ORQINO WEI RED & WHITE STORES SHammett's Wheat Flakes, 51-.lbs 19C Diced Beets, 2 tin~s 19C 'Chore Girls,,each 9c Crisco, 3 lb. tin 52C Huron Toilet Paper, 3 roils 9c Quaker Puffed Wheat, 3 pkgs, 25c Pure Maple Syrup, 16 oz. jug 28c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour 1 7e Mouse Traps, 2 for Sc Oyster Soup, tin lOc Pork -arn Beans, 2 2O-oz tins 17c Whytes Pure Lard, 1i-1b. print 9c Ail Bran, large pkg. with measuring pitcher 23c We would be glad if you would our store '25e 19C 25c 22c The Easter Thank Off erin~g meeting? Park St. Uniiteal Chur[ch will be held cf the Womiani i's caySceyof on Tuesday, April th, at 2.4.5 ook in the Sunnday School room. Thie special speaker xvil be tMrs,. 1H. T.* TIbomipson, Toronto. All ladiesarel oordially învited. Orono lins hop Ail Sizes BROODER PIPES Made to Orderl PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Ltlwo SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 1941 11.00 .m-Pal maa. Hùk1y Coim1munion.q 2.00 p.miýrThe Sunday Sehool 7.00 p.m. - Jesus andte Rouse 01f 'Gopd. fly this shall ail men know that yec are MVy Discples, if ye ha9ve love one to another.-St, John. j I Here is the sx.passenger Spi Coupe with fuil width re seat. Aiso available in the i 118" wheelbase is s passenger, 4-Dor Torpe Sedan. H OWS tis or bg. alu? Tis nwes ofailBuieks at a price Ihat miakes it the l>uy of a lifetime! And think what you get for your money-the thrilling action of J3uick's 115-horsepower FIREBAIL engine, the cushioned comifort of soft cQÎl springs all around, the beauty of Buick's new-day style, plus lots of miodern features you'd pay extra for elsewhere. 1This new Buick is niounted on a~ 118" wheelbase chassis - so you don't need an over-size garage, and you cant park it easily in close quarters. You get top Buiek quality concentrated in fewer inches, ai-d pay a Iower price for this compactly-built Buick. For long life and dependability-for thirif lier gas mileage-for the best buy of the year-see the new Buicks now. -s LOCAL AND SOCIAL Miss MUargaret Roy, of Guelph, was hcmiile foi the we*-ek-enid. Mr.Jas. Eaglesen ispent a feiv dlays in Týoonto last wee'k. M1rs. Chas. Tmhy has returned from a visit l. oi bide Mrsý. James ~Tamilyn Si'. spenit aï fe-w (lapysia Toronfto last week. 2Mis:s Viola G illan basrturned toi her homne after a visit ia Torcýntto. Miss Mary Sissýon, cf Whitby, spent.the we ek-end in the village. Mr. John Waan mil carrier on R. R. No. 2, n, is seriously iii at bis bomne. ýMr. and Mlrs. John Milison spent ýurnday with the latteri*s mother, Mrs. Jam-ies. Dicson. rMrv. John Aiistronï,g /let on Sat- urdlay niglit for- his business trip to the West C'oest. Col. J. C. Gamey returned to Ot- tawva last ek after spending bis furl1oungh in tojwn. The W.C.T.U. contest acheduled. for April l7th, bas heen postponed until jharsdlay, April 24th. Miss Grace Mitchell, of the Orono Bankc of Comerce staff, is back- after attree weekýs' vacation. Mr. W. J. Riddell spýoke at the Clarke Union Honie and School Club meeting f ar't Friday evenillg. fMr. arb- Mrs. W. H. Nugent, of Peterborough, speýnt Sunday with Mr. and lMrs. R. C. Rosborougli. Privates Si Hughes aad Tomn Lewis, of the M.VidlanPd Regim-ýent, Ottawa, spent the -week-end in towa. Mlrs. Gheorge Butters and Mrs. J. E. Richards visited xith Mrs. W. Rekd, cf Bownianville, on Moniday last. The warm weather must be urely on its way, as Ted Woodyard bas sold a lar~ge numiber of frigidaires the past imontb. Mr. Robert Farr lias returned teo the Staples' t'arm oundtehp ihl, Iaving speat two weeks at Guelph flnisbîng two subjeects. L r.l and Mrs. John E<1vard-cs, of, O0shatva, and Rex Boice, cf WTest Gil- ford, visited with Mr. 0. W. Scott on Sunday afternoon hast. Mr. and _Mrs.lHenry Yunkler a11,i Freddie, of Preston, visite l~ Mary Sisaca over tihe weekencas Mrs. Be-rtha Sisseai, of Toronto. Cdbourg degree teani conferred the second degree on two candidates on Wednesday eveniug in Orono IO.O.F. Lodige Room in a creditable marrner. lMrs. D. Noble, aceonpanied liy her dughter, Mrs. McElr-oy, of Peter- lioro, returned home alfter speniding the rwinter menths wienhber daugliter. - iMr. R. C. Rosborough bas rentai t>e house from the Samuel Billings estate, and we uiideir4tandl he willl xnc've into hs residenice in the Easter bolidays. Mr. Neil Porter and Mr. W. Cobblpiedhk