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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Apr 1941, p. 7

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bas been the topic ng~ sheds 31d dav~." ystem. "the audience was a aconstn upur. TI)ec t crs w'ere ý1 -(ýluCky 'if few rwsý. Thersult wsIa their love scnsbdalthe c!I;- 0 at nnedeo ahg-ciin Eveamrercntynwt Ud1(i- enecespossýil?)y lctrbe ûvdon-j itionswee'tmchbttr "on MW sag, oel ad ,ethe ater ladte hinlk about Uhe galiery sîUerý2s. He couldni't lowerCI lisvele e areantiwhisper! anld Say, 'lI( love pu. beaseth cýash custemere coI nt hu hl.Sel hdachoice bctwen yelliag and trýying te geL over île ilea ih cies "~et-.aeeScheal" "Thie îresuit of -this littie i- emma was the ric of whaf 1 prefer ite cal îe et-Un ch oef acting. Ittbve arounid tIc end os tle 19bh century. WI3en- ever an acter necedd A Say, qI ove yen' lic bell teone laead flayed ïthe ir.tbhis armis. Theý people la thegaeysean laa gd this meunt a proposai. They inliglit net beabie [te heur wh'ut tle acter "vasasyirg butý they ter o! On a( edefo War Savings, TE__ CRISIS Adaeptedfrom h M'eziroý Goldwiyn. ae Picilure b y CETUEGEBI SYNOPSIS Nurse Mary Lament and yaung- Dr. Jimnmy Klidare announce their engagement inucli ta the de. liglit of DId Dr-. Gillespie. Mary's brot.her Douglas arrives in New York. He wants Kildare te ia-. terest muiti-millianaire Robert Chandler in a business plan ie lbas e:Vo1ved1. Jimmny 15surprisedtae find Deug a shrawd, brillia-t mans -a financial genius-isiste-ad raf the average kzind cf person Mary bias clescribed hinm to be. Hie curiosity ij; whetted when Doug tells hlm lie is frequently dis-. turbed by hearing voices. Hie aisei learns that Douig's brilliance cames in flashes and is offset by periods of compiete djecian, AI" this is syrriptamatiecf ci - easy. Kildare becoumescaine Chlapter Six DR. GILLESPIE DECIDES Dr. illspievieedhe two de-. jected yeung pol ihunhap-. 1py eyes. MWère la very ideep water, inceed, he ci ut lasI. liepaedtugtul." er isyor bter, nn ary?" "Downstais,"sI saîd in a Iow' voîc~ "Ie'switing forme. Gilispi swug aoutand rahdfoi- his phione. "lhere's a 1ai yug anin the main floor watiag em amd am-t- r Douglas, Lamanýot. Send hlm righlt ip te my ofic." e turned back te -Mary ZAndJimmýîy."Y'v bel cenete mne te uskwo' right. notnteyyur bothl righ-t. Know,,inig vyen,1 May,Ine-. body cun argue SiA your point. And Jimmrly, I'd be al bol te is- "htsyeur wvýay of saying I shbonld go away with Douls,"1- Mary dcidledl quiely. "Nothig of the kind,"excam ed Jimmy,, Akaociç ut the doýorpeend ilepesdirect answer te either of 11cm. n,"Cone la"le caflcd. The deer opcned and Deugis eaerd hesiaatly. -P'm Dr. Gilesp ètieold nmpua ad kinly aud exteaded hio hand. > "Hwd d o, r"Doulas aniswered, n ,meawhle ljeo0king woaderinglyý at tle three of tLeniý. "Sit ,Iown. Mr. Lmet. l- OnTheatrical MIEErmy- NEW CURING PROCESS MAKES EASTER HAM MORE TENDER (Cuts Cooking Time, Too) c*o ven a sorne throat - 91r n "I tM yu al aoutMy bro- thrup to three yearîs ago"My "And [ covered those three years, Jimmny added. Dr. Gilies;pie turned a benevo- lent aile uonthemi; butbis will humoricl a gabby oldmu for ajjttje hil," e su.-gesled.They hadl no choice "bUt to, nod asset. Doug, "willpou auawr nme, pieuse ?"I 1.Wily shoulci I hide anly un- plaat1 ings 1le tatfrom Jimy ' Dug ýaid evenly. "Whyi did yýou say 'ie? Cliliespieý de-manded sharply. "I1-1 (1,n't kowPDug pa- tered. "Nboy ven suiggestcd ha you were hiding an1ylhiJng,ý" lii- you deny tutyouar. Mary put eut a protecting iandt as if 10 shieid poor ou fr-oni Gillespie's buteb Wy shoud h hie anlhig?"she, Gilie gaore lie. "Urn Lu be er lelpful ln your present illnes. Wo't y c tei me the mwoe tuth?" Deug puled. "I'd le ai2 diotý n-o tote, "Then- what kind ofshci- jury -- accident ---,occuired te yen between two and three years ago 7" cried Gillspie. "A iltie over -a year agoe DogSaid siowly, "f asin-,an my, "Ys"Deug faced hm d re- fîatl. "utI ida't ba,-ve -te; go ihlespie dlaplled bis bands in sr"Douglas aý "Mary tlas >- ~-+-~ MARY CLAIRE THOMPISOIN of ef uh an-d lard maple hiave snttheir ungent the Easater hams ,ýthat nrow wýait te join with Ese it will be cett titissmmr engagement. li er to let Dr. the matter for Few For]1 If Yeu Wat te Make It Tastefuf1, Pleasant, Donl't USE S3everal Big, BEIcJ Patte-ras in One; Horve Eneough Camifort- able Chairs NetliaI e tand U_1e îebu raies and tee machs respect for any- bacly'stext book, ut we're sti eldfahioedeniol to heie laj, earniug tît ei sjile niuatl lIImakIe a room plasant anid p- prpiland t "rnoe ugaedi taBlesays te Amerlcaii Homie. once yuImmse~dlceeraies thon you're on your owa and yen can alc flci- n yor ou var- iations. Foi' xaplflctirnt lagwe teli yen Y snet te use anc raomu. C'OFOR ?IST ougl centortblecairs ite tala cureet gesta No ua wn te iýh n [Il Pl! ou a cdown csv-[ buthcllhae e ff hes pw leaii tliem.. lf yenU lavesuffer7ed fomconstipa-. tîcon, yen probably kowfrm x- at l'est, eaiy tnpaayreIief. 