OILONO WEE 0F IIIRIIAWTCOUNTY l o any adequate.national agri- ahi Te be chrei lie $100f a year. UT ENMA.SSE AýT Zud clua pormof arketing and in the t 'wnsi pxaily, so that JNG OIF ). C. F. 'A. prcdÙa1ution reqiries farmers to )carrqy the Federation ooùld flot have to Je- on in ai atmospheiore-of ouncerýt-,int, ped o v1( 1 emit a,1to be free nudfo aeone) i aýkil)g it impiossile for theqmi to tro prty pïvolities. At the Toornto ý.00 fr h(ýý ).ýPh-ýl thea as bsi meeting, M'iddllesex Counlty tlmcnghl-t .0 fr 'ei los, 22.1a ha seeyscesu ui hat eaç.h farmer- be charged one cenit ýjnd 42C. fol buLtterý. For esa utd. perare and to be paid when tliý' ni YuLars the farmiers neýt While ind1uýtry amd Iailor are assur- taxý"es are paid. ThIe Onitarlýý oguer- s aod 4.0,whiLe ed adlequate returims enabling t h ento0 il ment authorized the FedJerationi to to 1929 it 'was $jj)0L). lThe ,fuili speed lhead with their war pro0- finanlIce this by chrigone centpe ' i a worse position tod1ayý gramý, mujst jgjiculjture cnrtintic to acre, or add 1.5 1per cent. on the taxes er'e ir the last year off the e 1,, enýlained by ,ari 10aUylw prices of the assessed value (cf the farm., Now that ove aia in war pngg,,-ed atcotatlas when farmi- TI-is \wouhd not ba comnpulsory. To ýe is p)eggring induhstry and ers' costs are peimitted to rise under, finance it this way it could not lie Ithe p isfor~ the tanin- comipetitive market conditions. Mr'. undertakenl for anothar year at least, -ed. Agiutrw5j hi-anm adhte a naap~ad in the mneantinie the farmaers car i we 110w naedJ a national to illustrate his point that farm-erýs diuaiong theinsabves as te how to take away the handi- wera Iiindee becausa 0 f uncertainty. to finance it.' farnehr os ition anog e said to set up a county Federa- We -\want to have a standard set up ifta therston aon tion, it was reo a-nmenied that a Cer- so that the far-mers wil1 ke on an inusris Pan Cqua' tain nuinber of delegates he alected, equal footing with other ind1ustries, you w,;ant sac'mething out and that a t,iciship unit be formed that farmi boiys can buy their ownV anization yen have to put to eleet direef ors to the Federation. farina, and to put cngfr gil nain to it. a o To finance a county organization, on an equal footing with otheirs, lie ~ai aîdtha tday tlieit -,as reeomrmended that a mnbr conceluded. _________________________________ - ifMrd, Pattarson intmoduced Mr. J FifrPrasidant of the Federation for, Paterib,,ro County, who also spolie on the miovenent for the herefit of Bhey4fYour n1gcounities have al- raysignad up) into the Federation of Agriculture: Ptroo Esse, )pri.n"1g SLIit N ow 1 Middflesexý, Oxford, Kent, elntn Si;icoe, Lineoln, Went-tworthi, Wate- nvi pnd see loo, GreyYork, alton, 'ald! HIdi- invie YO to ornein a dThe 0otario Piovîcial i1org-aniza- Everu suit to date ure: First Co-Operative Paek- ers, VgtbeGrowers, Goncntrat- VCed o ndTDua mea- ed 'Milli Produncers, WJhole Milk tFro- dlice-rs, United Par-mers of Onitari, m ents. United Farner-s' Co-Operative Co., Creami Patrons, Beekeepers Associa- tion, Sugar Be et Growars, Fruit Growers, Brotheri-oodi of Tliresher- eitePlownmen's' Association and ___________________________________________ the Ontario Cheese Producars, re, Casualty and Automobile Insurance John Burrelil hs faîth in the heu- asty of mier and-a recent experience sent for, Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. utfstttath Anira b!v Office at Rear of Store for Saskatoon arrived at the Uni-~ Station where Mr. Burreil is Cana- dian National Railways passeniger agent, and fourd hitself short just $2 lviAG . 