THE ORNO Times Establighed Janulary, 1937. iblished every Thursday morning at The Times Office Oron,-o, Ontario Rates on request subscription, $1 .25 Sublscri*ption to the United States, $2.00 Job Printing Wi11l Receive Our Promrpt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher ,1arcwh Saleâ:% March Ouly, Your Chocice ()f any M4ARSHAl LL MAiVITRESS at GUARANTEIED SAVINGS of OýN REGULA\R PRICES Iladie, entlatrsand Rubber g, essin nsuaorREGULAR $15,75' ï65, 5Poicketed ipngsluthe fuIl size fliiest Mattress 1 made. FULLY GUAR"ÉANTfEED by MARWSHALL.ý RCH SAE$26,e50 ,ECALSPRING VALUE Regular $9.75 Marshall Cable Spriing includIed at Hlaif ) wijth any Marshall Mlattress purchased ini this sale. . F. MO*RRKwIS CO. kNVILLE ORONO District News Boewmianville town~ coundeil on Mlon- daly of last week, struck, their tax rate at 40 milis, the lowest rate in A.1'mýnost two decades.* Tiu the War Savings Certificate cam-ipaigiu iiiNorthumb11eliand, 3095 iegshad been reeceived up te Wedl- niesdaýFy of' last week. The ojctive Set for the counVty is 3.3W. ** -- c** Gunner Charles Francey, Por1t Hopc-ss eportecd as dnnrgereusly iii in the last ana-dian Casualty list. Hec is repoirted suf ering fromn a heart ailient. Gunhler Fran'cey is wïtth the Royal Canadian Artillery. R rmanie-oNn council last yoar at Christmas time agrýee te senid three hundred boxes of igr tte t soidiers iEighlnd. At their meet- ing last -week it was dcisecvpieed that somieono forgod to send thieni on. Thei( delayedsuos will s on ho enjoyed for- they wlll h sont imdaey William Gay Lot 13, Concession 9, Cavanl, ssd1way at his homec on Satuoedayv, i-hSUI, af ter a Hu es lewas bora ii nvr Tonhp72f-' 'ao.For a num- be r ofyearM. Gray msâded inMi- broo, bingsecionforeuman on1the, (-'CN.1, lie 1baves te mouru his osbis wife, mee-s.stEr and two Mrs Chrle Poteosof Bethany, pasdaway in that village,( on Tues- daMarch 41th, a1ftei- a Iiingeriulg iii- ness. Ms.Porteouis, fornierlyMr Ledfica Wood, baoihel sevenlty-fouIr yem g.Ini1P,17 she nmarried Chair- les Porteous, o! Bethantiiy. Left te inunlier losa are euie sister auid twe br-others. Intermient -was niade inIi all emeter.y. Early Tuesday mioring c-' f last week safe crackerus attemrptedj to open the safe at the C.N.R. station at Bcowmnaniville with a cowa.The djiscovery wamnad, by R. Brown iiat .30 a.mi. when he took the early mail to the station. The door- of the *safe was ahnost open when found 11Y e I êêpo$ AN4#P 9 ÛPERN NAU1 Pla y Ut ruit urhap Dol't guess&, tu k ple del a dCI O~ the BY trucks a l Atis ant roae ,,jlet truck dealer f o Ir i a l i s S o f a, sette Idodels ooger W es ç"FOR gyyERSi -1 BY ~g pro941 lgge aIl kin po %eredb~y the 1L in your d ee aeCO 'bae 6ig~ger alf Chertt:rks f 1-1u long0erf i wheebass., Wït gi eS. e ger o ,uwcksfo CevritOed,,î 5eeyoleUN% GVUIL Ge»ÎUý tàeîoas 0nt. Ne'>~ re< v L..~,'.ViflQ ~ Ont. HOME"I TO BACK Du G'overimienV flouse, Ott Dear Senater lRae, Princess Aieand I are glad te le- cone Patrons of the Canadiani War Services Fund, fer we reýalizs the il'- valuable assistan:ce the meinher or.