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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Apr 1941, p. 8

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KTH 'lUNE putPaterson lislnet at ifon nd fluuley lhave herci-cuLar sa),w ouLtfits rt, coimpeti- Rcetviior ere bbc epastwe une;' ie aunrt , Mu. snd Mus. Geoi ge Loftouse ~The amout I" t lohe Stewart hom-'e, sud iss oy, rumt but lobe cf Petbooat heu Pater %me. nu te me au- At tmeof bislette -ate bisobe folIks bere Flycu GeualdCunsbuais is concý,erne.d at Huntingtoni, Englaind, aiud is well d ot eel0 aisfied witb bbcheroe of bis fore- especially ' beus is left ini. 1 WC regret te recoud je pas'ing 'ililcofl ýýr c ouit-respected citizen, MuMecer, grain groweu i ife-bime resideut cf Cîcuke Town- ,,, JLt. I sblp, and who hais been fou several felieve vie yeaus a eiet of Keadal. e lobe reason iThe well-known river Gasaraska r bonus sumo- suason is gocd 'halvieur ,and wais' eeding. WVe neveu once in flood as the snow ve toco 1muc1hwae just paýsedI into the eatb iin etbe omeug uiet stuiidn'g romparison to the ao surpls rig4ny ampage of sosne former zht aud nine y01es hàltbe world Mu. asud Mrs. Irai hnosnnow cited to be 1, -1,eid0luthe former Wauinan bouse, pemoe sautd lot 12, ' concession 6, of w ic'hMu but 1 do Pne rpws àowne.This vwsascpioncer ad ce mubfavw i a's oeae by thelat ai ed, andi if. James vWanuna Su., sud afterwauda un we haidi fewesh o ae r bave haid tes Wfewcommend tesou ruralspeop. pr asas cil. ,sad farnus gespiuiy, thekidn'dy att- es of 1926-:29 ttude sho n by tMmep§ms.S&mE, p rise is'tbe goniros comrposed Jai soni- ;of vwbicebwe cmwpltsg "cau, 'as foiiorws: 'vit isz good '"Ijives ç>f fari eis (t uemnind us, eu he coist H- onest mes have net a chance; t' of te rea- Mo-te ue w ckSe bave bebind us this attitude. Biiger patcbles on1 our pan-ts." ts; tbhpe c bogh COWANVILLE te fou $1'20. Mu. JaIck Baunýles was borne over lobe Mu. John) Lowter spornt tne week- 'aid at u.Chis. Cowai's. Mu. idM(!.LBib. H'enduy visîted it Mu. T. J. Sim' son's ou Sundlay. ,U u . Dick Haiskýil visitedi ýIlu. sud MuIs. S. Poucous on Sunrday. 'Mu. and Ms.Alf. Perin -visited ý,th Mr. and Mu-s. Bob). Hendury lasit ýveek. 'Coratr,'ulations te MuNI. aind Mus. Fruank airkeu n iheir ucceut ure- mage. MuI. aind Mu-s. JT. J. W. Suae iii i-la Puterbeiough o-ver the îlspesoit Sodnyitb 1 m".o Muc. A. T. Peri,c f Tor- cd with Muý. sud Mu-s. W. 'erl theweked Mus WaterCiain ivisitedi ihat iola s un e h dec- Mus.AU. Peuriai, Mu. and Slage tteidd the card he Lake Shore scheeol lasît iMus. Beut Wi-gg and I.and Mu.C. Hughesandi lies, speu't Sundsty at -Mu. Sîdi Hug-hes. nws a gcod attendance at uuech on Su'nday at both Thie Orono mneu's quartette qilendild suasi t the evea- oighbOours 'gathercd ai t he lur. and Mus,. Holllingsworth [ay eveni-ng te honour their Acda, sud heu 'Î'usband, withi alend fhbe concerýt sud se- ag- at Chauke Church onl enngof this ,weee. 