5 $ ii iM"'r ofthe recassary tare. Mr. Buri7lld va-nced bbc two spot, the airman went1 -ORONO pacifie [on his ýwaw ard immoediatalir on arri- val at Saskatxni forwardled $2 with _________; a niote etf thanklis to his benefactor. Pacific Railway sai-e show» above, left to righit: Rt. Han. Lord Mount Stephenà, G.C.V.O.; Sr 1. Han. Lord ShaeghnesY, K.C.V.O., and Sr Edward reaty, C.Bý.L, K C., LL.D. e George Stephien becamie the thle Atantic andi the first Great e coirpany's first presidant ou Fab- W'ar fougbht. Gross aarnings in.- i- ruar-y 17, 1881. His was the ts creaiseti, and in 1918 reached $157,- rs of fînancing the project; to at- 357,000. The mileage increased to etrac -t investors unden unfavonable 13,7721aip thei assets froin 27, ae circuinstances becatus5e tan yaars 418,000 to $,5,7,0 during la of governmrent effort to builti the bis parioti of offie buhea le lina hati placed the whole thing w-as knigýhted ln 1901, made a È5 ini bad odor; to borrow 'trointha K.C.V.O. in 1 907and raised to the goannnwbic wals aven more perge with tiia 0 f Baron difficuit; to figbt off tile credt-SIaugwýness vin J1916. le ors,; to bear the brunt of the mot dwý1ardWentwortb Beatty bo- ebitter opposition frin politica(L camapresid lnt onOct ober 10, ui ad buie nemies ;_The Ilira 118, hensti ila ss ithan 40 yaars t' as omp"leted un1885, [tli)first f ae is eiebssa h rth rougb htrain wals operatad"!in 1826 mos t lmanketdi adaucemlentin, a3 amibaige injr18,, b is healtheqipnet ni oparatio n mth- r îindanmînadl by i) the terrii stanodbinlgteopart the a ofeta tsk.Ilie became a haro- pea of itspwaarefceny hnet, in 18,wselevatied to the ard has P-,bceaufaua by iis -'ii r ipeeraga inl189i ani wascetes ingatemlpt tl atoaie b )f Wý. C, Van lionne swas tUle pnae- e optto as by the dl itclrailnroadler, thle man wbosal goennntriwys ih igli- 5sUer ,wiljpower drova the lina to 'asadsbsd dcnis. -ore ti omletonin fiva yea;rs, lbaîf tUe ha aenrbafo-ra tbe Carladianl sti'pulatet itirne. W 1e ho ecame Paife ailway balis bco)m'Ï Y pridt ini 1888 tUa ploblem wxas publie sarVvant, ite bol force Y tIo se!uie business and traffie being dlevoted to thre adrance- f onniections. lJr bis1tarin fof fice ,ment of (Canada. Sir Edwýard bao- dtUie ileage increaseti froin 15,074 came iesd n athe Iast nmontbs to 7 ,'L822'tbe igbit-of-way was in-- of tUe Great WnVr, lad the cola- provýei for mr ecom inl ol per- pany tbirougýb the ipost-war de- t aion, tbe steamËïisipi serviýe to tUe pression and [tUe greaitest perioti SOrient -was irauigurated, blotels of prosperity andi worst depres- - were butlcandibuinsecureti sien the world bas ave n kon S and the gros- earnlngs incr-easetifei o iin nelgn n . rî 13,*19X5,QOO in 1888 to0$29, strong leadershrip un de r the . e2'30,000 in 189)9. Hie was mnade a e'baaged conditions causei by the -Knîgbt Commander of St. Michael rgn-Na.H hsbe ctv andi St. George by Queen Victoria reetwr i a enatv o in 894.in a score of other companies, bas in 194.lent bis fuil support to ail organ.