ORONO WEE K ry ioit shedtenEaýst ad m s."?M sMiidý(r aferooApil2dMinal so iruea(1frLom the study book. 3,Ms.R. A1en n Th cloMng ymn was 402 and w ý,as meein-ws openled floe b ryr e ientren a ape citio wa opnedwith Mirs. lower'y rn ome" Te »iii~inthe chiair ini theane ofth t ýmeing wer rapeiet, Mis. Wannan. Theoen 1 m 22 asthi ----- 4(1, .ý. sun. Ms. . Ru¶terfrdread a veyinteresting. paper taken from the, stury book, etted"Linkls Be- hugnini waiss I, Lo\uveu ) i peatinig the Loîdc's Prayer. The min- utes of theu last meeting were r-ead ï,11d adopbed. Rprsfrom In the0 grýjoups were then read. (Mis. Loweiyv book, the dlevotionial which was taken from Rev. George Rowlind's sevimon, eniid"Piying the Piper." Hymn No. 100 was used f ci cilosing and foi- lowde by the Ïn-izi),nh benedct ion, n "AIthougýh full figures canot be re~ IllIlill lased, there are more nen under e larrma ercamiped ia Austràlia norw ;IL( than at any p'xevious time ln the na-, tion"sh's oy. saiti Senator Philip pâ !ýIMBîd'e, Auistraia.n Minister for the leen Ovedfookedlp MAKE UT A EWIND FINISH!M Rely on the Folks Bock Home") shown. If you know of some friends who have also been overlooked, get them to do the same. The form is self-explanatory. Simply check on the left in the appropriate place, andif you enclose a remittance, make it payable to Canadian War Services Fund. An officiail receipt wvill be sent you by retuirn ima-il. Every Dollar Does lts Job to t.he Canadian War Services Fund will be div;ided in accordance with ets government-approved budgets, lise amongst the six organizations em- to braced in this campaign. A non-profit corporation with let- ters patent from the Dominion Governmn-en.t is your guarantee that on every dollar that you subscribe will J if be properly applied to provide com- ;ub- fort, cheer, recreation and needed )w personal services to our fighting do forces-services flot provided in any other way. to your Provin- at the address Your contribution is m rgently needed! 'ýIVE!I THI$ COUPON TODA Y!.------- arters, vices Fui, for................... as miy contribuition to your Funti. officiai pletige card pîoviding for instaliment payments, which I tuln, subscribing ail tolti the suin of .................. ...... LTIONAL APPEAL N IN UNIFORM seting NE WTON VILLE M.Blake Falls, of Toronto, vîisîtedi rinshere. Mr. -ecil Burl*ey is mpoyd in. 11ev. aiid MsJ. i aclnweîe in Toronto on Friday. Miss Elsie Wallace, of Pie-er-iing, speit the week-end1 here. Mi-iad AMis. Re,-. Woeodham andi Marie, of Toronto, seI~the we-n with relatives. Messrs. Lcland Milison and Keith ,Burley are att(cnding- a g-overnneiit 'school in Osiawa. Mlisses Laurna Peari.ce, Marion, Bruce and Hazel MoýClelin, spent the -week-end in Toro(,nto. MVr. andi Mrs. Walter Graysoni and Donald, of Toronto, visited Mrs. J. T. Pearcee on Sundtay. 1Mr. Bill te o, f Bancroft, is agairi employeti with Mr. Eld. Samis for- the eo.ing season. 1x andi Mrs. ffiry :Rutherford and daug'iliter, of Toronto, visilted Mrs. G. Hoskin, on Stmda.. Mr. C. M o f Lindsay, and M-\r. R. Moase, of Tceronto, were Suniý,day guests Of Mis. G. W. JTones. Mis. C. Burley, Mrs. W. ýC. Lane and il . Laing, attemrded the Pies- b1)ýteria' at Brocklin on Fiday. Sor-ne from heire attentled the s'iher1 wedd(ilag for Mi. and AMrs. Leslie AI- lin, Lake Shicre, Eriday night. Pte. dgîMiïlison andi Pte.Ser mran Mury of Newmlarke't, spent thewek-ndat their hom-ies here. M.W. W. HneroBownan- ville, spent a few das this week with bis sister, MArs. T sa Stapie- ton. Memibers of Newtonville Y. P. U. torik charge of the worship' period at the Y.P.U.e coniveniition in Whitby on .Saturday. Sorry. to repor-t that Heclen Mor- ton, youngesmt daughter cf Mr. andi Mrs. PRobert Mrohas heen taken to Port Hope 'Hoaspital for treatmient. Mr. and ïMrs. Waliace Marlow andi famil1, of Baksok and MVr. antid Mvis. Cecil Ferguson andi Sidney, of Burto n, ýwere Sunday guests of ÏMr. and Mis. Wî\Vllis Jones. Churcli ser)vices are bein-g heiti la the Unitedi Church every evening this week «Passion Week}, Rev. J. Mie- Lachian is speakiiag on "The Seven Lasit Wor,ýds ,from theCrs. At the Y.P.U. Tnesdav evening, April lsýt, the devotiona.l periotiwa reafljy a rehearsal of whlat w"as te be genin the worship period atWTiy saturd'ayv. Mis 1L. FHughes, Mius. Sàd. Lancasteýr ndMisse Marguerite