lýaînsDiet Meple Sy hs Inad-equate Mýlore Attention to Nutrition Is EssentWa to War Effort TI-etre is tee atucit buying of -iain cnc ta tes -an1tI not eniougitateto paid te buid ing p aadeMq('uatediet 0of na- trlfode, Dr. D. L. Thonison), professer of 1biochemiistry at Mc- Gill University, !pst week to!ld the Canidain Association of M- ficel Stud]en-ts an4 Inees Dr. Thomvison's Cenmnents , jon thie national dliet follo-wed an),ad- dress by D.E .MCIllenry, als- so0ciate prefessor of0 yioo1 cal hygiane of thc -University of Tooro. Dr. Mdllenry spoke of tlhe va lue of dietay s urveye s'and ,re-frred particularly te studies whicb had bceeln made o00- ow jncomne familles in Toronto. lu these familles, thte mel, h staýtedj, vwere the bet fed, tha ,children nejxt and the -mothers' -worst. Only thrceeof tite 100 famnilies ireceived talequ,-terarn- ouaàte orfaoed. The îaek of "pr- B3 vitam-ins., wa-s nmet evIdent. MALNUTRITION WIDESPREA-D Both speakers em-fphnsized theti iii timne of ,ar it VwaqSim rave ýf Can-ada is te put forth her beetr wer effort, teo pay n!ore atn tot nutrition. Thiey eniphas- __ized that titis attention must 'be lased on knewledge, netpour fancies. Wiethere may be Ittie actual hIungIer le Caniada,' -Were waS rmalnu tri tion1, Dr. Thomeson pointeti eut, particular- !y as Jack of the essentiel nieer- ais and vitamine did net ete iunger lte zsense the-t lek o caoisdid, Propulation In Quebec Up 3411871 Persoms Reside iii Province; 277,416 Gain ir 10 Yearrs Qjuebic's populaton bas grown' *steedily since the 'Last Federalî ,ceasus ii,19,31 and now ainouts M well over 8:,000,000, accord- Isig to figures tabled lai the Que- ,»ec Legislature by I{on. Oscar: ý)roUin, )MIiisteýr of Mucpa Affaire, Trade anld -Indu1-stry. 26 CITIPIS, .108 TOWNS The figures r.eeitinig from a elose estilnate on te part of thie Provinci Statistical Department ghow that there were 8,131,871 »ersons la Quebec in 1989,This ilgulre sh-ows an incr-ease of 277,- 416 Over the Federal census eount maide in thlis province la k..W93 , Iwhen 2,874,255 )Pers vere regi!stered as beng in Que- teec. Tbehe pport tated thlat there pw(re 1,4193 xntUiicipeitie's wit'ia *Abe province, Withini this numi- ler are 26 cî-ties and l108 towns, ýeie rmainder bieing ruralmui Qlalities and parishes. BV ANNE ASHLEY Q.How can - Imake whiiteC- MIme and COver it about two twhes WiAb wterLetStand for- 24 lours te pas, or untilit i e c O-nsistenciy of paste. Dip eut e portion o-f th*îs slaked fime jinto anýother buckCet' and thlin w7,ith, water to the desired'conistdnicy, ddIIteaspoonful of biling ,,,-to bu c k et ofwhtewvash tC wit -p3n ia -pinit of sat to mk Q. 1kw can I 1avoid 'tar faste la pasty? A.ý By adding -ateesofu pf vinegar fo-r eecb baîfup of Wa ter usýed, Q , How can I prevent chap- w~fedhands? A. Apply glycerine and lose- ,wate2r or e n juice, severai. ýInis (daily and ati nigbit before rting. Q. How cen i m ake a mabUOg- -A, Mix 1 qýuart 'boiled 1ieed Cp6, uart turpenitine, 1 pla-t 4liig, 3. teblespoon -'buraiti ë enni)a , 'I tebespeoon 7ellow lobe andI/~tablespoon 1Bis- brr0 -brown. Q How ca1 renew black elk gloves wh$chi have aqie he ppIe arance A.Mi &littia whiýite of qau w~~xith som0ne bakink; puit on l,.