RED & WHITE STORES- We are carrying a nice assortmnent of Luschus JeIly Powders. Try themn. Muffets,9 just f resh, pkg. 9C. Mop Sticks' with a grocery order, each 12c. Tooth Picks, reg. size pkg, 2 for 9c. Quaker Puffed Wheat, 3 pkgs. 25c. Diced Beets, 2 ins for 19C. Diced Carrots, 2 tins for 19C. Preserved Cherries, 2 tins 35c. Weston's Soda Waf ers, 2 pkgs. 2 5c. 4 IL tin White Honey 49c. 4 IL tin Amber Honey 4 5C. Honey in Comb 17c. White Honey in jar, each 15 & 25e Dr. Pornelo0s Grape Fruit Juice, 2 tins for 25c. Grape Fruit, large size, 6 for 25c. Tomato or Vegetable Soup, 3 tins for 25c. Fresh Side Pork, IL 17c. Fresh Ham, per lb. 19C. Pork Chops, per IL 20c. Pork Liver, lb. 14c. 4 lbs. Potato Onions for 19C. Steele Briggs or Rennie's Seeds for your garden. J. J. CORNISH POE12r2 Phone For It Prompt Delivery (i]f dthOrwen, Field Secreta*y! o1f Vire "Mlission te Sailoris," spon- sored b hie Upper aaa rc Soîity, is in-,oronio for the ne(-Xt few fas Sire will be ,illinl- on friends * f the Mission, g-iving tire lates news of happenings witlh our "Inirind" sailors and nissionarios. Orono Tins hop It Pays&- to buy the BEST in PLUMtrBING and HEATING R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. , Orono Phone 30r1 LOCAL MissFIoense Cohleickis iniToil oito visilbingbel sstr Mi..nd Mrs. Egeo netie frjuiens Vo supPer on EstrM ïd Mr.Aldn arw c Toono, viite ~Miçýs s Dorothy- Vir-tue, of Tlolonto Alden of T'spentoi gkaîi ew nysswi Mr U. andý fviends iii Orono 0on Sanday. iMs .J ilel Mrs. Hllowafd Walsh spent the holi- dayl with]-,er sister in Torointo. Major Fe Lycett, of Ottawa, spenif, the weýek-endaiUt hi"s homn-e. Miss EdIna Stutt, of Grafiton, wvas in town during thre Easter holiday. G.. ordon Lelana, nfiij Toronto, was at h{snre for the Easter 'weeki-enid. MisK. MeDow,,ell lis 'ut lier bome in Millhrook, for the Easter holidays, M.Viss EIva Tucker-, of Toronto, w-as at heri home over thre Easter week- eid. Miss Lenlor-e'Wood is spending ber' E asteur vaca;tion 'with relativeýs iin Tor- MisBeveiey Payne ik spending ber Easter holidais with relatives in Toronto. Dr. anal Mis. Chester, of Toronîto, visited MUr. anid Mrs. T. Smrith on Saunday. Mr». O. W. Scott spent REste'r ith Mr. anilVrs. W. K. Sloane of Peter- borough. Mrs. _W. Lyircb bas been in Toronto atterrdlingthre _Music ealer'Con- vention.' Gi. ordon Bruton, iririty Col- loge,, Toronito, spent a few days t bis home here. Mis Gey andl Miss Bassnort, of the O.C.S. staff, are, in Toronto for the vacation. [Mr. anll _Mrs. Moat, oýf Oakv'ille, spent the Easter week-e2nd witb is Minnie Hall. Mlr. andal Mrs. Harry Taylor, of Napanee, visited Mr. and AMrs. ~Sam AlLin, on Sunday. Mr. atnal Mrs. Garnlet Gransiby, of Kingaýton, were2 Easter ývisitolrs with rel-ative-s in town. Mr. "Sndy"' onrer i ~s pe)Iding his Easter vacation withr bis brother, Mlr. T. 'W.Soeile Miss Jeanne Forrester spent the REster lrolidiays in Iroqueis, ois barg aal Wiilianrsbasg. A nuinber ýof men have gone to worký at tire Forostry Vhis week. Il la now ýa very busýT place, Mr. and Mrîs. Ken. Strong anal Illotlrer, of Osirawa, spent Sunday ,with Mr. Perey Morgan. Mrv. andl Mrs. Eound, of Toronito, vstdwith the latter's father, Mr. 1w. E. Davey, on Suniday. Mrs. W. Colblediek andl Misýs K. Foster visiteal f iends in Toronito dlu- ing the Enster holidas. lMr anl Ms.Fred Froste, of T-am- wotspentnterSunday 'with thie later' hothrMr, Chias.Frte Mr nlMrs. R. Rnbry aa faiy, of Mntea, aeueenvi Sit- ing wPih0Mr.and As. F.Dnc. Mrs. J. C. Gan'-iey andi Mrs. Hl. Lyett, spent the inl ottawa 'vihLieut.-Col. Gitamey. MisViolia Glfillan, of Iamiltoir, spenit tihe Easter holkdays vith her parents, Mr. andl Mm. J. J. Gilfillan. 