Tips On Making ~OIdClothes ve Ie ïom I augg i n fhe pro gîou n th Uuieof ths A tliaer to-F nfo Cfreol l spa romthe olnbnq hie fo orcidrusalipprs Mdu's pat Oo arwU a or. 'uxedO nt i c ine, it for IO-yar-oldsad mal sul Scorne tu oedoi jaets wtlg ali lankt;Otherw ýI"îdse mak war friusor nt oilnîgrfrquis ilohraptce-Mae ha ottýoitowl rudror bvake eih-ic oul ascoh get lier.A W .. ld ni, yr s Ted eon n Ursaes for Tafghandc Onin Nama;o gwn-Go ttoil couse Ots-Cut owno .n wo th ree di Triese forch- aue1wanflanot maefiea d Forgt Ae a2 Authier Says TheyuiSbouldî euwDonsla thein te Sats do late frgetherae LIFAE-SNICASG "AFeny ns goba be x ylVjiucnoa bcndy th'ýing t e l ang ex- ha-r o," she a n. sw-,- ' and ompay, he to asif iptthow n evipsoetl et "Do't wlori h et "IFnYtmsay tre a othin lef cfveatveliferMk inroaInSan fearnnghIng ifh f "Aoefecfhuorbep 0'readgalMore ofcfyou tuerf l ïr ac a few mls Ve se- Mae nC a liat o waf' lu sea- (Vtu u5 adthn ïoie fIa, Weatr ImeClor--must vy as neua flvnr - upa te eontas w sauý tces- an- eyr sauc Hodesqd'acuiw reste wheu th aetitdo- acf e ais - nu Baac "lit"aM "on ," w',oo" ad r, ' nd ou' D ou. h ii ie CRIOSIS NreAday apte fom t dyu Mr Jiet ro. ldwyre.Maye rý Follre oinlisthe enement c4 Nurse agry Lmantard youug D.msKildare a ae, Mar 'v r- erires h enthusiasm n i abfor fawkdrondaroyer ie want Kiareto eitthe in teatcf miona E obe Ln r t; 1- Cohaner odlse daugher'liie anfsaitye Kirebas aed. l5songlaDr;fGil- lreshienaboutasm and hie habit cf sucldenlmust enýil as if ta som far.awaby teun arouse iDra, K teck in caes cfaepilpsy. Witb traDuglasha,if Douglas l4iaseple. al. any timl'e be strickýen with theý cread ailnient. n!y -why ddyocu pooDu- nas atcr'hali'?"seee A sneeze la Nature'p ann uc -use Menith6latum, It helerevz od because it kepS uoýe ,and head lea. t re*lieveS ccsdLsbecausýe it rsstysocotheg irritated nemranes. , .penetates d helpo clear the chokeýd-u5 i paýssge.. znd promiotes free, omlbeahn ga Biey a 'Oc tube ojra etoau todaý(y et yrnEG2*et rug is. M -yru ca ve im"e by, doi n ou r e-n *.n j àwok ,or stËauüi e ý, LiC'K e r a ndCICa s ier;Vuenioy e >onom , tl A sigl gI ioiof keroen 1 Coail) Os l akli; cil- alv ' supplies 50 1heurs of lighýt Gives s ivioe rUi i ill of beau!ifuL , %wite ligt lunsuýrpaed yeecr ii'fo qal sud steadines,. No pu Îe.No noàise N,) ,nulL. No aoe.So easýy a csdtnaea ALADIN DEALER MAS NEW MOUES VTlit you1r deaIler. and sectlebeu ifuil ces', Aladdins sand the col,rf ut éLhadeî2s ye dntkn hiru, wteanS i WC'])send Lisa cae, or rewt(eider cl Aladdin laa. . and ahades saiRF a 1 Ë V"Idrath e fak t Dogla ed toasic bim uesomie questions." abouthl,"se acusedi. "hn wbat's the mystery "Wby can't you fellmewsatifk Wha't ajc you11frïii'cf? Iwattie te flac!out so1ne thigs, hesaid slowly. "q can't telyou anytiu ig morLe ta ,aafisfieýd witb that ?" she asked She ILtued rosu lm and uar to, DrP. Gilleapi's office. _Dr. Gillespie," she saidi, feel- in or lber wor-ds. "it'-e I'm ýafraid TJ've rmade asein mistake