- ganizaDtienls have givea te ur,1-Arm-ed Forýces at home am-i rod We have been privileged ùv5 suec theso WXar Ser- ait work- in Canada and Great Britain, and we aregeay impressed with the e-xcellent work theyî are dlo- Wei cannetempLiasize tue gre-atiy the implloitaiiýce of providing- pleasait meceatenhealthy irelaxation and eomýfOtr*s ïfUr our sailors, soldiers and airmlenl, and we are sure that nothing conitributes se much te their pbysical alnd sfpiitual -Well1-beinig. These ser- vices signify to, thein the affectioni and! thouhtfunessof "tJe foLks bc The' Sal'vatien Arnmy, hs Y.MU.C.A, theY.C.A, the Canadian Lgin the, Kniights c f Columiibus nd fthe I. 1,1hae united ilu the Canadian we comjnlthlraimad pulrpeýse te ah Caniadianis. YourIs sincer-Iely, Mnjr-~cnealThe lion. A, D. CaainWar Services Fund, 20BySticet, Toronto, Ontarie. The Earl of Athione, Oanaoda's Gr ero-Gnrastated lht and the Pricess Alice ýere glad to become.i patrons of the Can-adiani War Ser- vices Funjd ieca,,use they hiad seen its organizatiens at work iu Canada and Greait Britain. They rýecogýýnized t1he inivaluiable aid these services gave the il ing monof 'Canada,'.lie sai. "Ntig contributos se inuch tVo their physical and spiritual wel-be- intg" luis Excellenîcy pointed out in the letter reproduced above, "These services signify to them thie affecetion and thoughtfItulncs of the 'folks back homne'" Mr-, B]roywn, and it isthgt that wîth the- mail m-anr's appiroaeh tb tire Stiation the thieves fled. Arthuzr W. Annis, one of Darýlinl- ton's highbly respectcid citizens,- pass- edl away onu rsaMareh 6th. Mr. Anniis had heen il! for a year, burt car- ried on servin~g bis comni iunityý. Last mdil ho gave up Mis position as Ree-ve of Darlin'gtoni. The late MIr. Anîuis was hurn at Ebenezer in 1871. the1 the son of Levi Annis. When a young maen ho nioved Vo Tyrone'where he iived miost of lits life. Hie was ryar- ried three tinies, first in 189, o Miss A. C.. Poster, Bownisiville, in 1905 bo Miss Adelaide M<Laghlii, and iu 1927 to _Margaret AIeFeeters, wheý sVili survives. H1e is also suirvived býy three sons, eue daughster, twe brothers and two sisters. Entrants From Durham County Win 5 Champion- ships At Quinte Seed Fair (Oontiuued fromn page one) expec,-ted there vill be -an increased denraud for mrore butter andi concen- trated ,mnilk prQducts. Mr. Reek stated lie was ttiut]ameutally opposed Vo bonuseis but uinder the present critical eminrgenciy these -were quite uec-essnry. For hs reascu the Ptie- vinceial Goyermunent was preparedl to pay a ou of two cenits per potund on hil1 grade, and on hogs one dollar for a grade ai-id fifty cents for BI grade bacon. On Friday night the anirual ban- quet lheld in Christ Chur-cl was oe cl the imritan-t featuîres with over eue huindred 9iowers andi junior far- mners in attendance. Moer. Kennedy, editor of the Peteilboro Eaiede- lighIted his audiene with a remninis- cent talk of his 'boyhood experiences ou lot 2 of the lthcoeson Aniother fetituire cof the banqulet was the presentatien cf a golid watchi dntdby Gh he cesemakers' Asso- ciation for the cheese patiriexhibi- toi' toirte highes7t total pointsz. This was won by Mr. Ciomn. Ketchie- son, Stirling, -who has sho'wn at al ftfteen Quinte S$eed Pairs. Carriet, Ricliard, of Bo'wianvil-le, w as pro e- sentedI with the Cosgrave Ti'o-ply. On Friday the Junior Farmners' Seed Juïdgiftfg Competition -was beld with over fo'rty ýboys taldng Part from iHastings, Prince Eflward, Nor- humoberland, Lennex and Addngtcnr and D'urhain. Eacli eounty could senId tpn boýys wýithi the three high scoring boys beiitg he teami. The Women's their reguLlar the council ch. day, Mari 2L 0. W. Rolph,C WANTIED 75 te 125 aregoed lanke Townslhip. 