>e ove'S and pp l te lixture Though it is Inot expected thàit the run this year will be vevy heavy, -50,00 Ontaio farmer-s o', hlav"e taJpped the2ir mapletrees count onl harvesTing a normal crop of sy-,rup. Many's the "uain-f"party being held., The season big enjoynieit as well as bard work, 131/2 Million U.S. - IIi~VEVisitors In 1940 4YO iri IEAB i? Prospects For A GreRter Î, Tourist Tradle For This Vear I Are Reported The old seller bl'd retired froml- the reca. Echmorninl", a1grubby youngster knocked eat bisdoor", went lan and came eut aan f ter ibis ha(] gone on for corne weeks thie Curiosity or the ville- îgers was aroused. '-Tel me," said one te the youingster,. "why do you visit thaýt 3'Wefl, sir, le iee a dîime 'i I say to hi, The captain wante yvou immii-ediattely.'" "And what dloes be say te "Fle se-,ys, _'Tell the captain to go .0te !N!azes.' He: "Last iiîght 1 dreamned 1 was iuarried te th*e most beautiful girl iii the world.'" She: '«Oh, George, Wee we lhappy ?, One Jepanese bragged -te an- other that aea a at20 yreby open-Iing onily a, fourth seection, and using t1his fe.'r five years, titan the next section, and Tbe ether Japanese registered -Wastefnl e ej*aculated. "I wvae better týaugbt. Il make a fan least a lifetime. I openl it wide, aind ld( it under my noce' quite nto0tion1less.Then I1wnve-y Teacher: I sIaici, Draw _a horse and cari. You've only, dirawrt a horse. Frecldy: Yer, the horse will craw thne cart. "If you get up earlîer ei the morejing thian your Ineighibor,"' said tbe towe philosopher, and wvork hardcer and echem.ie more( a tickteyour job more cSey and stay up leter Planning how te, make mor oey titan your nieigith1 oun! d J1burn the iýdiitt o11 planning bow to get ahead of hilm whiel'lhe isseoig not eaily will you eave more mon01ey when yenu dîeis thehe will, but you'11 leave it a dem rnsigbit csoner." There was a youing girl in the choir Whose voice went up hoir and hoir iili ona Sunçlay night It ýwent out of zlght Adthey found it next day in the .spoir. Machine to olpodutio r, Canada durîng -,19410 wee ralued at $10,821,949, compar-ed with $1,54,419in1939), a icre of80per cen1t. M1OVING -SHIPPING. PACKINC STORING M. RAWLINSON, LIITED 810 YONGE ST. - TORONTO Touiït tiffcfrom 1tlie United S tatesteCa na da con)thiues te0 flow frecely across the itra tional bouedary, according to the ImmgraionBrancbi of the De- par-tment of Mines and Resources, wbicb reports thet13,598,777 visitors enter.ed Canada from thle Unlited tae during 1940. AI- though Canada le at war, and ber induostresbae been r*e-oi>ganized, on a w'ar basis, ne restrictions have been placed on the entry of hona fide tourists Imom frendly or nieutral cutis MvOR'E EQIISRCI P-rospects for a miucligrçaterý touret trade le 1941 were envis- aged by D. Leo Dolan, chief of the Dominion Tr'Javel Bureau, iie an addrese last month before the lilhanue dinner of the Traf- fic Club of Mertreel, The speaker noted that since the beginning of the present year, morýe than 22,000 jinquiries for tiravel information had been reevdby the bureau etOt-. tawa. This -was 2a n increase of 21 per cent over the higýhes;t nu-mber ever recelve i fer e or respondng peod. Out At Elbows? D)o yeu findl the elbow's of your sweaters get pushed opt of shape quickly ? If se, try sew- ing a ftr-nhwide stripi of silk inside as a lining. Cut the SUIk on the Straighit se thet there is ne 'gv"andt tck it to th la- Side