ls Likeiy to From New- spring to Mwnds Sealing ships bas bbcd awvay to the loweSt es. oýitla the l5O-yea-ol 1 istory c tliant eanly ext mnth cly foui'ves out cf StJen'qboer and ilirui ao5rth te the lcs And, for toc firstture lamao 0.a ya, the s ,a 1-fisber wiiraer exciudvel tetue WooenwaWis -the st1urdy ea of eak anli of nbe catch ia late yaars te vemss f eV l Te aan of th'- ses or ,the dmnd fwar have n e- prenVed, at ieaý,st for, a threp, ,11c soent trd, ONCE GIIE&T SEAL AR-MANA the !ce. Sinoco 'îen TeBe.othic an,'i the Imegene ha -e bten Vwrckel, andtibte Ungava is under artler asargo shmip.Ail were aloi-ans e! snany spnings W a enemtb. ' T'liefour--a, divavosl repreent te rimnilts )f a eue- irnie great amtis at in dsys e saliswèl teas anly as 400( greterfleibiltyand largeýr c acity, eetal rv h id ours ct f 1the aealoter Tablest LDet Insuff icient No Short Cot to Proper Nourishmeint Acçord!ng Cto Brtish Expert 'kot cf Ibi talabout feeding ïpoople bY tabitalneiswtbt touadaten, R. A fiar-acli said la is prýedetial addrjess lte th - Pharn~c~utiai Socety of- Greatj Bitajin Ntriealprobloins. "'At prpýee inereý is ne(s)n ot te tbs cbusesOftlng an- eungh lotiinlatabiet4s te Suly suf- "It is praciticaiy iinpossibi e h'(on- strue-t an1yk jnt'et itetlees e Me bats o c-f esit cf iiquid mWC pesnper. Jday."7 EXAM 1'L 0 l O,0N1)DIE T As an exiýinpIec ýf an iro dÉiet" emaL, we ouc offm oat o twuo ýunces .Of crht~' tegndsHel,' -- Tourist Tradle ~fapa~u iiied Wth~ oP mbiggis ts, feoier-'--h-a dia madeu~ vnîsingdogs and ýpktih omùian,-ýcsareaiprtc Canada's stock - trade fer fu-c Oltawa Ps ksdepiment and fanadian Iarvei 3re officiais týjast-ý week said ît was toc cariy î t etimat hat the teuuist tbusi- n)eSsa wo d beulke his yeazr, but the em aszedthat 'the ster'y f Canadas attractions was ienng told far and aide, MANY CO lE PRMLNDIANVS1 c-t is clarihf hehoid1ye,ý lutis, tim cofs e~,bsa lively in~terest iptiih,_ iromanti<- logends ~hich sutu nnanly cf Cania- da' plygrund,"said one offi- - eii. Ther isne Uarantee(ia1g - - ~ trth cnimny oc fites9 eno- esbut thy ae nli itrýigLingas soc>iatiQu wýitb 1enc eautüeï 1' vailale teto c Jvisdtor." 'from t'hIle 'ndau. he Geor01giani SBay c'als-wr xplaiaed ilh the taie cf stumiing gËiaht yalmbiing evé1 Le icefieid- tb'at was Canada with a massive bpl- der lanhi5 handsHo steppd on qime. body ïet a bu1ge fîsh, h bouider mahe te the grounid *Sigi iOntario'Vs Resources t. C.TQNER, Onaro FerationofAge. (NO. 34) FRALL, ENEMIE!rS seveal eek pât1Ihave been a pe ate lad âits prey. TJhait , animas orairds that fedj o othr retuesare said to, be predtoryor redaorswhuIe the animas upn on hZAhY fed are nonas pry. The wl is a p!