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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1941, p. 1

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o Subseription, $1.5Per ' Third Group Concert, F' Entrants From Durhamn County Win 5 Champion-b shipsAt Quinte Seed Fair entori Rickard Wins Pure sealeti) - 3rd, Alfred AllUn, Bow- maniville; 5th, Jamnes Brmwa, Newcas- Bred Ayrshire Bull Caif tle; th, Garnet Riekard, Bowmnan- In Junxior Competition ville; 12, Robert AmtrnIda; 1Sth, W. J. Rowland, Newcaste; l5th lie- fifteen-thi Ana ual Quinte Dis- Russelil Bragg, BoiGimi'an-ville. tSeed Fair held at Belleville con- Registereti Barley (10 busheLs ed on Saturday last with the sale sealeti) - 3rd, Gamnet Rickanti; 5th, al thie s,ýeet fron t the- three hun- Rohert Amtog 7th, Melville Mc- Iadffy exhibitors which ht HiPr oe nshowmn hy abouit eightyexb- Registiee-iiter Wheat (2 bush- *. The de-niai for seed was not els sealeti> - 4th, RobIertArsro. -een as haci beein antieipateti withi Rur-al Ne-w Yor,îker Potatoes- resait bthat the excellent s1iw'4,la, Bar Weatherilt, Be-thaniy. httn bushel1 lots of re-giste-re-i Irish Cobler Potatoes - lt,-Mil- - did not reacl tihe mi-anket value ie Weatherlt, Bethany; 21d, Eai'l . veral cases. Eiarly generation. Weatehr. ilt, Betany., lotuseof register-et grain, however, breiught satisfactory prices with Car- tier oats reaching $1.10 per bushel zand No Bathb Barley $1.330. Exhibitoçrs hfrein DurhamnOout y niadce a very creditabie showiag with the four ýsenior tihantpionships to their eredit. îChainpionship winners wveiie : Wheat antd Barley, 1b bt. Arm-] striong, Ida. Oats, Ernest 0i]Ibank, Bowinan- ville . Potatoes, Earl Weathe-ilt, Beth- 'O.' New Exhibitor s LaVe Oats - 3rd, Roy Stinsom, N;estleton ' 4th, Breaton Rickard, Bow\,manvi±lle. Early Oats - luýt, Ernest Gilbank, Bowvmanrille; 3rti, Brenton Richard; dth, Boy Stinson. Buley - lst, Chas. Allun, Be-w- mnanrille; 2nd, Breaton Rie-bard. ,Spring Wb~eat - 2nti, Boy Stinsioni. Special Classes Oats -, Russell Bragg, Be-w- inville; 2nd, Enet Gilbank,. Barieiy - isti, Rbert Armstrong; 2aid, Garnet Rcad 3rd, Chas. Allia. Alfaifa - Znti, Porhes Heylanîd, Bowiarille. Special Prizes Cosgraves S;iver vrop-hy fer an- nal eonpetiýtiothMe exhibitu-r wînniag, the mi at prizenmouýe-y lu Barle-y Class-es 5 anti 18. Won by Garnet Rie-bard,Bonavle Garniet RckriS e-dCleaning Plant, Bow-rmville, willcan'25 e-f oats by xibt from Duhirai JunioýrSeto Barir Onts 2t.Rb-tMorton, Keni ; -tih, Aifret -Aliin,Bom - ville; Gth, Breutonl Rickard, B ow- man-ilville-; Stfh, Boy Stinson', Ne-stIý-- ton. L'ate Outs - l-st, Doniald Symons, Parjt Hope; Zi, Br-e-te Rie-ard; 5th, Donald Jose-, New%ýcast1e; 6th, Or- val Stinson, Nestieton; Sth, Boy Stin- son. Bai4le-y - Isti, Brenton Riekard. Winter Wheat- Brenton Rickard,1 4tIt.i Spring Wheat- 2nd, Roy Stia-4 sou. nt, Orval Stiaisoni; 4th, Bren-1 ton Richard. Jutiges Cereai Grains., Dr. G. P. MRsi anti Jamnes Lauighland, O.A.C., Gueipli. Cere-al Grains anti Sioali Se-e-t, Gela,. A. Elitt anti G. W. MlichIael, Doiniion