Subscription, $1. ncing, T own~ Hall, Orono,1 Third Group Concert Draws Largeat Crowd In Series 0f Plays I hese PLAN 0F FORESTRY ing __ o'f "Wel- Quite ' a flury was caused in Orono ~1aJ~o-when itwa believe'd that govern- the s- mnt surveýyors -were surveyig the pdi Pa- Ç.N.R. rabdfor- the pur-pose of spi-i .ofruning the two Lane hi.gliway fro~m Lpr-l-Oshawa to Port Ilope on this C.NýR. 1 raghtof-wvay wîc-u is throug-h if this was ri lt.le iniformeei a !couple of suivreyors were ov le Forestry running a base li nd the -rounds for a plan e- t ry. Thik-, no doubt, is the ea ry Meeting >ol Term H ri Tuesday Programme1 Effort ing Under of Kay Orange seýhool terni was. 1 ided to ime iast with Miss Ma ,hinle gunerý Britaiin, are stil their own free - to otherj1 SAYS Ottawa - Assnuranace ýTEE MEETING in inth~eoCganiatic -eTutesmti Fund campaign have f ofieon Mondav scrutinized' and t'hat ail menibers pres- more than is absolutely carry on theiir w(irk is1 - -. . . 4venhv Hon. James5 ercer. sec- were cdere nooi ast with i . iM~rs.. O.W. Timies, ad'er- wellk1 i'jwi f55 otliier .................... ~ 1.50 andGCa#ol sbaples favo lgtulpiano'duet.1 e, repairs Vo ved by the icom-mittee .- 25.10 . nsa at last thh± t pring ik bave. is dis pouring off main St., the dtist is flying -%wheu a car, wn.the middlle of the road, b)ut 3two or three feet of snow at the ecige of the pavement. of the mneiihants are cutting ie ard hauling it aw-,ay. ncIii served as opb alnd iMrs- .H ami co-opevation of [n prepaing th ,e pro- te thîse whose fïore- ample lunili for the pr-oeeds excen( are lsearing the hrunt of the battie- 1 touav deor c orus aidour olchildren. SThe Olementar-y fiying train-ing echolloctefjuýst north of Oslawal, ýlis expeected to open on June 15th. r- Egigs m-ill stii hbe candied anmi graded in Otýýo& Effort A weekly review of developmeits nuinibered 1721 and botalled $16,379,- oni the Home Fricnt froni, March 13th 020. Largest !itemn is one of $6,270,- to Mareh 2th, 1091: 417 for capital expendi1ure which 1. St. Lawrence waterway agree- goes to' the Ganadian Westinghouse ment between the UTnited States and Go. Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario. The Dc- Canada, signed bMarch l9th. Agree- minion Engineering Co. Ltd., Lachine, ment also signed between Domninion Quebiec, get orders for orinanee total- a~nd Ontario. Cana-da-U. S. agreementI~ in-g $2,949,60O0. The Dufferin Slrip- covvs dweeL)p.ment of power througb- building Co., Toronto, gets an order, ;ut GreatLae-t Lawrence basin for $1,290,557. Fairchild Afreraft and niakes provisin for decp water- Ltd., Langueui, Qucbec, figures under way, fronm headi of Great Lakes to ha- capita expeniue for $1,'800,0. bour of Montreal, AisecouVins Oredrs placed cover foodstuif , ?loth- provisics deaiing ith and controli- îmg, pers-onal equipinent, kitcen1 ainrI ong diversiosfom Great lakes- dining roirm equiprnent, baes abd- St Lamweewatrshed and for pi-e- ing, csaniîtary uples-hibi dng, evaonof cnc bauty oANiagara,. dckar sove--, techejical insth'u Doninon4Jnaro greement enables m ,e udtransport, airraft, elec- cleosOntro ccopomaton on power trical equipment, gasoline, ou and feiurs'ost of international rap-l fuel, inachinery, hardwv'are, lumber ids secton betsveen Iroquois andiaràd building supples, construction Coriwall estmated at $26,17,00. and dlýence ,projee!ts, oirdnance and 2.Wrsison odrin GanladEil n munjitionsý. shiyudsschdued for cnltiu 8, Yong mn for war industries, In 93epce ob ed n14. hcgotte Dmnottle 3Ten 1morCe creteIrerd L423, in Feibruary as aýgahinsV 038 This bings to 80 the number of inJanry Four branches of train- jervettes hut and to be contructed itur n- h,,udn totiii wareuzponri part 4.iCdig inoe aero0 The Oronio Hydre oElectrieCkni sion mej(t ij Neil Por-ter's office Mýoiiday eeniflg last. The byah in the hanl, was repor-ted a-s $. but there were Ž'verýal outstanl c!heques. Mr. C'hase presented the opera sheets for January and Febr- and the systeni was shiown to bý gd sthape. The f olluwing were odredpaid : HE4PC ......... ............. -Telephone aecount ................ Association of Municipal Eîec- trie Utilities . ..... .......... Bovnmranville P. U. .............. fl1 lIt was m-oved lby W. Riddleli, and 1 30-da'y Jeone by H. -larke, that My. Resoure Chase naike an inspection 'of the sys- m-1aliy tenm and preseut the ncessary re- ofsev pairs and change, with an evstim-ate excet f ofd thle cost for the sanme, at £lhe u teerý, next 1egiuiar nctn. of NN A pictur-eappeared in Wdedyinfor-ce eengsToironto Dîaii]y Star, o f would1 iMr,. Helen;a MDnl sistev of tlie10,( ite Sir Sam Hughes o> f GreatI War in Cqpý fe.11ev dCauight, r!.C. A Smit, wn shwn wth ~aisNation senitsa FiisePll, andtree-od daughter cas Sonja, w'hose homle is iiu Engtand. see This pîcturýe wais a spllendidl one., tt c, showing thne foui- genlerations. Oanlada B1oys Given Term1 Mai-eh 28th. esC deal if eo mid plan a miieti nu intevested woi in whaV lias Voc w ,i Prom thl trio, inree consisting Di aiibi'; resp4o vrs. . ches Savings Dri, Gu