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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Apr 1941, p. 3

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Fiats, 'n la 'Fearwl pashi, ad omi n Satnd I clor i workorl II at4je, ie effec]Itieý . cata a wIll as'( esw ,andteh e * S ,ntied. For ket i liso 4iiung onuït c Id lIe 'Jet o] ll~dj as .ot 4U t~Jt 41 Moat of timon la of ubser S 1.0 sti'ik - borner, thu mis u'm~~. St Il Ad~epteJromthe GERRU.GoDEyn Maye Nurse Mary Lamont and young- Dr. Jimmay Kilciâre annouince their engageenit rnucb to the delight of oid Dr. Gillespie. Mary's brother Douglas arrives in New York. He waiits Jimmiiy to interest inlti-miiinaire Rob- ert Chauler' in a businiess plan he liaz evolved. Jimmiy is sur- prised tu find Doug -a shrewý-d, billiant xan-a financial gen- ius--in.stead of the average kindci of person Mary has described bim tIo be. IHi. curioity ie whet- t.J when Doug tells him hie is frequently disturbed 'by iiearing Voices. Hle aiso discovers that Deug'. brilliasice cornes lut flash-' e. --d is offset by periods of complete dejection. Ail this is s "ymptomatic of Epilepsy. Kil- dare is finally convinced tha t ti. elipepi;c seizures la Doug's case take the forni of flashes of geni- îus instead of fit.. Af ter dis-i cusizg the diagnois with Dr.- Gillespie, lie tells Deug the trutji se that the necessary steps ry be taken to avert tihe final ravages of - the Idisease. He Makes Doug promise neyer t40 tell Mary. Because Epilepsy is 'berdita ilthre isno Marante that she may net bc strichen, witb it at any ime, CHAPTER FIVE Loveý Faces a Crisis - ay saîktithe hosp.ital cor- iidor i v, t frtiv,,edeprton She'd býo in n aspo,-t ifdscemd despite becr 1un-ifommn. But ail thiat was eside the point; tho onyting tatmttmd aLtr cryptic .but urgenrot from' Doug Ht hut se cehlm ut once, Joe WeOymne tde wambulance aae4ser river, hmd cdeiioed it and ar- M la or nt for, ber to m'oot Doug ini fBlouer teOeuigAmiphitbeutre.P aawith "Tem's eigbiteen dif fere.nt Neie~p plaeswhore nurwssCan't ave iitos after itinigbt," Je toid he,4but none of thom ules ~ ven mention the amiphib .ý" ~hi1d SA pued open the domosan lieu dowv of the dimnly iighted room. o'a~ ~ ~~ï Sml Wa it?" terýnHo1l2 uiseti bodbteyes ýto erina ers. "Hfow Ymucb bas Jimyoy 51150 told you?" ho usked dully. "Nthng"shle anaw,,ered, hem, nover b hew- skipping a bout at hi oTe S Angelo.'._ - "I jut know ht eswore or, MOth botye. 1e goe "M nWtsupposeti tetell yon," 'eic 0bse%. o ailtunappily. "Ifrmîe locir~~ ,vi- Jîm ould't - bu ttn wasbefrei knew how - ho;w mergncy you wreeivlo *Ouoaa- Foar and beiidemment ebcine- bu cniLd od ber. "Whatevem Jîmmiiy told ows what yonabu yourself" she said shotot unasty 'egot to know, Fot mmnch'oud' on agas Franorebh CUdI' ais, andi rig imef totair. Thn plaigber forgivenlesa with 1bis tire ~ ~ ~ lc lii cyshofoced tire wOomdS ron 1slip out is lips."lt's epilepsyl,"ho saiCI 'n alone. hoancoy. nus biave - She meeied at the impatcdoflis ailt ni worids. "It ca't be-" ee in sties "He poved il .. beyond any ,vat,,ic.