Mc- Kay, BettyStapieýton], Hiazel Reid and Margaret Denniuit tafking part. Mi.EarlWaikey waçs i hareo theprga ewhh consisteti of ,urrenit ev-enLs by Mr's Willis Joncs'ý nda "Tre1swueTra i. STARK VILLE IMiss h1elen _More, of Pcit Hope, with Mrs. G. Silver. Mis. S. G. Hallowell spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ediwin Ruthven, Zion, -wîbh Mr. andi Mie. A. Doibson. ir.and AMrs. Gliarlie iHblt, Tor- -iito, wl.th ivfr. and iMrs. F. Stone. ýMesarsI,. Mi'ke andi Dan Sh.utka, of Oshawa, speit Suniday at their hoine here. Mr. and i Mis. Lew. IIailowehil andi lMrs. Thos. iAlls in Tovcntco on Sun- daýy. Mr. anti Mis. Russel Savry andi Miss Ruth iSaveiy -with shawa fiiends. Mr. anti [Mis. L.awrenece Savery, Jim -anti Elgin, wvith Mr. andiMs Wmi. Snvery.. - Mis. Ross Hiailowell speiit the- week-end 'wîth ber atint, Mis. Almetia Ilenry, of Toronto.W We are g'ad te e'poi- Miss Norma H1alloweld feeling nuch butter since hier recenit operation, Me.David Mc[Mullçn is in Toronto tbhis week taking trýatmntt, We wish MiUs. Frank Howse, of Toont, ha retuinéd homne after spendirg a fe dnys wrib lier parents, 'Mr. and Ms ~Drug Store KOIJAKS PHONE 68, ORUNO ar Flowers bloom plants, per blceom ,.......... 25c. ýS..$1.50 CINERARIAS- 75c & $1.00 GERANHJM ..a .............. ........ ...... ........5. and 50c. CUT FLOWERS- SN.iAPR -GON. ý.75e., $1.00 and $1.50 per dozen SWEET PEAS, per dozen.. ........ --........... ..-.35c. andi 50c. CARNATIONS, per dozen .... .... ........-$1.00 and $1.50 Easter Cards New attractive designs ini Easter Greetings-... 5, 10c, andi 15c. each. Easter Candy Smiles; 'N Chuckles Checolates miake Ideal Easter Gifts. Priced at per box,................ . ...................... ............... 25C., 50C., and $1.00 Checolate Easter Eggs, Bunnies, Reosters andi Clowns. Priced at each .......... - ........ .. ....... ........ ..,.............................5c., 10e,, 15c., andi 25c. Canlada's Gets Drag Sale THE REXALL ONE CENT SALE Next Week, Ar 16, 17, 18, 19 Over 400 items of standard quality, knew-,n the world ovecr. Pay the regular price for it andi receive one just like i for ONE CENT. Yotur Sale Bill will he mnailed to yen this Saturday. If you fdo net îteceive it, phTtne us, Oronc 68, and another will be sent to yen. REME-MBER THE DAýTES-APRI1L 16, 17, 18 and l9th. You SaveWith Safety at TyrreII's Drug Store isrer brown, green, Uine jut a New Pal'ir of 5 pecials 0 the minute sys Colons ileýd, each ...9..... ... . 5c. SE to set off y'orster. Costumle ? LADY lBE1TH, Srieo hfo ~gtIlhlead dolors, Rooie Dust, Trie Nudi(e, Tropica, ,iAlohaB1s Gunmeiit'a, etc., etc. Paiir .......................6.....9....e..... MAVNail Silk, lates1shacI...Pai. ......... ... .. CELANESE 'HO( SIERY, wit1 h strt -iclhiHeasytv Éop.(Pair ..... 29) . A inewv NEVC KLA_\E or1 1 3R)O('C1- "'111en.1hviivent and f1 îre(2Sh1- 'en 11p the Easter Ev rn e.................................25SC. to S0c. Élitete thling toc)arry yoIr kitiniiIn,SED KNT TENG B'AGS, eacfih................................. ...................6. MIOIRE SILK KINITTING BAGS, eaoh ........... -...... ...75C. BU'PCHIER BOY YAMS in dots or str.ipes, sizes 14 te 20. pair .......... .......1...............__..>.......$1.00 Juist arrived, Beatutiftil 1R'OYAL, ALBERT, FINE ENG- LISH CHINA CUPS and SAUCERýJ"S, at............... 59C. VAU MBOTTLES. SPE-CIAL., compeLe ...... . 39. 1 )c. M&sand Boys', each ............ FLOWER anld( CAPS, suiiiieý-r Wi~ new patterns, ................ ..................~....... 25C. 'ARDEN SEEDS, 3 reguilar pkgs.... ..10c. POPULI :)PPING If you knew wve hati just the exact British fabric iii the exact celer andi pattera yeu've been loigfer, you'ti be here in a jiff y, we uldan't yen , Well, we have. Tip Toi)'Pailirs have sent us ývhat we think is the gtreatest line-up of sparkling new British woolens la their historY. So-It's here -waiting for you-thie right celer, exactly the style yen want and the. fabrie rnest becomrnag te yen -IND-CUT AND TAILORED TO YO-UR OWN PERSONAL, MEASUREMEN'PS BY TIP TOP TAIL- ORS. Cerne in today, or if you're tee busy, cerne tornerrow. It wilI be a pleasure te show yeu these wonderf ni fabrics. We'll expeet yen. F ire, 'Casualty and Automobile hIsurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store .anti 51 otner help. 1to be Ti Àti the caùti 7c