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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Apr 1941, p. 4

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TUIE ORONO The Timies Office ~uestSilbscription, $1.25 o the United States, $2.00 i;1l Receive Ouir Prompt Attenion R. A. Forresiter, Publisher We havehad a good dealof discus- sioýn of pilcce pegging, the setting of a nsninm priee. Perhaps the but- tes er tuio did give ilise to a lot Of jiscuýss-în ad Imay haive started the C h leestory, hut 1 do noVthinkte governimentt madc aslvgreat mistake i setting the piie. 1 could never ne) 1sec rWhy sipecaators sihouldbde 60,- ckezie000000poundis frein the farmers at t-ezetweiiity-onie ceas a pound and be ai- e inae bxwe'd 1o sel it to thbe consumer, at ",', o -tf an, forty -tywo cents.. -ut thaýt t. We is -What was takin'g pjlace. 1 belie-ve or beef thatif the wPe board woulld set a i many m m&mprîce ,whih wuld haea- surplu8s onable rtefaInmer for Ge smmer d -f Me the prodaucr of butter wvod be mucli ot been bette off lan ift'lie oI; the malffet oGreat pi-ice of twenitý, -ty or wenty-tnTo cents, i4t. Thie sLisci as ctained las summer, and ob. ýr cattie 4aine JLast curnim-er, aa d o1t a i nedc ýt them; forty-twio cents in the wiilter. ion that Then 'there is tihe hog' situation,î iou-Id be abouýlt wihi47fithere has 1heen eon&d(e- it sor fnabie disouassion. We havie an agree- ve we mnent Wh sGwaenVBousa. somwen H abOve lias suggewted tha,,t we sheuld sels, le dairy bac7on Vo Great Britain freec Others one -of hiik that ae re not getting- enough SselIimg nd shiold V take the price Great BC- Of M m Van is Paying uis and tile gov("ernet od pe.tubsidize to he 1926-29 level. We another have pvumised to suppl Great Bn-. ,fifteen Vtain wiîth 2,0000pun of Ibacon, 94 sh e , ce that ouat .,a niee prvin-ce î to, iýve have ben producbigan aven- lao ttwo0a-ge f13,0000 pounsof ha on a e nOn- in exeý f ihe entrace. Gret fco.b. Bicaia iias aredtO take1,000,000ý ïy opîn- poun s a xvek orýe 1an lthe con- an pr - î et, "lob m ear n t tod!ay ire arei a -stori-ng in our ý old storage pat < 1200-000,00oud arwek. Iironei, iOmld be s eUifthe pieOF baon wer alt he roVed to te12~9le\vel, wha ici wolddotIimginle rweld hav iuatâ l. mre hogs ea times over Mhan ire yeur best buy. Y GENERAL couid sell. M-istory proves that tihe minte ou nak aything rly jpro- fitable for- the g-romer, you) geV too muol) of it. A -ordý about ülhe apple situationi. 1 a-n unrested in appies, and. I bel-1 leethat the apple growe11s of0a- ada,jr ai-more thani satisficd with the asitnegivca thein Ïby thnis govera. ment. 1I'do net think an 1ibi-c the bouse urill onraict1tht stat-] ment. We hiave solti oui- apples at a r-ea 's onable p ice because ire have reeveipotection fronutiiago0veril- ment. I comie no-w V o one of i-ie mosit imu- p7oi-tant itemiýs of legisiation, namîely, the 'wheat prehuliinu. Sonie dayrs ag-o tube Ministen of Agriculture gave a ofmmr Éli te situation. He an- nouncesite plo ih regard Vo ,vhawhereby Wlheat delivenies anc be letaen uip V9 23,0,000,000 bushels tt ni pi-ice of 70 cents, lassFor-t Wil- liam No. 