*î pO:ýosedob. TAy I/OYe el«RMADE ISSUE 14-'41 Mary d ro0p p e d jr o nChair. With a sudden r.ush of tender- ne>sadmasion, lDoug raLn te ol ber ind bcnldng down, putL bis arm abiout b1er. lio held her tigbt. wile e tried to cohltroi "Mr, e wiserdbroken- ]y. "Mary, dear. It Isn't as bad as it mnight 1b». Jimmry says thore'a no reason why I suldn't have a whoielfetiem» And-as for, you -O- whyMary, thero's every chanee -*In thie world il WiL never touch you." "Doug! -Dougr!" Je Iwept. "Yo'lldoevorythinigh-tlesacs, won't your?" "Walit li-, Mary--Jimmry doesn't in-tond y ,ou to know." "He'll Take theý Chance" mnust cee wecoud' vrbe- "Jimmy'a going to take tha chance, Mary." "Bput hle cn'," ae criedl. 1 won't let hlmi. _But -what areyu going teo!o? 'm inot sur,"ie replied. "Perhaps it'd be botter to h1aveý One brief, daýzzing fiight to glory and achievemnenit- no0mattelr what it cots !" M1ary grabbed his arma. "You can't mean that -- you can't - you've got to drop ever-ytig- change al your plans this vr minute. Doug! You must go- home. lIM go Wth you - fil take care of yçu-'egot t. "I'm not going ta let you turn your whoie if e usd dw, he sai. "Il cani't every nmarryJmm" waa ber desperate anwr "Du!We mtit mrn away, Now thiat we -know what It is, aygood doctor canl work it out for you--" her tears poured down bher cheeks. "Don't hesi- tate, Dougl" sbe lbegged. "n -ivoui'ro.tinmkilig about nme, yo u wouldn't rhave itold mIleun- les you knewithat I'd rnover let Jmy nmake such ja sciie! The dýoors of thiaphiitheatre buat Open and a flood of Higbt Dofug wVh i rle('d about to fa Ce Moiyly yre, suprintendt of "This i l y rohe-"Mary began. said gruffily, "But he'd btter get out-aund fast. Yo' 0u Lseayý here, Maryý. We're haLvinig an exta rsh)! bsinss eoto- nighit - and Il can use a godi surgicl nuse C. And stop on1it You both-er reau waitdon Doug h1u1ricd ont and under Moly's bmigdirections Mary> tu1_rned to her wr.HoÙI.s lator, Mary exhnusted by ber night's encoton and ber unexpectWd rsh of wom'k, stag-gemedý ont of the nmphiteatreAs she madefo the levaoryogKldarera toward ber. "Mary!" ho began. She puled erseif tegetlher. "Hlo"she said hefuy.'m'r 11e put ibis arms aý41Qubo em., 1 kýnow-I only want a int" "Plese " se bgged pite- "MrIdon't have tg be veýry smmnot after Moil1y Byrd told nie you'lndà P- Lugla S were luvý 1Ilg a conferien. 1 want toeakt You, daripg," "Tolrro," she pueaded. "îvo got, a prettyv good idea tomiorrow mihe too Jte," hre She struiggled t o keep bapck beh tar. Ican't talk , ih, she pr'otosted. "tsal too Sud- di-tsalI too shlocking."l 1It's nlot too sbocking for w4 to face ýtogothier," hie insisted. "Now- tnigt - while we are together." over," she evaded. l"2o ontthink I'm going te let y'oUu yn àaway from mea, do you, Mr? "Run aay?" ae cried Wild PJ'dgefoiWar Saings By Loise LeSinoxý Tiny tots lo ýý ove dreas up flor Ete nt ilIis ente oulftit w piueyouýr ittie gi rl. Tire Htta boxy coat bas a becoting turn- over coîhur t and el front. Tlire pnitdess lbusinestg linos anti detail bat glvo it a pro- fsinllook. Crip oto wî oinp muffing makes tie dresa tintt buttons down tIse front at ligit-ight' wool haý ideal for tire- pacticailith