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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Mar 1941, p. 2

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use cf SCHU LESS LESSO] CHRIST'S CU Luke 2ý GOLDEN TE> snlforth tue Fïkthicr upofl 701 THE LESSON IN~ Timne.--The aç? te,- disciples, Th )etwe afl Ha! if a round ctair ax andj isa be pOSL OMii1'c hiuigCad heair mail rviuescod A Hein Responds To Kindly Care Large Egg ProduzcotiOn En- dorses EglshWemnan's Theories til rwice as Mccli As~Wheat Or real- >ple in war- ~ ni saveral g ~ tecrti re crds tas is almt u - The imagni cence of the brih stand often jis reflected in littie thins . . lttiethins suh asthispictle.A London moher a baby, bom'ibed ont of Mhesrhome, wearstrikingy simiar expr-essions o f tMe wi-o-go-on as they wu!ait rng their belengbrgs tu be takei te safezplace. 10 B pOAVH RO"LINR died. Thehopialreors aU brokan beat. NOTES AND NEWS Rdocommeutator H. V. Kaltn- bor bs een rigbt im-ore ofteu,'-- tien wrong la bis forecastiag cf war mores snd trends ni far.TbU othjer day bexicxprei tbis as hbis ýouisideed opiion:"On1 muitary, iacoosaiee, tbe -war wfllend ilu Hae quonfed it a utMe withti rcmark that politial upiealsi" might throw bisi vnekenig euta Oaa 0of the lstshos on tbe air on Mîiy ibs i barnl wbhen ic RadioPU Thetra la p re!- seuied!. se! t 'he stageau scree are ourdin scenes frei tic bis -o0f the day--making ai turwed byWBN nWeesa ]1ngiis t 8.30(sadaù) sle vl a l dlgit an mot0 es1 tat1t tic sbow abere ti!!e ruu c1ýfti ii Tne asoen meand ba WbiteyFr aami Ml, tbe Plan- txaonfolks. Triva:Bule dne al ity suet ectyo h au Bh ofrw(eee Jack Bcuay' two ritrs)basbecu draýftcd fer sentegelte1n lu w fillumn you : but tavry wve iii the city, until ye Ibe clothed with poweýr f rom -on hiigh." The promnise cft thle Father'sis te promnise ofth Holy Splirit, referred to in Isalah 44.3 ~al( other Old Testamrent Ad, 1 ef in cet the village of Bethaniy, on the wýestern s1ope of the MAounit of Olies. la t his tesson- we feel the de- sire on the part cf the L-ord Jesuis tc, persuade Hïs disciples 'beyondi ail doubt thiat Hue was indeed t'he 7cisus wllco had been crucified oui Caaryîo,-,that Hue had truly, ia Hiown body, isen from the d ad;ad, this bcing true, He prý1essed uapoi the disciples the obigation te proclaim te the ordthe truths involved in 1-is life Lnd death and Reurrection. Evening of Resurrection Suddenlîy, wbile Pe ter- i an d Joh wredescrib)in-g what hac, rpreviously passed between them- sevsand the risen Christ, they in thir dst, Luke 24:36. "And as te spake thesei things, heic h1iun~Sel'fst in the m--idst ef tmand saîth unto then, Pence be Vvoyu. ithi christ the wors of greeting were ne empty formality. The Resurrection was a ivine assurance that pence had been re-established between God and is wrld;and the original disciples of the Lord, who hAd cotne i-._UI'177th Hum i n Histe- tatins, erethe first te receive the message of this rýeconcýilia- tien, as they were te bettie f irst te pub-ish it te ninkind. "Wh Are Ye Troubled?" 38. "lut they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed ,nthat heybeed a spirit." The disýciples pro'bably at once recog-. nized 1th-at thle perSýOni whestood before them cas the Lord, yet they did net beliee it was chrîist, in a 'body, but simply the dismboiedspiîtof Jesus. An such an apparition would fWSght- en the mnost hardened individuaL. 21 "'And he sadid ute thein, Whyar y troubled? 26. Ant w1re-r d questionings arise nyu r t?" They believed, ,,nd thy id net believe. 9."S-c mny bands and rmy fee1" that -it is 1 mysif: handie mre, and 'sée; for a Spirit hath net flcsha.W boues, as ye behold m-ehaig 40An when he adS a id 'th 1i S, he shjowed thjem bimhndsan bis feet." If thlese disciples were net te bave a pro- fondcnviction of the t ruth that Ilha had nsen fomthe grve then they could neyer unflinch- ingly, nesaty boldl'y, preach the Ilesunrecon of Christ. Tbey muust hveabunrdant evidence, icocntr ia verib!!e evide(nce : tbey had _7it be-foie the f orty diays cf (Christ's appearauce had been completÉed.