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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Apr 1941, p. 2

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ARW EE Go;cod Seeýd Bringa Assuranr.ce cfHïgghQuaflty Crop :$ays, Ont Dept. 01 grcltr seed SEED >n cf geod. crC ocf potaemesradîs le creps aeitne tabale use. Apprent tise tuber bu-t whii y affe c ie yieldan,- the crop, tise Ont., icuturecatos eed. dees net mnean andbemissfo t is neCt possileun production, but ev niade te certify po- frein ilstis'at are ee fromu diSe ase andi Sar vigorous ian ýd ety. po0taï',teý gr.owers otatüeesare bafdIy in dose or e tain Les wiu! fiind it de- anitageons te ln d cýfauivaits bic,ý even tiso.ugis they Unarîl, be considered sutbevarieýties fofr Ila district, limiltag h net on verycnaietise ceýrtified seed. Good en m-ade velalete .ndnsry by tASssys-. vocated ClassroGms ent oLarelie;etise rab wlsfer stud- keep ,s1,eepy Ocs .shoulH; Le -S.>%of ru rndly ,gr ate . F u i ta t i ntse N zi Pat h Greece and Ygolaiave become act btacles. ut thue c CeCoStaCle to aian ItionS s aSifllBrti Thie threLat cf invZ"ain f e Cown la h a£ etpallssed; Ilia dagerwi11 grow as tise apigadvances .,,Ts B-attie cf the Lan ,ye t t struiggle of ll."-Prime Miýln- isterMakzeKig war draan -tîheBaîkan, an l-. iilseisof tinpsfer isn Grmanm iitrmachiCnaboi Yugo'.slavia and Greece apere ail but ineviable Hitier Must Act Fast Farfrnievtbehoee, (prote Edward Bomar cf the Associated Press) WaS - tatsuýCh- ctories as tise eariy capture ofe BeIgrade and the Over-runninIg of- the Yu)gOslavs' riche-st areas would be foiewed by ýtipse smshing of£ ail obstacles te tbe Nazi drive te tise east. "Only the verdict of fateful batties te the sencis eouid d(ecide veiser Htersgeni- e-rals w,,ouid be alete match l tise B3akans the qjuîck victories won in tise Low Counties and Ca France lest year," M Bomnar analyses of the tituatiin made Iast ,reek- "They ar orced b nîecessi e ty te execute ina isnrry 1Hîtler'sinjunctien te smansh tise da-ngerous new Brtisi-Greek- ,ib llianice addrive îtise Brit- csh forcs frei setiesera ur o, p e. Witis United States aid lui- creasing steediiy tisoýugi iowy turne is ne eily of tiseNas Ger-many is facecd witis the neces- !Sity of a quicis eciio 0te void, tie altetie of aSlong strue witis isperis that Turkey andi evnRussia mîgit join tsefees." Most miitary osressaw in1- fihe Baajn cmaiatise Maj or part cf an atteimpt-te wrest co- frie'tise en)tire Mdrae this year. Aýnotiser part ef ise saone ve was tie MW Nazi camaig laLibya iismgh eeop nte a dri Ve C tecls tise Mdtrawnu irla frümin ise soutis(inistead ffri o'f isee Frencie Am in Mr At Tukey's Back. DOor Bu3--t Germany coUld n-eyer cen- quer tise 3Mediterranean ýmiunflesa Turkey7 were first puit eut cf tie pîtrcither by mniltary on qusùr by dliplomacy Tise pro- Axs coup linraq last week pîo- 4-d Tukyin a donbly 4angerou s posiionGeran ar bsescould- nwbe locaIted, atisrbcdor ài was believd that EHite wonld aisortly deadtlisatTrkQy be- tray her al,.liances or be ise!i attailcd, Lin tise latter event,ý tisere wats ne question tisat Turky w lddefend herseif wî>t S aits forec ie could