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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Apr 1941, p. 1

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ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, APFP. 10, 1941. S b scri )Attend "Ladies Night" Given By Masoni« t"Ladies Ni*ght" CF - of KENDAL M'r. Bob Alexandler is in the 'cty. MWr. and lMrs. MU.nson Comnstock and Mrli. Jamieson, Bowmanville, bhu were visitinig in Keiidal on- Sund'ay all M r. Harvey Biyson and farnily, of th. rafonwore \vith 'Ur. Sain i rysori uthe 01 Sunday,' . IHarvey las, joined up as âile ai mcchaxdýc l inte Air Force. n f Miss \Iar-jo-y Patton, Miss Olive GordJon and girl friend, MissBld '1s getadPt atinell, ail of Pohrt e t, îHope, werT(-e home for the week-end. A. Ms 'eo~ ai M -Iis s Lillian ull B,_-acley, of Battle reek,Miig, ~Ithave been visitin1g Blake Alexafider an nd ther relatives over the week-end. Kedlscholars are liaving an ex- toIra holiday owing to the teacher, M1iss toKniglit, having the measles. A very g.lgttype of measies have visited4 Iîa number- of hiomes. ýon, sh The ladies are busy qnlting these i days. The north -Pgoup met at Mrs. a,-,t N. Pattan's, tlhe south group at ýMra. 'ro. Chas. Ooe',and the village group to at the Sunday S'ch'ool, quiltitig four ý.D. quilts in the week. As the ladies pt. fintij it rather liard raising funds, te ýG. commiuni'ty are aidiiug themn by put- -cd ting-on a progressive crokinolp a nd tly'ecr, followed by a dance on Tues- ng. day, Apr-il 154h, in the Orange Hall. by he IVm ýsenited te aca ats b 2and aenI)t subsci at thbe peaple of oppor,,itunity to ladian War Se [es Tyrrc-î1li ha oclreprosuenta- Ne house to honse can'vas will be ado but we f eil certLain that the eLple of this conimunity will want help the boys' in uni4onm iiby tnp- ortlnrg titis funti. Please e yo'ur eontributions ati nee ai Tyrrerl's dirug store where ficial neceipts for ýsame will bo -iven. The Wa.n Sawvings Camp'aign was or 'your cown good prineîpally. This Sa chance to ease thie hardships for hte ýboys wlto are fighting our-battles. ýito the strains of Galloway's or- restra. Balloons tiecorateil the centre af he hall, tied to st-iing, f ormningi a quare. While Mrs. Drurmnond was nging one cf VIrse balloons burst, ausing cansiderable excitement for couple of secndýs, causimg, soeteof le ladies te scream--, thiniting, no [oubi, tliat a 1)om-Ibingi raid waon. Unthen horst Inter, on, but aîl seem- cI pnaipared forttis one. Taken ail in nîl, theo ovening was a rei-ai Succoss, ,vith evenyone enjoy- og~ ~~t tlensle athe iutmcst. At Ôttawa 3; Col. L. P. Shieirwo of Ottawa Area, a Grant,.D.4.O.; lit., colmn Court of Jioner Formed By Orono Boy Scouts A Court of Honouz for the Orono Ros Scouts was or«anizeti on Wed- nesday, April 2'nd. The following officers rwere elected: rlhirman, Don. Staples; Seeretary, Carm~an Cornish. Ahl the Patrols were re-organized and Vhe followrng wee ppointed leadeýrs : No. 1 'Pa- trol, Don. Stapies and i Gen Tamblyn; No. 2 Patrol, Jim Linton and llward MXyles; No. 3 Patiol, F. Tamiblyn' anti Il. York; No. 4 Patrol, Bob). CooPecr and Carmnan Cornish. 