'L aorthcna. This will mca-n oonuiderlbly lcs incomne for the ires- enin farnier,; thereý is no deuibt about that. But to> offset the acreage beiÀng -taken eut Jfirh-ieat, it la proposed thut S$4 an acre bc paid for summlerl- falloir, $2 an acre for sowing to griass eeand $2 an acre for coanse grain. The idea is V o rcduicc whcat aorcage by 9,000,'000 ar'ecs. We in Onltario) haýve been as still ai-e iilling V o thdJ-pthcetern inimr and for a ~pe-io c yerawe haiive paid our saeof the mn mil -lions- of dolars contithtcdtoiran:da the assistance of> tubeirevst. We nc estill ining Vo (do that; btire do ficel- thit Vne ouig àf cea'i-segranpurticullanlv bonuis- în, o ta eten_,Lt of $S"2 an acre, the, weste-- ra iier o grýoircoarse grain, la lont astcp too f ar. 1 am inot 50 imrdh op',pos-edte tusun-y -nc-aliaithouli I do not beieve thiat is thle riglit thinig Vo (do ither. T tilinik, as far. as gil-as-s seigis Con- cerned, that is' somiethiing wi sliould' be encouragesi. We hiave brkeip too 1m1c1-11land in the mcat forý the grir%ing of wlicat, and t would1 lie agood idea L te eVit scddback. 1 irould be more wllngte pay $4 an- uccto seed dom tfthan $4 an acre fo- sul-mmerl-flloa Or "$2 ail acre foi, co ar1s 'grain.1Iam uifraisi me shali bc oesa9-blising i- a precedent of fixing -a pr1ice On ca--egrains just as vme hve onirlhclAs Ütac ho i. n.ember for, Vicýtoria,-, Otio, 1I iroulsIi nather pay a l-tic hig-lier pli-icefor -wheat,,, pen- (Continued on page iglit) Good Friday eveing, Mr. and M-ns. Dean Carsýadidea were taken by sur-! puise irlien a nuarber of their friends -0athered( at tiheir home Vo celebrate with thhem tiheir 40'Vh weddlinig anni- versary, wtl occurred on Wednies- daPy, April 9Vh. This was aise a triple b4iiday party, it being Mr. Carscad-l dJea's and Mr. Weslcay Ellictt's birth- days, April ilthl, ith Mr. J. Eegle- son s on blhe next day, April 12tlh. A paeasant evening iras spent with speeýches,, sonigs, gaines, contests and a splendid lund with wediing cake, birthday cake and sandwiches. Aucton Sale 'nlie undiferssgn-ied auictisoneer lias r!e- ce2ived instuctionis froi JOHN SCHIWARTZ to sel Fy public auction at 12 o'ciock n1oon, att S. E. 'Aý Lot 8, Con. 1, M1anvers Twp. onu TUESDAY, APRIL 2211d, 1941 the f ollowing valtable FParmr StoIck, InuplemeniVa, etc.: MORSES 2 Bay Colts, ising 1yer 1 Chest- nut Ully, ris ing 2 yearls; 1 Bay _Mare, sig3 year1s; 1 Bay Mare, risýing 5 years; 1 Bay Mar-e, risingl 6 years; 1 Aged Mlar-e. CATTLE 1 Hereford C-oiw, 6 years, mast ne- nievved; 1 Jersey Ce)-w, 7 years, just rlenewedý; 1 DurlhanuGo-w, 8 yearis, due la August; 1 Dthoem Cow, a yrs., inilkinig; 1 Dunlianu Cos'V, 9 Yeurs, mikig;1Groy ILeien , 3yearsý, fres1ened;i Jesey Go-w, 3 y ea rs, fs !heed;1iBlack 'a'd white Cow, 3ycars, frýeslene(d; 1 Durhamu Cow, 3years, (d'ue inidune; 1i RoaBull, 3 Years-; 1 Durthamu Steer-, 2 yers Aynahine .