'Mu. r, Bwmaniville usihi give- des aindiaitv-at play w'il by the Keuidal Young Peo- BetieChistian iÏs visîting in ToenIito sud rBeeto, nt LeconaiCÙtis bas gene te the d aoce(ptýd saps roifouloe Hardy, of Camp Ber- e Ou Fiansd spenti md Mu. uslRas berry 0'y cfMoultreal, 'aebecs is nlritu ad brother lhere. id Mu.Gordon Houidles sud of Osbawai, spent Good Fui- Mu. anad Mus. John Mroffttt's. coogrgatou of TMcCuea's is holding s pot lueck supper chuiioh on Wednesday nigiht. io, ?Oc. sud 10e. 'ONTYPr"OO I ýbody is busy paintiing sud g, gottin~g ready for surirniier. Amtbuose F'owler visited 'ber Havelb.ock the past few disys. ndi MuIs. John 'Fiske haid their sud' fuiends fuorni Torcnto ~Easter Visitors MisOMleGordoýn, of PortHo, at home. Miss eatrce 'lhoýnîson, Toronto, w'it reativsbhre. Mýiss, Anie Wrighýt hais bieen homeài the paist Mw weks. Mir. aind Mus. Geo). Claik were at ,their suimmner bue in Kentdal. P'te. Gilbeu--it Greig, of Ottaiwva, was home on leave for bbcIl week-end. Mri. aind IMrs.Ros onaeelt and fuiendis, of Toronto, at M Eber Luxoun s. l1r. and M1rs. Alibeurt Colon and s on Roger, of Illamuilton, with heu par- ents a few days. Mr. and Mis. Ross Patterson and Bill, of Toronito, with Win. Patter- sons on Good Friday. Mu. Wmi. Darlinigton, Whiitelake, Mrý. and -Mrs. j. Glorrer, NewtvLastle-, with Min. A. G. Daulingbon.* Mr. aind Mrs. IHarold Little and Gaury, 'Mr. and "Mus. Witfred Little, ,with Mr. aind Me.ive. Little. CMu. and MuIs. Har-old Thîrteil, Mr. ', d Mu.- ar Farrow and "Mu'Stan. Thirtei at lMr. Walter Thirtel's. Mu. and Mis. Perciy Colier and son- Clifford, aindMs.T :m Collier, nf Tootsper4 'Good Friday with _Mrs. Miu. Don. Little, of Kipgston, Mu. Aý1lwaird Little, of Hautoand MisDorotiiy Sco'ýtt, with Mrs. Neya Littel on Sunday. The, progreissive crokirnole, euchre and daince xVhiclh wis tu have beeni hel this week ia aid of gettimg imc- te1nais for qiits, etc., us postponed fo one week. The bad roads, leaig ail ways from Kendal, have oceasiorned mnucli i11colwe-nience ',0 Kendal f'olks and iiheiu DaýstLer v-isitors. In miany places thje bottom seems'o have duopped out of tthciii. At Hloel'sbill str-aw aind gzraIvel were put in se the faurail coubldpass (oVer. STARK VILLE. Mrs. Sid. Hailowe'll and Hlelen with Mr. and Mius. HI. Rusk, Port Hope. Mr. George Dtwel i s under *the dotuscaire. Mils. W. A. H'llowell wVith Mur. and Mus. Garnet H1allowell, Toronto. Mir. auýd Mrs. Rcoss Hallowell wit'h Mr. aud Mis. J. E. WltElizabeth- Mliss Media HilwiofNec- tic, spent the holidaqys at heu hom .Mr% and Ms uslSavîery withb Mr. and 3Mua. A.MudrwEliza!betn- M.Raimond Fai're w, Whtby ad MissEdn, Peerbrowith Mr. -and, Ibn. V.Farrow. Misses Isb N athleen and Bea- trýice Fox, of, Toronto, wt their aint,'Mrs. G. Siliver. Mu. and Mrs. Lawrence Saveuy sud iamdy, Cla.rkeAM. and inus Chas. Yule and faiy, of Oshawa, with _Mu. andi Mrs. Wmti-. Savery. Miss AliLe Hallowell returnedi to Toronto, a-fter spending a timie with ber miother, Mr.s. Ricliard Hallowel'l, wiho, we are glad to report, is feeling muclh better. Mr\,,i. JL3hn MoUelen10-, Mr. Alhert Thrower, Dewid and Mabel spent Sundy in Toronto with Mus. Darvid MelMulen. We -wish Mrs. VcMullet a speedy redoveuy. Mr-.aud Mrs. IH. L. Triq and Misýs Joie, lMu. andine. Bert Tuiim andi faiily, andinrs Silver, atitended, the mn uriagze of Mu. Grion Trim e is Iaobel louig'hchiff in thbe Anglican Chuuich, Birchllify Heigbhts, Touento. on