R. A. Forrester, Pub'ýlish-er a Flying 0Officer Mdarvin K. Brown Killed la Enigland in1 Mir. and Mdrs. J. E. Hlawke, 01o,01 ~'n while i Toronto reoeived teIi-e\ves e' of the death of -Mr. Iak' sister's il, a.ym.-giest son, Flying Officer Marvin K. Brown'U,11-10 as kuillel in a flying %,ceidlent i ngnd r-Marviin's father, W. J. Brown, lived ts no-th of Oroano and i the List Great ý-if War was a Captain under GenIeI'I le T'he R.A.F. Officer M'M vi K. Bromni, was '2,33years of age. He isi cd suirvived by hie ne, Mrs. W. J. iïr- Brv, Kinýar-dîne, a sister and five 00.brhes two of the borthies are 110w Il i s 'rvig in the Air Forece onCARD0OF THANKS It. 'ilr s. A. Bi-addley rwishes to xrs i- lier atppreceiation to Dr'. MoIKenlzie, Dr. toMNi, also Mr. Tyl-reil, andt her elIt miany frienrds and ineighibours for- ~ttheir kid bie wh h inae her cshut-in Sdays more pleaseinter during her 11- IlLige " " '0 a th 1s BIRTIHS 'Ut- CARLETON .- In Woclstock Generý- to ai lospital,, on Tuiesdcay, iIVaiihi'18, 1941, te Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carleton, plan 65 Vansittaa't Avenue, a soli. wipe, ;f-1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL can en 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas;. Shaw, Georgec ni d e ,dllcl ispenit Suid(jay \ith M.and SM-s. E. Bryant, Torontlo. of Mrs. ýH. T. TÙiley, of Toronito, has ) -rn ee visiting h ler 'mother, lMrs. Jas. nII Wu Jijcson thus week. _N.R. SEEK PERMISSION TO ABAVNDOýN BRANCU IN The Can din ation-al Rai'lwaY s applied to the board o(trnsor mimissioflesfr perm111ission t mdnthe Port HOPe-Millbrook sec- 011 o0 the Lakýefield subdivision, a itance of 16.2-1 rmiles. The lUne ,as cpenied for o)penaïtion" in 1857. AI)- iction m-,as made in 1935 to the ard te abandon the operatiOli of the akjefieldl subdivision between POrt Icope and pe&erbcoro, but -it mas re- used. Thle present aPPlication Pro- ,oses to discontinue the passenger - ain service in'CIlding express and ail b)etw,een P.eteriYorc and Port [o)pe and freig4it service between blhjbrook snd Port Hop1e. YOU MUSTN'T MISS The- Tamblyn Beauty Shoppe I)o't spoil that pretty new hat by plulnking it on any eld coiffure Something PNew CREME WAVES that give soft natural waves and eurls %vith no dry ends RECCULAR $47 $7.50, FOR Y $500 Oul Permanent for $3.75 OTIIER WAVES $2150 up to $10-00 given by the L.U.BA. 'au the perison -- havinig the highlest seoro uat the con- t clusion of the card series tbat lias m benheld at the Orange Hall, Orono.h The last of the serýies was played on Tuesday e'veninig last -wlien niine tables weore plyed. Me The prize whiners for- the eveing's edcl ISp ring is here again Ifor Paint and NEW UNES 1-4 IENT EN M L per can ......................................».1-51e. 8 oz. CAN PAINT, at per cani..-. ............... .. ............15C. SQVR NP-AINT (whIile it lasts), quart ... .........59C. RI H ON AINT, quart ......................... .............69c. R.....N..ENAMEL..q.art.... ......75c. C. V. HO1USE PAINT, quart .....................$......1.. ...... 00 C.V FLOOR ENAMELquart ..... .............$'s1,10o C. V. SUNSET ENAMMEL, quart .......-............... C. V. HOUSE PAINT,ý gallon .................. ......... S3.5 C. V.APPROh VED PAINT (Wilie it 1, s), gallo.$S7 WE CRYA COMPLETE ST O 0F Martin-Senour Paint 1 Good Second(-handii( Stove, Grey Eniame'l, Water front, NoRMeservoir 1 Secondc-ýlhaid QttebelC Cook ý .. .............. ...............$1200 Our Seeds are now in ROueL PH H ARM D WA RE Phone 43 r 1 Orono s 11111 servtcd ade to -don, OurfamO r buisine s. -L< rie Legghorn ýoeels.- Bousuanville; Phoiie Mrs. D. Patteinsýon, of Ottawa, at- tended ber eouLsinssa funeral, the late joi-m CoinLstoeok, of Peteeboro, and is now visitinig ler cousîn, b -ls. R. R Waddell, and other frien4s lin~ oo Read Une Advertiscmenits and talie advantaige of the bargains. BUY!m Illiistra'ted is ihe Newv ik-dooi' Sedaes with FOR THIE SEASONV'S biggesti car value, go see the new MeLa BuLiCk SPECIALS. Big in ail the1 qualities that are traditiona Bnick, these cars are comnpact We've trirnmed inehes off the( to park, nimbler in traffie, thrif off the price tag to give you tc When it cornes to action-thes( their bonnets that skims you è Thiey've got genuine Buick al] front and the tunristakablei equiprnent of their Unisteel 1 You'l1 like the new Bytick SPE( Sedan and a 6-passenger Sport for years of faithful service. .,nd 're's why! -hp. FIIWIIÂIL eight under Ilard heading home. five feet of seat-room Up in the lines, finish and D. V.z. VBTERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Plione 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. -John J. Gilfillan Phm. B. J. U..,.A NI hLY INSURANCE Fire, (Sasualty, Automo- bile and Liability 0 n - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Au~ctioneer and Valuator Conduet8 Auction Sales of ail sii& and at reasonable rates. Conununicate with hini at P.oeI Perry, Ontario, or see bis Giei*, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker' Al Repair. to Wtches, Clock, and ewllery, wili reeive our prompt attention PARK STREET ~ PN PORT HOE t, Friday 8 Saturday GEORGE FORMdY In Anôther RLot of Funi I"Keep Your Seats" Monday to Wednesday 1.30-40c,; 8.ao-450r. "GON'ïrE W1TH THE WIND"Y Nothinig Ont but t~he Prices F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Dire' tors Furniture Dealers <~AMBUJLANCE SERVICE Bewmanville - Orone Phones: Bowinanville, D)ay 480 Night. 734 ïanti573 Orono, 27-1 Largest and Mvê,t ýurnlture Store andI ýuneral Service in C. Shawr- 1 r la of printing. t ýThe Times OQffice '$1.25 ýNZIE, MD. nd SURGEON to .00 P.n ORONO ýws to nany Ur jour church is1 cssarý Our Service-THE B3EST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEStT optom-, 1 1