31r, LcRoy Brown, of Guelph, la sjpeidng VireREaster vacation witir bis parents, Mr. and fMns. J. D. Brown. Mr. andl Mrs. Denning andl daugi- ter anal Mrs. Niekles, of Engleiart, Ont., spenlt Sunday at Mr. Percy Mr. andl Mrs. Haroldl Seiymour andj Mv. andl Mrs. Gordon Suge1tt, all of 'Toronto, visit-ea at M-r. andliis Wm. SeymoaLII-S. Mr. Georýge Coýoper retamneal heiný on Tuesday adler spending Vire Ras ter wieek-end -with Iis son andl daagib er in Torontbo. C.:MS. Fred Loa land Rogimient, O bis tiather,[Mi'. J. the Easter wee-t Dr. anal Mis. I anal MissGwennet ton, were h-oiliy aalc ýMis, W. J. P L.Bdr. N\ormïar Seotia, was at hiii Brutoni, 0on Rster MaIs. Hall anal an, of the ,a. visiteal Lorrinian, e Mlr. j. J. iViellor mlade a buTsines tnip to Toronito oni ',tuesdaïy in conl 1iction witih township affirs. A goodl!y nunmher of t7he -eormimun'ity tmrnied out te the Anglican supýper- 'held in ýSt. Saior h Cierh on Wed- nesday evening. MVr. adMis. C. Duiop, of Pert r bune omle, aemaidby Vel m'a Morga,after spending the weck~ end wh her sîster', MIS. Per'ey Mo!- galn. - Miss Eniid Colbbl(edilok, of W!ithy' andl Jack Cofi-bledlick, fe ,t oon'i. 1)pent thre Eaejeir 'week-enid vith their par'sltS, Ms. Newton Cob- Mvessrs. W. E. Devey, Neil Porter, Albrt orton andi J on Lowery at- tended the Orange Grand Loe ],e eting hel ii Belleiville on Thesday o f this -week. Mr. andmilIrs. C. F. Dun-can and son Do-nald, and daughter Jean, froin Ottarswa, spent the Eate week-end with the fonmer-'h; parents, Mr. andl MVrs. Fredl Duncan. Plan to attend tJhe Red Cro-ss Tea on Thisdla4y, April 24tlh, in there Red Cross work reoom (Orange Lodge ivoomi), aIso a shiower of clothhing will be hield for the Britishi refuge(es. A male qatet ronm Park St. Chur ch doir, R. E. Logan, Manley LitlewodNeil Porter and Colin Taylor, sang at the speeial Eaater service at larise Chnr-ch un Sund-ay On Friday, April 25tà, in thbase ment of Park Street United Cheurchi Orono Boy Scouts wili entertain al those Who sultacr.ibed to tiheir recent drive for fundis. The public are al cordîillçy invited te attenýd. fA R M S Tl - Leitters wCrO r Red Cross Soc Bruton, stationea G4lbert Dent, sI exprPsSirg tiheir usetful sweaters Cmpssoid $16.O w iags andl paper. Ui- -bey have mnde $39. ing salvige. Mr, W. IH. 1B"Iarrt 11,d Miss June '\ý riendîs over the Es Sîyerinal went we1' in Very brid rm Mr. George Mithhi Midlleton went t Ki for theor final in tnan'd if sceif !Aiti-Tank lýB.ttery a[ training. Correcion-m las' 'f, the we'ddirîg of L, H.ariy Taylor, il sh Harry Tayor, sdest 01n1y son, aiso ti4a1t0, Taylor 'wil! resîie in of BeHevHie. controI and Ignliteci Vefle ee thre Presbyte ian Churci Colville's prýolperty. Quick 'fire part C4 the Scoutls, wi watersoon hadNthefire ex lMr. Ormne Gamsbfy atLteni tornoon session of the Parlament on Wpenetdh week, and listeneal te a reg, of cjaicqieism by Hon. Ceaý leader of the opposition, iýaanner in -whilrithre 9 mnaniages at directs tire gr ,,rnd ~ ,Forst v'ilffiin2e eiae Specials, Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Ap-riý Phones:- 21 r 1 and 70 r 1. FRESHI PINEAPPLE LARGE 19e PKG. FIGS C)ce GRAPEFRUIT 6 FOR 25c, Lt. TOMAÀTO ~r j SOUP 2 2TINS ROUND STEAK, 25e. ORO',(NO PASTRY FLOURý 24 LB. RBAG bbc. FRE1-'sHî- GROUND COFIFEE LB. 29.a SIDE PORK LB. PARK ST. UNTED CHURCH pastor suJNDAY, APRIIL 2t Il 1.nm.--Sa1ute to Britaini. 9 30-suilday SdhlooJ. 1) .m.-A qufestion of Jesus. A b1o -blo1 anid tearS and the ru111l" of shiattpered hoines, thie huhesof Britain ar-e niain- tainin,g a iministry of heaalg counisel, enfrun1matched in the history of ffl-e ehareli. was ut Gibraltar. -~ ... c least, that's what e5 his folks think ... he werit over with that hard-rock mining oufit in the engi- neers... * seemns like only yesterdciy h. was a kid spencling holidays here... now he's ini the middle of the big fight., W. il do Our pazt too . (TAeg0 ?«t Remnerr' 1 it !to