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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1941, p. 2

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Ontario's Resources SOntario- der atior, of Angleyt, n4 Htinýter, (No. 36) GAME LAWS eenptr goernmient arned mwith -cuar f sh bafore our praseaf Fisheries De.Prtmeant rd la I905 but evanc; * were -auy replatery rativa bodlias thare laws enatted by th- Iuieatioued the thee st wreekte auother Acf was pas- waw even more cern- ýo it provided thakt net J huaitor , shoot, or go- gunl in quiest 1of any r w'id anlimal or wild( Lo T ay (commn-1P easant or 0-o wood- be takenl March lat. ad in ;on extenoan romi noultis of shooting, -va &atîsfiecl mosf at fiat tima týhey ith wo ea-id the a bouty of six Provincýe of- On1- te gaine laws, eut- 2 opan senson teo [e !engLIhbut, aven veult deplation. By ýty amonig thiankia]g ed ini the aenceint- re-' ONa can find lanlibranieVile -eld leafilar bouud volume that oansthea report o!fthe Cernl- ~sof o 1890. If is well wrfhl gýeadig, particularly for the pie- ýure ifgives o! conditions fiffy veaý-rsago, If wae a swaepinig ant oufspoken indictamen f o! te yearious abusassfilet he-mperedth gonservatien of our game and ïish, If hadj cousiderable affect eoi shorfly afterwgrds, fie Le-gis- ature set up a Bado! Fisl udGame Comimissionere aindar 'tha nominal juriadieflon o!filec Commnissiopear of roaLaads, ýhïs Commissiop adminisfaied fie ýVid hife four uarly fourteen Years i i was dissolveti and Meprasaiif Deparfmaut e! Gama and Fîshanig as set up in if Willows Have Turkish Origin Prïitein and Americea a a ýey -yreng bond witil Turkey, Ycorýevery weepiug willow graciuig eur Aye bnks owes ifs oengin te * n u&~tting brougbf from ïbà, ý-oLiit.This is ilow î i bn- yen e d filah begiuing of the 18f -eeittfry e large basket o! '$ls wàesent from Smiyruia te 1~d-Scffolk la Englnud. The poet Pope wns fileawheu fila gut arrvod, se drawingue o! lie \vhs- mwhiiciltfilabasket ma nade, ha, remarketi:*"Pa-,- Ilta is wili prodi1ce somnethling Uwe haa enef la Engient." He looliif wifh hlm te is villa'et ý!wicken-imand plantd it hy file * brne, wereif grew inito a miagnificeuf weaping wiliow. If -Was geueally admiired And eut ý-1 ,çs ere taan teail parts o! Xnlead. Yers nter, a Enits v-Fficer- leaving fer til confinent etut e fig feom Pope'sAiliow, wyapped if lu Oiisd silk and C&R- aled if lanlis baggage tilroughiout ý9he Revo01ifio. Afferla 1 'ewar le' presentdàifte John Curtis 'ton of Martlie Wasiingfon, w0o ploanfe t if n Virgïianwhere if caheflaaucaster o! a-,Il weep- Jg wilows l ila ic.States, WOrkiag9 hand ini hand wh, the fighiting forces o)f Caniada and of the rest of the Emipire aire the scieni- ts-ts of the National Research. CounCIl of Otta,,wa. Already they have mnade numerous highly impotaint coni- trbt on e te war effort, both in the industrial field and in the armed forces. Iii this phioto one of iho research workers is shown, as hie subjects stee l helmets toe special tests. Oua blas been pntrtdby a bulletC and the other bas resisted it. The sciantist is, trying; to find out why. TH E W A R.- W E E K-Comntlary on Cu-rrent Events U. S. S. R. PROMISES AID, IF TURKEY IS ATTACKED Last wceak as sprin, pneithe doùr on wbet iiglit well tp efl deciive haseo!file conlfliet) i- f i wea -Bntaila suad Granfia Baffe of BRna-ut o! wh iilas gr',W, i le Baffle e!filheAlut we-s StUU fie main engagement o! Ut a.But iavants ïla fi l edi- nincia more of filbe werli's ttention,. Theare, fIB ifisilconiquesto!iýf ,- 'Al's African Empire ,11aibt cern- plate, was begining f0 -ba chai- langatli by lreforces o! Gerk-man meclaizedt foops ia western Lib- -ya; and thle Baffle o!fila -Ba'ltans vas tn rahing ta "shoo)t- ng" age. Yugoslav Criss