-. ý dator on th deer, whileÉthe dýeecr is hew~l'sprey. We aejust beginnig to undMeand nmay et the reltions that exist be- tween predater and prey but kt lias been suggetcd tant to have a'eatl'sock of anly animual îit ofdeer i-,inmany areas of Ontalrio. la- somleplceîtey igh't be Said to be Saundant. Like ever oher creature on earth th cy are subO- ject te disearsaoccidns and oid e. Olle of he vway-sam laainikind te onltrol dseSei teoat e tie sufj'ercrs. This canl- neotbe donic ~nte wuls se natu 1 lias substituted a ped ter lte wOlf, te kecep the he aalthy. Wolve2s ili anýd et he disesd, dhe maimed sud the old. lunmay seem c ruel in hlumian eyes but it i.s nature's miethed of keýepinig a hepa;lhy stock if (deer. Maybe Mice Are Necessary Thepre is a simlia-r situatoion l th.e relations baetween predatery hidhawks and owls, and mce 0fcourse, we ()dot et wnt muiCe ikîe we want dueer but, as th ey are rast bedig piti inais the3t eccsioall beomevery inumler- eusý and miust bae controlleùd. Na- ture is lneyer at "aIlosas e whener thle ie bcomie verýy abundantii disease wl bekouti mn them. Ulis disease may be suicl that it will spread to other crea- tu-es se ià seeus tce mre that ýna- ture reserves disýease as a laSu resort lin the contr.ol of: her sai er ýlreature.. lawks and owls are the norm-ral predators that kep epopulation of imice be- low the levél where disease ap- pears and wipes them out. SO, îas I Sa-* id bve, it seemas to be necessary for every crea- tiure te avethe roerenmis Normlai prdaimeans that na- ture does net have te resort to ïnore dasieforms of cotrol, lih s disease wh-Iich iîf alowed te sprIead mýigh"t wipe e'ut thle ani- malsl almost entirey as has hap- pened in some parts of the Worod, Thie glt bh 'e desirable Fromý ,man's pdintof vkew but mice 7%mve their uses àa the scheme of thinËs ànd~ we mnight find i.that we aee~dtlemif thy isappesred ECaýnada,'s F1àùr Milis 14.The fleur, -hijl ad a totalI 2-4-leur -capt )98',5b53 Lo. Tîiefme fthe lour mill, 60per ent f te p~eu mland 4G percetoh flumligcactlaCnd areiocaediinOntario. Queb)ec, raak seondas far s ithee um- ber of fleur and feeýd mi"ýs i, conerndbut in fileurmlin caaiySaskatcýhewan is scn te Ontae follew'ed by Alerta, Qubc and M itob. Th 1Mariime rovines sd Brýitish Columbia haea suad! millng capacity. One huilan erwildhtrl 80,00,00 f e gem whcar iend atearaen s TASK WELL DONE, TACKLIES NEW PROBLEMIS Hakving ccomplýeted his t ask cf imch1anizing the Caaadian Armny la Briain Brg.-en.G. P. Leggie, Depaty Adituant and Quarter Mse Genal has etarned te Canada te tackle necw rni.iitarýy prebiemns, Hie is here se-en with Mrs. Loggi,-e on is arrivai1 at the C.N.R. statio)n in Motelon thieir way t-) Ottawa. T H NAZI SPRING QFFENSIVE KCmetr nCretEet 15 DEVELQPING RAPIDLY Activity stepped ap shlarply 011 ail fronts ast ien l the war betwoen Britain ad- Germanly. The lngaaiedNzi spriag oý f- fenive appeared te ho ander way, sparred by fast approacli- ing sprbIg and thlepa- sage l t United Stteof the gigantcie Bitsh-ald bih. On the skie of Britaini, vast pr-eparations weebig made for couniter-of- fenlsivos wherever the Naizi nma- chine attacked-'çin land, ses, or air; or onI- the diplomatie or e'con- Balkan Front Th"eai wa-u over 'rit'ain wssý neaed ts ntn i n a any isacsequaliiag the frigbhtful days 'of ast Spebrwe cauiiswere bigliesi. TheNwar on the ses grewv steadiiy more selous (Britainî lest 14 8, 03ý8 tons cf shipingte hast week -in Februry),But the b'iggest de- velcopmIleazS, f(r i te miitar.Y point cf vewere sbaiping up i n t'he Baîkan peninsaILa