfodntr.eugia t'ing lIe kia nd r1bonles aapel- let whcn igestion is CompIClet 80, when eaProo s afound, ex- -- ination of-tIse grloundude Mhe trees Wiin oflen show Many Pelletasadtesif cletdand aored gvea efinite picture of thse receat food of the owl, What They Ate L. L. Snyder and (C IE. Hope cf tIe Roal Otario MUtsum 'of Zoolagy have beensudigte %od of thMsowl for sme tie pasI. On a golf Cmosenea Toronto they found a roost of eeLowls Îin oeornanleclaa evegrees.tawich they 'resort y'ear after y Ernla196during Arrilth osevscolte a )alf iuhlof teplesfo this roo0Sî Froinsohreiee they assUmed that ab ïouit 18owl wee resent- and thfat the pellets repraessed bout 15000 )mea7ls of T' Ie Nt atep uat sort ouIt ,ad find what anîimýais wercep reaeted lhese remýainS of the feoD'd. They di tis by mar ing tIse bonles tIsat thley found ia thse pelleta ilh bone specimena tisaI they have ïn the musenin. .As caci animal Ias characteria- t-ic kli or leeth il woasa fily MosItly Mleadow Mice They found 1,181i meadow nice, 450 deer miCe, 1 house i.muse ?and thle remaina o î15 sid. h-1 red l ecenitages tieowla ooe s fod dring Liseý p~nhof April7% edo mice, 27 eer mice, thse îem1ain- 4cr akn p less Ihan1%'T ï4iy imlmd, il ShowN tisaItbise short- eared owl l% definitly lbene- ldcia. The ice taken by these birda had obeen4 doîng coid,er:- ahly dam-age z 10 yug trees anld Pbua roperty ,ownlera bld th antho a timiewerc ,a erlbeplague la tise vicîity M aIyearIsh owls heped Con- t-l ts pagewlh ut t) Safer To FIy Than TeWalk A ir Fatal itics Are Fewer Than ThoSE WiCh Taýke Toicf Pcestrians adue uaraleof safety, aa se ja"S lemeetthSeirds while usng ils, smpînatform ',ofroomt provide by paurewiliing, issu l>y ahlzii wlfer nmodes 0f trav- .1,sudasairians.Deais cornes Ma tlsem individnally. A paeeatian loe, kanocked down and klled bY 41 ils aay slpsoan ým icy pave- uset udreiesf-atal ijuilai deats aîraI uIleattention. A tow pigapsl ise local ap s2i1 ihat la alnlesa île persa e accepf;lissefaaites atise% ïgecal consequence yai tienuzads womat cnnualymest lai fis My ky busCs 0lving. L41 ýï ahprprto h ie ra:ýL few taiarechly attnibutil t LETariv-n fr heanua1innier of h Aaey fMoinPicture ArsandSce es acýcorni e byv her mothe-r, Mist-. Lla Roger-s.laines Stear ws wadedth "scr"for the bes-t actor ofD140, at thei same banquet and Jimmy s shMwn her accetigheaad IW TH E W R W E E K-Comirinnar-y "on Curret Evets T U RKI CE Y'S S TA1ND KE YI TO BALKAN SITUATION "ýThef position taken by the Bulgartian goverinmecnt does net lead te con1solidation 0of peýce, but ta extension of the spheree cf war and te Bulgaia being inivolved in it. !n iew 0f th1is, the SoCviet C'ove rýnitent, truc te its polcy of peace, cannot render any support te the BA! garian gçovernmienit lathe ap- plication of its present policy? -Soviet -Note te B4Ilgarie. "Turkey Winl oppose by arme many aggression dfirectedc against lier territorial itegrity or lber ïndependencet"-Foreign Min- ister Saracoglu of Turkey. y y le Tisediplomatie sensatinetflis wesk camre Vwisen, Jfor tise fina limesanceJauary 5Ilishe Krenii la Moacow made a pron Onacepsent relatve Ath ie Mar l amrpe abi)i ouibe trsdoff*iciai, Tise long cag of a siarp note la Bugari- ier-ontanig tise inforation tisaI Rlasla efsed 10 ogive up pocrt ca i ay ikmnd leBnganasnew Axia-dminatd poiic Ankarp Givces Closeatt Ear T Soie epof aBuriaý, Cie capitais of tise mord, Loadon as a factor la tiese ese Bîa situaion.Berl lafînedtisaI os eom dldnh unerstnd.Ila AIL- ena tse osawmovýe appearedho have inca timeçi carefniiy ta 00- inide milsB tisis-Grecisnegotia- tiens lkîng lace lier.