ý2steer, 3 yuais; 3Yaln Hefn;5 Sucýkling Calves; 2Gtrass-ci- Calves. PIGS 3 Sbi,ott Keep Hog-s; 1 Yorkshire Soir, due -May 1st; 1 Berkshdiire So-w; 2, Sloats. H E N 70 Rock Mena (laying). GRAIN 200 husfhels Ery ls a ts; 75 bushfels Faîl Rye (IRsen); 75 bushels Onts andi Prosso, inixed'; 1i/,_ bushels1 Timoth~y Seed; 100 los. Golden Ban- tam Seedi1 Coi-n. H AR N ESS Set Teain Breeching Barnesaý; set Teami Harness; set Single Driviing Ifaness; 5 WorkT Collai-s. 13MPLEMENTS 1 .-H Biader, 6-foont, No. 5; 1 M.-H. Mowver, -5-feet, No. 21; 1 set 4-section _Harrows; 1 M-H{. Rake, 10-foot, ne-w; 1 Peter Hfamilton Man- urie Si-cader; 1 M-11. S-cd Dril-1 woe; 1 O.K. Potato Dtp.ggr; i O.K. 4-row -,-PoVantoSIprýayer,;51 Single Ploiv 1 Ciric Sa-w; i NatjionalWalking Ploirw, 21rr d; iPer>naRin ploir,2-urwd 1 13-toolihed Culti- vaoIdI.C.; 1i114-11. Souffler with ilullers; 1 set Bcam SIîcglis and 1 Cutter; 1 ube-irdTeam Wagoni; 1 IIay Rack; 1 helbro;1 Wagon Box; 1 Clievr-olet Ohassis' Wagîon; 1 Auto Tractor (Studebak-er Six); 1 -uttilg Box; 1 Hay Fork, Rope andSiSIngis; 1 Fanaing Mil; 1 set Scales, 2,000 lb. capacity. MOUSE FURNISHINGS 1 -Malleable Kititchen Range; 1 Hoat- er; 2 Iron Bedis, double; 1 Single Irotn Bed; 1 Woeden Bcd-, double; Dozen Chairs; Settee nd Chair to m-ateh; 1 Rocker; 1 Barrcl Chi-a; 1 Exten- sÏon Table; 1 Kiltchen TPable; 1 Kit.. dhea Cabinet; 1 Cupboa-rd; Lampa, Pails, etc. Quantity of Irish Golibler and White Star Potatoes. TERMHS CASH Ed. Youngman Ted Jackson Clerk Auct ioneer ANNOUNI . Districteü iLsiýeiit, ovis. iTiiicson, mwili addrecss t1he rmeeting. 'Mris. Ed. Dean, Conlveiior, COMING EVENTS Crooked Ctreek Hom-ie and Sohool -Club_ ai-e holding a basket soceial and dance ini Newtonville hall ou Friday eveninig, Apil 18tlh. This is la aid of the Britishl War Viletim-s' Fund. Admision, 25c.; ladies with baskets free. The W.C.T.U. SivrMedial ConteLi -vithl boys and giirls eoiltpeting for imedals. ýRoweia Oi-hesttra, quartettes and solos dy o-ur yeunig people for the musical, wil l e held la' Park St. Suai- day ýScbhool room, Orono, eyn Thursday, Apnýil 24Vh, att 8 o'clýck. Admi-ission, 2Uc. and 1he. FOR SALE A feir Large White Pekin Dueks, $1-.406-eat. Apply te iVrs. C. S. Hlughes, R. R. No. 1, Clarke. c-15-c. FOR SA1LE Nîne Yorks-hire Pigs, six -ek old. Apply A. Il. Keane, Pheone 51r3, FOR S-ALE Cartier Oatts, also limited quanitity of Cor-onaVion Spring Whcat, good quality. J. H. Davey, Pîbone 54 r 5, 010ono. C-1 6-P. FOR SA-!LE Pianio-ocased organ, ila good condi- tion. Goed varnishied -case,. Suitable for sch-ool or ho me. For-fai-ther p)ar- ticular's phione 2 r 3, Orono, o-14-p. FOR SALE Snoivdon's (North Augusta) Pare Mraple 'Syrtup,$16 per g-allon in youn, owa container. Orders takecn by R. E. 0. Coatham, Phene 15 r 11, Oronoc. NOTICE Alnecounts oting W. M. Rowe, forme2r <ower of the Orono Fleur -Mils, mus-t he paid by June lat toi save expense. Ater tbýat date thei books mii le handed to a cletv agency. W. M-. Rome, 0Orno. b-14-p. BABY CHICKS Blood Tested White Leghiorns and Bai-red Rocks, Mixed, Sexed and Strated Pullets. . R.O.P. sired ebicks. Ail eggs produceti on our farm. Over thi-tuy years ia business. Loir pnpices on Rocks and Leg-liora oeeri. Alvin 11cm-cas, Bowmianville; Phone William MuýItttoni, aged 92 ocf Go- bouristrctdi1 on Flnidlay Tof 