1 03IO Vol. 5. No. 12. ORONO, ONT., -FHUIýSD.AY, APR. 3, 1941. Subscription, $ 1.25 Per If You Have Salvage Around, Phone J. J. Mellor, Scout Mast $116 Has Atready Been) Sent To Fund On Two Entertairiments The coniaittee in charg-e of the, ocarda and ,Âance enteruainnient beisiin Orene tosvn hall on Friday eveingil of last week, had a ver-y successfui ,evening- financýially. Though there elenot as m-any present as at the first entertainmient, they wes-e able Vo sei more money te the British War Victims' Funsi on thiis evening's en- tertainnwent. The first part of Vie evening was spent lu playing cards with- about tjwenty tables being ?played. The ~prizes fir carda were won by the fol- llowing: "0~-Ms J. Morris won tfist for the ladif-s, witi Mrs. Geo. Gould ýtaking the consolation prize; -for the at, Mr. W. Heuar won first, -with Mrs. Crane, as a nman, taking- Vhe consolation prize. In the encire M. Peter WheeIer won firat pize andI Mrs. Fank Pearson wo-n the consolation. Tlhe rest of Vie ovening was devot- ed to dancing. Stan. Payne opeattd ' k. is Rocola c-n the stage fer Vhe nodern dances, wiile HartbwellJ Low- ýery and his orchestra auppliesi Vie mnusic for tVie squaredae. The two lucky draws for the bas- kets of groceries went te Jim-r Clark, ,of Botwanville, and Velma Cowan, « - f Orono. Aniother luckýy draw ýprize ~--went Vo Maiion Bruce, of New,,toni- ville, while Joyice Lowvery won a siaati Ester bse in a drawý. In Vhe "imafor icto 'boxe,, wbiicib wee la ix placeslanOr-on e, th ïi ollowing were th-1('winaers: 1s, prwise, 1 certificate, Ro-a Mercer; 2ndý1 prize, ý2.00 in staimpa, Mr. Porsoaw 31,C prise, $1.00 ln stqtmps, Orme, Ganis-by. The total amount of monevT takeni in at Vie hall was $64.00, donations receives $2-0.010, ma!ing a'toýtal of $84.00. Eypenses aniunte-1 Vo $16.00, leaving- a balance omi $G8.00 Vo be for- warded te the_ British Wam Vicetims' Fund. In the two entertaininents a total of $16h1 asbeen sent te Vie Fund. Haf -way-throui the dance pro- gramme a lunch -,as servesi of sansi- 'wiches cake andi coffee. The -coninittee wish Vo taketVils eopqxrtumity te --epress theim mary thaniks Vo ail those who helpe4. 'ln any way Vo make this evening%' en- tertaininent Vie surcceass it was. Signed -iVrs. John Arnxntroug, Mrs. Harry lMercer, Mms. A. E. Wecst, ansi Mrs. Haroldi Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton HJan- cock Celebrate Anniversary DIM. ami Mrs. Egei on i-anceock, of Antioch, celebratosi their fo-tietb iwedinug anniivorsar-y on Tiursday, ftfarcb 2fVh. Avery ple,,asant eveii w--as given At 11.45 on Sunda.y eveaiin,] 30ti, çon higchway No. .2, .iust of Cobouirg, e car- ami a raw casiesi in whieh t hrEee mon lest lives ansi a wonman semýiosly ini A. W. PattersDn eX R.R. I Piaterboro, whe la believed tVo beea Vie driver of Vie car, wa stantly killesi. Aleco killes inls 'was Durent Dafot; of Toi-ontt,d of tht transport. Stili alive police arrivesi were John JE ?eteËhoro, an-si is wife, Vera JE j,-ell died laer lu boptal.- Tht accident oecurred about Agnes Christina Colville 'IMhere passed away on Marc'h 24th, 11941, at lier late residence, Centre Street, Orono, Agnes ClirsiaClI- tville, foulÉth dau'ghter cf the late Robi->et Colvilieerof Clarke Towýnship. The deceased liadt been In poor -eaI-h for- the pa s t three or four years. The laVe Miss Colville was hm on lot 34, Concession 4, Clarke Totwnsihip. 