ý wit' Ti .1haghnsssea-y o: izations worklng for national im- WVe have Gern mesie in the village. AIirMelvi1lle Jones made a busineýss trip to TIloronto on Saturay.t sirs. Hleury Jonies, Port 1Hopeý, visit- ed Mn. andMisr. ain Jouies. Mr. ýBlake Falls, of Torooto), spent Sunda~y with Mr. Lanson Milîson. Mrs. Monre and, son,,Gastleto)n, visited ber daughter, Mrs. J. Starki. Keith Burley and Floyd Millson wane in Peterboro oe day Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Beauderie, Gelerit, .were guests of lMr. andi Mrs. George Bianderser. Mrs. leland Lana spant the week- and with ber sister, Mrs. J. C. Moore, Scotlard, Ont. 0f.andi Mrs. George Stapleton Jr, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drew, of Osbaw,,a, last week. Nelkvý-,-ille frierds axtard sincae sýrnpatliy to Dr. J. A. Buitier, New- cýastia, jr bis turne ofsoow Mn. and Mrs. L. T. Savery, Elgin ami Jimn, visitedc Mr. andi Mrs. Win. Saver.y, Sta1r4cville, on SUn'day. ýMn. Ronlald Bur'ley waIS home froin Port Hope udwee he is c im- ployati in Seltborpe's Garage. KENDAL Mrs. fioney visited liî er mother, -Mrs. A. Jackson. Miss Pearl Hoy and Mr. Arýche Hoy are hon-e again. MVn. Ira Thoinipson bas rented bis farm to Wm. Curtis wbo will tale over on April 1st. Jr two weeks' tjune, March 21st, the Redi Cross are holding a euchre andi dance, the proceeda, for war work. A progressive crckinola party wJll be held jr the Surtiay S'ehool on Friday, Mareh î4th. ?rocaeds te go to the W. A. of the chnreh. A good crowd attehMet the bingo ami dane in the Orange Hall in aid of the British War Victinis F-ùndý Mr. Wiîard Beatty, PerryEown, -won the bingo prize. The proeeds, $24- 20, ýwas addapd to titat on bard which is baiug sert to thie Talegra'in Fund. Ladies to thea rescýue. The ladies anti gentlciean ana sýtaging a contest for attendlaiice at League, the lo-sers to put or a banquet nt the ami of Juraii. urry up) ladies, tue gents araeati. The ou folks ana alszo putti,,g ,ona short pa,,enild "Dr. CueAl"anti othar itemis or _March STARK VILLE Sol.,yvto hem pof bc llnesse n Ait. Dobson. Mrs,,. J. Paedou, Wasleyville, witliJ Mn. ani Mis. Lý- me Paedon. 31r. Gordonn Trjm anti Mrs. Bert Trimo spart SuLnday in Toronto. Mn. andi Mrs. Lo-re Pac4lor with M.anti Mrs. Lew. H-Illtowell. Mn. ami Mrs. Lorre Totiti and --Mi-,ss Elle an with i anti Mrs. Russel Sav- iMr. and MUrs. Russell Save7cry witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Muldrewv, Elizabetli- villa. Mr. aidMnIs. Lawrence Savery, Jin anKI Elgin, with Mfr andtiMrs. Wn. Sahvery. Mr. andti Mrs. Ross fiallowell wîth bier panants, Mr. arid Mrs. J. E. Wbite of ElizabetbwýilIe-. Miss IMIeda fEallowell entertaineti a partiy of lier girl friands of Newca- tie, at lier homen her'e. Mr. and Ms. fi. B. Gilme istt MIrs. C. A. Cowar in the WVestern ffiospital, Toronto, on Sunday. A commuilnity auchra andi draw, ln aid of bbe War Vietîims Furd, was held iu Starkviille Sho on Tua-sday n!igbt last. A gooti attendance, a gýood tbne anti $20 was the eut MJr. J. J. Mllon, Orono, atidressed thýe g-athari-ingani went kwvy with a very good showing of -,ar platiges. Planý ta attend th,,e ,,et orua in tbe samïe pilace on -Monda'y, Mvarch îIthi, St. Patriela's Day-. Luckydraý ,eme miade eantly, etc. Comea and havea good tbrie. CLARKE UNIOýN tïid h (Toci late for last week) games iMna. Henry Swancott is visitirg -siîv ero with friends in Oshawa. lrlgh wi M.Nail Rainey visiteti with lis fieber unc, Mnr. Wm. Taylor, orn Sunday. Oswald Stanley Ball calleti at tihe home eof serveti MnI. anti Mns. W. M. Chatterton Sun- evening day. dt f ý_ong-ratuations te 'Mn. andM.0( Of William Dawson on the arrivai of a- Otrs. Helier Soen, wbo has beau visiting in Teorento, bas neturuedI is ['y rreIl1"s Dru, DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PH( 'tore 88, ORONO CITOOSE YOUR, NEW SPRING WÀLLPAPERS froým our complete new stock of fine 1941 designs. There are aver 85 patternls carrjed in stocki in a w-ide range of colers, andi designs that are sure to please you. ir addition to thiese designs there are over 100) patterns in our boukk of better designs in a price range fromi 32c. to 85c. per single roll ___ __ Chase*s Nerve Food .. 