Yirou,-th Should n t-, a~For Tlvir cIlcie iao, le lcr on elm ad la egedpator elaix's. s DlCM.I. rauedn et the a years 7Finai mrcsineare said te le panng eurmenulu 1thse ilt sIre- tien 1above, a velry sipl essr has mencou etactively -decorated <ta an e ually shpple saue - ~- ~ esulin na (disis seattr-Lactive aud appealing tînt it seulelseif Thia particular dese,-irtcontïiiues te galn la fayot' when aetually ,3uped ils fiaverIsrecou enough te live up te thieEt ihun- presin. Fltirmeeil le an ecumcldessert tint elia for. noeoggs, ne bpklng and ne boilig; il m-nay be",epaed itl JcaseP;na il a ariclalyhealtîlful. Snl tiesequaltis ensste inte a negu- lar pae an the mernu. Choclat Renet ustard i1lt sli ne ane r soft 1 tablespeon butter 5/ .up Cosfceemrs'XXXX sugar Steaspeen Ilvanlîn i ablespoansn g cofe ifuio FOw grains sat Moale reunet cuelard aceording te liectlens on package. Whea -oig coffee sue rentbe buterutil ver'yso tingradnall'y Illclie sgr by litif mixture becemea tee Utlmt Be-at unutil mixtre lis per- featl sîneth.Sir -isitn Wî ,ncm.Lgtl uttcoahyfl lti wipe ra . P,ýie r contere aci rne usadja deie.Males 4 te o evns e memer te dccliay on bs lya feed habSits. Tise ntioîsal dive tMY i Oer din et wr ha liau begîmn st l eur o andnse. Homedecoemitst1Asay a nos mal méwry Cda tetephet ty Mil: Oe int or more Mei ro 0o1vwyn ayeir byv SYNOPSIS Nurse Mr Lamcanrt and young Dr. Jms Kildare become en- gaged. Mary's brother Douglas arrives in New York, Doug wants Kildare to itees ulti-million- aire -Robert Chariler in a businese scheme as lie evolved. Kildare notiýe s iat Deug frequently séeems to isten inte,,ntly as if tao soefar-away sound. He ques- tions him about this 'habit. Doug 'nelîs. hinlie often hears a ,wo- man cryingz. K;Ildare is filled with appreherision. 1-1e knaws that eplptc bear îmaginary snds prior to, a seîzzure. Af ter furthe-r obseivatici-, lhe cornes to the desp,rate cnlso that MWary's brothecr is an epileptic. Since 'this' la an liereditary dis- ease hie also know,,s thtat Mary is open to it. She realizes that Kil- dare thinks Doug a seriously -il man. Shie' emands to know what, ails ber brotber. When Jimnmy, Io spare lier, refusoes to dIiscus the matter, die hrais iabit- ter-ly. He suf1,zers lier t,> quarrel 'with himI raLlier dhailreve-al the' truth. CHAPTER FOUR ason les et teIllgi lthe pat uie 1a'd1bis bnmiky? ell-,I kaow why ye ased. A, IsY Ma s'y rethî. 5,hat Finfïomation?"Jmm sd Yead"i Lt ",letve~ts (ÏILPS -s Cussu trentmnt." ie staed atitl smgn6 et atpedo' ciielt deni, is b leca uzse b icsizurLies thinltsng aloud, '"then he must have regular perluds of extreme mient adpression %withiclis md sikig nck Ït,)an orinMry 1evý- e.", ie 1raised 1unb1appy ey,ý,es te Cillespie. "And that's11at.I've got te fîind et." PICTUIRE 0F MENI That night, young D1. Kildare visied Dogas Lament at hiu h- tel. Istead of tlie een, inel lietperson Lie lad irtfe sen iound Deuig thne picture ot isery. "Whby are yeu fueelng depresa- ed?" he asked cawually Deoug stared at him chaileng- reached foi, ab op f bubn "De oone --orutue drinks a!- ways snap yen back te normal?" Kular qestienied lgty " llIdo'Qxactly sa, Deug answered shortly. Jimmi-iy took the lbottie f crm hlmn. "Sit dow, Deug," îlie saicd quIety. Y "IwAnt etask Wh yen. Pr-, veymuch in love ithMay I'd de anything fer ben, And ye>Uurelier brot'her. 1But euv got teopromise me ee tling. whbat Fimabouit te syis; ln sac- et us." SPRINGTIME FAVORITES By Louise LenTM, wonii, ldlookyour wny when yousav appar yur n!f w ilr bloue. for wser ae r yeu'li antz tise 3 aevels versiort wnv imporn,ý t nud populïr styl,)te jektint you qw11207enuoy hav iag ,te p l et your tiloed style No.2 >4 isdesgn t fo Quality Guara.nteed WMA AM1f NA "Soands Mie saethiag un- plaat"Doug obser-ved. TIve got- semie reason te 1:e- lieve thbat thtis -- this aseed eto yours nmay 2net l a; menafl r sipiritLual preblem-i, Deug, but pliysical -- jpathogicçal." "Semecondtion hat-auses caeuly"Le-lave yenladi auly-n lllneies or, injr in t'he Last year or se?" "No," the