Saturday. WVe wish Gudon an'd his' brid-e muit hapiness aind every scsain ife. CLARKE UNION Seolis osd for the Eýsterý holi- dlais. Se-v rai pu mis section have en- recdspirg work. Mv. EnestBowen visited at Bet]- any (i onSudy ýeeni 1ng. The Home and Scihool Club thait tas tebave been hleld this Furliy hais býeen caicelied for a week until Apuil 21.h îuu._ WM VU W 9 6ï Glad to see Mu. Willls jolies out aýfter his leiglby illness. Mu. CCciWlkyis ccleen ronaseuleius e ut ueumnia MisBeuiha 'ile)-Onps has Iretural- cd fromi a visýit withi Torronto fuiend's. Glid te eecrt elen MoÈon is hom-e fuoml hospital feeling so;Inne bet- ter. Mr'- anid Mrs. Jas. Paiyne, of Tor- enýto, spent Baster with Mus. Win, Sonlith. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Sii-itb, Port Hop1e, spent Easter 'with Mr. and 1Mls. Ceeil Burleyr. Mu. aniMi-S. Jamnes Stone spent Eiaster with îMr. and Mrs. Douglas. Ogdu, of Osbawta.1 MiEss Gween Giliser spenit the week- endi wlth her parents;,-Mu. and Mus. H. GiInmer, Starkviile. Mr. aud Musý. Avthuor Redknap werel witih M-Ar. and Mus. Wmn. Chester, of Osbawý-ýa, fou Easter Sund'ay. Pt(-. Bil l 1oskinOtaaad u anid Mes. Ivisýon Tamb lyn, Oshawa1 sioceit Daster' with Ms C. Hoskiin. Pte. Cias,. Rsiof -Montreal, auJl Mrs. Jas. Poliairci, of Newcaistle, sporit Easter at Mu. Wm ý. M'ligin Messs.'Max,'Ccii ildi Donald Stapietonl visited Muli. and Mus. G. E. Stipleton, Porýt Hope, on Daster Suin-1 day,.1 Mu. and Mus. 'Harr Liane aind, L ona f Collh une, weue Eastýer gueista 'of bis parents, Mu. aniMs W. C. Laine. Mu. land Mus. Sain. Smîýth have re- turnied frein a visit to Peneion Pails bring-ing heu slister, Mrs. Marlk, )wi'tlb thii for a visit. Mu'1. snd Mus. J. C. Moore and How- auof îScoffland, Ont., visited ait Mî. Thos. BuP-keil's andir. Kelly Lane's du ring Eastertidje. Mu. J. A. Barr-ie and Murray made -abuinsstl'pl toý Ri(ýhýmond Hill on Satuiday and caleid on Mr. sud Ms Miss Inýez Siymrn ls, of MUor h, au'di Mess.J. T. Pearce aind Aunld Slckrnil, no'Touonto, spenit Ester wxith Mus. J. T. Pe-are ad Laurnai. -Mus. Cilif Roberts and Laruy, Blair- ton, are spenidin~g six weeks witb bier paIrenits, Mu-. sud Mius. J. E. Anderson. Mu. Robetits spent Easter -with thibers. Mus. Pos ter,'Ms. ibtbard snd JoY, Mu. sud Mus. Looeney and faim- ily, of Toilntito, were Easter Sunday guesits of Muv. anId Mus. Win. StaýIle- ton. Deepst yntath isextendced toý the'Ellioot as inl tbh esi cf thei-r lovig mtihr, us.Brue Elliott Sr-, wbho pasedway -Saituuiaiy.v.April 1211h. U. an'd VMs. Bycurs, Mu-s. 'Howsoni s3,1d Mu. Gerald Hutc1iison,, of Tor- ono erKster ýguiests of thle lat- ters prensMu. asud Mus. Sid. Ht- SoYme fl-om leue attended tbe fa- nriof Mus. Stapiles ait Ne'wceaistle con M'ondfay, . Mus. Staples was a miueh esemdreýident c f Newtomvili'e he- fore nving te Newca'stle. Miss Lila Paysie, Port Robinsoni. Mu. aidl Mug,. Dolpb Payne andiDoug- las, Teoonto, and MAiss Sybil Hood and Mu. Sla1cý Payine, ef Peteuboro, spent Easter liolidays wiîlh'Mu. and Mus. Remues Paiyne. Miss Peg. Gallon aind Mu, Clarence Daveru, cf Peterboino-, aud Mu2. Jack .vILadýh'ain, Ganas-oque, speait Easter with Rev. and lMus. J. 31eahicun. J-tc'k