49C. Chnse's Kid- ney and Liver Pis ý.29c. Jronized Yeast fer .89C. Doddrs Kid- ney Pis 33C. .... 2 for .- 65C Carter's Little L-iver Pis 23c Large ..-.69c Gin Pilis . 39-. .... 4ge sfre 69e1 Cystex .-.35C. 75c, $1.50 You Save A guaranteeti relief for cern- mon coltis. Pleasant te ta lie. Contains No narcoties Large 8 ounce size for 49c Frutatives 22e. & 39c. Phillips' NMilk of Magnesia, -igýe size 39C. Saï fiepatica, 35e, 59c, $1.15 Aika Setzer Tablets 29c. * large ..57e. N o va KeIp Tablets make you fit, keep you it. 150 tabs .79c. 300 tabs $1.39 750 tabs $2.79 t Tyrrell'a Drug Store IT PAYS TO PAY CASH KNITýl'TING B'AGS (e) for strcet u se, etc.,asotd colours .................................-............. ................ 65c. MAUE AIRNTS fr rey 1haIrbb)ie. aeh . WOD' MLKFOMfor thJe bathi, apple b4ossom-jj, Pine N..ed..s..nd..ar..ni_,......s............... 15 c. Fo r best r-esuits tuse STEDAN)DIMNI)S. PAINT and EAML ds il ins . . . ie Quart........... ......tins....... .............. ...... 5'31c. anid 7-5c. It pay to keeý(p wgosand implenrenýlts in g11ood conldition.ý STEl"DMAN'S DIAMOP NI- S W\AGO( N PAINT has a r-ieh finlishi, durable and will1 give long ,hard-weaingi( sTrie, q art tins .. ....... . .................... . ...._........... 90c. CHDREN'SRAYN ad CTTNSTOCKINGS, colors initerlude, sizes 6 to 10, per pair ............ .........30C. SPEC'IALI- Free Collor-d Tuler withl each 1-2 1bý Sal- ad a1 Ta, whibe stock lasts. PI'TDCHRIE,15 oz. t'Inhe vyrup), tin .14c. O. IK.LANR SOAP, iinwrapped, 2 bars ...........5C. ICING S GA ,3 lbs. for.ý ...................... ... ............25c. TQMJATOES, lr~ 28 oz. tins, Chloice QiaIity, 2 tins.25c. S HiREDi 11DED COCOANUT, imedium sredlb. ............. 17c. fIBAKING SODA, bulk, SPECIL,.l................-............ 5c. DICED BEEI'S or CROS 2 tins ...................19e. J'LTTESOC PIL1LOW\S, f reshi fromn oven, 1-2 11b10c YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORO'NOU 5c. TO $1.00 STORE - I ter son on Sunnday. Mn. BabIenley Fog-g, of bbc, Goo.d- yc2ar, Bowirauiville, visiteti at home- ove)- thea week-end. Mnr. Verro Saurnder-s anti MrAn.- thun Smitb. et Toi-ruto, visitet i th thae fomr parents, Mr. zani Mrs. Ar%ýthur Saunidý-rs over the weekc-end. The RHine anti Sebool Club, met on FIiday evening l1ast ir t1c f oiliOf a socýial evening. The metig paneti witb the siniging- of the Natiopali Authain, alter wbicb the Lo-rti's Pray- Taere.I-nem fjuîe l - -LE anti Mrs. Arthur Bedwir on Sunday. -Mn. arýd Mrs. AndcréwýN Bandy, of Hiermàoný, is wvitb Mrs. B, M1ilîson ard family. Miss Dorotby ioilingswortb was home itb ber parants oer the Mn. andt Ms. CaeneBurn'y visit- ad Mns B. Milson ami family on Sur- day evening. Mr. anti M fs. Ardraw Bnnidy visit- eti Mn. anti Mrs. Mox Stalebon andi faifily on Surday. MrL. antiMr. o osfe, tBow- roanville, visited Mn. anti Mns. S. Porteus on Surday. Miss Kathleen Sinmpson visiteti at be"r sister's homne, :Mr. and Mys. Bob Jiendry, over the -we--ucL A irnber od farn-bers jr this cour- mnity are busy gcbting their year's su5pl et wotdinl, as spring is just around the corner. Our Mardli W. A. meeting wi;ll takze~ thle f ur.ef a quilting lice at Mrs. Chas. Cowau's ou Wednesday ofths week. This buttenliy quilt wilIl be for çijIle th mneflA1roinz 'tnwarda Nrpac- ý repeated. -jiheý7ninutes of the] 1