'Thut's why doc-tors 'will tell yen te gel at the cause. If your consti- pation isth5c11 cmmon type due ýte iuke l ighti kind e bl, try ELG'SALEA "A dotor?"querîcd Deug9. "QI-I en't kow. Net, ber CONSTIPATION WIITKOUT DOSINGI a truIy dilcionls ceresiý that cail l e kep yen re§clar l'Ysp- piying the bil" Yveu neced. Fat ALL-BRAN' everymrng * ,dnk plenty of water and sc if you dop't notice albig differ- ence ia the svýy yen lookandfel Aviable nt grocers' iii two con-. veaen ~~ea MdebyKlog' in odoCanadaq. WIiole Hiam, Baked D) o netlb, afraid te lbuy a whole hiam for Easbut be sure te select one t hbas lhad the nrew tenderizing process. Ask for a Tender- swct hm Yeu will appreciate thic difference from the old style ham's just as sooni as you SMtarttoCook it. No Soakinig, no parboiling la neces- sary before putg this ham ici the oven. Just give it a long, slow bak-. ing, thea ab- out 15 mninutes 1before ervng rem-iove the rind îd spread the fat ,vith a 'browni sugar glaze. Serve the whole hami baked, for thef- special EstrSunday dinner. Thea drîn lte week following, she some of the left-ver piece for uick lýý roilingw. for anether mieal, use chopped cooked haiin cryluettes , a meat lof or as a sandwich fMing and fiianlly draw out every last b)it cil goodness fum thfe hamiby sim- mering the bonie for soup. Wa' pea soup without a ham bonel You i ind one of thiese Tendersweet bamis a tbrifty meat buy becajise ev« erysrp can bc uned. Fruitsi Are Affinities Rt Y net surpriing that juicy hams and fruits are the lates-t lan fSad affiites. They arel eytaý looL at and deliclous toe et.Boie peurs, sauteed pinleapple, Spiced paces ickled Cherries aa aiin saeuc ae hma ccompaniments of epicurcan acclaimi. Here is a suggested menu for an Easter dinner made festive becaue it f eaturs Tenderscect ham.-The sjimple directions for, cooking tl>e, ham -ýare g mvn Vaiwil as thc eciepe for Raisin Sauce, an ideas aeom- Baked um - Risin S BAKED HAM Hlum 1cpbrewn sugar, paecd dewa Steaspoon dr must-ard( Maras-cino cherries (ifdsrd Hum soid lbe ïat room ',tem-lper- tuebe-fore buking, Wi-ap lham laparchiment or heuy bownwrappiaig puper or leav inorignalglassinle wrap- pin. Pacein oen rousting pan deaey slow oven of M2 degrees, FP. for B te 3Y1-1h1urS (alIow 1-5 inutes to the poundf for 12 t 14 pound hl!iam and for ham ef016 utes Yte epound). Wbepn baked fotC requircd time, rmvewapig n indîlci Beets Mix brown sugar, f ms ard an vinega',r into 'a smooth pse spread on top sideoOf hum and d emcae with whole covsand suesob chierry. Retura ,ta lat- te vn(375 ta 4,00 degreesF) to brawn and glaze. This rqie about 15 minutes. Note: If piaced la oven just afIter rmvn rmthe rebrig.- ator,1a10w i eaUst 80 inl-utes longer feroi, n~ RAiSIN SAUCE /4cup raisins 1 clrp water 4 or 5 evesz Il cup brown sugar "JimeBro fee any ti-me y' 1 soon welcetc William Powei doing some re ~er af theatrical le' ne leurs for the IIe'll take tIc m w 5diie dnn'~ ge. "Hot çiggety dog! heL slou . "r. La2munt!Top).îor rew mloring ,-we,'Il do a littie- X-. ray- eximinatienon jiIyour head, And--if I'm irigt-IF I'm rÎiht .1 said--wel-we may haveadif ferent story to tel=! iater that wveek, Superinten- dent of Nurses Melly Byrd wIasvýý surprised by a visit frem 1HospitaI Hdead Dr. Carew. (TG Be concluierd) Sounding Livxibo fin Dallas, Tex, James E. Ferý- reil predcuced a tomcbstene that tallçs: to hiear- the dead speuk, mjournersý neededl ,Y to play t'he recor,ýof his voice on the poo graph set in the stone.1 -Mm Geverament Order Cuts Su;p-. plues of Rayon as WeIl 8111 undies nmy seon be a thiag of île past ln Brituin, Thcy ae grauahlyvanisin the shops, and tue goVern- ment order cuttigsupplies Or' rayon amd silk xvi maRe tlei, scarer stI. "51k lunies are uures an! womn wllhave teugoilaseareit of tle, ju s us mcabave le ge frmshop tA shO o eget thi favorite brand of cigarçtie," sai a maember of a wemll-nowa ficic, of ingerie delers. Cotton Next Skin "Womlen ar'e already finding it difficuit te gel just whot tley wan thtIcway of uniàýes. It'% going 1t,0le mudi more diff bleit in the Ifuure.

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