Depatine-at of Agr41iculture, OttwOtario. Friday at-n -Mr. W. R. Re-elc, DIe-puiit.y Minlister of Arclue d (iLessu-4 the farmçirs' metig.1n is adldress ý Mv. Reek str(Sessithne-'ces- s:ity ef mremilk pr owths ea te- nee'w vti' tmn frmr cie-e-se Vhs sumerai it iSas (C iintinue-d on1agefour) Ody. Inte Junior Secý arduc-eyd tihe-hi points thus; winniag shire bull caif whie th 1e Le Moine-s Poi rnquth, Ontario. A ;, -Russe-Il R 1, E. J. Sy ~arnet Rie-k- se-a, Ne-aIletOnl; e-rn, Hnoy otnIsu Nestieton; 6th, W. J. BRowaut, Ne-w- castie. Winter Wiheat, open - lut, cbert Arintsrong, Ida. 13ariey, open - 1-st, Rbebrt Arin- strong; 21d, Gare-t Rie-ard; 5th, Chas. Alia, Bowman'vilie; 8tIt, John Riearti,'/Newcastle. Buckelwheat, epen - W, J. Leask, TIaun-ton, 015. Fielt Peas, eopen - lut, Rbebrt Ar-mstrýon. Boans, epen - 4tI, Carne,-hl Nichais. Se-y Be-as, otpe-n - James T. Brown, Newcastle; 4ti, Afredi Aiin, B-winanille. Rotd Clore-r, open - 3rd, E. J. Sv- nions; 5tIt, Rcobe-t Arn-istrong. Alsike, open -Robert rstng Alfaifa,apa rd, Poulies fHey- b ati; 415n, RoYbert Armnstroýng. Swet Choier, open 1-'21d',"W. J. Le-aslc. Registere-t Ear-ly Oats,(1bses seale-ti) - 2nt, Jamecs T. Br-n ew castie-. Be-gisterot 'Late Oasa(0bseI Conant Measure Would Eliminate Grand Juries, a(), the r-etuna e-of grand juna' rs shall 3e issue-t, anine- griand ljure-vs shahl e umnnionet. iV alse provides that i pecepta, as far' as Vie-y relate o ,-cand jurons, anti ail anarmonses te- atjure-vs iin exisýtence at the edate )f te-commLiencement of the ne-V shal tan xtefli ighit o se »"'nitings'Of staVes tIt war andi t the ernir grand juroi i is passeti, concuirre-nt nusti ha se-cure-ti f Il nthVe ecause- Fecde-ral leg-isiation the trib)unal or tribuinals %mar. If the re-quest Vo n Panilainent,te- bill will cire-ce by proclamationl. ilso pr-vides that spocial bh are nowr e-ntpose-tiOf s, inasjbe ce-inposed Of hurch, Orono, Friday, March 2 List 0f Officers and Directors Elected For Durham Co. These persona been a RED(C 055S MEETING The Orono Brancb of the Ried Cr-oss Se-~ eiety met in the Orange HalIl on Thurstiay afternoon of last week with a fair- number ian ttendanc-e. Representatires were alse- present frei Kendal. Reports cf the Redi Cross Cone-ntiom, whic-h was Se-id in Toronte, were givea by the dele- gaVes, Be-v. S. Littlewood ant i Ms. J. R. Cooper. ýA suin ef $420.001 was hande-ierr oe-the- purchasiig eont- mittee for the pur-hase of yaru. A goot0reprt>f the iast shipinent was gi ven. Thle iext weigwill lie helti la the Orang-e Hall the first Thursqhay in Apr-il, at 8 o'cock. Everyone wl Mv. Harry Balle-y bas screia posiicu t the B'oys' Tiniug Se-hool la owanileani rep!orteti for (-ynI odalat THIRD «ROUF CONCERT Reserve FridJay, Mareli 291st, for the Third Group Entertainaient in Park St. United Ohuileli. A breeze frei deair old Ireland Where humoiur gnes avwending, Variety to f1llhe bill And pageantr-y for endling. Lunch wil be served. Admission, AduIts, 20c.; Ghildreýn, 10ýc. COMMUTTE APPEAL The Cjroup Committee, re- sponsible foir Boy Scout Org-an- ization, is