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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Apr 1941, p. 1

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OFPONO, ONT., T DAY, Subscription, Five Occupants 0f Car Have MiracuIous- Escape From l] W. F. Rickary, M.P., Against Granting Western Farmers $2 An Acre On Coarse Grain BIev1Grs Sei ubstantially increaseci, and fthere- eliees rass Seeing oreshoulci lead tVo an enlargemeunt Should be Encouraged Of demeestie dentand. Sine'Juneu, I 140.te cenitinueus On the Farmners risc eof whoIes'aie prices have been 1 ii.evita1Ile. AIl comnrodi ies have 'Te follo'ing spceech -was Cdeiver-ed riJsen to seane exýtenut, and for the ,by Mlfr. 'W. F. Rbekard, M.'. of Dur- mouth cf FeLbouary' averageecd S84.6 litant~~~~ -ono aul 7th t0 c&f 1926 as comuipareci witlh 8. h tawa, whiehi we ireprodlue iu full. previous year. Prlicees'Of farm produceQ In likin'g t( tiake part in titis deliate have aIso risea sig'htiy, but haveTý not tou'ghl I rn giug e tke arat e ,e made :ia the loss sustanin l the ,oie eit 1atitude frcm tha ýth some early part of 1940. TVs iamy be due 'fjffýta atit'd f-ii-ii tla 01sonein large meaisure Vo the low price cf tre'osspeakers, inthat 1 intenc wcat.Ail lire stock registered to glive titis gcverniiueat soutne praise so1Ie stittengýth la F'ebruary, andi for whaat they 'have dene for grul siouki continue to sho)w -ains as flic turc, 1 believe that tVite goveruneut cimestic dentaiuil icreases. at're tQ Sc ucoutuendeci dfoite i'esla- 1I have here au index cf 1iving costs tion -whlch tVhe-,y have hbrcug1ht down tc cmtihe 19 -3 'hsis'; they rose frein 'beitefijt the tarmers, net only cf Vte 108.0 in Vliete niontit cf Deember Vo ,,est but cf 'ail Canada. The naine 10. in JanuaQry, 1941, but the gen- 41f the _Miter of Agricrulture (uMr. oral inl the year froni Jsnuary ,Gardiner) hc'ben proninentiy be- V January ws108.Ï1 VMs year, cent- fore the pleoplie 'cf laVe, andu1 beieve paerd wuVtilh 103.8 ini Jauluary, 1940, -that we have ini th'e preseitt ninister Shua'wýing that the cost cf li'ving ln- per Cent. enji thlte(ex-p( icer'aity in Te)day te bu goes ithler t, me hon.i abliut r bus -ont itolie-f ýe Unit- States. of' dis.. Aieuto ethute tarmer. I ce- Awekyrcvie'w cf derelopuienta VOiebhon. m'eiber for Huronontehm FntfmApi3r ted lat 'No'vemlber, referr- o h oeFotfe 9i r farmers, ",We neyver dici geVte April 10th, 19410 il' fromt any geoverumneut,Grmns drive hrough the Bal- 1 from ltbis oe. The hont. ka'ns te the Ac'geau, the capture of r1 -I Halinanci, cf course, Salonika snd the growviug inteusity cf iiiut awanttDif confidence Vie Battie cf tle A'lanitic 'markeil the govermeut with 'siclh over the week a decpen'g crisis. Weisli L-1-)~ SI 1do noV agiu. Fumm Minitr MW, L.Mackezle Rig 1arn saf e lu suaîg 'haV psutpoued faw few dys hés schedi- lnct sioce 1935 has doue uledi riit Vo Presidenit Ro ei.The the farmer tian S ueo oyosrs pu9t intent since 'confeciyraVien. fosfCnitcu oeArl9V trouble te 'Jook up soute April 28 but eau be quickiy caied by cus cf fart produes from telcgrapih if dircunistanes derib. 