where the cbief beiligoeats were liga- ing theirrceus lareadness for, the baftle cf tho e era MjI %uee- launena Yagoslnva and Turkey hsdf neot yet jinied f Ygut g Yugo- eSsince Sh'e was ahi but su-r- noanided by Axis f*orcesý. A di- rect calnete Hlitiercol men er qiketria ils a atonHfer answeý-r te Axis d!emand-S evideatlydpcedt coasierable degr.eeon witsp jloift Britain gaveGree Te sanie- c ie hosaid, osblo xvha Yuosiviawoidd, o and Iu'ýi'te Soviet Union wsgig te takýe iîtaul. -Turkey' Caii Take It Wniitg ôMte Balkia sita- tion, Associed Press ieepoa- dent IDewivtt 'Ua c i (-.jz ic said: "'Grece m nighttifli), andYg- i l it!lr'sOsethwar.d sweep, but if tbe Turks hold t thein alhance witb Britain anti stand astnie the Dardanelles, theAge-I lied cause isn'thikly tA ufo Arrparable dsaer lathat the- atre cA w .Shoid the TWnk by aay canc go ovýer te thne Gerînans, eeve, i igtmeanl the loseuhe BautUe of the Medteranapfer the .riis If the Tanks fight, they should! be abie e t]pjut Up a verystong defeae.ý The Tarceù-Buflgaria-jn border net only is pretected b mounjtains, but-, snngyfni fieu Te the soutb, between Enrepean andpAsiatie Tankcy, rues the Dardaneiesoe of the mest pownf milsirategie positions lai the world. This, teeý ,,,s hcav- iiy fried"And hast weekth Tulrksiane that thieir-. north- caserafrntirswere safefri any encroachment by the Soviet Union sbou! l tey choose te ib on the Bîis id 1gaýinst toc I-Ighl-iforedOpinion lanthe UnitLed Stts iatveek avae th(' tbeoiry that Hi-e!r, isedo fihigbis w,,aýy via the Draa elesthoub Turk;ey te the Mid*dle hast îigt tara ains Rasi sd zsCizethnchkrie movgo nward te th-e Capin Sesa amd the Rusiain eii-fijelds. Be that ns it May, grave alaryo wasý fel i a('ce ver the mas- ang cf Geman forces ilas thncaýtening manr' erýn Rassian bondons alil tthe way frenl the Baie te tbe Black Ses (a mil hlo] uain were said to hoe lined lap, '"their 1ie21ids leIt an- tilled," alonte commen bWr dler i thesoviet Union). Nw came f Rassian troop mev- met ntheCaucasus, cvici ent iththestnengtheaiiag cf Red Army focesaiong the Pu Riverfrenter.cfGerman-occu- pied nuiania. "The Rassian1s wcrc going te be ready for any Nazi attempt te force the Dar- andies or close ther umti t IIow mchthethaendca vi- - Union ws ffctng th Retlu eof Britain was poied eut Mas week by the British United Prcssmiiitry aaly-St J. WT. tbou1ghit te RuLissman a ir tenh sibiliy that if the war goes laie may -,be oded ieite Bith whih henwilpea nntdb thectdpa prdcino te concentra e mstof ïhis air aqarn ver Britaýin li sek ing te kneck ont the iloyai Air For'ce Honceort h!-e must keep) a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cosdrbe ubrc is plnsnear'the Russian froNtier, as Wcil as ilA ~eBalkans. Ris Adventure into southeasteru Eur- ope by arusing Rusanesuspie- ioýnd bals wakn lis air-straf- ing aility againïst t'he rtsu oat f Atlertic Th BitshParliam1-ent i ast wee voeda hugo newý secret appropriation for "many ,mre Sblip s"-wai ip S ,merchýa1nt Ves- seleX iail kuids-te comrbat the offen1sive promi1sed by Hlitler la his January and Februiary speeches. The Germant were -ookinigforvcty on the ses and it wsth1ere thfat they ust be met and coquercd.This ap- pearod te be thie view la Londoni and Wsshington lias, ee.The B-attieof Ùthe Atiantie was on.