Auctienr aus Awitotusiags"op? A, Use two ounccfouborax in iw uaruts-cf water aad one ta quired. Q. How pa as reM2unecodi- fiowersIf t oey arepiated notied ate adn musegan ed wth bc e quaThif des nt njreinrh.L u Q.t nHu a Ibeal sl, oi for thes maersi e s u eAspoon cfo perxieof hyuroga vvt-e nk-u cf cold waterat the does nethinue the farie and U~eeaepoonfulscfkenue. Cameras Not Guns ShoQt Air Target, utîl I ~iy te sweat hec; ing r ~ill fi: zil )n Paiilroet'povdda ntrsiginterlude at Eae rte aýuction rooms, Mnteircety.4rties ,ofthsnurfomafr as Cigary to th -ot ad Hlfax to the et'S. \When a 0,Ceanpro haspase ad t s sil uciimdthe awreuie that it il be s1 at acin h otls n the vauabile. Buyer.s bid for it bid n payqihighie nthecacec iniding someothinig realliyvaube G: Y ROBERTALE 1.What is thle crrecteprs sien tee usewhntakgsoe eule for aIl uresy 2. liow eaaperseaditig uish between geuin-ehsptiy ant il(thatwhhisafce? 3, Is it correct ,forthe ride ant her attendants te) arrive at, the ehIurc aou aba-hurbe- fore theceeoyiteega eut bas 4. Wha aYoung mn wishes s.oer te ask a giol fo a date, is ct ail camera, W ight for hljm te say: -Are yen. the rani , geing te bc- yWensayee 5. Isn'iàt aîrpe o acr plyrte begîn arugn is cards before the entire haad Ils been denît? ate~s 06.Whena CIO y lepasaed tea0 ait'l'eutable by a s. 'e1ra nsoud sloly 1. "Thaak yen." Aîoid dm., ,uecmg expressions "Tanks"udi uc owthoe oigd. .Ape'o wtnh alonger ieast intuiion cn quiky dis- tig-uisýh this, As Washbingýtn' tes thut Irvig audx "here is an enaua- a weisn tien frota the heart in genuine own te hspitlity hicb cannot Le des- cd he cibdbut is i'mdaeyfeit, weaer, udputýs the srageut one t or awith hbis ease." 3, No, they should cbin or arrie pronmpty entie moment c : her set for the eneemny 4. It would idAeta be uchla btter te asîr her for the ipedin dae.Itis er prile1cge tea(,Ccept a t tie or Say that she has an engage- epd at ment. '2. Yes; this lecrdesA g semi- player sel atutleey spe- bedty lbas be'endeatbi'qtr haud 6,It le ncet necýessalry. 'y IWhot science. Is Doîm; Iserve t dtrmncds te these tr,nmong tire la thle sy and te near about 40G cf tire stars -eu fouad, the Mounl),llt Wl eervýatory atonmrsaid e k, lie ue 246 cf, tbem bine," sire dis J'reneh-lar Le ConnE tise Air), sean ever i>1er tro'rd, isbl-yellow and IDr. Wlson. gieD)frM other stars bv theabomln- tenilsitieS Of thehdrgn ne and by tî heshrns fteo- gen, alitrogen, iron îa iio Unsin Ètheiv spectra." NEW PRODUCTS HASTENEqFD Thie speed with wh-ich cenii researchl is translaIted into cm mercial produets is denonstrat-ed inl a repoi1Urt made bI AroldE Pitchler, gene-ral mnaercftej planting p.departmient orf the- du1- Pont Companly, i hicleds closes that thrcee-quarters f ai the plajistics ithat thle cmaa x pect, o 1 pree'Ingters ent year lhave riginated ,n th monthls. POOR DIET AND CAýNCER Evidence ehowing Jh-w pe diet caa be oe ncifthi case cf cance-r wais reported ls we ia sienLce bY five Mmra is pitai (N.Y.) hyiias The cncrswere in aia but