asýking citizeus of -0110 or '& iftyr dutars for aiaintnn(kof this woi-k. The Drive Appenl will be MaOUeon SaItui-dayI, Mr2211d. Have your doKllars read Canada's War E ffort A wee-k],y reie-w of tv-epet oni thie homne front froin Mare-h 6th ta) Mare-h 13'th, 1941: L. G-ove-mnnt plans announcedti o rcduce wlieat production. Liait e-f 230,000,000 bus-hel set on wheat de- lire-ries lu cri:,p ye-ar beg-in-ning Aug. lst. Bonuts te farme-ra of $4 an acre for redued-J irlent acreage put inte- suînuner fallow or $2 au acre for re- duet wheat aievege put into coarse grains; coatiniuance of quota systen with qufe-Vais baseti on 65 per cent. of 1940 acreage; coatinuance of storagej pym tsto producars,- but onIV on undeliveret portion of 2830,000,000" busheils; noe- hange lu noeeu glevy of 15S cents n bushel; eotnuneof g1uar-antee i initial payment of 70 cenits a bushel. 2_ To harn-as alosbe tsra resou rces e, - w ar n --t, thqe om iiion is being -or gan!i7e-J into itsra zounes. sac-h with a haima'anicin intte tcwe-rk in eon ýjune-tion withi Vi Dpatien oef Muinitionis1anti Zonecommt-te-s wll olle-ct anti niantin c-crr-t inidustrial ifra tion anti -u-tadrise the De- paýrt-1eent. Organisaýtion wov-k lathe zoneCs -,Ill ho in the' -1han1iS Of the Caadiin a fture-vs As i catie-n ani he Caadin Cambiler 0fComi- 3.Canata's sýhipbuildin1g prograni gws a pace ! - prxmt-y2,0 mýe-n now eipoy M a Cnilan ship- y-ard!s ag-ainat 1,500 wheu wv;ar be-ani. A total of 104 eel of ste-el shlipa anti e-f 380 w-censlips laid dowa.Nini- be-r e-f exemcedne-n on way Vo Canada froin Great 'Britain te- he-ip ini destroyer programm-te. 4. F. A. Willsher, chairman o-f Board e-f Ste-amship nsecioDe- partaient o-f Transport, appe-inteti tee-haii avisr, Sliipbuildiiii-- Brane-h, Departaiext of 2\unitions andi 5. T'hir-ty thousantine-w training in war work voe-atie-nal s-iel.AI] 1traiingi- centre-s wvigat ieast t-wc shtifts a day. Se-me -worklng threc 1shiftVs, e-r 24 houns ý;a day. E 6. Te-m Meovre, pre-sitienit, Tradei fanti LabUcr C<>uneil, inriitetil te be-ornc chairman of National Employmeni Comite- aassist Uneuiploynent Insurance- Coii.sý.sion in ativisory ea- p a City. 7. F. H. Brown appointe-t associate tirerst>or generai 0f the- Munitions Î Prodluction Erane-h, Pe-partimenite-f Munlitions ani supply. 9fr. Brown sevves witihout rentuneration. He is oie 0f the- superinte-nrents, ie-ad of- fice, Canradian Bank ef Comm-iierce, cf Toronito. 8. 'Contracta awardeti during the weaic ended Febvuary _98th lby the- Departint of Munitions endi Suipply, nuniberet 1,133 tnt totalleti $10,355,- 474. Caniata's war coat for the financial ye-ar begining), April lst, now eati-1 nmate-t at $Î,45 0 42 6.0.59. This la $159,426,,059 nixcis of the 000 war aprpriat ion Bilil be-fore- Parliamrent, aiC comprisesý: NaItioniali Defe-ace,$1268676 Muion andi Suwpply, $180,158,122; o).ther de-- partinentS,1$33,481,16-to")t'ai 1, 009)ý,185 to -Mar- lt. Februnry il .scipfons linde- ene ef J 00, 000O fonAustin TylrVancourer. This is ýth-e- sec-e-adsigesIsrpto fronBraorn- Mie-sLtt, Vancouver, of