35, andu thea 'frein 1935 Vo 1, Minulters cf Dcfecue Air and re are tfie figures cf the Navy mlake joint radio appal for le- bacon ho'gs, lire weight; cruits. Upwi'arCls cf 116,000 m'en wi'll , and lambys on the Ter- be needeci tic reiniforce Canada"earm cet : cd forces duuing tlie year. 0f uman Hogis Beef 'cattie Lanaibs power euie durinig I1941, aa'rny 12.32 $8S7 $11,0 wil abscnb aabout 72,000; air force: MI7 5.19 .97 35,000; naIvy, 9,000 officers and Imcii. S 4. 3 6.92 2. Ro3yal assent given Vo Bis ct 8.60 5.50 7,62 pewer-iiigite goverriiient Vo speund 8.90 6.40 7.70 $1,550,000,000 for- 'war, and iini-war 8.46 5.50 9.00 puripnes. (Total comiprises : $i0 9.00 7.60 9.60 000 war appropriation for 1941-42; 9.50 6.26 9.00O $1,35,000,000 addutinal war expendi- 8.80> 6.90 9.150 uei1904;$80,0,sple 8.70 7.85 10.50 buetu 1940-41; $78,0foi 000, suppae- tno Vat te price cf cttie*etaysiaesfrunw a- ii the Toronto market lias uniislra'tion it 1940-41; $37,000,000 liere froin $8&50 to $9,50I inteutim 'suppluy beinig one-sixlh 'cf Vo- eh as $10. 11,the <casep f Ital 'main non-%vau estimiates for 1941- and upar1cuJlai ]y I nindou page four) NoV ur are ge Will Happen papecr or cf 1ralg s. But wce knwwhait day some olther iu- ntiiight dcivelop a nced fer n- sncw usedu in mnuuiiifactur-ingl sud wve wil'l have sa paper ShlortL- We (Io noV necci ýcralpInietals ut But we, as 'Canadiaus, have Vo p VIe habit rigi V new of thirft, ing everytling htt is or migt 'beýceme nceded.Y throughl your lattie, barn, shed, or ellar and cdea eut al te àplates, 'fa0 zinc, lead c v ije the in cf titis rul lij1z. 3. Panliinutafry notice of Goveru- mnent amiendinients ito Exces's Profits Tax. Am-einchu-enits do net 'chang-e est- sentai character cf uteasur'es ntthich~ iposies levy of 75 per cent. on ahl profits carnl exceazs cf a pre-wartj standa-ird. 4. 'G viierninet contpauyesaist cd Vo coucentlrateon epadni er- chant s'ip buildiiin u anadak. H. R.* iaMîanof Vanceuiver ýhead1(s neW ccornpanîy. To take, over niew utes 'Mr. M-a'cM-iliain reisigus catmn silip cof Waurtim QuieeusBoar'd. R. A. Cl. llenriy, IViotr-eal, adriiser on1 econam ili.s wîth MuniÈinsDcpart- unut beceOnies cwcaimaof War- tiue RPqirment iBord. 5. Arrang1L, ements lmade foýr (creation, cýf a Polisih arnmed force lun'Canmaa for The Oronu Fleur and Feed Mill ,which hias been carried on under te firmi name of Cooper and lilianville for the past eleven years, has heen dissolved. lu future te business will lie car- ried on by Mr. Robert Glanville. uIt seents.- that YugoalIavia is anothe-r 'countryr faihlenVo Germnx. GRACE BURGESS WANNAN A weli kno-\ta resident cýf Clairke TcownshIp pasised away at her late residelice, Lot 22, Conicession 5, on Tuesday, April 8tih, 1941, in the per. son of 'Grace Burgess Wannn, -widow of the late Johin Wannani, in lier 91st Year't. The late Mrs. 