cout. A tiny ScoYtch c ap to match bier coaatdAS a eoIpleumentry note te a very Smart Oudfh. Styloc No. 317S is des-ignied For Sizes , 4 -, 6 and S eas.Sîze 4 equimes 1li yards of 39-inei fabric %with '/s yard of eontasting :for dresa l/s yardýs cof 54-hin for coat. Hat No. 3ý447 muet ho-) ordem et s4ep)aately. Sizeýs 2, 1, C6, 8 anti 10 years; 19, 20, 20je~ 21, 21ii juches heatiize, For fabie re- quiromensee pattera. Sentiteny cents (20c;>, (coin leprefýeireti> f or patera tJýo touise Lennox, Roon 421, 7l W es t Ad1eýaide ST, Tornlo," Write plaîniy yornme tdese ani stylonumber, 13e surýe to sthe sze yen mis,,, asking me these ridiculoue qUel- tions?" "Bcueo! the rway ý-you've ben anwswrrg them," he re- piied. "o dea-yýou've decid- ed to goaway. Or-Ise you'dý( have ouly one idea in mmnd - aýnd thlat is what shah you a-nd 1 do about thîs problem?" "You're Qonlycnfsngm, she vwept. "'q haven't decided on anyting.Only it's 1ail-so sud- He hield her L.shoulders and forced her to looe at hlm. "You 'ha-ven't decîded on nthg" ha. asked. "No!" she cried. "That mens w&ret'li gcing,,- ta o be~aried?» "Yes," shefaltered. "-YeF, it does. "AIrght Cho said quietly. "We'll drive 'Ovýr the state Mle and get 1marrîe tc gh. -Thns trapped; Mary burst into open tears. He put hsam around her tenderly. 'm ilsorry, dear," lho aaid soft- ly. "But 1 hadi to put an end to thtkind of thlinking once and for ail. That's settled now, isnt itr, IA s ot settles," ahe answer- ci. "But-it'sz neyer going to b." settled. ' m" bel- teara cbokedt ber. "Butther's nt a cance in ton thousand that you and I woffld evor have to face a,-ny- lhig" e expiainccd, "Iwoulid't even take onie chance in tenti usn of wreck- xng your life," sIh» wept. "It wn't1ho wýýreckod," be aaid. "It wnt"aesobbod. Li. ing lui a bell of ,,uspenlse and waWiig-w,,aiting for your wlfe to change inito a pathetie lan- valid.? "Even if the worst comos to the worst," ho peaded, "eand, Oh, Mar-y, 1 itnow itwn'-'sti'li "Jimy-yo'voforgotten onie tbing--w hat eabou.t cbildrea ?" "I avei'~t forgotteni," hoi EASTER ENSEMBLE For Tiny Tots answered grimiy. "Suppose om aren't any." "ILet'. skDr. Gillkspie' "It'S no use," iea~wr "You',ve got a r-*it ho sornetb'ilig more tban a biotched up mar- "Alrlght, Mary," ho aaid. "Jueýt Leluilme a ýouple- of thinga. Io amn I going ho gel along wiîýtiouh you? 1How amin 1goiýng teo ro ý, wltb iny work? Whemo amin g o- ing te f lad somreone tO dreain of -te,, plan for - and ta corne hromie to? What's- going te o b- comle of1ail Ive got te hive for, unlesa 1 bave you?" Sire sbook hem bead. '" inoverv loved yon 50 much l inmy1fo" sire said brokenhy. "B1ut the answer la ne. It will always be Ho looket them bel'phesaly and slie turned quieki"y frem inhm. Ho follo-wed fast after Ler. lMry"iebge as blis hanti sought bora. "Let me go," sir1e wept. "We're up againsl something we can't huntle" ho pleaded. "Let's go andi ask Dr. Gil1espieý wiAs nigi." "Rtvwont do any goo0d"," abs w1tisperod. "You oome It I uch7' hoe saiti quietiy. She ,aisedi em teu-stained face ho bis nti iqoketi long into lis eyos. "Alrigbt," sire siiat hast, Ho