whih M. Taylor is pr'esýident. Pz,- civ-c Milîs Ltti., Vancouiver, enteret another sulisiipti(o) for$5000 maigits in'vestmre-at innon-intereat bear-iiug certificates $1,0007(000. il. Beports froim 774 comniitte-es out 0f j1,57 sho -w that 1,201,482 per- Son s havre- pie-ge-t theiinse-Ives- to miake reguli puilehases ef war sar- inga erýitificates forý the duvation of ie wa.r John Hall Kelly, Caniadian IMinister V o Eire, died ia Dublin. Wing Ccom- miander Mc-Nai, whio led te first 1fighter .squadron i of the B.C.A.F. in the-,Battîef I,,endoni, arrives lu Can- ad a. 1311. Sunday, Mare-h 28rd, is set aside as Day ef Frayer throughout 1Caniada, coin cidinîg with the National Day of l'rayer inte- Unitedi King- ira "on ehaf of te natimo nd Emapire, their Allies andi the cause tla wlch the-y are united." Federation of Agriculture Elected Offiîcers Cover Alil Parts of Durhamn County <Bard of Directors L ist of pil-,çisionail directors are as follows: 'Capt. C. H. Mun-Lford, Hampt:)on, for Shorthorn Breeders' ASsôciationi. Jas. T1. Br-o\vn, Ne-weastle, for Hlolsitein Breeders' Assýoeiatioa. Forihes Hiyland, Bowmanvflle, Crop fimprovemnent Association. Russel Othorne, Bowmi-aniville, Ap- pie Growý,e-rs' Association. Neil 24utton, Bloiwrnanville, Whole M 11k Produ-cers' Association. Wesle-y Werry, Hlampton, York- shire Breede-rý' Association. HJarny McCamu, Ida, Dui-ham- Pllowmiian's Assoc-iatioa. F. R. Currelly, Port;llope, Far- iodCooperative 'Creamiery. GG-orge Anais, Boswmanville, the Agriicultural Gouneil. Gare-t Rielcaix, Shaw's, Junior Farinera' Assoe-ia;tion. H. E. Smith, -Port -Hope, Ijurliain Tobacce Plantations. ýM. H1. Staples, Newc-astle, Dun-han Central Agricuultural Soeiety. Carl Wight, Biaîc-ks:,tock, Cart- wri'ght Agricultural Sbciety. win. LiglIitle, Port Hlope, for port Hlope Agicultuiral Soc -iety. 1. W. Larm-e-r, Fraserville, Miii- brook A-gricultulral Society. Mr.Johuison Thickson, Bo-wman- ville, ïantii trWry Hamptlnv, for -VDurh-Im Wiiun' Mr.ira Lovre, 1Maandi Mrs. Wni.ý AristrgMlo, for East Dur- ham Women's Isiue Reeve WM. 1D. Pickell, Bownmih, andi A. J. Stainton, H-ampton, for- Darlington Townrship Cowncil Coundillor Hartwell Lowery, of ~Kendal, ,nd Arthur Thomipson, Keni- daI, Clarkie Township Council. Reeve Wilmot R. Prouse, Clarke, anti Elgar A. Nichols, Por-t Hope, for' HopIe ' -cwns.hip Council. Reeve Garnet Shie~lds, Ida, anti Reginalti Fallis, MiIlbrook, Cavan Townsip Council. Reeve W. J. Boggs, Ponitypool, anti Ivan Wright, Jane-brille, Manvers Reeve Creigliton De'vitt andi Wilfr! d oweCantwright Townishiii-Coun- cil. The Exeteutive The following offleers wreelecteti at th(, directors mieeting follow\,ingý the main meethýg helti at Orono on1 Mnr1ch 10th: Prepsidenit - Forfbes Heyianti. lst Vice Pros-.- Wilfrid Bo-wies. 2nd, Vice Pr-es.- Garnet Rie-bard. i3rdl Vive Pies. -Girne-t Shieldis. 'th Vc Pe.-H(,rman iiSmith. Sec.