, aite spent the w2eek-enid with LThe formrs i e, r.Gordon Mofati. A f ew froni the villag-e attendud the nuihre anddaiue put on b)y En- teiýprise seýhoolI n the Orange HalIl, in nlid yf Ithe Bi-itish War Vîctim*s, South Afriica l tur ninig eut ibo m.p.. amoueticars. mith gun-ter- rets ant ( i bl t-Proo 0f tatrgi tireus, ini sufficient numibers te supply ber oma orlesandi aise te ccntrib- Masters hcas ,been on u Lte to the equ pmnent of the, British We al ws' her a forcees in North Afirica. 'S. Kenneth Braith- hfave you renewed our ubscriLption l For Your$ PER PlAIR Work B"oots, with ehoice of leathier or panco sole PER PAIR ~$ 3.25 A 111gb Quality ehoiee of Blacher styile, in black, or Oxford Nwith or Balmoral brown. PER PAIR $4.OO0 A Complete Line of Overails and Smoks, in black or li- Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC%" . S MIT H ,NE 61r12 -ORONO ENGAý IENT OF Gone Wi*th The Wind' STARRIG CLAKE GALE & LESLIE HOWVARD) Royal Theatre, Bowmanville MONDAY *TUESDAY WEDNlESDAY APRIL 7th, 8th and 9th FEA TURING VIVIAN LEIGH Nothing cut but the prices EVENING, 8 p.m., D.S.T., 50c. TO ALL' AFTERNOON : 3 MATI17NEES, STARTING 1.45 P.M. SHARP, D.S.T.,Pie Als, 40c.; Ciàdreni, 25C. Attention rFarmers Metings te disc-uss Agricultural Problenis and the o>rganizationi -0ÎTowaýship Groups of the Federation of Agricultur-e will be hieldi at the following centres: A LL 1MEETINGS ON STAýNDA-ýRD TIME HOPE, ondayApril 7thi, 8.00 p.mi., CNO omnt Haall. DAALNGTN TedaApril &hl, 8.00 p.. AMPTONNCom Totihi all. LAKÇThutisday, April Otlis, 8.00 p.m., OROt-NO- Townl Hall. MAN VERS, Frliday Afen \n priIl 1 ît, 2.00 p.m., BETHý[AN Y Town Hall. CAýRTWIG('HT, Friday-, April 1 fis, 8.00 p.m. BLACK- Agricultural Socie3ty) for each meeting le represcenitatioliof or Hý ail aso as bee sický with tho muanps. , Isobel MKoof Trno the week-end ini the village. laidies of the village are very pi-Lilting1- every Teo or thie Redi ,Bomin, cf Port sday lnst witbl CLARKE- UNION .Mr. Er-nest Bee ist,d a't Beth- any an Sumny etrig Ronds :Ini this section are not;in, very*gd condition as the frost, i- comgOut. Mr. Trewýin Set son of Mr. and' Mris. Hcdbl. Scott, lias accepted a posi- tion vwitl _Mr. Ray McLaughlin, of Tyrene. Seiveral from thiis section attended the dance in the hall in Oroino Friday last aiv epcc-t a very enjoyable evening. Mr. johni Fogg, son of iMr. and Mrs. GeorgeFog who was onleo th-_e yoting -ls caîled up for, a four ?months' training course, ieft Friday m11( ing for Petetdborc,,ugh. Mr. andi Mrs. Vernon Saunders, of 9Toronto, visiteti with the formier 's pairenits, Mr. andi Mn. Arthur Saunz doris, over the week-end. Mrs. Saun- ti1ers returneti to the city -with the-m for a visit. The ne and School Club miet on Fri,1ay ovenifig last wià fair at- tendance. l'he nmeetig opened withi thec singing off one verseý of O Can- adfollowed ])y the Ierd's prayer. The minutes of thie klst imeeting more' tlien reand andi adopteti, anti businies deet itl1 h, lke Union 0orchestra wsin attendainco. The, soloist was Phasey,, and Wm. iRiiell was; the gUestspar for the evenaig STARK 'VI LLE M\1. Bill Fox with fris p)arents in Toronto. iMiss IsodbLI Wray spient Saturday in Toronto. Mrs. Russell Savery with friemd,- i Petenihoro. Mr-. and i Ms. 'Etheni Jones and £ain- ily with lMi. andi Mirs. Ceecil Jones of Mr.