24 IL bag 62c On this 1-lly Da~y an appropiate servie of wor-ship -will bhe held ini Pa-,rk St. United Chur hl at Il arnýi. Aý cordial invitation is exonedoai to join LIuS. Cap D J. C. ime liiuis hoeror li.ne w have Ma ewansOuwg to m-lleso ýmoked Shoulder - __ Smoked Midget Oirono Tinshop erly graded and 1 2 tins Chocolate Ruffle Cakes, IL Quaker Rolled Oats, large ti Fry's Cocoa, 1-2 lb. tin Cooking Salmon, 2 large tins Wonderful Soap, 10 bars Canned Peas, tin Tomatoes, 3 small ins Green Celery, Head Lettice Lettuce. Tomatoes, Rhubarl 19C 18C 25c 29e 15C 23c 19C n 19c 21c s 29c 29c lOc 25c e. Leaf ,Fresh Ail Sizes BROODER ~PIPES Made to Order R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oronio Phone 30r16 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH 1ev. S. Llttiewooý)d SUNDIAY, APRIL 111t, Easter Stinday 1 In these dark days hope is the rainborw Serviees at il a.ni. &Silday &hool at I CANADIAN-BUILT BY GENERAL MOTORS vest 1941] of safe, di value in the. owest-p bat provide the utmc safety, convenience a ýIATE DELIVERY dealer, today. ROY W. NfI BOWMANVI LLE,1 in Canada "In many lands titis year beils are si&nt-altars are dimmed ..." RT. HoN. W. L, MACKENziH. KING, It !S YOUr privilege to attend the church of your chice .. . to, worship as your conscience wilIs. A Nazi world means the end of the church' you love. it means compulsion to accept a form of worship prescribed by political dictators. In the words of the Prime Minister, - When we speak of the preservation of democracy, of Christip.nity ,-aid of civili- zation, we use no idie words. . . the existence of ail three is at stake" Freedom of worship is one of the price- less privileges that aIl Canadians enijoy. Thar dearly-bought right is in jeopardy. Therefore we must aIl unite in ssùPPorting- Canada's war effort in order to preserve this Freedomn. Keep up YOUR PLEDGEI ... Increase Your Regular Investrnents in WAR SAVINOS CERTIFICATES Remn,r-in addition ro yocrr p edged ainout- -ou1aoboy extra 'War SarIogs Cerrifcates from, your local Post Office or Baok, or direct from thet War Savings Comirtee, Ottawa. Piu6lished by the War Sasings 4ommittee, Otia Mx. NMeil W.ood, Toronto, was home on Sunday. Mlessrs. Bob and John _teanè were honie for the week-end. ýMxs. A. A. Drunianend an>d Mrsý. N. F. Porter visited friendse in Grav- lenthurst last week. Mr. Amies, toiler at tbe Orxeno JBranch otf the Barik of Cummierce, ýis away on his holî(1ys. Pr~of, Miton Stafles and Ainraft- mai, Ronald Patterson were iiitownvj for a femw hours on Friday afternoon. We are pleased to sec- Mr. C. Cain able to be aa-eund again after his long illines. Mr. Joe, hall l&mlniahg steadly ii- provemient., and we -wish him a speedy reeoverr.. Rolph's 'lrdwaeis ,again baiud- ing all Garden Seed in hu1k; also other Seed. a-13-c. ;Mr. Ha.rold ANde and twhb sonis, of Toro.cnto, visited with -Mr. and A Mrs. C. F. Awvde on SunuLly Lasit. Mr. Wilfred Froste, of Toronto, wisited 'wvith his parents, -Mr. and; Mrs. Ç. H. Fhicste, over the week-endi. Mr. Os. *owan lest a 'vainabhe herse one day testwek througSh some formi of poison, we undexstand. Mxs. MUilton Barr, of Perrytowni, visited with MÉNrs, J. RP. Cooper and Miss K. -MeXay on Thursdiay of last week. Mr. "Toniy" lWclveen, teller of the Bank of Coinnenoe at Tainiwonth, visited frienda luiiiOrono on Tuesday cf this week. Mr. ,ijd Mrs. Verýnoni SauLnde, S and Mr. Arthur 'Snith, of Toxconto, spent Sui1dïtyat [W.and M[Vis. Ar- tihur Sauinders. D% .and i MrS. W H I YC¶Ie reundhome un Thiday last from Floxida, wliejr they, spent a vexy en- PH( 44q It H -', AD L ETTU C E 10ec NEW CA BIBAGEI LB. 7c. (lT T \A1 1- 1. ntiacs