-Tes ~trRyodc MRS. KENNETH WERRY BEATEN WITII BRUSI Two yo)utis, lai inanivilie Training lasti, beA rs.1 staff imenthie-r of of the Be-w- il, on th Werrv. a scru'tb bruali, stele hier beys anti then. leeýketi lier in a reomi. Thle two biiys theai matie- their -etaway which was of Short duration. The boys were capturcd about tItre-e miles froin the- institution o»- the highwaty, Mr. C. F. Neelantis, deputy proivincial secretary said. Mrs. Werry was reied tVo--- manville- Hospital but -%as net badly injureti. iShle as e-ne or two scalp we-imds iafliited by th~e brush. A boy who trled te assist Mrs. Werry was, also clulbbed by the two fugitives. lHe was slightlfy inre. One o-f the boys was alfmost 16 years oef age and the othe-r 15 years. Theyr were in the Training Schacol on juvenile deiin- quency eounts. SNOWPLOW FRICHTENS A te-arn of herses, i Gog- Morton, Orono, ai ai cutter, ran aa on Fr 'Upc-v Orono Boy Scout Drive To Be H-eId PMarch 2Oth TheGro n lmmitee of tIe Boy comm1111yl", its coiniud venthuas Scotsoranzai et at the par-isi ntrs.T eq-uîiee invefo- sonjage onilTuesdJay eveinig, Mare1ht gtetd its financuial rireet o lSthi. Thýechian Mr. G.,M. in- 19-11. The wrcreursa reývenueý toni, anld M H. Staples, J. j. Mlo of $5 dlar.Tis was ýouLr apea and1i S. L'ittlewood were present. ini 1940, but du1e to ce-fi eI'l Use- The, ienewal of the: registri-ation ofkepgai the boys themseives; thie B y Scout Troop and the Wolfpaigfrctin teswtth ideiýa of maintainiing th,ýmzseves as fa! Cub) Pac-k was applied for- to the Pro- a s pss'l, i;avsth ro ce vincýial He1cadqu'arters. The commii-it- mittee wî,7th a balance of twn,(ty-two tee rocognizes that this youLth mae- ollars on handi. ment iIluiu midst la u(mi-niendabie- This year the com-mittee hau-s ,sel from miiany stantipoints of training for their obj2ective the- sumi of fity for citizenship and character- builti- dollars. The drive wili comminence 01, ingý. It has made its patrkctic gesture audyMrc2n.So-eti, in'ts"inleof ims eaiipagi ' nt-later in Apr!il we will celebrate our ting $58 for the Red Cross. It all-eetb asca vnn witl active in a salvage cam-tpaigii, it lias tcihe- Scout oca vein uisered a comuîty gaterigs As has already been stateti, that and assistet various organizations inthe Scouts- and Ciibs have been re- their- work. The Tr-oop at Orono is i 9-, -.r asics "beer tors. thei -f tb at theinoirh e-ad of theý - 1i ae.The- teanir nionuedth Ie hank at the side ef the rond1, up-ttiug thie cutter, anti t Moig9r. Morton cn, t. On con- ing" lime-k onto the 1roat agnin thlle- eut- te-r righteti itsel'f anti the te-airn an. tiowrn thr-ough Main stre-et andi were not caught until they were, at the mili hili at the- soubie-ad c the town. Mr. Lawrence Hooey anti Jack, Stone dvove af-te-r the team in a ear anti passed the-in after the-y were tir.- ing, te-n pulle-t up la fr-ont of tihe-i. 'Mr. Mor-ton hati two erates of e-ggu ia thSe cutter fcmwhie-h four de-zen -were lire-len. No injup.r w"aýsusffered b~y the divter or the hor-ses anti ne_ .lamna ge de-ne to the cutter. Col. J. C. Gaine-y, Ottawa, is horvne on a two weeks'fuogh Six hun.- dred other ranks are on holidays. Port Hope-. An conieo mifttee of four

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