Brunleti CRIbib Adapiedfroi he M1elro- Goldyn.Maer Picwýýrc bY GERTRUDE GJELBIN SYNOPSIS Nurse Mlary Lamont and young Dr. Jarnn aKildare 'becoitute en- agd Mary'sbrothýer IDouglas arrives ;ii New York. Doug waats Kildare te interest multi-millinn- aire Ra>bert Chauler ini a business scheme as lie evolvecl. Kildare notices that Doug frequeutly seerms te isten intently as if tW sarne far.away sound. Hle ques- tiens bum about th;s habit. Deug tells bim he Often h-ears aw- man cr-ying. Kildare is filled witb- apprehiensioii. He kneows that cepileplica Imear imaigiiary souncls prier ta a seizure. Af ter further observation, b.e cornes te the desperate conclusion that -Mary's brother is an epileptic. Since this îi an hiereditary dis- ease lie also knows that Mary is open tka it. Shie reaizesý that Kil- dare thinks Doug- a seriously ili mail. She dlemands ta know what ails, ber brother. Wben Jinmmy, ta spare ber, refuses ta zdisetisf the m.atter, she upbraids hinj. bit- terly. He suffers lier ta quzrrel witb hiai, rather than reveal the tratb. ANEXPEIMENT "WVhe's goýing te sta steak w,,ith ailt,1hat sait oun t"Du "ýYen are." "I du't now hatkiud et e~ieriautthis is", Deug sa1id Îlu The maioer ildare lnsiste-d that Deug tak1e threor1-four cuLps ùet bi)'ack coffa-e.- 'Thiýýs i hecraziestdotrg 1 evcr Ec-ard o." Doug wa piainiy auye. "AidCI wha corne-s !ter the teoffee." "Ntigbut wai*t aud sece whsat !happons" eple ilaa But uehnghppeueýd. At miid- ulighlt, Jim gave 'hlm a hypo et W'hen a haIt heur h1ad ase 2,ud De)ug raemaiuad moody su diepressaed, Jimmiy's spirits fal Then, au i(-de dwnedupon hlmin Deug was sidlipieading that lhe phone Chuler(sudcaneel the sp- " n miglit as weil har te trtDüug. I neyer believed in yourachrne.Neiher didMary. Aný1d neithner did Cale. "'Thati'sunettrn "Deug ceried-, "Do't a afool, La)-'mn," , pportity? foia ore on] hLbcir a n sid 11h('tti1e su't , . .( 1 lae lail the label ite unada', cirP, aie over yaar, ~ preved it; it is flexible !F IFINIR >MADE 'E 13-241 JimIny sV aid eVenjnIgý Wê Were ail beîng nice te ye. fumewring Yu-", "I dou'î believe it." Doug'm hrïestth came in iia sb Mr Cou à)'tdo hat te m Jimmy stared 'at im col Vdly. "_Maýy's sfaikd yÉ r etor inmd," hesaidci ll."In1- sanle, if yen wat inluplain "Tha's lie" Dug ,shoutedÎ. ",I sait uw.You were afrtaidï ilpet scmethIinIgeut cf yeur plecieus Chale sd se you mooud up thes that thee was somehiu th materwith me. Yen e(ven turuIAIed nmy wn sse againticme. lBuat y;o u r cheap trcsdidn't woIk -- 5 new, y're tyiug te sce, m ,eff-"' is hysteria suddeuiy ebbed. HIe fUintio a Chaire a rgidefeat- HIe suddeny tiltd his hed and i:stnedîutntî. "hatwon on theu exrom" he said sow- ly. "he'scryig agin. Some- turnes she cries the woie uight tn r 0ugh-" "IT'S A LIE!" "There's no eue ciyiug lu the uextreon,"Jimmy s]id stead- Deug wiled upo nI lm, hs too bs an Duga, e piaed don't ask nie questions- uew. Thi is wa I've been1 wait- in_ýg fr.Yen L wiys 1hear theI htmlsation. Nwpll Iyoursýelf te- gehe. e ver te that tbe Siart lanning what yen're goiug ýposay tiCauertom-orrew,." "I ean't," Deuagsadhkiy "Yen'ea."Jirnyanweed "Start talkig." There as a imrnnts hes, tatin, nd heni, as haï peri cf ehil~atiu bgante evidenlce lsfDeug saredte. speak' With veryword his assurance retuued. Withclear eloqueuce It Lhenghto abrillianitconnclus- ion. At iscoe h uudte_ .iirny "'rnslight again," hýe -Ves?" Jirnrny answered grave- iy. "nd yo rameber wat that Deugs fce uderenta tran- sition. "Te-Il me e e rýstJim-i- "You rmust know everytiiug, J:rny epianedsadly. "Then 1we tue gpound sud fonI at the "Yen kiu is iffeeut.Arti- fkâsJy echiarated by the dMs eeyenhaeyerhihgear, spelsfolowe bythe equaLlly depesson.Butwe ealiu contr-O It fyou will hvei)d the tig thtbrin-g (on the aurýa - the perod henyen think yen heaer sait, coffee ail hasten yeu ur musîýt avoidshck For medicine theg'I(Ibe î?a uew druig forwhc ive have high hopes-", "Ilepes eu whst?" denanded De. "A litfre of medierit? "Then yù'lfauce rduidi- intgraiono1fthemiuid-prob- aby usuh -a wret(îce, lýýiv ing -eath?" Deugbnred is acein bis bads. 