Til cpitulationte(ileAxi!s of Yngolavi's eat Men preelJpiit- ,mi a aunij.ber o!Y' aw icrisesý-: tin Yugoslavia %Wel, wbare opon re- voit nticiïvil wrflaeein l Grcece, wer ta iitiGel iïita!ry comnilAtiswivffi.y te, ambrace a mueil wider front; lai Turkey, wilee f iý ieeenfa-y'sled ers saw ber neednemncv frei yef anotha agl; nt i Rus is, iee Gamanpenlefrafleal of fie Bikans lAd log be-n viw- eti wih grewig anxiety., Russi!a Assuireê Neutrality Thie Soviet -unIon raead ut ils siith Tua-ey and assunfg Russan mnutrlitysilould Turkey, reslst a Garmn affdi:on ier pseif, Tie agreenun d it efpromise nurl ity if" Turkley solistnika at Gr mlany -in cfileavent 0f a, Nazi nieve againat Geece.1On ta trryi staetifilt l IaevetilatTu- key sliould b6,e fila objeet f e gr sinanti slilefoni ,hcpesil bugt te efrarfor file dfenca o!fill- Guests in Wartirne Britain Corne andclBî7ng Their Own Rl.,esses la wartime Britain inaed ne ,Ionger worry about thair frinds'foot fatis. When week -eudeis arriva, thiey fraquanfirtybrg fliai ratons alogSI fh ha tejrnitory,, Turkey could tilen, la Conforiuijty witil flie nen-aggre',ssion paet existing between herseIf andi the U. S. K. R., raly on file full coinprehlenlsion antI a'utrelify o! U1. ysiS.R. " This was sensational news. Tile eninug leto !cthMspact wh Tur- kay constituted the tiret conerateý etep tha ,Soviet UnionldtaiJçcente influence tire cureof Cfile'war since the Gra-Rsinagr.ea- ment e! August, 1939. Thislatest acf bnrred funflier Nazi peaa tien souithe-ast, alng the V'. S. S, R's western bordiers. (U ItaS was raliably coufinineAtn lat Rlusa bad biad shipmleat o!A'l supplies of o11 te Ge4rmantiy sineca Marcil 1) Bad For Germany tila naw Soviet assurance te Tîqnl<eyý Can ianmlitary analyst W. È. PlJewmian sid: "Tha disp)tcilas snggest that RussieWilgive rma- t-erial lielp lu Tui-key muiieilas the1 Li, S. is g-iviigng material help te BrtiSea waýr s11pPliýs pre- aMy are neviiil- freni Russia te Tuirkay, and it woldle logicai for the movemnent te deveJop gradua,11y te a large scale . . . Russia is mev- Ing lier troops andi warships sust- ward as quietly as pesible, bu perbalpS Ï7wIfitý,Îtie idea-,Of offens'- iva action ... It Yrnains te bceeeau whetliev Stalin Will eectbis OP- pruiasuntil Hit!ir is tready te strike. 1118is ilitar-y advisars sileulti tellm iithe trutlu tAat until Gr -aly lbns fought it euýit witIl Bnitain,' Hitiar won't hava sufficient gaso- line andi grease te permit lare mechanizeti forces te drive far l11t usta anti that Miter rally A steging a giganfie bluff te ilee Russiýa quiet. The IRussian aurmies p as seVast u-~nclsuperlea'- iy ova- the GermeanmiWes and it la impoqssile for the German forces te grueaeryovialpeint tilat the Rus-la j culdmenace. Te -- jet jji- force couldi work bavoecu) Geîrmn cties; Rsaacities re se' ramIlOfe tbaeY weu liaceMPar- ntivelýy frýcea from atact.Were, Ru1s- sia ite malta comnincause w-ti tha Greek, Briili and Turkisil trhs fl e e-ant o! Germe-ny wifhi a year pawl e a near Wilatever p wpo ewra bbhlat file Soiet platiga oi aid te T-ua- key, tey portandet-i il! for Nz Gemn.Even tha 13.S. 'Stte D,- pariment beartily npaddRs sa'% atttue. 'B4de of Shlps" President Reesevait's bigget beadae, once tfile rt fiancia approprriatians under the Lae- Lau*d bil had beau approved by tha Sevate, appeared last week t be: bow thetu. S. was toussr delivery of American aid te Bol- tin. ,Everythlng obviiouslydeeni ed upon maintenrianýe o M he "brdgeo!shipaý" acvos Ut A- latie.