'Wannan was the d"ghe f he late Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Buirgess, milio came to tVMs 'Icwnship frolin sootian.d. slip had spent her lifethue on- the saine honme- steaci, sud her granaddiau'ghter, Mrs. John Stoaae had lived with lier since cll'todgivin'g ber kinci attentioji and coare in lier latter years. She is siurvive-d bhy one brother, Robert Bicgests, eif Orono; three daugiters, 1M11S. fevraiRby MrýIs. Wint. Hlooey, Orono; Ms Bel- 1aniy, Newtoniville, and eue son, James Wannan, Ki by. T ýe fueral toe'k place froui her late reisidenýiice on Thui s d ay, April 10Oth, with Rev. LitIe'w'oed efiuciat- ilng. Thfe many 'beautiful floral trilb- utes sho'wed the 'higiýh esteem luwinc Ve dcae was held in the coimmi-un- ity. Litermient was miade in Orono Geietery. The p:a1Ieavers were, Mssr.W. RutheifordA, R. Ard, 1). Harness, iorue Wininan, Kirby, and Robiert Burgeisis, Ty'rone. JENNIE lIERCER After a shoit iliness thlere passed away suddleily t 'ler honme early Saturday mrnnug, Apvil 12Vh, Jeie Mercer, -widcw of Oie laVe Georgeý Mercer, in lier 88cd year. The late Q\frs. Mercer was tlie dnugihîer of the 'ate 'Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lavwery, Xen1dal,' SOe wats unit- edl in Marniage onu Leceniber 6th, 1876, to George-c Mercer, rh passed away Oetober 4'th, 19c8. Site itveci on a farmn near kendal for nany yeai-s andi Inter imoveci Vo Keudai with lier husiband. SOie was a miber of Keni- d'ai UnitedCiOhiit. SOie leaves Vo survive, V odautgh- ers, (Cor-a) Mrýs. P-at'ton, Kendal, (IMai7y) Mr-s. Luxn, KendIai; and five sens, Harry, Orono; Cecil, Elizabethi- ville; John, of Garden Iili; Roy and 'iiliaim, cf Kendal, aInd one sister, 'V IrS. W'111 Patterson, "'f Keudal. Thue funeruai 'service was held on MudyApril 14th, ini Kendal Uniitesd,, Churcli. In blie a'bsence cf Rev. -Mr. lVfciLachln, the service was lu char-ge 'cf Rev. S. Lîttlewood, of Orono. In- trnent was made in Oronuo Cerne- ter'y. Iu spite uf 'the bad roads manny frieucis froui a dlistance were preý,seult. The plhaeswere Ofve sons, H-arry, Cccii, John, Ro'y andi Wilh'aua, and Elier Luxon. Two Gas Purnpi --- -j n-- Street In Night s Knocked jlOrganizing For D Ujver and Ignites Fi When Struck By Car Fi AnaccidenV -which miit Ihave At Vie p prvevýd f'atai for ite ccuapalits 0cf a ~eCa tcar uccurred on Orono Main street anih uroui a quarter Vo ten Sunday dressec tite Mor-ning, April l3Vth, whien a car, ai-of holding ieclu o have -becsýdriven 'by Mr.' Orono snti, Hlarry Johinson, cf Toronto, crasihed pose of ru into Vitetwo gastoline taniks ut jIl iug Teiegný -ec gailge, sending both pulIlps ,Fanci. T fl' cwn Vthe street, a, te car the c-Townviisb came Vo a stop -wheu it struck a tele- ICI as aq doi pyho-ne poleý on the sid'ewalk in front te his, volt ()f F. O. Gooaer's barber sitoia. i SII- R. Mitchell, h 1er son sund d andi 0. -MiVchell, werue on theii visit friencis ut Balyduff. 