'She spent lier yo-ung-er dlay s attendinig No. 9 Sehool andI mlioved to Orono about twý,enty ye-ars a go. She also attended the Angli- cýan Chu-h. Left to nmourn lher doss are four sses Mrs. T. Cowan ÛMattie), Mrs. R. A. Stewar-t (Esther), Catherine and Helen, ail of Orono. The funerai took plaice from her late residenice on Thursdaqy, Marech 27th, with Pev. Dewdney, of New- eastte, officiating. Thtestuent was made in the farnily ph-t in the Býow- manville Cemietery. The pallibearers were : Colxrille Evains andi Allison 'Cowan, both nephe'ws, Jamnes 'Colville and Roy Col- ville, cousins, also Macmillan Smnith and Colin sm-ith. HAVE YOUR SALVACE COLLECTED BY SCOUTS Thp Oixono Bo)y S!couts ar-e very grtflfor the slni way ln which the peo'le of the village co- ctperted with bhem in the Salvage ,Campaig iat Satuï y.The boys wýorked bard but the job was too Wg to(- be conilted inl one day. Tliey are planning - to work agaolu next satur- day andi woýu!d apprLciate àt if any who. have paliers, rags, old tires, kit- Chen hunes, beeLr botties, pop bottles, iron, 1-rasa, aopper, zinc, lead, etc., -would ýhave thern readly and telephone the Scout Master 40 r 10, andilhe will1 seind sonie boys Vo pick the waste up. Please ýdonit geV inipatient beýcaus-e the boys will cali a-nother day and ln tiie finish the job. 'We harve a big jo-b on our haunds andi would be very grateful if a cou- ple of men would offer their services to Vie and pac the salvage on Satur- day mor-ning next. Orono R~ed Cross iiieetirig in the Orange Hall, Orono, (tonight) Thurs- day, 8 'oAluck. Efver-yone twelea-ne. themi by thei- famiiy in the forni of ai surprise party. A presentationi of two -wceýllen top bed throws was made by tiietir eldest son, Victor, on behaif of the mieniher-s of the faiiy. Games and c-ards -were enjoy es and a happ'y evening was conýcludesi with a1 deliclous lunch. MIai-cihaspm'oceedling souVi ansi Vie car north ii.-ingnri w ien Vie collision oc- isporI cur-resi. Tht car was tither dvagg-ed ,their or Vhrown 40 feet or mo-e ansi landesl jures-.in la esbatlew ditcb. ThetYtansport No. 5, continueci souti for about 100 feet ha-vo ansi went into a dtep ditch near a cul- ýas i- vert -ecere thetractor Vurned orer 3tntly ansiVie trailer counliuedifar-tier, driver ripping through a fonce ansi coming -Wien te ment in a clump of cedars. Jewell, Out of Vie wreLcbiagt was brougit Jtwell. the body «fd tht driver. A mian andi woinian, laVer identified as Mr. ansi baîf- Mrs. Jewell, -werp- rtakzen cf rom i e Refugeo wreck ef tht car andi rusiesi to Ce- vu on bourg hospital. Thet tii-sioccupan~t ef tie cou4pe was citaS. lis bodly nsprit was lbdng on Vie aide of the rond. Couancil To Fix ater System In Hall And Build Cupbo. Be SpeKit O nIANOTiIER WAR IS W AT THE FRONT IN THE WESTERLN DESER 'T One of thie most glorious ePisodes of the war has been 'th e victorjous British Western Desert sweep from Egypt deep ito the Italian territory of Libya. In this picture a British field gun, skilfully camlouflaged, goes into action at a forward position in the desert. Harold Hancock Appointed Iferd Superinteodent Holstein Friesian breeders who have been priviiegesi Vo riait tht Elim- ciroft far-m cf R. Ray 'MILau,-;lir., ef Oshawa, will ho interested Vo leariu that Clarence