attended the HIome andi Srhool Club mreeting at Croked Oreei< last Friday elvening on behaif of the War Savings a, 1,paign. Easter eggs and bunnies, masde of ehocolate dencte tlie fast approach of the Easter Seasan, and Chas. Tyrrel bhas a large display of thein ia his druag store wîndow, both large and small. Mn. Chas. Wood bas been appoint- cd by the Orono School Board to fi the position cf caretaker for Orone Continuation Sclhcol, in the absence ,of Toms Lewis, who bas been givenl leave of asne Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hawke ,itt(?ndedi the memorial service at Waterlcoo on Sunda,-Y ta bonour their nep'hew,, Fly- ix'lg Officer Marvin 'rovn, youaigest son of Mrs. l3rown and tlic late Major W. J. Brýowa, of iUncardi'ne, -who -waa kilied in an airplane accident in Enlgand. A son of Mr. Roy Barraliel, 4th ecouicession c f Carke Tewnship, ant'- fere4l a painf'ul accIdent on WeihxeLs- day afternoon lan Orono -%ý,len bis fin- gers wvere eaught in a car door. TI-te Local News OroacLIO.O.F. deginee team x.vi]! tcouler the third degre(e at Pouitypool Lodige-,( on Priday eveniing, Aprýil 4th., We haive threce gloves on dlisplay -il Lur wind(ow wh'1ich we are trying t; fiud ownieirs or. Tterýe are two )lef t hand black leather gl vecs, orle man'sý andl one lady's, both are in good c (on- dition. The other, is a kaiglov'e f r, thie riglit hand, wlichi was pr-obablyý lost by a skir These odd goe arIle of no use to the paishr,n' if peopile vili inist on ]hsing theirý gýloves we wVish they would lose the- pair, thea we could use theni and prýobably supply the family also. Auy- one missing glo'ves loch over- the dis- phiy in the Times windiow. AINOTIIER WAR IS WACED (Cotnued from page one) with a smiall ilou aa in ecdi girul) hole Nvili kil 100 per cent of the grubs. A cattle uwner reports he hadl good resuits fnc!mn applying tur- ~pentiae by the oilI oa n ethod. 7. Pirakcticaly ail hardware, g-enerai stores, feed and seed dealers and draug stores 'landile Warble Fly Powder. Home Made Derris Treatment Ijf one xishes be, may prepare a derris powder solution tconsisting of the following proportions 1 pound (yf standar-dîzed derris powv- der, y pound of' soap peo-wdetr, and'/ pourié of eliatoniaceous earth conibin- ed -with ,twýo gallons of water. The earth and soap are added to a gallon cf wai-mp water and stirredsoly When the Mixture is sumootb aud soap-1ike, the derris powder is added c),-iostant stirring until the mass ia like a sloppy bran masb. l ay be niecessarcy te adcl extra water -wbile K 1IR8y AMr. Thios. Tchleisdoing a iu mng busineýss sawilng wo (dfaitilis eCinity. MI:s. Wm. Rutherford he1(id a, n suoUceSsfuiltiu o Weneda ternloon. muaday in our vla.~Unle' *hile 1 entaIi iýof. Quite aI nlumber from ur -vieil attUended the TolBo hr'ledýt and pcue oa Soth AmerviLca ail re('port a gld ime. 'l'le ChPlaIma Brother.s îrl~ P.eroy) * speut Suinday wi th th miothier, MIrs. 1. E. Chapman, who y-isitîng la inColoinus, and report ý pgrssing f avorably. MIr. and 'Mis. Win. Wannan are tliag in their aecw homie (theýfoivî Mi's. Bannron propetry); a-lso Mr. Mr.Jimi Rutherford are muving iý f ieý house vacated by MAr. Wanuian. ttev. Little-wood oecupied the pul on1 Snnday with a fair ectn1 ýI',tion ia attenaduno. We wemef ored With 'ai splendid vocal,' solo M\is: Steila Best. We wish yot wo comne oftenter Stella. 'Tbe young people of thlis comn1,1 ity are 'holding a basket social a 1good time. Oupr imiain street la nearlyý ed of ice and snow. doiag this, then, when a smo is oobtain)ed, the remuainder water ecau Ibe added and the viodently agitated. t fa adý te prep)are only sufficient for diite uspe. Doe-your part. ARMSTRONG'S It Pays tof5ay Cash Specials, Thurs., Fri. and Sat., April 3, 4 a'nd 5th 21 r i DILL PICKLES 17 OZ. JAR ic. FRESH SAUSAGE 2 LB. ORANGE PEKOE TEA LB. SUPREME RELISH 105k oz.JAR e. WAX TURNIPS 5'co COFFEE LB. 2o9c. PHONE LARGE GRAPEFRUIT 6 FOR 25c. WIIEAT L~B. SALT 2 B. PKG. dea COOKING ONIONS 10 LB MAýPLE LEAF LARD '2LB. 17e TOMATOEFS LB)' 7Ô r, 1 25e; ýOLD HICKORY BISCUITS PKJG WONDERFUL POWVDERED SOAP 2 LB. FRESH- 2l'B. MO)NARII 24 1LB1. R.E. LC PR OPTRI E Centre St. Orono )GAN ETOR Phono 3orl6l IL Lemons, doz. ,con lb. I je PHONE 12r2 29c 25c J. CORNISH Ph-one For It Pronrpt Delivery r! ný S I. d '1'M'R MUE Mit l aM-1041B ROY W.NICHOLS Bowmanville, Ont. mu