about a patient." "Tba's te ba!,"ho obsoedi eying ber brev-dUy. "What's fle "A, patient 1 should have se- potdfor fusther obser va- tuan-" "Because ho diwdu$"sly n sypoaof fany kii a t ail" îWhola tIIQ -patient, Mr? "A yong maL- aouqt twelity nam. lo'sfrom onit ,oftown. But surely, Dr. GillesPie. you can aee me i a yomug nicke th bat could bave a serlous dîmes SWtbut me being able tu seo canyhing wuong?" "W h- is eyeanaroed "I asot l outhediagulossi "Te ît's aicichl-," ho said hlanly. l'Iltake hpatient un doen'tdeviopa diseasa, yeu'ro in- thle clear --- and if ho. does - 1'l-, festlfy ther werene yp Sh ooked uthlmmîeraly kuwnby Ibis answýer ilhat ha ha ad d riglit truhbrle "May,"ho aid kindljy, so beating ,aru1d the bush.lthere nyreasonfor',jsecrecy la nthIS?" lar sly. It's wnderful of you te ei bffr belp)m--- Ibut-cWIl --wmaye we'd bettesnaita wwHie uil tey fTile frmicharges tCe doar and on ber way tu fCe tendent of urns, "I wanf som!e advice, 1Misst welD.Kildar-e thlinka hle bas anc Jimy on't f 0 meany- thig about b" "Ingo t e se Dr.Glesi" olyadvisedl. "O, tid. I tried le get the cours cnd'tgtanythingý_ ont ( oif hlm nitr. I smeÉ ig laý wrog ith Douglas, hydon't tbey cornle oufth f ini they cn'Feil! ogte cn fe MlyÏ f1,, rowned. Site iU' know hat -n'as wrog 1ltýh Doug- las; bU fKildare andGiese luth kept SUchsilence, if cuic! ailm-ent sac! an heihitatýy olu. "Why sld two grand people "lhe'iredccors-eoddoctors -se thle only reason for theGir silece oul be thia." She. stapisd Lber ceyes grew frigteued. "I k-now ,--- it muaf hoýý that tfey can't foell u bh- cause i'ste rîil 'iu;buit the, only jreason they ca't fkeu me-ïjý - Geeni Tea At lits Best3- Wili Mary discver the truth about lier brothler ? Reaàd next week's chapter. Little Tramp Dog longgyes, 'Who cast you out on a careo world Wit noone ateanwer your huong, rs Your eyes soughf mine -- soug1ht only 1-,y eyes - Not the style of mry gown or me- cessories Ner shrewdl, ratd mue soialy;- B ut oiy pede "Are yen my friend '" --Pena, Maning. Simrrming House Frock For Larî,ger Sizes By LOUISE LENNOX TIc ,ýîperfect boseFreck'or, ai ages an,!aizes la ue t1haflttr fne figue arc!d oka nufdaud cisp ahl day lon)Ig. e ond wish for aytin ore ppal lng than this huon front style Whimbis'slimisg wailine Mn becoming scallped cellar. Ut l comfortuble te Wear because floela ample Inîncas placad juat where if is needed mqosf Make your new house frock e Iigît Coton print and you Mi plea-se yens fami1ly and iook el dresed at au fîmes., style No 214ladesigne-d for sizes16, '36,e88, 4ï 2IL4,46, 48S n -561.Sizo 6rquss4 yairds of 3-a arcwt yard cf cent rst ing. Saric Twonfy Cents (Coin prefermed) ýte Louise Lennox, Roosui 421, 73 Wesýt Adeliaide Sft, Toroinfo. Write, plsily your n1ail,r qAddreas aý 'nd sty]ele auber Bec sure te state size yoi wîih. put those even)inga at ýzhopii te advaa*age! Start sic awork on your Spring wardrobe! Our Spring Fashon Bock incldes ov(es 0 p-ote-i epet- t1riss for ail ages and ever-y c