mrUster. Last week cýtisougis stillnn-elgeet Tuerkey waqielpinigtise at-Ai allies ila,,more ways t1han eue, chisifcf - ýisich consisted in ke- mng tise BulgarIan ai-miy imb i2ed. (ýBrýiisi tr i inted ls wveek ila Istaubilul tiat Tre -migist dcaewar Soný. T-iey .suggest e iewoluid rem--ain Ion tise 'deensvebut could prmlitBrt aiia te use Turkisisaih assand t o move warsiips tismough %, U-S. Approaches Zero Hcur -ini Wa ofinotn lasteeiç ise tb:ht April aslikely týe be s -Commentary on Current Events U.. fany rpursin f oret' ,er vreateAeinna tionwould bc very close te the stae f ar can an'aab s tien i. Tiýe futurewaroefth United Statesvas just aout a the zere heur Jpas Foeidga iniser mat-) FuIka lft BerLin "suddemnly" atst C"vrn exhibitions o fiewfor SÎe datern cafenagement with tise nBritisis Navyad YuEN En route 'bask te 'aa ,,)Y tsue an imortat appintmnt yrl- tive te egotiatin oflaccsso- Japaese on-agresienpact. Ris mee itinger ibSovit offciai ha watched ve doely by the miit thebserer recn tl e- tunel fei ts Far ,y'e0mst, e evendd tihapan w ereseso- ful nc ndiscis o ctsh wenid sta t land, seaundai ln tieCS Ce Estinies, ee simila mod, isere tise viewAs thatWthe "waitin erid nts FarEstZwUldsorlM oret ByG. C. Toner an'd HuInteýrz BASCULTURE tise trou or tise itefisi, tise basss cenot)e srî oe f tiseir scisocîsare cf such a atre tisat thjeir eg-,s and spermnfio)w freely frrn ise bodyý, wisen ripe, bout tise bas muet build a nest, eme te- getheriA PASirsuad spread tise ergg ayin period over several .days. pprntye e reson for, tru s àtuat tie eggs cf tie Afee Sinc tiis sewe mstbring tie adu tbas1 ogt iserinrpend lev iemale -baýýs witis tiseest for seeaPek.T I nabest beunesto if l epiatise d-a -e. Ïlinnatural Iwaters,,, whenui Mhy warmm latisespring, tise maie bass s ýeleets a site -prot)îLee7t e d a5ant Wave action and te some extent, frein naturel enenies.le clears tise coze frmtis site by fann;iag with isstail adlewer fns, leaviNg a cleared circular area of grevl. Thi'1s tie nest. Hatching of Yotrng Basa Wieatie nest is clpe ei ise wter temiperature lias -reacis- end 60tise maledie a female BALKAN FRONT IS STAGE 0F MAJOR WARDRM Canada's Railwaýýrys hrmme lntae Durig 194 Mis The Best, fln A Decde- Freirght Trafins Eiarnleç Muci- Mcored ess reenuecfSan Aia rpeilays ung 140 red9Jte tier sgsetpint id aic 1930, rxen g 42,820,62, compared t]report Sain e* çpenses r eve hndr igTieoprvnicu erby $29,6,r- 507,trsportati7,OnCxpensesfwre up$3,0,ý565and$maintenance expenes ii i1,43,il Expesesheavertuýi 1939 by 20:5 per cent, and pasy seaiger m1iles increased by 24.5 per cent. Total payroii inreased by $13,091,277, frein $i1ll, 727 te $204,192,004, for an av- evage c'f 121,009 emYIpleyees la 1939 and 127,028 iu 1940. Freiglit trains earaed 15 ce,-nts more per train-mile than lu 1939 aud carried 34.9 more tons cf revenrue freigist. Passenger trainsý sisowed bligisr earn1-ings per. train- REG'LAR FELLERS---The Opportunist THE F-IUD5c"5 AR--Ell A'IM qETTIÊ TfN CENT 5 TQ ;44E LP MKA'i E NICE,. NOV-1E C.O0 4, IT'Sf 9TAR1'i N' -To - m ovr heineaýt and îa few of her egs re extrudeà and çrtýiZedL by thle maIe. This is rpae ,numiiber of-'times