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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Mar 1941, p. 3

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~I~4German SE Diuniag a lin-lathe conivera- tienut adiuer-prtythe hosteýsa n ed rsighie.cp.A Freneli- mansitiagby lerirnediutely aUpoleg izedJ prfuý"sely> as iýfiahd commttite faux pus.Wiliu th adies hdleIt'he dliiag- -,ee;iliun Ameiua1, et h Fîcnhma whyliehadacteti in ehivaîous people," was the ru- harrgssed, se f tieS to t di te blame om mysCUif Prsnly the nanJin he lades psairýs. After a ittle w;hile theAeia fudhm -efi orain with bis in es l tu iiflu 0f a group of gues. wus reateti - thse hostesu hic- euped ugin. The America turneS quicky to te asemleSgues, and a- nounceti wth an engaging smile, «lkthis onu is onme" tise attendianîtnttîle niovie, - «but you caa',c take that dog 'into tise thea.tre." "How abeurc:," protested thse wç;man. ,whsat 1sasrm can pictures do a little dog ikie Put liaS bought a wetch guar- anedfor twelve monthas, A t tlieenSof ine mont1show- evr ereappeared ut Ce shop Mwd cmp1abdeS t htie watch bad stopped six mnonths earlier Mhenut lied falea imnttIe pigs trougti «Btwliy dn' pu briag Ilý back utonc?"iniquireti the jew- iiHo coSiS ?" eplieS Pat. «We only kilette pig yester- CGWen Said if any ma brssed ber witlsout warning .ise would screami for ber Ltherý," "Wisa did you do?" "I warned beu." An Aibanianawsmpiod iyltJeItAlIaS. lie unuoyed his ~posiateusely beause hie keptu suig Aniywathe Greek. gave you a bashîng uat Krîtza,." aed-ay the offîcur in charge of Iseprion amptOok Ihlm aside F)nsd suiS: ii"Look here, if yo(-u'll ýAhut y'our mioutil l'Il mkeyen a o inlathe Ituan marn." S"saidth Ie Albuuîan. Next day Mussoliaii visiteS li en, shook handsaiwth the AI- a anrd rmre:"So yen arenowanof«fier l isegra ctalianamy ?" 4Ta's igli," amele uns- we."But, oh, bo, wat a bush- Igave ris,!" He's Off toâ Wizards. See the JForeigu MIister1.Mal su Lai o upn abeve, last wee k ivè,s tveln co, ss vast siberia te- ~ tard a metinig with HIitier- s. *'Ipo-ssibly Stalia - thut tIse> xis-lutouting as wrdsaig ~latses au b obtaiîued froin tIse liar cf suverail types of dgthe ýst eiag tIse podle, whi(ch rosharfour long, This llog eauhol - thrvee' or four tiune eery e Mienace ot CGemrnin umrîesad lnes Ite British sipiggroms azsHil'strtne"nreeetdsa arae hits ini the Atiantie; andoterwaer. -boat atacs ast wýeek werc expected to extend toc tha editrraeanwhee Gemanbomrbers shave already beenidin IIow Cun I? î I 8V ANNE ASHLEY simplefuraîtrepolsh? A. A fuutu polisil tIsaI eau bu used on the fbiest woods can bu made o! oaa part vineCgar, witli uialparts o! linseed oil Q. lo ru Iprucvent imaLs- tard lasesfroin -1blistering? A.They, will net blisteraId thbe result wlll ebuobtter, if tIse pas;tu is mixe wîh tIse white of anl cg-g, ýor with amcmpirt uS OH istetiof hot wntur. Q. low ea1iremrove whlitu spLs ý on the dining-room table 1causeti by lieu? A4. AppISin ithse order nain ed,kroe, uJlc0ooLanti lin'seud o)r Sweet oil.A differet2lcloth shudbeu uue2 oreaho! thPýe appliations. Rub la thse lînsed ou until the spot Sisuppears. Q.Howveu1 