casion. Send fer youir copy aowl liC a copy, labcas 'm his sser"sud- dienly tHc wbol hrrbe rt thing breitaryLý," she ýcriod. "Doug hs if - and so Ihave ,it, Mlytoo-k the sobbin'g g;i in she comformted. "Th -te mu wt bhoa huuded oherveasns. You kno Jimy ovs yu; ouknow Leonard Gillespie wc-uld ut off his riglit aiirm before he'd hurt you or Jýimmiy. So whiose -,ide do you think tbey'r on if not yoprs? De't you sec ciPuTeyr tryinig to helýp you. You soul try te lhelp theni too -not be a "F'il trye," SAefaltered. lolly Byrd Suddenly aSsumed the m-ien of the Sprnodn of Nurses. "WMasb your ý-face and get bacs Ao rk," sCe ordered criply "Wth ver'y.patient in the plaýe yelling for aà goodilook- ing nurs;e, wýe can't let you run ar-ounid .wifb al red os. "Yes, Miss Bfyrdï," Mary saidi meekly, ad » teigcimie she returned to ber diuue. Table Talks At Patrich's Day Me,ý.nu biut' L though0in Ma 0'làViotF be tthe gayest o1gay parties f 1tii maLIbe2 very leasnff.air, As Iwrt1t mn Ian inkJing îýuo f'a home", Cra fSp.iach Soup Ceey,Olesndhrks Lim, Mrshnalow ndApploiy St. PtricksDayLayer Ck Fer ;eur ecoaiosthr l variety of coc.I ipiiyl yensd-eirc wht l mreappre7,- priaf e thlan a Pr> t ht l whashaimrock ïfor tisa ta bla coùntre asic! maybei s lom with loi elY wblt fwe r toos ine kas Iw-it, f -you Çshou1,1 have a alue gren aecleth, tise shamrok places on tlnt mairs 'A cory Charming tabla, Now te gi, nlWith your mnn. I 1ans a- sumînig you vinl for tttm s a good' brIand f cnedsu For th0,af nica piumpchkei yenhareve nver tried a carrant- glaze, by ail mpeans do se. Bîll ý during cooking rositilcap red currant jelly dilufed Mifh"kcap J' boliag wate. Au o80min- utes elfc- eachieea dne spread aul ovesCASith fe dilued -areprgbo.-resîgPo crumb*aiek cannedcernon vdd1-8 sc1ýurgeaea (rssdf rm ifs casha)A%2 e cushe datti choed ceiasyrin Spiakle GouesaIu soieacoppodi Stc ar' a yeSunCake 2k easoon baingpowdes kcup hte 2 ggs porter udsItnmambte grad=Ulfbond clu aar Boa flic eggs unME creamy and add. Siff lu he dy neMTn aue-1 nagwlith mlkTam i inte Zc Butter king for Layei cake Sift iig sig and leixiteaÈ-i with mnilk (heiýg crf ite, - kep athick cnïtec) AdItable- sýpOOn butter thonl tintr wit-h green,ï celeiring. ýPlacebewen ayersf aa ntop u apý,rnkle ovesanit * ubiishe d W'~5LJH bMtE Oaa.i nle ook"52 tervice, L)ept J 3. Welito Str'eet Eas, Tronto. ... -m *TryCaum for use lesa aasei a diouUbe.acltin, li lpea e rmemxs z0s"e Peýrips yourcntia ion l tue common type due tn elak 'f the- rigbt kind of "blk l senibe f a e ryte corre-c"t tratýher tiban "oteiy eln lharsl catartes hatbriug en-ly temr- porar 'v relief! nut-weet doik rus cere, supplie the pee "l"tce &Ylpyen keap reglar.Eat ALL-BRAN oery dy, and LouMmemýýMa d!rinik plenity efwafJ .Se hw flua "-Better W"i " ýteta Constipation mie yu ld "toule" lîappear! B'ut, re- memerALL-BRAS l does't Asic youirOc ofr KL LOG'S LL-RANtod-_ay. In twe coveniet siz 01.Or-et if înindiidua sering ack- ags t ireaasts. Madïeb Kllogg's la London, Can,