% and ýMrs. THaroldi Little and Ibe, o4f Bowannmille, with Mr. andi Mrs. I>ercy Farro-w. Miss Normna Hallowell is in Torontoý Generaýl Hospital, hatving hati ant opIer-ationi on tMonday andi we are glati te report Normia do4ng as well zas contibe, expecteti. We wish her a speotiyrcory Ceie to the ouchre andi daneo in Kenidal Hall on Rriday eveninig, April 4thi, in aid of tihe British Wnr Victim's Futi, and put cn 'by the Starkville comuniy.Prizos,hck draws, ini- cluding, quilt, hom-emade candy, lunch, etc. iAdmiss,ýsion 25,% Bring youý-r friendls with you. Mr. Dolb1ert Hall1owell, Ms.Fran1k Benniett andi Miss 'Bertha Hallow\ell, of Terento, spent the we-edwithi their parenits, M1r. andi Mrs. Juo'b HLlom,ýeli, who are bote ii por health. We are glad te-) report eur ýther sicknehous Mrs. R. Halle. woll, Mr. AIf. flobsen-,o andi Mrs. Idla Stark feeling solmewhat botter, thougli stillinl the doctor's caro. LESKARD Mr. Norman .Fee, Port Hupe, spentý the week-end -with bis lam-ily. Mr. Bruce Tonniant is workcing at the miunitions plant at Pieilering. Mr. Roy Tonnant has been engaged hy Mr. Carl Billings for- the comingý yoar. Mrs. Harold -MacîDonald anti baby, oYf Orono, visited -vwith Mrs. Fred 1Truil on Saiturdn.y. Mlr, andi Mrs. Alec. Cala andi Terry îof Toronte speiit the week-end wvith lier miother, Mrs. W. 'Coishiçl. Sorry te report Mrs. E. B. Duvoli is on the sitk list, aise Mirs. C. Biown1 ant .rs. R. Thomnpscýn, We wis,,h flicirn a speody recevery. Don't forget the Hom'e andi Sehoo(-l Club 'meetinig on, Monday, April 7tb, in the club room. Mrs. Hairtwell is cunvoner, andi Rov. S. Little-woýod is the special speake(-r fer tho evening -Y 'NEWTONV=ILLEP Bob Hughes was homne frein New- en'd. M!rsý. J. Stock acmait Mis. 1. Stark and Joýhn te Puterboroü Thurs- A numbecr f romi here attondeti the lied Cross meeting in Newcastle on Thursd'ay. Mr. anti Mrs. Wmn. Robinson, lien- dal, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rob-. insoniion n mday. Mias. J. ýWade anti Jack have ro- turneti from a six week's vist with relatives at Lindsay. Ur. andi Mrs. ThoiGs. Webster anti AMrs. Denault Sr., <of Toronto, visite'd the latter's son, Mr. D. Denauît. - Mr, and Mrs. Striker, -Mrs. Monder and~ Lloyd, oaf Torionito, visited Mrs. Meaderis sister, Iis. Chb'as. Mýorris. Mrs. John Stapleton bas roturneti te her hone in Newtasile af ter spenti. ng tho winter at Mr. W.Saltns Mr. ýand Mrs. Ceeui Walkey have. secured romis at Pickering anti are living thueowhilo hoe bas uemployient thlevle. Rev. Artihur Rome, son ýof _Mr. ani Mrs. R. J. Rowe, frein High River, Ala., preaetie in thýe Unitte Churcýh on1 Sundcay evening. '(C'ongriatulationis to Mr. anti Mrs. R. J. Rowe, mbo coiebr atedti teir Sixtiotb Wedsing Ann<iver-sary Sat- urdi-(ay, Mardi 29tb. A Auller accounit later. Rýcent visiters with Mr. anti Mrs, Reuben Payne were, Miss Syibil Hoed and Mr. Stanley Payne, Peterboro; Pte, Bert Hîldvith, of the Queen's Oa Rifles, Ne'w Brunsuick. The W. A. of the Uniteti Cburcfi met at the parsonage on Mac-eh 26th anti discusseti plans f cv the May 24th supper. MIrs. Dainarti, Mrs. Lane and _Mrs. George Henderson serveti a dainty lunch, Mrs MaMura.ywasnunetiby a car Frirday evening, tiriven by a fit- onti-ruxi driver. She wos cyossing the- str-et just in front (ef the 4telephone central when the accident cccul-rEti. In spîte of being- rather badt(ly c-ut wme are gladti t say she is receverin'g. Spetaters got the number, of the car. Presentation to Miss Elsie Wallace On Montiay evening, Malrch 24th, the Tjiteti Churîch Sunday School ro,11 was fillet mith friendis who met te spenti one more social evenling- with Misjýs Elsýie Waiae efor-e she we2nt te her nom wor-k at Pickering. lIow-1 eoit was ncýt so sa'd as it, mighit1 hIave been as Elsie mi io ne ofor, nwyai epetsstili te be mith us" Mfo.lIr.. Lainig acteti as chairmon for tfeeovenfing anti encelleti