Vice, bord supeintensi- ont at that insýtitution for Vie past 18 years (almiosï since tht iinception of tht bornd) la lenving,. Api-il la!t Vo go farming on bis own witbin a short distance cýf thte MLaugilin Farmn. Clarence has &nue a goosi job bei-e, ansi oui- beat wishes go with i Vo bis new bhome. Expressingbis regr-et at Clar-ence's dopait-bue, Mm. -iViLaugliiini-ue [us thait Haroîs iianocýk asoae bel-damna 11)for i te past 8 year's, will take chrg, nsinlaview oeX Vie keen iintereýtat intbe ia aso-wn we know thte unasuallyhilgi efFiiency la herd prdcinwill ýonitinue. - Fmrmer'ýs Asivocate. A mleeting will hohcsiin Vie own hall1 at Oreo on TIýirsd(ay A_ýpi-. loti, te (iicus f armers' problemas. Set Ad. Qanada's A w;eekly eview ef developmnents on Vie bene i fron imMarch 20thl te lMai-ci 27th, 1941: 1. War Appropriation Bill ef $1,300 million passes Gominons without me- cordesi vote, . C.F. ameadment call- ing for irterest fret boans defented by 167 Vto 8. Bil giron fi-at reading i Senateý 2. Agreement eaciesi between Canada ansi the Unitedi States se broasieniag application andi interpre- tation ef Rush-Bago.t -agreement oeX 1817 as te p)eiilmit instailling arme- mnts on naval vessels builît laGi-ent Lake-, siipyards,. Arýmamenits Vo ho diismantlesi for voyage Vo son. (Und-er- Rusi-Bagot agi-toment, Great Lakes recegnýizesl ias ai-en wiere naval ara- amonts are noV niaintainies i y tither country. New interpretetion contin- ues Vispinciple-). 3. Suppilemientary estimatesý tablesi la Commons for $78,744,58ý4. Tht ta- thimates are Tor expenditure in the fiscal yeer expiiing ýthis imenti, net coveresi by votes wiîcih have alre-ady i'ecei-od ?ariimitary aj-proval: Tht main item eX of$7j3,238,2-54 coers ex- pecnditure, by Governor General's wýar- rants during Vie period between dis- solution eXý Parlianient in Jaauary 1940 ansi aasemably of Vie new Parlia- mieut. 4. lieuse c,.f :Gommrions adj oui-ns for Easter recesa fi-cm April 9tl- Vo April 29th. IRED CROSS SIIIPMENT The inspection Coimitteet of tht Oro'no Branci of Vie Roei Cross Se- cîety, iiluding Orono, Ciarke Union, Kiby ansi Kendlal paokeil Vie fellow- ing articles for shipment Vo head- quai-Vers ilu'Toronto : 91 pair of socks, 13 ýpair of mitts-, 2 pair of glov-es, 30 scarves, 141 sweat- ors, 1 helmet, 3 blankets, 5 quilts ansi 7 pair of pyjamas. RED CROSS TEA The ,Red Cross 'Iea belsi at Tbursclany afternoon ila the Oag Lgerooma sprovesi a eal auccesa., A display oýf new garmeats for Brit- lail refugee cill-enl, consi4stesi ef 10 p.air of lukris pair bootees, 4 baby jackeýots, :2 boys' îysit,7. pair cblrnsbloomers, 4,pairoeX aleepers, 6 baby vesta, 2 childls vest, 2 aby sýlips, :2 baby g'ownls, carda (if safety pins, 1 jar of powdem ansie d bib. Tbe pr-oeesis froll, thte Von amountesi Vo $M.0 - W ar Effort later date, states a progreas report ceovering Vils $105 million progranuns' s1ues by Hon. ýC. D. IHowe, Minister ofý mnunitions ansi Suppiy. (Ia al suriie 22,000 m'en are emi.ployesi on the progirami-me. Of tis number ap- proxiately 18,000 are eipiloyesi on conistruction ansi over 4,000 on pro- duction). S7. C auad-a's s-cond national ex- qIcs ire plant will produce ire dif- feront kindas of explosives, Vireet of Which have nover beoe been made lan Canada. Thte new plant is ue of Vie -major explisives plants ef thtl worldIc. Capital expeniditure on the plant r-uas te soime $9000l~ IV is e-xpeetesi te ho lu full production by 8. Centi-acts aw\,ar-deýd suring -weok endesid Ma-ciý 121hh y Vie Department ef Munitions andsýipply, aumberod 1,746 ansi totallesi- $107802,398. The lai-goal,, induvidua erders are for air- craft. 