0 thie b condition cf -the rc: of Orono, they wcre forýeci backý. Wiie travellingl sout Muii street, Mr . TJohison oýn ccl Voinake the slight turu oif lite Kumniite Apartnients car failed Vo res'pond wý,ith nI ultimate service 'cverwse.. Canadian treet 0 cverment Vo gilve fuli cooperation ý rs ini establishment cf te force. fi 6. BuIsinIess operatiens i Canada fine' icoordingVto Vite 'Douiminuiou Bureau cf fronit Stamtistica reordcd a ganof about wvitih 1535 per vent. in the firsi t Viv,; mônths windo of 1941 over Vie saine period lu 1940. and i! N'a itai ioe roseVomil8 n'- w lion icn 19410, recor dinig a gain cf$35igu m)illien ove ithe $4,09 niin e --car e l'îhed in te preceMIng year. The chli tentative eiaecf national inomecm is lutlite first àwo moutits cf this yev m-iirro was $835 naion. This 'wus 9.2 per cent, or $69 msillion above the 1IYel 0Ome in the saine pe î ocf 1940. fAtk 7. Bilitish'Gevernment wili require wai'ks at leasit 28,000,00 pouncis cf bacon wnC a, han-tfroua Canada lu 'te year be- car Aw ginning Noveniller ls't 1940, lu acdi- top tien Vo te 425,000,000 pocuds pro- for vided ii inte agreynuet. (Aýdeiîticna ARcui um-out i lining 'total expetc f l-tanksý ,,i,,,,ttn u 43,0.00ac n kiOI,,, - 8. Contraidbs antarded iby te De- partmcnt of Mun'itions andu Supply duriug the week endecI Mari-c 28 nuna- iberedu 1716 auiotalled '$1370561855. (Shîpbuilding aui airc!raft agaîn cailied for te. 'arger orders, The Granid 'Trunk Pacific Develop ment 0Cuupany, Montreal, gets a sliip- building or-der cf '$L3205000;Mian SparsLtd., Midfiand, Ontarulo, oee cf $1,1'80,0l00. An crrcatorder cf $5,000,000 gices to tefceing Air- craftA Coninpany 'cf Cnaa irritec, at Vla nae-atr). 9. PuIy increaseýus gra'nteci Vo R.C. M.P. Miniimum incet-ase, 50) cènIts pe day For constabls. 10 Loting' C. Cbisi ,1C'anaian-Il MiiVe o Wstigopseiawayý ln New Yoik hospitald. Thle office of Miite o Wsistnwsrcu V ken -vser 1by L eýightcn Moat',K. C., cf TerVo. il. Ciandian arudi mnin cruisers îtecetstwo Gernmer chiant shIîpý in sortli t ciflc. Encuny mesous smubed ity ieircrews. FIX BUTTER PRICE AT 34 CENTS LB.? Ottawva, Aprii 7-A unintmuinprice of 34 'cents for 'butter duning the sunmer m-toýnlhus was sougit by te Caisudian Dairy Farrners' Federation lu n suibut-iission Vo te Dairy Plo4 upcte Board'. üver the'car, eu~n a reg-u'mr in fernio, frein wih, no deibft, no on wouldl have esteaped. Mi.Harry Mercer 'anid yeung Deai West haci a nanrow ecp.Bot wvere tand'intg in front of the garagg juist ojppos',te the 4)umlps, heu th car stril, just ivsing V them -iby foot. Thec,ýar was neýt ad0ydamiageý colisider ing tlhe dallag-e to fflhe pumwp Tih iet fon axie wsl)Int, left I' 1rig4htt fron tf enders dented,rg front dor dented'11a1d1 the rj,,ht heull, lig,>lltbrkn No windowsvý in the ca wer eshattered. soane cf ýthe, lad!ies. long Mai 4etgiave a s nparade ofrd attire appering on tthe 'street Wlt dreasng gwns nd kii>ons o' thelîir nighltigowllsand their fee-t e1i J. J. Mellor Ac' Home And Sc Ou Apruil 1lOth, fhioal CiuLb'itelci cents, ders Vo' f ro-nt J. J. rire Alarm And Crash Bring Women To1 Canada's War Effort Crs Yî V ý 1 7ý, ' alTf aeýai

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