niake a whip- A. Graieeppe , aid wo or thrjee tblsp ocf sugar unS'I eue egg vwhite, thun buno"t luntil liglit, This amakes anexcellent substitute for whipped cruain. A, Tuke fie ert ix bottle c apnilthnonacveit stick, llowingferaoid.,at thi wil mku neclln pluent fer acaling tJe fis. odcr Etque tt B>Y RýOBER>-&FA LEE a~~) 'xdi dntuwiee "wie lie" wll ttrcate Jlm, is't th plie ,ur lifi Il 2oilà it1 rrecessry testepea i newcr ome' nmet veyp son AWheLINreucngLMIte a 4. lsn'tit a fahesduyt reprimad his oung sndfer any 5. Isn'tail the pt'oper thing 6.Whut shenid Onu say we telephoniug anid fuils teuner stand some remark? Aaswers L sNo. It is bettur to tepl the trutli enS face Lthecosqne. Thu only justification f or a "white lie" would bu to protet anether fren injury, or give huappiuess te the purson wlo i burduned. 2. io, if wve thk thutý the person's towards tIse end cf the group did net catch tIse nialice, it muy bu rupujated, but usuually o)nce is sufficient. 3. Ys the bide has thu pr-,ivileguo)f ex.. prsigler prefer-euoce aste- wlSth unSdsize and lier chiokceof 1gold, white gold or pltiinm. 4. Yes, but ,net lu a scelding man- uer, AnS ubovi.lQtIse futher shld( set the examplu aud 3act reprimund lis son fer vwhnt I e faîls to do himcself. 5. No.Tw e guesýt siouild puy Ibis ecpenoe. 6;. "f arn sorrIy. I didn' ndA sýtand fwlIat yý ousid." InicrearOsed Value In Cana;da for 1939 the [n. dustry Procluceti Geods is orth Six Per Cent Mîoreý Than The PreviOUS Vear - Cgrt Mas Itm Acerting e lielatatconusî ef Ininatr statstOc ote tbe ce idusrie inCanadCa i1939D:, teOuitpuit for the yarine:lui g! excie duieswasvailued ut90, peýr cntulove tîsut c fthe pevitu year igrttsformeS th Jie min'I itmof prodution ail uetî of ,13,43,00valueS at $57,2-77 imntac ith ant pt f2, 7,09,819peudavalueS uI t $2,4,-'- 111. Cigarjs crenx iisepo ducton ! 15,85,00vlned aut 541,4,folbewed bi cip -n tobcc,1,577,S90 pantis, ale ut 2,14,57,ant i snff, 3695 polînisvalueS ut31,149,262. Neîvm sResttess fl'I.. I rankyl ? tes IuIi~I1 an't aie ep? Tire l'ris ea.sily?.Annoyeci by la.- msale funetienal di- jOerps at monthly tilstress? Then taise :lyilu E. Pinklsumn-'s Vegeable Com.. pouinS, lfaons for over 60 yeatrs ia heipiag siclb runtiwn, wk;nreuse eontiltloug.Mati Ce cipel7l5 /ot iewsen. WEIiL WOJRTIE TRY2OI ISSIJE 12-41 *4 PLAýNT7S MADE S'NU11J'F T-le mnborertcfstabE4bhnfs 1rtpeîig tlepd 80, loc ted by 13PI2vin c as nuiOevpe rcE- 15SrPt-soans, ChoQrebec DA;I- -aio , 20; Maitea 1ndsits pore, funishe en$210y01en610 8. plant als spet 7,051,6 fe 0; 11u udcntin, atipr- dr-ced g o ithane iii ce cii) 8 mtietobaco nde 1(igarP e ve: atetoace; anti cges STAR'S ATMO(ISPHERES BOIL lie iasfonn eitiucethaýt the atinosheres f thelargeatstar ae lilng Aa a errfc ace. 2A teasperuturO,,f 5,000dgreFa- rehitlitc. usual., SOMSE QERMS OIE FASTER rie tht wnlddestroy theiin var- ieueve a iti rage;yoUa1g bac- tenu -,are trngyre-sistant(, and th ede oes liass rue ipewý ers cf sr Ï)a yail.1- atie, the muSical sectfion cf !thý Ameri- a Aso ftinlor theAtvne ment of cec is inlform.l P(I ur- the'r differences are due te niei ta, some t, vris being pairtit- larly hilrd te