alps records. Ho calleti on the rfellemýing- artists tce entertaîn : Chef- Usý "0 Canadla; slections by the C pbelOrche'z;tra; vorçal chiots, Ncree'(n Pr-ouso anti Jean Gmîol piano duet, Mrs. Campbell anti Jean; sýopriano sole, Mrs. Lioenel Hughes; reacting, -Mrs. Dudley Joues,"Lti Thiogs. MgIrs. Joues alse spoke a foi mordLs ofippreciti(-;n f Elsie; hari- toile solos by' Messirs. Roy Biekle anti Gordion Bieckie, of .Bethestia, Haimil- ton Township; violin tiuefr Mr. Cami-p- bell anti Jean., Thle ebairman thon called on Mrs. Ž1rthur Rodknapp te reat the fellow- ing adtires Newtonville, Mar. 24, 1941 Dear Elsie: Your friends of the cenmunity, the Churcli, anti the Ghoir, have learnoti with vory dep regret of yeur cle- decisÀion te leave our village. But me- must flt ho e lfish lainour- regret anti se we 'have gatheroti toiit te have a social tiime togethor ant off or our gooti wislies foi your future success. t is very ftting that me shoulti meot on this occasion la thls churcb building mhero yeur father anti Tyrrel's Drug Store DRIItS STATIONERY KQDAKS PHIONE 68, OROMO ADRI 1EN NE Smiart, vel dressed women knowýý that the way to beauty and charm is the hhrmohized ensemble. ADRIENNE HARMONIZED COS- METIC ENSEMBLES offer von coiuplete harmiony of make-up face powders, ereamas, lotions, bath accessories and make-up aids ini color tontes, texture and fragrance to lend beaiity and charin. FACE PO'WDER ... ...... 60c. PERFTJME . ....... 25e andi 50c. COLOGNES....... .60r. andi $1.00 ROUGE ........ ... 60c. LIPSTICK . . . .....60c .....-CREAMS ...... . . ....50C. Smiles 'N Chuckles Chocolates MWake Ideal Enster Gîfts. They are packed in gay Baster wrap. Priceti t ._ -.. ...... ,-,-. ..... .. .. .... 25c., 50c. and $1.00 Special Elite Easter Package ... ........ ........... .... $1.00 Chocolatý-e Easter Novelties Easter Eggs, Bunnies, Roosters and Clowns . ...._5c., ]Oc, and 2.5e. Large Enster Eggs, each .... .... 25c., 50e., $1.00 andi $2.00 Easter Cards New attractive desiguns in Easter Greetiîngs.S,1(1e, and 15c.,eae-l EastLer Flowers EASTER ILIES, 3, 4 and 5 bloom plants, per bloon .... 25c. FLOWERINU ROSE BUSHES .... $1.50 CINERARIAS. .. .75e & $1.00 GERANIUM at .......................... ...... ......._..35c. and Sc CUT FLOWERS- SNAPDRAGON .. . 75c., $1.00 and $1.50 4per dozen SWEET PEAS, per dozen ...... ........... ....35c. and 50c. CARNATIONS, per dozen . _... - ... .. .l.... $1.00 and $1.50 BE SURE AND PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY You SaveWith Safety at Tyrrell'8 Drug Store More ýFo-r Your Dollar LADIE-ýS' SPORT DLtJSES, size-s 14 to 20, each .....98C. LADY BET, FLL-FSHINED RINGLESS RO1SE ,hfo(j eriewéghtnwspring shadcs,. PRýE WAR PICE , per pi...............................69c. MEN' ATHETICSHIRýTS & SHOR1NTS, ed. 2 ")C.c LADES'HAN BAS, atet srin.stle..... .....5. LADIES,' BTIE O YJAMA\S (ewsiz(!s 14Lo 20, eachi ................. ... .................._ ....................$1.00 STElD-MAN'S DIAMOND S. AUTO TOP DRE'1SS- ING, per titn.................>...... ..............î..... ... .. ..... 1C. New rshipmient LDE' NECKLETS, LOÇKETS, BROOCHl-ES, etc.... .... ... ................I......1C. to 50c, SEAAO RSEeaeh .................-.bc PJ.TTED CERE haysyrtup), 2 tins ............35c. 1M)LD- C.E......b. 21c. Fine Ni ppy 01d, Ilb. ....29C. KREEMýY PUITS, (PuiffedWha) 1-2 bus. bag ......25c. LOG CABIN CHOCLATES, hand dlippled, assorted flavou%ýs per Ib. .......__......................Il.......... .......... 5. Fresh F IGBAS direct f rom i hie ovens. \\EEFK- END SPECIAL, 2 Ib)s............................