1mst ireekïý. Interinv-nt wavýsmdel She-1 10)h Ceaueteny. VHuielssrvvdby six daugbVcrs and tiro Sons. RESPONSIBILITY Speak a drooping- heit Vo cheer, Speak n mord1ý for the listeaing car, That tnuth may grrw f-onu shore Vo shore And pain andsi errow lie no mort. Speak a word, a Ieadt o life Upen life's pathway that you tread; Lent f ortl the liard and give suppot To those who live ani die for truth. Speak a woncl liere ansi, there, A word to elieri-tlie very air, That natioins ne'er again shall neet La strife, or mer, or enýsvteek. Andi al niear risc and ble as one With ail that is-and c'en shahllie; Then, a-nd flhen a-bace, shail mana have won Fredom and riest fr-oeahie -Respon- silbiity. L A. Reid MO TO R S AT LS M .1 141 5 j " -&J k. .UA8 0OW PRICES Fine Saitg Coarse Se White BI4 These prices, hand hand A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSJCIA4N and SUR GEON Office ilours : 2.00 to 4.00 Jpn.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.iiL PIHONE 47r1 ORONO lWilfred W. Sherwin IB.V. Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Oirono Pline 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. John J. Gilfillan QIJALIFIED OPTOMETRIST Licentiate of the College of -Optoen. etry of Ontario Office Heours: 10 Vo 12 a.m. and 2 to 4.30 p.m n ad by appointment Office in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Store Phone 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire,. Casualty, Automnom bile and Liability Orono - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Vahiator Ceaiduetas Auctien Sales of al i iez andi at reasunable rates. Commuiinicate with hl*m at P.rt Penny, Onitarlo, or see Lis lerk, L. E. Morton, at Orono, fer date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmnaher Aill Rpairs to Watchea, Ciockz, Lanâ .Jewellery, qyilî receive our prcinpt attention PAKSTREET CFcrN, ,î PORT HOPE Saturd'ay ROBERT TAYLOR ia the T'iln Big MWGM Aviation Special, With Walter Pidgeon anid Ruth IIus.seY Moday Evenaing -OnIy I "AISIE WAS A LADY" With Amn Sothera, Le-w _Ayrcs andl( Mauncen O'Sullivaa WAR SAV1NGS DRAW $,2ü0 iaCei4tufleatea Tuesday to Thursday "This Thing CaIIed Love" The coaiedy Mit That Ranl 4 Weeks ut tihe lImperial Tiheatre, Toroento WIith Rosalinti Russeli and Melvyn Douglas F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealýersj AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanvilie - Oronû phones: B3oirmanville, Day 480 Night, 7Z4 amd 57,3 Oronio, 27-1 The Oidest, Largest and MiOSt Comnplote Furnture Store ani Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORRIS & SON IBOWMANVILLE - Or-ONO rh VALUIEIE 't he' matched cheap are typically Bui'k quality thneughout. ýnew, Mounted on a 118" wleelbase, these new added Buicks represent conceentratedl quality - ptioIi. hetter cars in trimmer size at lowver lu - prices. And they're surdily built te give aiglit- yen years of dependahie service. Ten ag al - minutes' experience with thieir casier s with handling, steadier ride and livelier per- lnspir- formance will show yen why Buick's

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