oftje sleee just et the eA bow, using long stiche onthe wro3ng ýside and very thin onesý on the righjt. This band takes theý Stran and prevents that ugly, pushed-ut looket the elbew. Tbe caeidea cen ibe ueed for dIres- ses ofin iiiwool hable t srech "MIDDLE-AG" WOMEN HEED Hlb 5AUVICEII9 £housaacls of womn go smil ilng thriru"trying FnhmsVegetable d -, ueilm0ai oS for over t50 year, le re- llevlng female fuic- tional troubles. Try lt t btScience DIscery e f a Inetv trtatent for severebures has beea aanounce(d b)y eathoritieý's et Johua Hopkirîs Hpitllu. alimee.Thetrti'llý- mient ue îacmbntioil of u from the ospital shw 'hit lias produed eakeu sîsin ifs, erly test caes. -o- HAIR G (ROWTýH AFTER DEýATH ACaliferUla physIcienbas citd stt etutht liargîe-w te'acon-1 sidrabe lng alera body wae intrrc jettv caes.Tha ,Journal of IheAmerien Meiciv_ Associa- 'tonr expresses doubt as tothac curacy oet Me reort$, bt tate it is possible for> a suiell growth te taep ace alterromeic deýatli due 111e roceses util avafebl oxy, gen ia ee se.There i ai se a decevîngapperauc0ofgrowth of kei iona dadperson due te-3the shriklngo! te skiei, whlcli eýx- poses pooronse the hait shaft APPLES PUT TO SI.EEP Appes from laSt yearS croP, kept asleep bY a new procece 5 tuat tley remalaas frecl as wlien. pi)kd aej cop or iinte market They have Cbas toed siece Jet sruimne by four stor-age-s in ,N2w York St ate nc et CoreeiliUi - versity where Ibis neew procese lias been under development for four years by Drý. y.. M. Sok assist- ant proessor of pomogyýý. Tse fruit was pîaced lest feu le cool rOoome, 40 djegre'es le1ste ad of the odinlary .32 dgres COlti stor- agetepertueT1ie reems rý,e tiglitly sae i th Je oxygen of thehr air reduced to twe per cue. iested ef the normal 20 par cent. At The sainie tite ltre cro i ide ,was ra ied1te ire 1percent. thsgas ceMMngfam t efruit Thiis amoper ecbenmae taîned sîteadil-y evrince. h w par cnt. xygenIs jet eoulglite 'kee-p ,th&apples av.The caribon diox ide anjd low oDxygen ptt them into deeP lee, Uke an aashtc Tlie effct i s Éte literally ~o down ;ith-*. rate ýo'.-' ving, or oi agilgli ddyigso that they last foi, imanymotls ithout detect- able charge, aven lA favor, 0 Y ROBEI RA L £EE wmn to take a man's ari mohn vwalkingaon the street? 9-Wenabahlohas been entertained by rmarried friends, wbat is a good way fo -hnito return the hsiaiy 3. Shouid a cýhild be perm-itted to leaveý the table before the rest of thie famil!y have, finisýhed] eat- ing? 4. Wben - bid is- to be mr rien in 2a traveling suit, -what should the bvidcg-room w-ýear? .5. What is thle best y'ay for 'a mnan t(o ask a girl for a danu1ce? i3, May onie use a lead pencil for writing ,a social "Or bsns letter? 1. Yes, under certain conidi- tions àt is ail riglit. If the Street is poorly 0j.te , or therwise dangerous nd un111certain, it, is Weil to do so; and also when wvaking under an urobrella. 2, Take tbemi to a restaurant for: dinnIer, oir to the theatre. 8. No, h'e shLoul sit quiiety ly util the othnerýs have fiînished. 0Of course, hie mIa be excused if the grown- ups lngrove rdner cof- fee and conversati. 4. A busi.- ness suit. 5. "May I have the next(dan-ce?" 6.Not uniless one le iii and Wriing the letter in bed. Ask Curb Be Pt Oni Speed of Boats AttoneyGaneal Gordon ]D. Conant decard las week the federal goverrnment haci b een asked to pas Slgisiation to Con- .