iii. Thucmbne difeeee ue to age anýýd inli,.ri- tanc giv a atio of 0t a 'Air Li [sfew p 01rth1n5,000,- 000 a1illes lu,,,1940, and currieti neunl1y 10,0j0000 pounids of mail, 100,000 punts f express, aud 55,000 passengers CUT MACH SMOKE. ~Es~ PRoM THEPLUG AN» SAV~ MON~ WiT~ DIXI~a Shnade Trees Add Value to House Buiý'cLders if new hmswill find itaD(Ivisable to set aide a, smlIsmOf nIon-ey 10or a sýizable shade -ýt'e, and laningexp-erts Snay, Ut pas saggestd thut th homie owner go to a repUtble nursery- MI an yndsonet a Mreaou a hardy, log-Iied varhelty whhwilladd pemanent value te theprery 'leowner shouild avoid oile tht igow .so rapidly as to be ~erious1y injured by the fh'st Woud or ice storm, or one whose rtswill cone to the srfac aad injure l s or wlIclog sewer Unes. ýome ;hard'y trees are naturally Iow-banchied or cast dIen e shade aRdif ! -' sed, sol e placed heethcy wln o t initerfere WIth lawnî, dIvewa>s and walks. Synthre gasoline Lrade froii col-s said to e qiesial foriuseli aeropilne engines. It takecSusevantons of cou latopro- dueone to- ofpetol The gross rte ue ofth, eaI as vompared WIIh ...,.,. 4t5129SS Aur the corresading pas of oÉ1940, an increaset f998,M0 or 24, H6W TO RELIE Mn Ir QUI1L &EASJ'LY miserai mi4uzes gredient, aricease («ding vfyu are troubleS ciitis i t Cfi pilesvor reta!l q eena,d etsey thscodtinbeetecrol.Ang, ltchling or-eees rpllpass'- aeoff stol is ntrswarlgthat pre)per treaýtm"ent budh secred Fertibispurpse geta package c Dein-RoiS frein yen dnugris ajn use as directeS. Thî hm-oi formla whici la seS nterally il tisa ferus c f aatI' esyto t.aka tahlat, wiIl Quickly nelieve tie[Ucb-. ing anS soreneal),s S aibuhlig tII6SesrtedrssHm-OI" us plsatto uise, is hghyrecon- mPeeSanS it seematis.heghutof felly fr anly one te ri a paînful sud chroulepile conidIton when sncb a fie emd -my a- aSais reaahie a cort. Ifyen tryHem-BoSanSdune net antirly piuseS itis tisa realiüL, iront rngitwlgaiyratujre youn mcuay. .UBLASIFEDADVERTISEMENTStge 1IECRC OTR, NE!W\VAND reodîiud Jones-7 MeereiEl- plit, Toronto. , hydoveumet aproedlab or- 1at phli, ari , fXîJORD"1CMO S1PROM ON aI S ec, iieleghoru"d 2ons br 1te iaybarredlymour1 for March anS AprilRcks sud Leioýrna as h uthd-focets Rok o llets 17 cnt, leghorn ,i î'lls 2 ces . fircular wi thrries n equest. JcD. Jehuu, lÏrgus Ont ,"É,ck huyng.Normetelet essp :1, frmprdutsclanri et. Iarud alyor- wid reuratie. Eery1 il snredcf sccesajNO iSÎ]. Cat- aloueconiin, 4ou £couest I Panîlex roduîs,57 1t. 'NmeT S ARIl1 1, AL Eru~' and r~y cuutc.fr1 $1500iti$8000.Ot-1oun Owe Son- : .1ýu I town choos J ear,' Arene, oRen ti à l Ncu-ti LIoIýd tu em 'I1ORTAGES R AGREMENT itlTheatre luldnSt, Thema' Onat.SpeciaiDprainle iy alor spare turne. lokOr- Secs for iCanadaji'sfnetre, Sesoiuit free. E. D mt' PHOTOFI[HN 7"y Photo lFinishlng. AnC5(rm Exposure film dnelpedant pi jueS, wth enargeients 20e. linowihowoias us stisfactio. OF ER TONI.~O AN OFE OEVENT IV$N.5 R Liatcf ivrniounS fuil ifo- matic sentFreeiTelis, ay iof vitrePtn Atres CAPBAND TROUCKwARTanda Sui l elia eiae f r elayed, liam rosby,DetL . W, 204 Oný- 1 ý ý. ý- ýý W

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