- .............. .29C. Exchanitge -your couplons here for Rinso and Surdhght Soap. 1 Box Rinso and 2 bars Suinlighît Soa.p for Couponi and . ............- ....... .. ...... ..... ........ 23c. LYON~ W ITELABEL TEAý SPECIAL 1-2 l 32c. AYLM1ER DICED BEET'IS, 2 t1ins -........ .. ... ........19C. YOUR\' POPULAR SHO?,,PING CENTRE' ORONO. 5c. TG $1.00â STORE' inother anti al the mYemubers of their iabnouwbovryuhetb family spent so niany bhappy, year-s CO W ANVILLEheevr ouhae h U1m1n11 these peoe<as poster, andt'Iletiotecene bock home. C , N I L frient. On ýbeb!aif ef your many fioieis of 'M.r Jack Barnes visitet inl Toi-ente As a daugliter of the pars, nage, the ciemmninity, the Ciach, anti the c-ver the -week-end. Elsie, me ave always fountij you Chir, me ask you te accept this Mr. ]Hilliard Simps'on bias renteti r-eady anti milling te belp la any goot)i 1purse ef money -witb envý very best thle Hogartb farian near Sîcîina. W01-1 for the conanuiity. mwishes fer the future. ivrs. Alfred Perrin bas roturrnet In yeur tutie-s et tee switch board [ary Lunehe Tho presenteti Els-Ie hm ri totîn aea ov voui bave always givon. cheerful, wftb a payse of monoy1. hmevfrie ospitaLiga aeatBw haîppy assistance anti baye gladly li5bsspn inte yas ari v. anýhtira. E arwot- belpet inla any ways as ax telepihenlelewtnliasIe, iteon cf wbnyesinhweeMhr.et a ron iE.,'vbitedM.an i oporator, in tuxsestofnsofromcas well as in tues in tiney.f orwa -e pent at *"Centraý,l", anti se founti it.tuifGre il ,iie r id W, nbes oul 4k e inte Ese vryTiýiffieulty te reply, but eventual- ýMrs. T. Stepheu on îSundpy. Yer oce is1av-ec y ocnion gi . el y (vercomo bher enotion anti ex- Mr. Les. Reid hbd a sowing lueo on your Geti-given talent foi lr se presseti ber appreci-ationj, intimating the Perrin f arm, which lie bas cent- bo ave always uset 1V freely te helup Nwo-ib asilbrhoee o h onn or you anti tee expecthee stoirhandatbe Mr. ant i !rs. James Rutherford in te mi-kcf he coIr ani teplace la Newtorville lChoir Suntay at isDvtyHliget îî-~ ether organizations et the church an is..ohyHli l vst anti comniity. We have ail rece iv- niglits. Aljoinet inl singbng "For e hi aet fe h ee-id et pleasure, inspiration, anti benefit, Sbe's a Jolly Gooti Foliow," anti thonetierpensorteweknd th follcowing mo-re caHo nfo ________________ as e htenet te oursnig wheth -th or insoodetoroursi, at speeches: coantry, anti so lhosabi the paison- icipe yen will continae te use your Rev. Thos. Wallace, Elsie's fatier, age is open as hinne for the Wallace volce, not only for the pleasure yen mbo expresseti bis approciatiots d thse tamlly as long as lie is there. tierive yourself îby singing, :bat for h oneur accortiet Elsie anti speke of After singixig the National An- the pleasure andt inspiration yen gise his happy associations here in former thboin, lunech was serweti anti a tixnp te others. ties, et lgooti fellowslxip enjoyeti. As yeu leave us, EIsie, and go ciutt Rov. (MeLaohlan, miný spoke in tie Those preosent freni a ditancee te niake no-w frientis, we hop yoa I )igest ternis of Elsie. lie also tolti were, Mr. anti MIos. Heslb. Alexander wiil always keep a sinill corner in th at when ho arrbvet inl Ontario frein (Iilda Wallace) anti Merle anti Mac- your heaitatiyurtçugt frVe Saskatchewan hoe mas t statioxnet «vegor Jolies, MakanRey. Wal- very aiany frientis you -have ef t iot Seagrave andi Rev. Wallauce at lace, Greenlbanlk; Mr. James Ro»bin- Newtonvïille, anti remonter tihe door Greenibanllo pro-,,ýd a neiglibour anti son, Mr. anti '[Mca. Haroldi Cfiucfr is alwavs oupn and .the "ne " fs-bnd to hlm and bis in a strange <Grae Wallace',. Newcastle.