uifl there are Feveral thousand egis i the grae of the nust. Thenthe maiemuns garddvngay ait terfiheynlumgth e maieu0s.nHe a atceste eggifo htga We rds te younve foro time,, ed i ýý the oug Thfiet re erytin anid l r on the egg sic'hch tl ttahei e ir bdia.l! a s wek rseteyhaegrw oidenbiy and have abstiîiorbted the remaind ,Vjer o -f -th1e yolk.Theyýa aei now eady te 1feed ,andrset The suface TSe ie as se, to-b' knoiha hs ob isarfliinshef. aad he drives i nte the school scatterng ofthe luyl iroans.- Mhos Rwhywerfne yoang bass" n Julnscttred ail th rouh the shodu waters1if the halch bS-t ben ucesul -for Tht y joer. der b" fotrtaibey and girsof thuynand Norii andauef 16 ytearsel ofSouner,0 pSouyte oer- anda Fren et etiecap Ang funds ofhe oynNoand Scouts, ruies for tierebed the use of whveis viR ftt An ndorcapfrS proJgîam, coadngc d a te inhl o t on's Csurch, Peterborsougho was the enertanen 2etu29 o the annualbnq iutgt-oete of sme 20 CuScuts, Rever and pareOnt ads.rtenï At ainome etin theSanaBy part -un as demntien o Dng ti"se evofiMmseveya ef tis aemers reianvestedwkas Scots Mmesag ainesfor sders' C.N.R. Revenue up2.% (if pingrs, levenue totans, ing. ics showed a 22.7pe cet.inresefrom tise 39fig- ure of $173,059,119. Caadian pacifieRailway Colin- pany gross revenues tewards tis to-tal weý, re $ 1747l53,17- a 12.7 Per l'cent. i ncrej-a'sefi n1 52, 148, - 99830l 139. "N7E W IMPROVED CULBERT- SON SSE"(1941) Here are ise 4latest mules la con- tract bridge smarzdfer yen by Ey Clbertson iimself. Tise fistbaiccanges tsa ave been made la tise Cubertscn Syse? in six years ;ar.e ce:mpleteiy describ- ed iu tisis littie bck Wts t help e cfa play ith anypat uer, wýhetiser ueaeplayer, nad- vace, r exert (1.3P,5)." -CONTRACT BRIDGE SELF- TEACHER"' By Ely Culbertson -Tise woýrid's greatest authority on -con-tmuet bidelaanr entirely niew bock 0on tise game, has sm plîfiýed 1 digund payse ia anyone eau now learaexpert 86 practie dris. AilYeun nee ia bock and pencLi$13) TQronto,ý John. C. Winston C, Limitcd,Pbihes Green Meat B itisis pets are grog te bave green meat because ail meat un- Able forisumans hs tebe ded wi j on "Doin' yer plowin' early, ain'tcha, pardner?" By GENE BYRNES ýfI PR ES S1 Niagara is se kee-pitbeuy but the (-uýpperstechs fthie St. Lawsece are due for some sadl treatment %f as and when the deep waterways scheme materiAl- -Stratford Bae-lhl EXTREMELY DANGEROUS lut is aulawful for a pedestrian to stand on tise tavelled portion ef a, roadway te, beg rides or Sel articles, lit isalsnextrerely -ane ùus to stad or idie in Rny roaday weremotortrfi -Hamltonspetator THINK NATIONALLY A tMembe'wr of Parliamrent from--1 Saskatchea dimIs that, but for, the deveiopment of the WVestern Provnces Ontriowould sili be abacýkwoods district. This, is a highy thoretcal tatemeýnt, but iany cseit.,would be hetter lor tis i l M..'s o tink ilu terms net of the West or of On-. taiobtin utermys Cof the Domi- ion of Canada. Ugly, Poorly Bui,ýÎlt HomesLc au evil which us:t be comhlatted tý iiprovecndtoo hm en ship, iprpe se of aeras or use ofý, ife,;rirmtiaad propneortonandnarrangement.

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