is ueoiin a Toronto this weerýk aitt ieheead office of the Bankl of, Toronto. Moessus. Hugli Stapleten, Piokering, laiCuegr Joues, M'aikh'a, Lelanid Miisnand Keith Euiley, of Osà- swai, iairoldi Butley, of Toronto, and Ediai Mlionand Shermain McMur- ray, of Newrn'arkLet, speat Raster at Mu-. sud Mus. Arthuu, Bell and Dao f Biwmauville, Mus. G;eorge, Thiy ýopso and! onald, cf Port Hoýp, MuI. Thua MNil, of Oron-o, sud Mu. suidMs.Gordon Mýaulin 'sud faiy, ake S5h ne, caled on Mu\ I. George J. 'Staple,ýtoul's ate Sund'aiy. Tbie Mcni's Clb mlet Wecinesdayl Aiul,11h. iere wais a good 1tt1d an'ce osidu tghe 'conldition of bbc roids. St'tauleCy R we gave a vu initeuesting Iaidleuilighýteiuig aiuss I yrreii"s irug 3tore DRUGS STATIONERY KODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO To-day and for the remainder of the week Canada's Greatest Drug Sale THE ONE CENT SALE Bu y anyone of 400 items for the regular price, and get one just like it for ONE CENT. You SaveWith Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store 'E'CONOMY GDODS FOR\ THS H'FYBUYERS WHO 0MUST M,/AKE EVEY ENTDOITS UT-MOST IN B"UYJNý\G Vacuum Bo '>cttiles, pinit size,, -coleflte ................ .....-. ........39c. VaumBtteCorks" alwrays llidy, 3 for-...........5...... c. Ladis~ ayo Blomes szes mediumor17large, tearose aind wlihite s a es acli . .....-...-..... ................................25c. Tecrry- FaceCots 10 ichsb 10 1inches, assorfled f ancy ........- ......a. ...e....s... .......... >...... Sc. Aeo Lq i a ,bo tte ............ ... ...............................29C. AymrMxdPeas aniCarrotls. SPE,-CIAL, 2 tins ..... 25e. Hleinitz Tomnato Catsiup, 5-oz. bottlIcs_..._3. or 12 for ...59(-. LbysPork and Beanis, large 20 nz. tins, ') for ..........25C. Maxwal Hose Co)ffiee, 1-2 11), tints........... ........29c. Sanka Coffee (caffeini rernioved), 1 lb. ýtin ..................63c. Chilirens Bakl1iteP1s and Mugs. assorted colors, 2 for 35ce Dairy Creami Sodas, slllihtly saqted1, SPECIAL, 2 lbs ....25c. O'Keefe's Gingier Ale, lange 30-oz. 1)otil e _ 15 c., plus 5c. Retuirnabile.1 Fresli Swibýs WaKers, assoried flav-ours, SPECIA,,L, 1ib .. 2C Kaisomiine, 5 11b. pkgls., colors btiff, jade green anld bluie. WEEK-END SPECIL, pkg... ......... .....-.... 39c. Carpert Beaters, stronig protected handlI, eachi...........ý20C. 5c. ýGCEIlN IT )STORE BRITISII FABRICS FOR SuITS- Dear Sir, If yen knew we had just the exact British f abrieinI the exact ce)1w ler a patteri3yo'v been looking for, you'd be here in a jiffy, wolntyen, Wtell, -we hiave. Tip Top~ Tailors have sent tis what we thinýk is the greatest line-up of ,sparklilig new British -eien iteir histovy. 1o~I' here wýaiting ferr yeu-the rÎiht color, exactly th style youi want and the fabul! e mst eeig e -HNI-CJTAND TAILORED TO YOUR OWN PERSONAL MEASUREM1ENTS BY TIP TOP TAIL- ORS. Corneiii today, or if you're tee busy, corne tomeorrew. ît wiIllbe a pleasure te show you these wonderful fabrics. We'll expert yeu. Fiî'e, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store sorry 1» leau lbait mn ýeve Johns Payse k3 leaviug I dq.rn.ýa- ..A". v p I- TH - ORONO I

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