ý A n alarliing aewU\ situation wtith referenice ti tJle war on the ses onrat -Brîtaja last week when tlle Fjr(,eh Vijchy govera- nient, neo doabot undler Nazi pres- suete o e, threatened te uise the French Navy t eounvoy food ss, te uae1 ,ýCcupjCid France th1rough thle Bri t i Sh bleekado. Thýe French ,fleet ever sýinco last Jlune bas been a troublesoine and uneortain facUtor for Britin. Armd cnfiict wîth Frenich fodhpconivoys dfnieywas net want,,ed at such an heur als this. U. S. Te Tuirn Tide The lid was of on Amoruicuan aid te Britain the instant the Lease-Led bih pssed Congiress ila Washington last wei.Net a moetwas lest in Lrelealsing a vast quantity eof'.Vr maternais te g'o ar -C he water; "flying fo)rtresses," -were quicl is - patched; and President R'oote- voit pese i demnand f'or $7,- teo finance thl el-Bîtinproe- la additin-on efyn otess the equiipnt te be sent over- seas at once icluded naval omesfor cno dttanks and macinve-guLns feýr theGre campiga aid SMAil raft to comi- bat -bat, 99 warshipS alto- gethr wald be eleased te Btanboflore ùthe end cf ,ý1941. 'lO Meet EarIy Crisis, Authoritative Circles la* ]Wasýh- ington appeared te be acéing on thje theoryý that, the cemin1g thrýee Months woUMldag the great c iî n the war wihwould inodi cate the ultîniate inlier., Thle best mlitary oiinthere, heldi that 1941 wo inet sec lt(e end cf the con,,fliCt, but that A'merican aîd wni )n ufii ent te boi4ter Bridtishresistance akdprcongthe war ïin the hope ofdefeating Germany ila 1942. No tLater TharTune The ý2Caaai1ian niiitaryexer WýR.Plew a, otiig ïthatnmn- terial aid from tihp U.S. toB- tain weul--d beassuliing clsa proportions by September, esti- maited that Hitier couuld net Po y- sMbymake his supreme attack on Britin ianyinteer t1hn Jnc At east twe monoths be hfore Sep- tomber, ho declared, Gesmany, if strive te get thl upper hald of B:iainandiselat th fi itîsï A jotte wroue bck ne cOqe would have heleyed halerSemaSiew] THE FARMER'S DAY The WOaie !awer cnewt cen- plain tee omu(ch, lie i nyerth forgotteCiln.manla a yar la whicn there s propectof anelcton SOME MUST LISTEN Ottlax akEeyoyl t taaisgabn ommrigt lg!t. I balve got s(, that mwy mo 15nyrciose(d exepLfrm ex e- ciuioeliStenJipg te oi zralh- cr.It is the getid pr Tiinc s COUNTY LI8RARIES The libarans of the publi and sopcae librarieslaSimon are evunt -,l'înle ou a e tienbrubtabu aye adr- îug 940 t rihtlysarud a iis te Eaulac ameg heatves cf cfbo lstat la al peablt thbe commainofeXPatrons cf thes inbtitutons, With more lands it undubtedi coidand wndrn dereve a reaorservi-e ,Wel! ceu ainlýs Èlre t n fteor- The bicyc as we knûw it te- day, with two wheels Afeqjua sizo, Vas produced la 18'71", wr kona- the "safYety iccl,"it supersaded t J'edeld igh o "en ny-~rhig"maclhe. Grasare nwforb-*iddente giv imneyte Poles cf a-y pe Accara Ookkeeping ýnJ nma- the as eneral reihr la tCe Chinese., - REG'LAR FELLERS -- Withiùt the Law By GENE BYRNES ... . .......