0One cf $704,815 going V, o the Link -Mfg. Co., Ganonoque, Otre anbther, for $767,î65 goiag Vo tVie De Hlavillansi Air Criaft Conipany cf Canada, To-nte. Ûnder Vie heýasi eJ caipital expenIditare $4,000,400 g-oes Vo Vie Alg-oma Steel Cor,îporation Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. 9. Drive for $5,500,a"40cipenosi by Canadien War Sevie'und. Wen - dLeIl Willece, at Toi-ente, presenting a $22,500} contribution freini e Lînen Trasle Assonciation of the UniteAs 5. Natioouad incoinie in tne i-st men- ti oftie yonr estiniatesi at fi42 ml- State-s te buy a ISpitfire, urgeS dahl aid lion, gain oveýr Deqtmber when- Vie Vo Bri ain.- stnding was $419 million being 0.7 10, Sales ef war saviags cortifi- per cent. ctsinfntyear cf operation ex- 6. 0f 19 proitots li the Canadien I esis initial objective oE $50,000,000 chieical ai explosives pregm'alnDIne, I by $20,000,000. eight plants have begun te produite, 11. Decennial cenussoef Canada t o two ile ivi h an rùSuetion siortly, I hotaken lu Jane as seheduilesi.- meeting were i-oaciand aciopteci. Mm.% M. Hl. Staples addressed the ýouneCil conceraing the [building of a cupiboardc in Vie kitoben df the towýn hall for the storing of dishes. A me- solution was passesi granting bis me- quest. The Clerk prèsentesi the cor-ecs- ponldence andi Vie foilowing mnattersi were deait wlth : Hospital notices wvere passed. ýMrs. Roýbb w'as grantesi tbe use cf tbe bail 1for !May 10Vh with the usual stipulations. A leIter from the flepartanent of .Highways statesi tint a subsidy would ho allewed on $12,0010 spent for roasi purposes in 1941, andi the letter was oridemed filesi. Mr. M. Liaton e-plaineýd the distri- bution cf trees aogschool chilsiren and thie Clerk was instructed Vo oculer trees ansi have fcharge of their distmi- bu tien. A request for the paroisse of a p)iece of landi from tbe Town-,hip was laid over until Vie May m-eeting. The 'treasurer was g-iven a -warranit for, ax sale on tii-e piecýes of l-ansi, naaieiy, AA.. pi tse hVeLag estate at Kiirby, ansi Vie A. C. Wad'. deIl proi)erty. Counc(ihlor Lowery eportesi0on tie orgarisation for tie sailvag-e ceirn- paigi, and the Councýil is very anx,ý- ions tint 'Vie ah teachers ansi citi- zens la eaesci'hool section -ive their full co-operetion te niake iV a suc- ceas.ý The folloýwing <-reso1ution waspaçsa- tsi and it -wlll be nécessary fo,,r those wvishing calcium ýchloride Vo comply wlih iVti: "Thin th inatter cf calcium ebboride for -use in thetownship, iV la agreesi thnt al using iV for dust- laying purposes on Toaii oads, Vhe applicant staeethe amocunt me- quiresi and purchaso IV through Vie T-owns hip Road Supeinteadeat, ansi [that notification of sucb nequiremo-at [shahl be sent Vo the rond superintonsi- euit or Vieoln noV laVer than April 3aVh, 1941. To> aIl comptying with these rmglatic-is lan tie T.nsiip, Vhe cost o-f the calcium-ii bloride te the appianulshal ho 331-3 of tia initial cost. The applicant la Vo sqpply Vie calcium chloride under the direction of thie road superintendent' Thle