'Cash lacMi-lan, Roomn 402, 156 Torouito. ite rwill liold m-eeting in )roue, on Fmi- 30 di-. Mrs. Youge St., c-12-U. APPLICATIONS WANTED Apiplieations for- the position of Police iConstable and Fire Marshall for the Villag-e cf Orono will bc re- ceive~d by J. J. Mellýor, Secretary of thec Boaird,. lus salary te lbc $45.00 per year and ail applications to ho in by 12 o'cloek pioon, ÇMardi 24th, 1941L. Thec ýuction Sale undrsinedaucionerhas me-, tes -l yphuic I(auction at 1,t , or. ý LikýTonhl WEDESDYMARCU 6h,14 The follcw-iing \valuable FainiStocký, lmpleebt, Mt.: HORSES 1 Spcn cf Begian Mares, 9 and 10 Ye'aIs, full sisters; 1 CIyde Colt, rising 11eas 1 Cy'de Cîcit, ising 3 years; 1 Brownl Mare, 12 years old, la foI. CATTLE 4 Milla Cows, due in Aprilandi May; 1 Jerseý(-y Cow, 6 years clii, due lu Apil; about 22 lieadcl fya-o and 2ya ls SHEEP 11 goed young Breeding Ewýes. SWINE 40 lioge, frein about 75 Au 150 pouads. POULTRY Around 50 White LeglioruIliens. GRAIN AND FEED Quantity ocf ats and Buckwheat; quantity of liay. 1Massey-ffarris Bindler;1 Frost & Wood Mo'werý, 6-foot eut; 1 spiug- Toothed Cultiv tor; 1 Soed CîDm111; 1 Hay Rake;z 1 set liarrows; 1 Disc lirmw; 1 Scuffler; Wagon; Set of Sleighs; Cutter; liarness; 1 Cutting Box- and Gas Engins; 1 Root Pulpei; 1 Cream ýiiSeparator; 1 Biliiiith Vice, practically new; Forks, Shovels, Rules, Chuains aud ether articles o nînierous t e ntion. Sale te commence 1 p.m. (S. T.) TERMS CASH Albert -Morton R. LHoy Clerk Auctioneer Eacli boy on hs winning teain re- ceiveti a cash prize as well as two bushels cf registe-red seed. The eam- uemibers were : Wesleiy Iills, En- niaskiienr; Le-vis Truil, Hamnpton, and Donald Jose, Newcastle. The standing of the first ten: 1-t, P. McAMpine, Hastings County; 2nd, Weslsy ililîs, DurliainCounty; ard, Lewis Truil, Durham Cuunty; 4th, Donald Jose Durham County; Sth, Alvin Metcaif and Harvey Yol- klçweea, Durhlam Couinty'; 7Vli, Frank Staniger, Dunrhem Couity; 8th, Lloyd A'yre, Durhan - oun,,ty; 9th, Allan Baxter, Hastings; lOVh, Bcyti Aymre, Durham C'eunty; lSth, Raymnoid Smith, Durhlam,-- County; 19th, Eber M1ilison, Durhiami ouuity. The bigh man in each.clasa receiv- ed Vwo busheis of registereti seeti. Thie winninig team \vas net eligible for these prizes as these moutestants bati oaci alread~y heen awarded two bushels of registered grain. Prize -winaers in individual class- es: Oata- - Hlarvey YelIowless, Dur- ham County. Larley - Ilarold Ackemani, Prince A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICI4N and SURGEON Office ilours : 2.00 t0 4.0i); 6.ý0 to 8.00 PHONE 47rl ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin VBTERINARY SURGEON Office : Maqin St. Orono Phone 563 r 7, Grono, Ont. j John J. Gilfillan Phni. B. Licntat LIfIeDCOllgeofOtRm- Liebaetrof O trjoleof po Offic ilour: On0tro ..ad2 430 p.m andtoby)apime n2tý O .ul in n.dB Tytel' Dug tre Pho-no 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualt-y, Automo- bile and Lîab>ility AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Auction Sales of all size& and at reasonable rates. k Cominimnicate with hirn at P.<t Perry, Onitario, or see his COkrk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Piractieal] Watchmnaker Ail Repaira to Witches, Clock, and~ Jewellery. will receîive Our prempt attention \~ PORT HOPE 44&~~Friday & Saturday ERROL FLYTFN Olivia DeHavilland In a ~Big "Special» "Santa Fe Trail" WiVh Raymond Massey Monday to W.d)nesday Comedy-Romance of War "Arise, My Love" 'WîVh Claudette Oolbert anhd Ray IVilland F. F. Morris& Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers BowmanviIIa -Orono Phones: Bowmi-anvile. Day 348 Nighit, 734 anld 575 Orono. 27-1 Ouir Service-THEF BEST Our Goods-THE NLE W ES T Our Prices-THE LOWES'] 10 std Lt frlghteued -jtu tthe Britlg us, andtI tlij- loslavia, Tua,- -M Ontario 01 rono - m"mý 1 PARK STREET CRONO 1 A