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMKNTS.B AGELNTS WNE TES.12MNTSGA NEE smail prft.I neing TIRES, 1t wii pay o oWrite for, prices. Agents wne aemoneýy foryorsefand mate f w dlasselinvour r ' .JIends. Ail tires sbippjed, prepa'1id, "Ilubject to y-ourInspetion a " ôi JapprovaZL. Mayalis 5Tire erice 8Elm iSt., Toto. taioRredngStation Fok.six- tested by thle Pouitry Depart1- me,iOnario Arcu±ra2ol- leg, ueih.BaredRock Cock- erels c eac, Wbite Legorn Cockeris ea'ý ch0. Wiefor Cir- cular. The xod amrs o Opjerative Prodluce Co 'mpany, Lim- itsdWoodsock, ntarl. 1ltAISE ýG000C ESWITH JOHN- sons ;bre(d to iaybared jpiymoutb r*ockhsadS.C.W lghrs aro st1'taln. 16 years breeding,cuin hiatchngand loo tstiing Fics for Mrc ndAri>ockýs Osud Leghrns s htchled JO cents. Rock Pullets 1 et, ehr Joho1son, Fergiul, Ont. HURO TOW GROERYSTORE., attachen dw cinRnt $257.Cen C'ARS, NEW %AND I5s17D MOUN0LANTT MOTODRS LTD., Torntos idet~Chrysier, P],ym- outh ,daer; eslocaion,;3? Ht.FlasntRod,2040 YneSt., 1650 Dafortli venue. ur Iat Carsmak us anyfrienis. CCKPIJLLETS dier Ten Cents)per ozenforFl Cost maiie fres o rqust1 Odei, ihcsad piletsnw.Manlor WIT EVRY 00lu 1LLETS -or,100 per 10 ie Cik 80to $î0.0 per 00; Cckeras per1 bik Rac hr,, y1m, Brianni BAKER IS' fENSAN D SIdIN - er, aso reulî eoI n'ini t ai- Porotble Oven Go., 10Eair Toroto ISSUE 14-'41 GOAT, NNNYAND BILY 12O (puet ype.00 uner Ducks 5.5 GOITRE HA.VEYOGORE AORO rdcsForlatclr rt J. A. Johpt-jn C.171 RngE., IMn-ES lWANTED) ,Moai Myre moi RSE FOR g'Si 'hnLE AwiIBABYICRICICS, JAIiEi Roks Wite ocks Whte eg horo, Erwn ghornr ,flJersey-ý Biaý c Giant, ,New( Rampshire Rso2f. Wrie for,1 new 1 rwg ril], A, H. Sitzer1 RtcheryGranton Send for prifos li;Wript arm BrockvillL Ontario t cilY >ECiVEIIS1TH CmiC1 , delivery me.l ,orbredfroslrel pult, cookeris, asltred ials s owig breeds, ithd aer E PILLS .50 Ladies- delayed, ds. '~Vi1- 204 On- s wonder-fui book senit free eid beor byig.Snt or O talge SEED FoR, SALE ture Alsike No. 1 Plu-i SNAPSHOTS T TREASURES TO- CE Guaraxtteed I Round up Ogden's for a Real Smoke oild timiers whio have been rolling thir o twenty years or more.-Thieir bliad ;e Ogden-'s and they wouldii't think of s-mokinig aniytin§ge!se,. Thiey ikcD it. beqauss it has a taste yoiS caliVt match -a taste whlichi cornes frei its distinictive biend of chroice, ripe tobaccos. Try it. You'il findc it's net just another tobacco-it's Ogdeti,>., tny ho heat iga.rett6 papr- Vomie" or Oaelr", are good eniouigi forOdaV FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOSACCO Pipe 5$mokers 1 Ask for Ogden s Cusf PIug trol the speed ùîoffmotor bo Dats asg a resuit of anr accident oin the Winnipeg River in Nwhich a gi, wças badly injuredi. The mishap ocure vhern the girl wasra down he batinig near ia i3- Norýthwestern Ontarko last Agut T.T. Bo-wer, op)erator oj i boat chagedwith ~ggn waos aýcquitted when the cour.t mi, edt there was rno 1provision ilth Criminial Code :coveri-tg the ope-- angspeed 0of-motor lboatsz, Vf01ouuse anr electrievcu - cleaner, emipty thie du.-st-bag' f-ce. qetyand euary aiuet do0 thjs is bad for tire niechanis-mi, Funds for the rebi.lildinýg of Ldnafter the dîsa'strous fire- of 66 wre obtalne& from V, tax on Coal1 and wheatladda thle Port of London.