(1h could But la Ankara tise coseal allen- tin aspad etise Rsinénte Il ecm strOa1glyevdet latî Turisey aecoumný.ged te ta0% man movea, feling tisaI il could Would Turkey Figlit? Turey' reentpledge la"ian maire ilUear mIat action Turkey miarienot t-acst1se bodea f "Tnr~.y-n-Irape - . mit So1ýly upon Greece. Would Tucisey fîglt if Grence mut per? latiseans wn r e iaIquestion iay 1tise key 10c jse outme of lise Balk-an sit- Nazi Aime In Beain Tise Nazi presa lasI weelc decha- cd0 thant lis nitayOccupation 0£ Blgaria was la preveal aay Bîiler 0"ltlb tse open up a aew war front la tisaI zn.Tise ljndlctýionawe isat Bihier deired ah ail coCstu tavoid au iphpavai tisere nnd thal ise Px- pe.ced la acisieblisobjective sMihout threahenng Turkey direct- ly. Hljiter'a immnedïie aitm, as ýw Ç haepoinl1ed onUt be'o-ewa ,t bhtsIsle flaggin]g kaia tare- fort ah asltt coaI as osibeso) tlisaI Mussolini couid (ooninue te ise.p a large section of tise Bri- liais fleetbnay la tiseMdher- frefar, Irons tise scene a. ise B3aIleo 'f Bihain, (Hie ccnptio o! Buigaria ,sEcoadar(iýi iy evdl give 1db divisions aoftise Gr aýmy somelising t10 do; and addedic eonldraby o Axi"s prestige lai Eat). For tise present, Lhe Dam danes and Suez conld wait Hit- ler' actonsiadicaled.-Buh lise Bnt'- liis miglist mve lraI, Iro Sais on'ica, and sctch is plans lby Ioring lins ta accephtiserait of a tomot mai'. Supremacy At Ses Unle5ý,;1saie -oaamainitaila ures acy ahses, Bnihain rainIaueccumb. Sud upreacy nvoives aýbiiity tla kceeplise aa anea pe IeAis pcnsnte a trang cisailep1ge 5la t8 iseudterrneuan sd tise Northl Atini),adparhicimy ta tras- port la 1safety 1tise indu1Pstniai o1 put off tise Un1ltcd -States 'Yise R1'oosevgJil adinistr-ation la Waisl- Ingln m t meek was tiongît ta havemadiced plans thogivelise Bri- Hla oiwig ti pssage oIflie biseLedlli, m-at tiseýy Sa vit REG'LAR FELLERS -- Just Practice all nedd;repair ailte in Uli- itedStats pors; a suppy of mmo Li, S. Ta'nkes [I~k 11e United Sute iiUn Iouu 1nie aIthe i Jsmocs I a ecr mpoeksin gaee Ud Ihig tL;î'hcoultibrng wafcle iI ; c nhemispe we. Tyheso unS. ,îdId h i ta eil reliay fo lreayulig. , JŽi1dse thssa wrInUoîs. ras, lur I arCEastleAmern asa ce ad a ighMt. a ai of Elrney cv afrhm theland vicie th shamrock, grhe seen cwig stheeblest of lein th h mes of e aine, Myhoere freu as yue a cte id wt fr r flowînug M Ti('rgI iganre t hrinou low- I'e ksed s e Ubleserson i 1 've pledu temona onthse I'v sahds the sdakcabr Th oof igaesnscIavesno T ve dwum the binde avn- I'nsaled tIecstee ek hc th a embgeswdcnean The wibests ofaub d y h darkoeyes ofmine. And told-zndII IC- Bucrt o frr ihemtelf me u.log, "Otilema n a son andg. Stov.bu ticse sutis h ta a mes TIesadoy Aroodh andete pin Th aTe Fcig wavesHande te Oh, ie in eloeofti I f bodo of minde, i Tc.osgazeIn earhùIth' eay,1 drv lrn fils lni ne ii eAcn ail antmed 'tlse elet daytesripatssed uaway, ril iLbt nwjarrig fro home, krete reaven looa disrncy,' tor emetor uremts arowu co IredindriePovd L, "Oh! gie me my yfonthand m p0ce o aa. ln hn ail ULp toý raýe facros the ro;oni. When a piee oh uacani lp inç it i n h r ' Kît ac atte goa1 wins. cub~ oiowapngpaper or ca"dboard amaîl ai lrg, n-h ~c~ulr pices.Lay henion li floor in as big- iia r ing s sil C(") fasten each turaponwith a~~~ýýÈ,, t'yli'lieledcade a cierneath, On flino1 lemflor ers in tun try to rn the 011ocke piace ofpaper orstepping orh floor aron te itns. The one criai i the fs, tenins.e1j At a igal ec playerstpsýaýer apond triesoet erins t o le thl fMorawh he ands.. Firs playerwith il rins on edi or is.a pn laen hoe band toches ooriedisalfed.onb cine iserovided foaý-r echpayr ,ni ý-green toothpiks repaed Vroend. EacI one tiest'onde ah pig. Fof variation, brw ing apatatoeit o b.-,H SONGS: rouaplu fiele 1ar, ech oplayeis ept- verse orCho$.5)ofL'ihat sn befor the aunt fanie Fain-r treuithe inying orfueit ho b 'ee ythre whol ic fiace compCe aiesthat mre afmenSighoutryeailethin -Woodtock k tinl-Reve. ow-o- L VE K IT'S EXPENSINVE, TO Gwing to "soe versigt Vailsa in Nicaragua wio las heen dead, for fur lyear. Tiat labit of inat saiestane dappoin'ments iii Canaa, ton -Too-ote atur- day sNght. FIGHT FOR THE MARKE T îoo tether lunwc ,in t'he fiîst crs have dlvcdt akn plants 225,000 ungs, Alieria farer hve delivered 1'7M00 Last weck Aibertan delIIS e Compeihionfor nakt o faim producîs iitIncanada las neyer been great -lîil the west could re'ly an sclingilswheat crp1. Wiilth tIse ht,,ah moakt r:ecîly withinCad, Whts Etail sales of gsoin aCan- ada durinIg tslire iemnh of 19410 amounhed to 660I,0ü0 gîlons caUmpared wt 0'9, 000 gloslals orep-1dn / "Let>s organize a bridge club, girls, .lciieaw e can sit dowa, and 2aký fly dENE BYRNES - ----------