ctber rplied read- Hy. "I havea't ueeded a day off fren werMA i ffve years, And tbn's he osiiveanid a1býolute "li aihatcasýe," ,Tiii)my said bea,îvily, "I n teiyunhg uneeyen let mne rmaLte an ex,- periment te try te Iming yen eut of this rlddespeudency. But tlere's semîebiag ,-youmstkaew first, Deu. Ifyen are sdel tpsiaed rotesestate et And jyou invelatis mrnngàitproýves, "t CAN'T S1ýEETI " "That doeýsn'trimake sense," Deug 9bjectLed. '-And I awa:îs coeeout et theseseisaya -'-l neyer have tbem for mnore ithan a weeký," "But te preve My peintI'd have te have Yeu eut lu'a f ew heuirs." -Jimmy glanced 1at bis watch. "Say. by imidaiglit. m dentally, I've ruade an appoint- 1nent, for you witi r, Channler mosnin - ý1C omlo wlldy. "Yeu've got te change ut. 1 Can'tsce theurtoen. 1 wen't lie Àable te put It 'ever. l'dl make a feelet myseif." 'l Cani't Changei," aim n sweved. Deug stas'ed hOteelssly inte space. Ari tbe ,aid fit as1t, "Go on ith yeur stant. Where de we st ýart?", MA lsoneewhky"Jmy i aid oddl-y enougli. 'And yeu're purebably bad ne0 food today ?" "None," Deug said. ,Timm pice jp thc phonýe anld ordered a stea1k dianer sept up frein the iniing reoin. W1hen it ari ,Jimm1ny salted the steak (To Be Continnued) Qu.To Admit Wmne-n To Blar Long Fight For Recognition Within Sight ef FuLýfilhient inFenhCna M7\ ei et ieCaea'Con at a meetýinlQubcCyeay la Mards vetedLa t; vr o dmit il tie roinc tQubc the lmotiont- iatOe eus t isvrlwma;v e ne et an noyas na nd c errie -1 atera fcetvoe ILT AS o VINCIAL By SDE .CHAMBERS For The Family bleen deing ag'etdaeticu- iag albout Cmpayishes amissg gesting nus ofor t Valeaune'a, and S.Pti&' a.It sce1nm thLon fit and prepeý r iL vt we aoulýd cesdrnew aU fw hbenscy dse bothi freeanya'nd bealth'a1É salte. VEGETABLE CASSEROLE place wn a casserole altornato layers etcarrots, petatees andcu- ions, srntigbot' ,yesw saitadpppradrad hee serne Glopped pareley addcd t eadh isayer asaI( dds ,zest. Cever wlt aaleilns11k unitîl evenwt tue top layer. Cvranid ble a slw evOnofer one heur. Be sure te spriake soma grated cseseo Thsis diali sds bighinl food metfrIl eale juice.s ar s'etained-the nd i heicnlt le) hepgtekep 1u1)tise famil clilk quotaau it i"e econlomieu Seredi1h baonorcoDICment, i aksa pretbabluced Lmeal. IRIýSH rSTEW &DLPIG Moît 2 taoaenasserteniagL tryig pan (a deep eue if peoile). Add 1 lb.et oundstak eut in iach aize cbs iBealie mn wall tiea dd 4cap etwateý, Si merutil tender iCeh takeaU' abolit ueihelur', Sn-nt t ndccing ets ami!' lii natl isclteed Add eue ca aeup). Mlx wel ad jlentagla ~s madeby mixîsg 2 upe ife nuid %Eapmi1 mpby son fusonp e tsebulngrtw CEveo ad iaui! foc15minAteQ 1/~ cp sleî'tiue Slecnp KllggsAI Ba 1,cup drnissed, ci ued aple- 4cpmir S ur 1sooghC A~ ggaunn beat untilcemyAd Al-rn alrcots ad mill Letson!t unt fleurwtibaigpe ersoa sait n uîg cmiewl nutrneats; ad teC)first mxue 0tirrngYel ntit lu ispeas Balte La grcase'd ln upnwitb az 70 minutes mitpss Mraber vleoas eran L evnremady t 1lSét1 is l yo pet peevs." e>1eats Or m ÜYua t siec'i,,menus' are il, orr1v. fA44rele5 yens- leteste"iss wadie B.CAmm- bers, 73 West Adelimie StecePt,' e-nýeInpe) if yonivisi;n refly. Womnen Know 1-Jow TA 1-andile Money Elizabueff S. Graver, blond, biack-frocked vice-preideat of t'hinks that rma ail hanliýe oeyju-at as well ýas mlen.Misit Grever is a bankwmes dopaiýt- 'ment man1ager uinew'York City' "'Womi-en iare just a capable of hand1ing finaneini affaira as mons,"Miss Grever sad."Wleaý once they set thè eiredsAteuA tIlC ýle ssw ep iyand, apti- tude, resits are madoeas by Calumet's dul-aei pwhchprmjt out sess Cniuns 1eaveniii ngÀ t-e secreî-du ig te mlxcinnd in spill container, wtihLhandv mess- -lring device uneler ihe la, PLca u7a"!ca Lw ont 15 - ~ anel j 1minu 1-jave c -ba d- urhe teacher sugge--sted Postum for t -)bby te rlk.A, hw ftint be lias cbanged! He stands htad ef bisI class - nd bis ehe as N miore teaz or coffcèe for ob" e sn people co feydrink cffeeand tee. dink thcm. If cafhi psea you, drink deli- j -cieus, eoonclPosnûm, S-echow nuchJ