cal News ;pafteusoil is vîsitig. . Gidldus Joncs. sofO 01ono ,Continuation this -wuek tringii their- Lîaions, -which termiin- Thu~dywhen the, e Acosed for thestmr saationM. Mr. J. F. Lorrî-iman 1returned on atutday last on Toronto afte r hvdngto vweeks v\isitinig his on. Fved J. Lorriman, C.S.M of thec [ljidlndRegirentË, nho was ln Tor- a-to on fruu'ough, also otherr friends. lNowV that the sprngweather is ere thf e mrchants of Oronio %ill )en taeir places of lbusiness, on Tues- -iy in'd Tbursdny e'venings, coiin- tencing April l5th. Tii. merchanits ish te thank the people in 0-01o nd viity ,fo-1r their eo-operationI hi ong,ýho-Lt the winter ntoniths. A-Il store(2s Closed (GOALdFridny. Classified A....Animai Enster Teanwill lie held iu the Parish Hall cii Wecd- nesýday, April l6)th Tea served.fromn 4.30 p.m. (Standard (Time). Admis- sion 2r FOR SALE. Numbher of good youtigPilgs. Apply Russeil Best; Phone 51 1 10, Orono. FOR SALE 193 Eic(k Coach, Seïies -4.Ex cellent condicitioni. Orwnei goingovar,- A flew Larl- 1,00 each. .A :uginQs, R. R. ke. C- HELP WANTED Gil or wvoman, ex-,peiienceed in house o. Two ýhidren. Want- ed at once. Phonle 25A, Orcono. c-13-,ç FOR SALE Snowdon's (North Augusta) Pure Mîaple Syrup, $1.60 per gallon in your o)wn conitainier. Orders taken by R. E. O.coah pi Phne'15 ril, Ooo ___________________NOTICE FRSALE AI! accounts owing W. H. Rowe, FRf ormer owner of the Orono Flour Piano-'cased organi, in good conclu-Mîsms epadyJnesto tioni. Good virrnî,slied -asa. Suitble - save epne After thnt date the for school or hume. For further par- books will beie lTnded to a collective ticulars phone 25 r 3, Orono. c-14 -ey. W. Hl. Rowe, Oiono. b-14-p. TITIION griculturral So- spouSmTillg a AIl aggs prosduced o-n *ur farm. Oveit thirty yeans in bu~siness, Low ,vprices on Rocks and Leghoim Gorekerel's.- Alvin Glimens, Boucnarnille; Phoe 21,33. tf COMTNG EVENTS Grýooked Oreek Home and School Club are holding a~ basket social anid danee in Ne-Awtonýviiký hall on F'riday evening, Aprril 18th This ,e in ai of the British "War Vic-tiiýns' FÙnd.(i Adndssicn, 25e.; ladies with bask,,ets frée. On Easter lVonday, Api-il l4th, a Pot Luek Supper is being served in the Sunday ~Sehol r oom ýof Kirby Unitted Ohrch. Sapper willl ha servedi at 6.80 p.m. A iniscellianeous pro- gramme wil follow at 8 p.m. Th-is effot i on haltalIf of tihe Suniday School. Give lt your ifull support, Admisiom , and, 15c. WFO R' THE FARM %Ontario's Studonts Offer to HeIp Relieve Emergency Need for Farm HelpI Already more than 6,000 of Ontario's sturdy High School students have volunteered their services ta the Farm Service Force of Ontario! They are devoting their summer months ta help farmers meet the greatest production demands in their experience. Students wiII be relieved of school responsibitities as farmers require themi. Especially pre- pared courses of study have been offered to fit these willing young people for the summer's work on the farm. Britain is depending upon Ontario's farmiers to supply a grectt proportion of their needs for cheese, bacon, con- cenetrated milk, and other farm products. ----e- o c'I~~ I irectors SERVICE - Orono and 5l7a ?7-1 PlEFST NEWEST Toronto. AGRICUL1 ý 1 . - 1 . A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHY'->SICLâIAN und SURGEON 2.0to 4,0ý0 p.mi.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m.. PIIONE 47r] ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Se., VIETh'RINA-RY SURGEON Office: Main St. Orono Phaone 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. JonJ. Gilfillan 'QUALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licantiate of the (Jollege of Optom- Ofie etry of Ontarjo 0 f-L lours: 10 to 12 a.mi. and 2 te 4-30 pn and by appointinent Offiee in C. B. Tyrrell'ýs Drug Storc, Plione 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Autoinkou î bile anid Liability Orono - Ontario, AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auctrion Sales of al eizes anid at reasonable rates. Communicate with him at I>*t Ferry, Ontario, or see bis lerek, Aý E. Morton, at Orono, for date. G. RICHARDS Practikal Watchmiakex Ail Repairs to Watchez, Clocks, and Jewellery, wil receive Our prompt attention PARK STREET , . (FNO