(artnn, eog.Last's week's Britsh shippig losses peae away dwn). A mùoV,'e to ie-d more detoeste Britain wasexepcted' zouly iid l g-oaeplan-s were beinig lidfor trepair of Bni- taiWsnaval amdndmrhantsipping la Ijited States yaxds. Use o! Amccnwarshipýs in Bntis co- voys was ý_ontemnlated, bu~t not 11111duni';a mor criiclStage o! U.S-ermwanrelatons sbeuld ne reached. Voerc»ouraging nems for Bn- tai innet of the U S. laSt Cel îh h eporreiably con- figlter planes would be raay te go,- acroSs the Oeean ta foin the waYl by. Juy. Bytaead of 1941, it was salt, Anicîýan Jxroduction wmould bing Britain's air ighting strength u ýp levai îthGermany's, Japan Reconnoitres Japanase Foreign Miister Mat-* suolea'ýssojeurals in, Mosco\v, Renie, Briwere clest weýAk nlie'ye-tcr- plte 1is parleys wfth a Axis cWels ware ie subirect of muLýi about tanm was !ortlicolng- but it wýas generally thougut ta MrI. Mtaolaad corne te Eurlop)e te see for hlmeel! whether the Axis partners were iniposition ta maka, good their claim. that they, a n uilify Amiei-ican aaid for B- tain anid ldock the latter out. Pis findiags would itbcut doubt Stron.gly luaaca tue dCisin 0o, bisgoverametas te whetharsi- pan le to weave a tortuoirs enirsa e!uo-blige iny rthrow cau- ion Ate awids and joib la ha attacIs on the Angle-Allias. Oaa e! Japali's greatest fears cOurei that Soviet lRuissia mighlit',ate i lier lai te aitoh (by air, sea andi aln) whea slia' buey inthie soufli, a'ndi wbat fthe Japanlese oveae desires perhas aboya ail elseat fihe moment is a Rusue-aponFesa non- ggression Pact. $2,600,000:000 This Yearý Canada will spend, $2,600,000,0Q over thea next twalve montils On bar own war effort ane, finantclal nidteBrtan-85,00,00more than mas estimatetlate la Feb- ruar-Praie~rKiag told Parlia- ment last weak. The PieMin- ser elared that tfLuasum. , te h slpiien laamighty Èdrive ýof rmn, LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher ______________________________________________________________________________ - e ERýEG'IAR FELLERS - TJ'at's Different By GENE BYRNES On a com-"parative basisq, asitac te Britainfor Canadin iturc 0f $15 billions bylileUnti Staies-mer)e fiAn wc ieWsl .Ito aprpiatin for len i-s ace Miniser Illey announcadL faderai taxes e!f$1,O0OO0ODI'Ofor whicli -represaented an, atditionnal, pl00,09l,000hiairvenue tA % souglit from Canadians by file Do- mninion go)verament naxf year. Aê Milieudoulas fe soiiwud hava t6 e b orwdne-xt year te coveï dlirect waýr 0outlay qatonwrex-- ponditures inçluding financing of Cle mpew faderaI wheat poiey. Unpopular %heat -paIiey ,Western Members o!) tha BIlouse 0fý Commuains last weekwee4- ing that tbey be given an o4portua- ibtoitedebate tbe ,go)Ver11m2ent'ýS new wlveit policy whiliil provides: a limiit of .230,0,000 b Iol t Wheat Board pureilases of t'he 1941 crýop; a coîiinnatton o! fila re- Sent 70e ,S bIIelel i mmpniçce; b)asiII of deliverly qwotaa çon 65 par cent e th ie 1940 wligat acreage pwhicil m acareage aeduetiOU); aptjidpnymeait of boniuses for. sum-i nurfliwngani did 10tecOarSeý gr4sandti-gassesAr. utr Minister Macle-n e! 1 o Aberta ied! issuet a stAaent sang lit Ws policy wa.s "bligiliy 1un1safts facrtory a-,nd inadequafae" and ti ht i old lib msbe of acceptfanca by tac- Western i Otfarmners less dsicModifications 'wee maie, bFejmers o!th prajirie provinces, lecolnteaed nilotiltbe placed Inu aposition o! equality vwitiother, c ýasses o!fCna i itizenIs infile wa effort andI net ferceti te ve onrian .'incomre onthCe verge 0M poverty. Fig4tinigBird Oua of the mlost powex"fui of ail bire.s and able e bf ly ong dis- aces, the skua la seidm aught, btadaad specimn basbeau presented t,) e e uscunm atthe Sîý.thsonýian Institute laWashi- ington. If was brought dowh lai theaiAtiaufie. Tha sku& Cies on peýngiiIW eggs and eikand serres of half-eaten hirds May be sean inear the ies, of pengui cOoronesý during the hefhn ea- Ili. A lamions Briisi aicrnft isaamed after ithe fiar2e, killiagi skun,

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