-41. "And while the.y stii ibèiee for joy, and won- dered, .he said un-cto thein,Have ye here nnything te eat. 420 Aud they gave bun a piece of broied fis. 41. And he took it, Mandebefore theni." Final isrcin 44, And 1he saiid unto themi, These ar my words w hich I anotherimprtntstep this onth 1ýrequc(y assiglnientsdcidup on at a Colfrei elau abigo Ut 4.00 a.11. E eT nMac2, puirsuant te the NrhAeia Regional ractngAemut Au statins lu Canada, the Un- iteci States, Me icoad Cb, r invlvd [ he-opiue eb uiearilày800 z4aW1Iýfïl ion uw wv lenIgtb]s at thle cdof March. ua ilng cr-u'saud' antenruiemutb adjustd te the ew frequenc>s. Maay ote inti-ce opertion fit 0f theliange-ovor stations andte impreve ficn sor- vice radio is nwow perforng., is t oject oftis wdsra eloa tien, it is thedesire ,of the radi jinduýstry that telseeswl x per>ýcince getreiyetw thie job ,is cmpct.Sc), be sureý a1ud loekup hdia! ubro h station youwutate arb29b CBL wlbe beirdat'74PC, R at SC60-CKOC at 150CBO a 1 and CKLW at 800 BROK-EN HEART HeDre's a-tsadbu RU toy Seven moutt!is ,ago ya-l a mai1euMarlin _Mardi -'as sntfroin ELng1and lite VWndsor, ntrl.She bAS liencd crae since fer ber fathar's Voice ou a program frein 'olad ut it neecame A, a surprsCise fr tic glirlr r-angents wera being madýe o ber fanher te speakAte berrigbt frein ber owu home !-in ngad pop-St-ung Againi YOLYRI- COMIIsJ& WITW M~. WE~'RE WOLDIN~ A -fl--lis AI.T~R~OON - WOOI.-WINDING I ./5~ '--c» - , death, and resurrectien bad i- filed. Soçalie weuld gaay but the Word ef God would net depart from Lthemi; it would re- mi 1n ini their hands, and, knei(w- ing its mneaning, Con vinced of its divine orngin and the fulfilment of its prephecies they ceuld g', forth te proclaimn the Lord Jesus as the Ch.rist of whom Moses and the Prophets hiad spoken. This is w,ýhat we constanltly find the Aposties doiing in the Ac Ats of the Aposties. Witnesses 0; The-se Things 46. "'And hJe said unto theni, Thus it is written, that the Christ Shouid suffer, aminisïýe again frein thie de-ad the thiird day. 47. A&nd that repentaxxlie and re-mis- sien of sins shogid be preached lai bis naine unte a-Il the nations, beginning frein Jerusalem." This is net an invitation, but a comn- mund: it is net a suggestion, but anu order. Those who believe that Christ died for our sins and r-ose ag-ain, who believe the word of Ged, are- those te whom ithk!sis om- miïssion is gve.48. "Ys are witnesses of these tig.~ Thie woi.d "wi5,-tness"' implies facet. TLe tausk of the disciples was te Say, "ýWe knew Hima living, we ourn- ucd Hum dead, we saw ýHum riszen." The Ascension 49). "And beh-old. Î sen.dforth againlst Bethariy: anrd he lifted uip his bands, and blessed thenm. 51., And it came te pass, wile( hle biessed thelm1, he parted fre)Il thean, and was carried up intû heavenl. 52. And they worshipi- ped hini, and returned to Jerusa Iemn with- great joy: 53. And were continuallyý in th~e templjle, blessing d2 This worship of je-sus, il, whomr we see the deityý, anld Who in His person is deity, w ll otinue te ail eternity. The visible preseace of Jesus WaJ geone, not te appear agaîi as be.. fore, but we the diýsciples re-- turned te Jerusalem, their hearts- sanj-g wjth great joy, They wr net bereaved-, but enriched. Sun and IView Are Essentia1 in Hornme The rooms of a house ýzloulà belocated in rcelation toftl" v icwv, the sua and prevailng widplanning aut-horities de-. clare. The living -room, thîeY say, SIheuld be brighit, eheerful and have plenty 0f sunlight and, if po1ýssiblle, the best view frein' its4 Mlorning sulgh s generally dîesira ble for dlining space. T-he kitchienishlold be located te avoi4r asmuch dirct ,-xpýosUr e t!,he sun asz possible. STATESMAN AND PATRIOT I HOR'ýIZONTAL Ase eP 1 The third FRANCES ?re7csident ,f --I1REË HE-F the'U.S. A, MACER UP, 13 Spoken. E A D i T ! American BOA- TRy 5 Pa,,r ti cIe. R I ND R 1,3S teep cdag rai n NE SNEIA 17 Perfume. HiE AT-i TrI leDecisiorz cf E C L A D T arbtraers EL A-1T O'N 20 Metallic rock. L A B ' U UN 21Saved. 22 Nýew York. 38 Syllable of 13 jekef the scale. 24 ou reding. 39 Division inte 25 Type standard twc ars 26 InsensiIVty 441Derby. 27 Blood meney. 45 Prevaricater'S, 2S portrait 47 Mining terin. statue, 48Bea-rded 30 Passive xuonkey. persOn. 49 Globes. '32 Mean rman, 50 Stairch. 33 Musi'cal njote, 51 Ordinary. 34 Electrified 52 Mews the particle - cf the 3ý5 Aud. Declaration cf ý?G Tarboosh. Indepencence 37Yellow bird. 53 lHe Wasa VERTICAL 2 Whiti'sh. 3ShilId ~smail rtug, 5 Moindîn dye f) Green stone'. 7 Epic pocins. 8 To hiappen. 9 France. 10Cruder.ý i-le hegoggl!er' 12 Over M6 Mis homne, national 17 To systematizc 19 He was the founder of the - Party. 21 KaeOf clubs. 23 Was 25 Silkwîorm.1 26 Fishi 2ý7 To peruse, 29 Pussy. 33 Eotch. 36Primary,. '38 A Yogi, 39 Hîndu native clerk. 4TQ scrch. 41 Lat),eL 42 HeAthen Igol 43 Whirlwind, 44 HMarness part. 46 Deity cf w=r, 48 Chinese beau.L 50 For that'i reIsoni. 51 Nrhet By J. MILLAR WATT teviouig püzgle-

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