Wilt Help DiSpoSe cf Seark harisnîure, ba annouced that tflie xppriment la bean drying hic tWas îeOnd'ulctedl by thle 0Ontarlo Gov- thegreerswasto get thoir-beans dng coud be done ithit de- Thousands ot uhe~of beans la i etageila Western Ontarbo were threatened wben excesscive mois- tae ae s oer. The crop bas te be dried wltbin ce aext macnh ît, it li toDbe prevenited from rt Goveramentofficiais bave et witbrepesetatvesof tbegr- rsto fiscus thie probille 0ftran- 'pEortinlg the beannetece cnta ipint capaýble c0f -oig the dya îndkly and at tbe saýire time ft i3a expeted steps will betae te f acîýlitate the markj-Leting ot tbe Appie-for-Teaecher lIdea in, Reverse The idea 0f an appie for the teace works ill reverse la-, w- Tea3ýchers in Lawrence cho are gvngtei upils ,a'n apple everty recess. By thie meantey =re ce-operatinlg with th F0era B urpîns Cm dte iiioni iposing of 8000 ponds of appwles noîw la stolage, Hlow Cou 1? BY ANNE ASHL.EY -todera hasbenecvigcnatlty message-s fodte last week a3 Ho eys fur tings have con- s'tituted his hf e: birnfoes idsand music., the grýeateetbe ing ebjîdren. "eei not for, staes. A bach-elor, whose lndlad1y was suppýCed tLo mend h'iis clothesz, grew tired of finding his pyjamas always without buttons. hi despairhe piered the lidüo a cocon unand sweït teo his pyjama jackt as a0hint. Wben thd-e jckt as returrned, he found the Ai stilitiiere, and opposite it a- button'hole of equal size! MoGv;e Star: "'Ve decided to) demnand a w trial." Interviewer: But why? You won the case-," Movie Star. "I know, but F'm not satisfied with the lv ywured wrongw s, assciate. ;îce wltfl e. The other paced tue lUrioueý "N,"he. rep]ied, "it isný'Éthtînt t's somtbing else-and 1 just a'texpiain it." Hlie assoclate ligh1-ted a ýibig ci-. Stptalkingnoeseai, Iie advieed. 4'Why' , yo're sitting on1 top -of the ord For the past fïiftLeen years, wàioutfal you'e ben daigf ive thousanid "Now you've it it,"iteirrupt- cd 'he cotler, "Thiat's just what'% wvorryiag me. A twenty-five thon,,- eanid a year icm for the past fiften yars. PHorubbed b-is weay frehad."Do't you ee, icxcitedlýy. 'm iia a rut!", Betty: "Your new overcoat if pretty loIud, ign't it?" Billy: "Yeah, blut I'M gauss buy a muffler to go withi, First Little Girl: ihave twvo )rOtbers and enec idter." Second Little Girl: "f have twe sisters ald ne brother." Third Lttie Gr:"TI have nel rtesand ne sisters, but I have twoppa by my tiret rmarna and thirce 1marnas by imysecond patpa-," Hospital on Skates M osco w Eye Hospt al, buiit m-oi'e tan15 yargo, je beilRg mnoved oilon lerte a inew alto- with 180 patients stilli la- CR-,EAM Snce Mareh 1-3, we ve paîd ti fr 'o i1 ramdelivered J_ Whlen a youn manrets agirl on thle street and stpst tlkeouldn't lie remoée hic bat adhold it ibisbad a lng uns lie taLlis?ý at, the table?'. -. Souln'ta ea ofeçao ence bertued 4.Le itneeaytorptth peyson's name when b1'eixgnto due? trià na t ai weddin 6. s it ail righ te use ruled-ý pprfor soialcorspnene Anewers hold hie bat longer t'ilan a inte and not at al if Îthe wahrl disag-recable. He shonld ýf -course lift it whien meetinlg thcegilad again weniafn btoldh preý-sumpIItuouls for aPgr to exp,0 a iman to stand aehaedi ipnow stOLjopo a. .N; shlould be done, in thec kitche-_1A a-n informai dinner the Pcarvi1g m11,Y ho doLic at the ,table. 