wercie im-portant bcueitl phscin ave reported la ha,ýi- chnestsuch as hig I2 am1 s o G reat Hunters G oi ng kFa rin g The lacoInin, antal gonle 4ays in the Canadin Wes ilas ,ýbecome oMtsandia amon his race ila farmîllng a1dcei i- iag, the indiail Affails Bac report4S. BacfotIdiansar the mIlost cprosperons cf Canadian redskins. They hiave about 2, 500,400 la thle bank ;l trust1,h result ef land slend ci re iaterest lak past years. Aceti por-,tion cf thle revenuýe f2rom 1thiS capital is used year yyerl thle s8i0members of the and Super Special DeliveryAke mail wa, jS requested ufTrnsF- Canada Air Lines ba few daýya age. A passeager mpk,*iýg he first figtasked t tlewardeýss cf her trip to fiy over ber grand- Soni's home ea. route as sheante teO drop ,hlm abrî dyad aimi.The s t ewr , ±7d es save less spectacular -methods adpo dluced aairmalap iMOVING SHIPPING PACKING ~STORING MI. RAWLINSON, LIMITE, 610 YONGE ST. TORONTO NousI te th lea esýtte agent, "bu that Privride bungalw you sol, mac." agent. cWag! qWrong!thexcbabcr Bcon,he (ter morin we ha.? foatce)two Ilessdon he "H'md, sad tenogen han en', "ha od toec luc. Te ytaxes ,ýare uch lweru downhethed vil mhavL" qeried lie. barberu who hý lstacjutgnfi-e kapr sioal hairut.O ' wiouldn' radeoug shingst AEV T S V._UTED smal proiIf neeing TIRES, it nu payyo t wrie fo1prces1t, Agetswaîtd . . sae moie itrs sippdpirepaid, subject te Mnî lla nir Serice 8 il Sti., Toronto BE TOR OWNBOSS lB Y, CJ raeti o o dor aretfo UC 200 o e W TK AMu ïalgefrtlte:FMLX 7 St lmanl Motrea BABY CHICKS groer. Bafode irsthe chiks-ryCik "eie h ýood1s ." tred da ods co e- Ordernow bforeyue"otli A.rtH h7Rëa2Ito , 1, aOnt.m' Rýov vcks i Lghonsbr kor eat , a-,d iegs lo et ur flocks arî e s r'VigIyEc'Fae1 $10.00 per-1),h1usre7rd, 10frtw weeks lti. Klly-Cick $ ache0 y hom, n 0rewn) l tel iirs, ersey A.>o, abeSwir aCherylý, Grton Ot. Crna BABYINHICKS, OVERNMENT AF Rocks, also1sxodtuiletsro eokrl redaing 1ý,, 1ýsince 1902.i SD i5 LTDci there yez are, but in an ex- plosion whlceeure yez.?" Iwoýuld lke -te meet yen agan,"he urUr11,1ied, as they abot ettngme hlave your tele- phono number?" "Youll iadthainathe book Canadian National Railways Revenues Thie gosrevenues of the il7- incluive Cnadin National Rail- teins. Celor n tIens witls mac omnaments Ire Dutcb Girl, Dr Sprinkling Girl ic Pig, Elepha ha 1101' Boy wi sigo, etc. lIc for $100 posi Seampe accepte Soi St., Mimic J. N. I I. CLEAN pails, 55 & Sons, rente. I'1 FOR SALI 'cm.1.- 983,04 ascomparedwi. 5 872,336 fer t he creîxd k 2 0CP'o, f 90 a uSeoe DAILY PAYMIENTS Write for Cana Toronto FEATHERS WANTED 'EW -NJD U'SED 0005E j-i\SU, DuIalýo feather beds. Hgx' prcspaiS. Send paru , le Muen cpitmather, 23 Bs Main, Esuaranteed CAR AND TRUCK P~T Dixie les onmia you out it as you use i Thee':no Wa. SU.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSUSS FOR A Rou, 25co,1 s: Gor IL' T TR s nau S -M ARY N top" $j0 CARSPl, MNEW A1\n onhdelre; thrlee leca leS. BeasntR0a,10L40, 1650 Danfeth Avenue. Cas iakls many fric r"