put bis arme s lhilough br andi gently led bher down the cr riortwnmd De. ilespio'sof fiee. (Gontinueti next weeh) It's 7 Wômnàia.n's 1;Jo pb ReasonabIe Amiount of Tinie and certain Amount e on. oy ShOmIld Be Spent on GOOdI L.ooks Peurance la part OC the job of boing a womali. Any bussessmnnWilHelDUyou, iahit, in uny sueýcessfu bsnes a crai aount of time, enesrgyý and moeyisedevotedtito main- tainýing a "rnt"If thu wceen't Ine, aesýnicen would ho ailowed to woeam ovemalis -wiren calling on csoesand tire finrmvould dec- I ide hto dispense witi tire good Iaddros anti ove intoa lofI ac'os ýtire trascks, -wbore en)t la chvaper. Anti se the usnesof being a wmn demands lIat a reason- ablo amounit of ime antid mbp a littie monoy be spent on mnain- luining appearances. The mnoney sond ho mentimnd in tie bouse- boid budget, Tac lime shoulti ho plannod ta elim-inate çonfusmo B-UDGE'UT TIM'E FCigure ont t1ie - minimum o'f lime requmd forbeo-me- fast groomipg, thon alow tirat rnuch -1tIno every mom1ninig. Dý-~ cide whethier you wn to do ex orciises for ten miniltes ïn the morning o, somletimie duming the day, or whether you can devote a couiple of boums a week IýLo --an acive sport. U's imcjpossible 10 iuy downci gonerni mrules whil bwilhisuit every wman. Enli chindividui IO t Iis for hersell Tbe imr- nocoalt for' keing pp rappoar-' pora or big s o nizp 1e tIse anethon to arr1ang-e lim1e anod tirebudgto 10 ailow for doing it. By SADIE B. CHAMBERS "Ma pie Syràp Days'" (no of tpu sure sinaofsmwg to, aiCanadian l i e nw2 "tie " c l m unalg" or later tr long anticîputet ifomaiothat "Mpesyrup 1a on tlise aýkt" Wliat eould bo more patmiotc tiran to encourage treuse 01t Ma'plý S-. rup? Then ii etaeytln efpziiackeS,waf or mfîs ,ri here gooýs: PANCAKES 2 cua afted- pastry fleur S taspoons baking powder p taspoon Mai 2eggs amuis Milk .1cp neitedJtibtrtr Menasure fl,ýour i, sltwth-a- ing oowdvcei- anci sait. Add beatei egg, umilir alntimeltet butter. AM4 ticelqid lwi otire dry l-" gredionts. Soule eggs Vrau s dues i floua'; if batter seemas too tirmn adqI aq 'Littlee moreflour. our Io ra rounds yf battor on buo frying pan Whon abubobles appear tara iand br~non tre otirer side, seve p-ipinlg irot wLitir Mapîe Syr[upý IYAFFLES wýheat flo-ur 3 teasp obakiýg powder 3 e'gg yolks 3 teaspoonis bin-iý,g powdear ýL teaspoon 1sait î3 egg wiites boatwn stiffl eucp crean 4tab)iesp)oui n me'Iteibte Sift flour', ba]klng ipowder at sit. I simg zwh(I(roie e'at Itoo, 0 iia after sýifting flour. Thon ataidi cream, anti iastiy tie eitdut-, tor. Dropan cook on eetl waffo irn luthe sua" ilvy. Si witb phiii mpl sru oat Whippod crearn with shalVed -mlap' sugar uIdded.Wnfe rn s ounmeus withbrafsan nOe They can bo drliessetiu iirjrm bebaveti addition for lunchecnop eveing as We-il as<rakat WHOLE WHEAT MLJFFINS 2 eps wiOule wheat fou), 1 egg i cup butter e up brown st'gar Icul) buttarrlktý egg Well-Dbet n. Bout togotirer un, tii veU myraay. Thon add buter- mliIl i( Ih soda dissoived a-ad. luat- !y thre whIrol wheat flour. A dasit1 0f nimgl apleoasing addiltioq.i war. IZ-Z ,

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