3. No ~is is ot reqi-red an cerninl "-How do yoùu(do" is ufcin.5 The dresýs may b e imadewiho itota train, dpniguo the formaizlity ,ofLthe weddin.6 N;if there is trou11býLeiwrtg a straighlt une, buy.vthe lak ruled paper whvlic11 fitsunrth nlotepaper and neoes hs are clled "guides>" adcnh WHAT SCIENCE is DOI.NG HIGH-ENERGY FOOD Ftdigule eau bereudbya muinfistrationofbih-negyfod and activatorsteehriatetoi sub1stanues Cauigtettc -or-ding te Dr. T., ori, i- zig, lan -Tbte German eZltc Week 'y," Thebi-tnryfd eds vitamin C aid tfelic, aMincm plex. Tsswr aet ser redu e efatigue eof itrsfy ing at lgh ltitue ihoy aipparatus and u nder , rainfrem t01e con)tiinued nol(is5e orhemtos v1cli cauised 1tbem te suie freoin fatiguie. Tbir erfomace l- provEýd greatly if the dxrs VITAMIN DARKENS HAiR A inewBvtanexctde produce blaek imlnk tuýr an1tere ieerubber glxealrge0a the Journ-lal et Biologicakl Oem try. Tbe sbsacec pai HARNESS & COLLARS your nearest Hres ho r about Staco 1Harne-seý Supplies, We si-l our goode onfly treugli Youlr local Stace Lê ehe Goede aler. The g,,oode are right, anid se arýe our prices, We nmnufa0cture in-o.ur fýLac- tories -HreeHyeCol- lare, Sweat Pade, Herse Bina- kets, and Leather T-avelin God.Insiet on Stacîe Pranld Trade Marked Goode, and yenu get satisfaction. made oi y SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATAL~OGUE 42 WlIlngton Si., Trnt MOVING - SHIPING. PACKING - STORiING M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED 1 610 YONGE ST. - TOIR0NT0 zobeazole0aCid, firest identified Ine Dcemeras a vitam.Iineoft-,t.e two nthe 1ISago. The t iret cd i scovnerly ils that certain (classes oetgrey lhairar mmd te darken bi aner Sub-Arctic Holiday Open to Travellers North et 54 ! The words con- jure visions et îintrep-id epees stur-dy Freacýh sailors aýd soldiersI tintebl an emp)ire for thleir ofgetScottish epe rvn teIrrors in thieir searcb for a-7hoIm,, et' mî.ssionaries, of prospeetfors. Ini Auguet next týIecCanadianl Na- tionalilwyswill ofran]op- ptunLti-ity te viit t-1 eacou empre Prm innipceg te Cuciiand retura thle special trainwill Jehoi-omefor ithe travel- Plers who beave that city ont Ai]- alst 15 antetura on riAuguet 21, iaini1 the mceanilje visitedI Dapin, Flin PFlon, Sfi rridon il t a an CuhLill., Adventure in Canada Yet Awaits Explorer Po0sitiv-ely adventureye awnîts ,C bid in canada a-s wtnIess, this etract from a b)ookiet en- titled Huntia ,zihing and Ca- oC Tripesl Cnaa, isud'y tic Canadian National Raiw\ay-s, t he particular reference- being te cidedfly net a tendIerfoot's joy ride, b)ut veaI expiorers, net wrr-iiedj too rnuch by mape thIat prove, iM %S TKHAI'S M Y CH EW parlyeI'OfeOu ad not aWrod NewSj of ealing the timber wolf etduring- nigbt and preferably providled te 61 ith the best equipment and god- 1P266t es can fund their hemt'sdesre in "A et the ege of thle harrens -In the da. farfamed Iland of littie sticèks." The Aadreere elies norh of GO degrees North and comprises an areaof 10llM,62 sqare Mes, 0oFm o whie theunting includes Polar -ce d w Bear. .0ctre" BOOKLETS cxplaining CIL ROYALTIES Avia nRequest From iiCanadca's LaýrgestI 011 Royalty Dir-trib:-uting Heu.se CLIFION 20 YE4RS 0F S~RVICE TO INVESSORS ..CLASSIFIED ADUERTI] D)irect batoryto YUwltb miie R i bmo.WobigO %;I uipy you towrteforonces. i, M ANITE getwated . . sav-e nmoney7 for yursef nd mlre a f ew AOTSXROS 4~lOVN dl s eiig ' our friendls. A"il ees od adn rfrmail) tir sshipn"ped pepaid, subjectt t ree11ý,-ct. Price about $1.500 casnh. oonr;iiletion and pprovai Sae fil"j part cicuýjaret v. Pc-rsondi 2aaisTire Service,' 8 EIm St. Bx 2 _______________________11O101FORSALE BABYCHICS ' ORSLE, REYPERCHERON btthlgad blood týestinug.Pre for March :andtApril Rcksan Rocùýk iPrllets 17 cents. Legh'orn 1,uiletf"20Ocenits.Cicarwitil otirprices »oiv rg(11ueet . J. D. JonoFergus, 0Ont. 'AReS,-NEýw Am»iSE MOUN PLASANT MOTORSLT. outh daer;tîet oations, ï682 Mt. Plesan RAd, 2040 Y olige St, 1000panfrthAvenuei. Gar ua Carsjmalte us many frieàndse. dper Ten cents per dozent for lFeed chcsadpuil]ets 00WoN. IMaino r WITR EEEF 10 PULLETS or 100W mixid cick orere, ie give PS.ý ayer 100;andMi e Cis a$8,00 tod $4.0. Inmeiat divtr. 1Goddard er, ier rhui eulmetni ANA-S N FANSRA way und 110 lboe eaie.j pSTO'ýIL - I BRE» J sure I ~r cx- I haniz, BrM i VT o-o pera ti ve t. 1l 1 11 Mge sts., 1 i 'a 0 1 f-or