'Alb. Mitchell was elected Troop Leaider. The boys are very busy now at the1 Salvage Campiga and find it to be avery big job. Sov eral badges ahve, been w-on and w-ill bc- prsntedtath(, winnes at s me futurýe date. They aie also planning a social eveing hen they will entertain the members of the Crouip Com-mittee. The drive for money for the Gr'u'p Commîittee bas been almnost cotlPlctedl ai theresýponise has been very gen- erous. Thanlis verv much. DEATH-S WANNAN - In 'Clarke Township, on Tuesday, Aprîl Sth, 19411, Grace BrssWannan, -widow of the late John Wannian, in her 91s1t year. The funeral froint ler late resideonce, Lot 22, Co 5sso , Clarke Town- ship, on Tltursday, April lOth. Ser- vice at 2.00' o'cloclk. htterment in Orono Centetery. JOHN WANNAN Afte'r a 'week's illnessa Vhere pass ed a-way on Thursday, A~pril 3ad, ai hîs latp residene ln Orono,' joýhi Wrannan, in his ý58tl year. The lato Vtr. Wannan w bGorn ai Lot 22, Coneessioin 5, Clarke Town ship, son of the late Mr andi Mrs John Wannan, w h e e pgnt hiý yotunger days andi attn1edI. ii schcol. H1e was united in niariaLg( to Jessie MaýcLýeani, of Klrby, anC >atr m'oved to 0rono. Fýor ulan: yoars the la e AMr. Wne delivere( mnaill on R. P. Nýo. 2, Opono, In reli- g ion li e waýs an Anglican. Survivig are his w~if e, two daugh. trs, (MJary,) Mis. D)ellberiit Yeco, ol Oshawa; (Doris) -Mrs. W\m. Toml, 'in- son, of Bomn bl;tvo sons, Jklme Dog as of Bownmville, andi Bob- bie et homte; uobne r,,mesWn nani, Kirly; andi three sisiters, 'Mrs Geoge fenersnof Khliby; Mrs Wm. Hooey, of 0rono, and i-s. Lof- tua', Beillamti-y, W fNe-wýon-v:ib'c. Ili- miother just passed away on Tuesday April &th,ý 19411. The ftuneral took place front St, Saiour's Churi,Orono, on 'Satur- day, April 51h, with R.ev. T}ewdney, of New,(astlelihavig charge of tb sevc.Inlerment was madle Orono Cconetery. Thec palîbeýarers were Messrs. Har- old Hlocey, Arnuliff Wanrian, Erverett Bellamiy, Janies LMldLLtoni, Milton Wannan andl George Henderson. Canada's War Effort A 'weekriy reîview ofdeeom t on the liante Frottfrom Mi -\ari- h27V] to Apn-il 3r, 91: 1, Caaad-a's so iînterests la de- fone f N'funla safeguarclo in uppieientryprot col to IJaiteo Stated-United inidntageemieni cýoverùsng 9-eragrc'menit lente of b)ases. Pra(-tocol rcnzsthat dJe- focof Nwonindis initegr'a f'eaturie of Caniadian s'chemoe of de- feincu anti therdfrore cf soilcon- cýern to CaiiaýdÀ-lan Gover-n'ment. Pro- vide's (a) thit n ail actions takeun i riegard to base leas,,eti nn Newfo und- landi, CpooiadîIan defence in-teresis will be fuliy rsetd (b) that nothing in agreemont aliail affect -arrange- neCsrog-aiding Netfoundland de- fonce madeinl pursuance of recomn inendations by U ' S.-Canatia Joint De- fonce Bc,ýaid, (e) hiat in ail consul- tation~s conterning Newfoumdlanl arising out of agreement, ýCanadlian as, well as New.foundland (lovern- mient shail have right to participate. (Under the agreement, the United Kî leased to, the Unitedi States lefexnce bases stretcliinsg frontNew- dfoundlanti to British Guinna lin e- tura fcos fifty over-age destrvoyers). 2. 'War .appropriation Bill for $1,- 30,00,000 passes final Paniliamen- tary stages. 3. Prodluction of steeil ing-ots. and castings in Fe-nuary rose ta 172,698 tons from 140,343 tons, ia Febnuary. 1940. 