Geuncil nceptesi Vie ýcfr -of Mr. Logan, ansi instructosd inlm o lu- stali an eloctnie cpunp ansi new fau- cets; for iniprovemrent Gf the water- works systeni in Vie Vewn hall. The Bonard of Ht'alth ali met witli ail the miembers present. ,Mr. Chas. F. Awde was instructesi VocntinueVieecollection ef taxes. The foJtowing buis -were orideri,ý paisi: W. A. Reis, ple, $3.010;1 Wmi. Payne, sheep kifles by ctogs,1 Let us continue to wage w'ar or the Warble Fly whicnh causes daîmy cows Vo go di,~ beef üattle to loe- ei htbides to be spoîlesi with ark apprximte ive million dollar aui- nuailIoss ili Outario. Alil the files duat will niake Our- cattie run this sumimler will be i11 the bacýks of the catie iMi-h April, Mlay andi Jine, andi if ail the grubs, are kllled there cani be ne flies. Dr. L. Stevenson, Provincial Zexogint, who is espensible for Waible Fiy Contol Work states, "-bhe Warble Euecs do not tiravel very far, so a mran- that treats bis eattle ean reasonabiy ex~Pect the get reýsuIlts, even -.f the neighbour neglects tc treat bis cat- Vie." Co-operate wit'h youm neig'hbour hp treatîng every warble that shows up on the badks of the cattle diring Miaiioh, Apriil, May andi June. Means 0f Coatrol 1.'One pounsi of Warble PIy POWý- dem shoixld treat at least trwenty-five affected ecutile thr-e or four~ timea (ondy treat cattWe tliat have war- blets). 2. Thrvee applications ire neces- sary: The first, last -%veek inMac the s'cond, lasýt -Week lanApi-jîte thii >, last wTeek in Maýy. Wa cli the backs of the .ca-ttIe in June andi July in case-,anlodd late wai ble 5 fows up. 3. A O nmi-x the amount of pwe requIlirýes- i.orach i-tratmnt. One part eýf p--wdler bfiv parts of water. 4. IMPORTANT- Firs use a. curry eemnib to loosen scals and Llhen astifr i' rush to apply the liquii.- Ruh etaci wiailhle suff{iýitiy Vo lo<5sen ,ca]bs on opeingil, alw a littI2 cjf the liquid to enter.., 5. If ýtiare are oily a few vwaleaL- a fe2w drops of the liquid mnay he squirted inbo each ginb lhole with a amnati sVouted ùoh ean. 6. Other 'reatmeat - Tlheme are many other chemicals whiLrh nay lie usesi. A siroDp or twuo of tincture o£ iodine (standant$ strength) appliesi (Continu-es on page flve) $57.0o; Clarence J. Allin, 2 trips as valuer, $5.00-, Orono Te1etphoýne Co., long distance oeills, $7.59-, E. L MýaroNaehVtan, 50/, hospital mitce> $27.13; IMunicipal World,satcey $1.55; 'Ted Woodyard, repairs Vo Vown. clock, $7.54; Chas. S. Wood, care Of to-wn hall, $16.95; Chas. S. Wood, transients ansi me-aIs, .1;Jc*iýPh J. MWellor, Aprîl salary, $50.00; -Mrs. E J. RandalI, April payment, R vs F. $32.00; W. El. Daveyv, B.O.H., $6.75; Orono Ceai nnd Lumbem Co., sui)- plies, $7.00; Dean'sý Bakery, supplies,. Q5Il.01: J. J. Cornish, supplies, $38.9f); Orono WeeklyIvTimeits, 'rntn,$8.00; W. C. Lsn1je, supplies,ý 2.0 Ra Voucher No. -'t $19-53. The -Cuncil thlen aqdjcurned Vo meet again in the ,couillchanerMl Tuesda,ýy, Mayv, Gthi, at 10 oc'cloo(k ,in the fo-renoon for. the tranatin e general :business. Orono Horticultural Society Hold Social Evenin Tht Qi-eueàTHortîcultural ovoning helslinlatVe own h Woclnesday evening, April 2n( weli attensles. MmI. C. Gar-veti's mer mg Valcen during M-i. h's tio nto -thetc(-asL E After Paying Expenses Committee Sends $68 To War Victims'Fund s Three Die In Car Crash Near Cobourgi 1 1