'DeesMary ko i thi?" a ake, F"Epýilep 1)syi haredtsry- 1 Icave it _- she noy have JIt lie saidsiowiy."And : I dut lui- MUeS - al -Im adotor." -Will Doug keep bis scret frbrn Mary? ,Read sre t Care For Greasy C,1apital Gils Have Problem, Civil Service Clerks Corming ta Ottawk Prom Ail <ver Caniada Have ta Do ClQo Corer-uttngWitii Their Smail Salaries How !;e'nimage ini the war- time capital of Caniada on, $55.8 a mi-oth, the netsaayatoa defence tax paid - of non-per- manent I c hlkinthe civil serývie is thebg headiache for hundreds of irls froial parts of Canada writes Gladlys ArnIOUd Examrination of the buîdgets kept by some of thesec gircls re- veals plenty of close corner-eut- ting. One girl who said e came from the 'Far, Wst" camne near- est to miak-ing àaneatjo of it and kepuberseif ont of debt. "But mry mother gave me .$30 before 1 came and bougbt nmy -winiter , coat se I wa-s able te manage until 1 became a Grade 2 clerk--now it's muAeh asern she said. An analysis eof glothînig showed she bouight one winuït sud e summer dress, onýe skirt an-d two bloses. She spnt $?5.72 for soap, cosme(ties;, toothpaste, aud $2,60 for eleaniug and presing. Y.W.'C.A. ADVISES Nothing an mouth for cdiversioni, debt or doctors is thre way the ma- jority of these aI-ces-enry dIaughters of CanadIa haýve Solyp the problemi accordling te Miss E. M.UTyhurst, general -secretary for, the Y.W.C.A., who haýs deait with hun111dreds of themi iibthe past 15 màonths. "Except for exceptional cases the girls must pay $35 a mouth for room and bard or else p-ny it in poor he,ýaLth aud diminished resistance te ilus," shesad "Our race pitifully neds uew suppiesof discipline, mrit nd itliec. --Dr. Alexî Carel. TAILORED Fer Spriig SUIT Chic ýBy Lou i se ite 7nox It isni't-LSprci 1g w it asuit and this ýyeuar it's tailored jat-cts an d ighIiptly ïfIaring skirts.Nth ing couid hbcsmarer thanthis well eut style with its trîim lapels and gored skirt. -Make it wih aI cOtrasýting- jacket or al! of euee tecrial anid yon'll weauizi for miany m oaths. An extra skirt la aise a wise iuvestnenit forix- ing sud mathing cot] sweaters, jackets and -blouLses. The jacket of your new suit is aise handy ce slip ou ever yourdyte frocks on cool aJ Make your sýuit uiow sud be ready foruh f'irat Spiufg days. Style No. 3004 la deslcigned ýfor eise U. 14,16,18 sud 20. Sz 16 requives 1 "4 ýyards of 5b-ilich fabrie for jacket; 1% yards for Skit.1 Seud twenty cents (20e) (coin is preferred) foratram te Lo ise LÇ,1,euiinlox-, Room 41, '3 West Adeln ide St., Trne Write plainly younineaddress antd stLyle mbe. 1e sure Vo State size l'eu isb. and Trif les iMauytye vuni'rapeepiug, arl- h cre heedy wçatchiug for, thefrt glimpse e spring. Snceautîi iauhn wa eeha-vela-d this Mrl-tds showup ail dupatnsd indor eveytbug bgîste ,kda sud soiled(ready7any moment fer housecieauiug. But before that wiill'bec, uefi Eanster D -ay. MOf tynOu llbe eual planning seagoisfer Eas- tertde, I eeai confections ara usuaiyquite ecenoicl se tr-y this uew eue: KRISPIESMA HALO SQUARES 's Rice Kris- butter sud mr le hu)iler. Add c t C) ierl 1jute Shaliew bnttered pan. Cnt int9 squares wha e ool. Yield 16, "-inchsqars(10 n -Nut matnsd coo ut-ay ha added. 2 ounceýs eofmelted unr- -fsweeeddhoolte 4ouca(s may ha aded te the manrshirallowfý nmxue just baforepourig over Rica Krispies. .jIFFY SIECK 2 cups passry fleu 1 cup sugar S teas-poons Calumý'et bku powder I eaSpoon sit 1 teaspoon i eînnamenj Scup stru tee legg. Sift dry igeiusit ol Mlake hCoilon l centre sud pour îu remi-,aiuýing ingý;rçdinc-jts, Bea,-,t thaý-rninte ing. JELLIE» APý,PLES AND RAISNS 4red ajppia 9cup graiatad sugar, 1 cnp boiling water 1 taspongrated lenen riud 1 tablspoon geaaina li eup celd water- lis cups appla Syrup 2 tablaspous lemi-on juica ', cup Sultans aiis Combine sugar,. water ud laes onrind. Dro7>p lu sectis ùe appie-pared andcored,. COck, siowly il) sy-rup Lunfi clar.Cùear part ef the tm.Liftscin eut carefuhl.Measure SYrup, Add lemea muiceanad imaI 1h, cups. Soak geiin u ed water addiug te boiHliug syrnp sud lemnon inice. Wheu ni iri-tticaI', MIss Ctzillîemr elespro lettevs tram ifterestiA rv,'eesý 5h. lm plensed e recelve suggestions on wehm sfur lier ecomin und l even rlejay ta lîsen tt y6ur "Pet pee t 4"- ,R e 01qzevs t ý or repsor~ spevril IMýeus ,!re iniorder. Aadreýs you 1etterv ta-"Mi>sSaile r,. Chue- bere ni M3West Adelai4e Steet, TA~ rawt" end SinArpAd, 5e*..dtfrs envelêpe lif y4au vlýsb ,ýrefly. When, Kug anl put tbrc' PAY LEgg v'ÈeEITÊR REST