4. Contraets awarded bvy Depart- ment cfMuion and Sttplylý duin;i MILITARY BALL AT BOWIMANVILLE OfFicors antd i NCO f "D" Gomi- ,paniy, 211jti!Mieanti Regiti,1R.F., arue spon]sarýing n dianýe la the Bow"- manlville Ar' l"1inouris o, n iiday ven- ingi, April lStIt. Thield in Lhaki la ,o-operatian wlth thse Girl's Seri- vice 'Club aý f the toewn h'egaoeta nlo cis ýta lmake ibisdanceiathge r 'f the best anichesý as been hbireti for operso-n of Frank nohsta his c playing at te Bmýa a, one orf Ganati sp ots.> Fi-ank Be, o cofnsideroti te lxý li ts ais obesi1 , swee!'k el] Il and ton; ai*,!af Yarrai s iC Mr. and Mrs. 0f Clarke 5Oth W siuiday. here was a gco a atte ýrke W. A. when they ne of Mrs. W. A. Reid W. A. sýold a quiit 1\11iee r. H. Austi hest byid)drer. 'pecuial Easter services Cilai'ke Churoli next Sui .Morton will take d-ht nimg serývice et 11.S(ý nig ervce at 7.30 p.i sic will ho renderd. is is noe dt issl helcd to e tinigis ti 5. Production of Gaitadan automno- M a, in her ighty-ninthyer bile plan, not ig ecas bue d 1Q1-llel os'-' -i - fre eceber2, im,,ited under entier LfPtatnt Onhrots Edarix of motor 1veile controller. sons, Rbert of Oon, dwrd (Decenniial ceuists to ho taken on George, Hleet , CeCi and Morton ocf 6ue . Kelstern, Sask; 'and Vwo daugiters ~ 7."Sae toWin is atin-wiîe rs. John Donaldison (Margaret'), o'f -appeal of the S alrage camipaign 'rgon, and Mrs. J. W. Bail (Gea- -whicli cpens April 14%h Biliboards, truda), of London, a1so-ý twclve grand- - nwspperadvertising unid rsti eh'ldron. One son, la, died sev- -comntary aLre to driv home the oral years ago. iniperative need for avidAng waste. Theý deceased .was a sister of 'Mrs. S8. Index number of livýing costs on 'Prudence Morgan and Mn. Ewr Sthe base 1935-1939 equails 100, fA11 Morpon, cf 'Orono, Ontaio>. -slifghtlyý froni 108.3 in January Y~ Inteirment risa matie in the family E)8.2 in Fedruary. Living costs in ,d F-brýuar-y were .3 picnt boepkt in St. Bossweil's 'Cemoetery. ýs the lerdelilaAugust, 1939. 7- 9. Canada mm, producing onough Local News aluiniumi to go into 50,000 'lanes - 10. Dopartmient of Munitions ancI Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewocd, Mrs. Supply p laces ordeý(r for 39 fiYing F. Oowan andI Misis 3abel DaVy ai- boats. tend(ed the WjMS'. mohteilieet- [ 1.Canadian Air Force announees ing in Brooklin United Chuirch last urgent noed of 2,500 raidio toclini- FWy rclans who will ho giveiln aShorit inten- Foly siecourse in lradio work and sent Puv.' r. Cragg, of Bwavle ever-seas ta takt1e their. place in, the glave' an educatlnai tala, accompan- -grýound de(lfence aganst ral a ttack lýed I 1y liantorn lideýS, o the Palk St. g of the British Isies. Sunary Stiho staffcn Tuesdy even- RED CROSS MEETING The regular imontbly meating of JIe Red Cross ociety \vas held an Th'unsdayý evenîing, April iidin t'e Oýrange Lodge riaam with 4xix ent- bei-s proesent. Mr's. J. J. Mellor, viceà- peiet tok chanrge oc thsemetn la he absnceof the Presidenit, Rev. S.Litewood. The treasureî-s repart was giron býyMs Mellor, sho)wing abanc on band of $,UG814 with anii outstandl- ing, chequte for $41-18 ta ho pait. lu t ntýig The reports frýon the pur.chasinjg esira 'mas ad npet o Gommittees ,were reac Inn, Bul- and adaptid. classicst A lettonr was rend by Ms-. JR. ri hinis-lf Co or, necýeived frain C.S.IM. Fred J, urday manni'g of ast Weelc wler,ý the'y wNill takeu lp )res;ience. M I Fred Green and a oly f Bow'man1 Easter Thank April, inlg of ladies w' o Iasonic Lodge ers Entertain Their Mrs. o~ voca et. chah

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